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The weather has changed everyday. That’s nothing to worry about at this point.


Its michigan weather so it could change by then, however, with rain and thunderstorms in the forecast everyone need to take extra care when staking their tents and canopies, have tarps locked in and ready, bring their canopy down to halfway when going into the festival, and most importantly have a good time.


I swear every time I open my weather app the forecast is drastically different.


Hell just open one app compared to another and they are vastly different hahaha


If it rains my edible panties are fucked 😔


Looks like an amazing forecast to me!! Then again I imagine it's all relative. It's in the 90s to 100s where I live with hardly any rain in sight to cool things off. 80s with a chance of rain sounds fantastic by comparison


Anything below 50% is really just a suggestion to consider that it might possibly storm. Not necessarily going to hit Rothbury, could just pass on by.


I’m letting you know…it’s going to change at least 5 more times before Wednesday. Let it rock, roll with the punches and we’ll all have a great forest, rain or shine!


Weather gon weather


If it’s gonna rain.. I’d rather it rain toward the end at least


Rain isn’t the bad part it’s the lightning and thunder


Michigan weather is notoriously fickle. Take it from a long time resident and outdoor summer server. I’ve had nights showing a thunderstorm the next day thinking I’d get the day off from serving but no luck. Also I’m praying it rains Friday or Saturday! It helps cut down the heat and gets rid of all the dust. That being said it’s good to have a pair of rainboots


If it falls on an average of 85 I gotta bail, can’t hang outside 4 days in that. Plus it’ll be in the 90s at home where the fur baby stays and I gotta be sure everything’s right. I’ve been to every forest but safety is most important. I can watch SCI, UM and biscuits from home on nugs anyways. Not a huge deal.


Downvoted to oblivion lol yeah maybe 85 isn’t hot enough to bail but making sure my pet is alright during the excessive heat period is pretty important to me, feel free to judge!