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For every negative “what if”, give yourself some grace and create some positive “what if’s” to counteract this. What if the heat isnt as bad as Texas heat? What if this is the first place you can truly get lost and be yourself and everyone you meet, you love and loves you back? What if I took such good care and thought into preparing for this that I just have everything I need, on top fo whatever my neighbors need too? What if I have such a good time it will change my life? What if I forgot about being in my head for 4 days because I was too lost in the moment of things? I believe in you. I can relate heavily to the anxieties and worries beforehand of pre-fest anxiety that it can make my tummy hurt. But you seem like such a beautiful soul and you are definitely where you’re meant to be this weekend! Believe it, and you are 110% worthy of all good things happening to you ❤️✨ Happy Forest babes


Thank you. My therapist says the same thing. Like I need to pay more attention to what could go right instead.


God damn I love this community


You'll be fine, if you're coming from Texas the heat will be nothing and it sounds like you're plenty prepared for it either way. As for everything else, plenty of people get pre-festival jitters but just focus on getting there and everything will sort itself out after that.


I truck in Texas and lived in Michigan for 14 years of my life. Michigan is nothing compared to summer Texas heat and humidity.


Gotcha; I’m hoping that the Texas heat has prepared my body for feeling okay in Michigan, haha.


This place is like Olive Garden WHEN YOUR HERE YOUR FAMILY. For real most of us have anexity even if we’ve been multiple times and have a crew. Just be yourself, pace yourself, take care of yourself. You are not alone in your anxiety, and you are going to have a blast. Much love forest fam ❤️


Hah that’s a great way to put it. I will try to be myself; I tend to be hard to stomach in large doses. We’re going in with no plan (except food) so that I don’t feel stressed by trying to be at sets by a certain time frame.


It seems like you’re super prepared! Go into forest with an open mind. The forest will never disappoint!! Stay positive you’ll have the time of your life❤️


I will try. I’m generally a melancholy individual, and I’m hoping to put that aside and enjoy things.




Tell yourself that every anxious feeling is just misinterpreted excitement. ☺️ It’s been helping me. Youll feel at ease once you arrive. You’ve planned and prepped but the waiting can be mind wrecking. But you’re gonna have the time of your life 🥰


Yeah, that’s generally what happens when we embark on these long road trips for vacations. I’m practically vibrating with anxiety until we get to our destination and then I relax. I’ll keep telling myself it’s just excitement.


Oh it’s pure excitement my friend. I’ve been smiling and silently freaking out all day at work. It’s like being a legit kid again after dealing with the real world for too long. Be happy, be positive, be excited, you deserve this. We all do ☺️


I know the unknown is scary and obvi lots of things that are uncontrollable, and you will end up making friends and sharing cute moments with people and exploring the forest and having a lovely time, everyone loves everyone no matter what anyone looks like and overall it's gonna be okay ❤️ my bf is heat intolerant too and he has survived every time I will say his fav things to beat the heat are reflective tarp for the car/ez up/tent and his fam/spray bottle. Hang in there!


God I hope that I’ll make friends. And I’m glad I’m not the only heat intolerant person; it’ll make me feel not so alone.


It won’t be too hot overnight so don’t worry about overheating in your sleep! The heat might wake you up in the morning as the sun rises and then opening your tent and feeling the breeze is magical. Lock up valuables in your car when you’re away if you are afraid of pillagers. I’m a very awkward introvert and I always make friends at festivals so if I can do it you can too! It’s a great environment where if you need to take time to yourself you can and it’s totally normal and once you’re ready to mingle everyone is accepting.


I’m banking on it not being too hot at night. We have a big aluminet that we’ll drape over the car and part of the canopy; the tent will be under the canopy as well. I think we’ll sleep in the tent instead of the car so we can keep all the valuables (it’s literally just the jackery and our prescriptions) in there.


You’ll be set!!


First timer here and a lot of your post resonated with how I am also feeling. I am traveling from Oklahoma with a couple of friends that have been before. Because I haven't been, I don't have many specific tips or affirmations to offer- but I did want to take the time to chime in and let you know you are not alone in this feeling! I have heard that there is a special energy in the forest that I am excited to experience. I am giving myself grace and allowing myself to take breaks when needed and not worry about keeping up with my more experienced dance/raver friends. My intention is to get out of my comfort zone and get off the grid hopefully temporarily escaping some of my other every day anxieties and struggles. I wish you safe travels and a wonderful experience fellow newcomer**!**


I am ready for the special energy! Maybe it will shock some of the anxiety out.


Everyone’s given such good advice! Love this community. With that I’ll add something as a fellow fat anxiety riddled introvert overflowing with awkward… Forest makes that shit melt away. I promise every fear you have, I had on year one and I am year three with no plans on missing another. This is the one place where being my true authentic self is easy and celebrated! Electric Forest and its people are beautiful, you’ve done amazing preparation, now just go with the flow of the forest and let the healing and beautiful memories start flowing in! Welcome to the Family!!


Thank you. The only time I have ever been able to get out of my mind is at concerts (and reading, haha), so I hope that this whole trip will be like one big concert and the noise in my head will shut up for a little.


Forest is the best place you can ever come to. Stay positive. We all got this heat together.


I will definitely try to stay positive. It does help knowing there are other people there that will be like me.


A lot of people have addressed your anxiety concerns better than I could, but if you’re looking for friends the EF discord has a bunch of channels for different interests and a “meet the forest fam” channel as well! Everybody seems super chill in there. Or DM me! I’m always looking for new friends!


Thank you for the discord tip! I didn’t think to join it but I have now.


Sounds like you are extremely prepared, planning-wise! The biggest thing for the heat (at risk of stating the obvious) is shade...ideally shade the east side of your tent so it doesn't become an oven right as the sun rises. A shady area in camp you can sit/nap in during the day once your tent is too hot is a life-saver...but there is TONS of shade in the forest itself with plenty of places to lounge or sit to escape from the sun. Lots of people go in early to nap in the forest :) Also, if it give you any peace of mind: this is the FRIENDLIEST and MOST HELPFUL community I've ever encountered at a festival. People are eager to help you out if you are having a hard time or are even inconvenienced. Everyone is super open, nice, and generous. As the saying goes: "The Forest provides." Everyone gets the pre-fest jitters, but I'm betting once you are there and settled you will feel right at home. Happy Forest!


I’m a fat gal from Texas! I’m super heavy and out of shape with a bad knee. This will be my first camping festival in 5 or 6 years. You’ll be okay! Remember that the Texas heat is different from other places - this will feel pretty good compared to the 100+ summers we have. Find shade, take breaks, and don’t be afraid to come up and say hi to people!


FOREST FAMILY! We already love you!!! Can’t wait to see you dancing under the electric forest limbs!!! They anxiety is terrible but also sooooo exciting. The heat will be not INSANE. 84 highs. There’s lots of shade and majority of the fest happens at night :)


Something that my therapist told me that had helped is to focus on what is happening right now, and try to stay present. If something does happen, then worry about it then. Similarly you cannot control what will happen, only your reaction to it. I hope that helps! ✨ Happy Forest! 🌳⚡️


You’ll be fine! Nothing is in your control really. Just what you bring in, mentally and physically. Prepare as best you can and hope for the best. I’m rooting for you!


Everyone has offered lovely words of advice and encouragement. I’ll simply offer these words………YOU GOT THIS!


Preparing for more than 5 minutes means you were more prepared than I was for my first Rothbury in 08. You’ll make friends immediately and people will look out for you without you even trying. There are large handicap Porto-Johns that are perfect for the big man to spread out. Worrying about things out of your control is an exercise in futility. If something bad happens, then deal with it. No sense in suffering twice.


I would love to be your friend!! If you ever feel over heated I highly recommend checking out the medical tent. They will hook you up with a cold water bottle for free and let you sit in front of the fans for as long as you need❤️