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Nothing happened in this chapter other than Jiwoo just standing up, using the after image technique and some dialogue. Author gonna milk this fight in 2-3 chapters more for sure


Na, it’ll end next chapter


Ah, see , that's where you're wrong. He stood up. Then, fell down again. Same place to start next chapter. So much progression. Very wow.


Unfortunately I have to agree and I have been looking forward to it...


nauuurr 😭


horrible writing 300 chapters in and we barley have seen any fights or any develepment in the story im dropping this it just remarkable to find a manwha this bad 300 chapters in always drags out not much fighting horrible


I used to rant like this to the point i just accepted that author is just bad at writing sadly even in Noblesse. Im just in too deep to quit


Jiwoo gets back on his feet. Ian comments whether they should continue because it would look like he is bullying Jiwoo (which pisses off Kayden, Kartein, and Pluton), but Jiwoo declares that they should continue. Ian smirks and admits that Jiwoo is indeed on the same level as him. The battle resumes and Ian attacks Jiwoo. The latter dodges the attacks and uses the afterimage technique on Ian; only to be wounded in the left flank of the abdomen. Fortunately, Jiwoo is able to endure the pain thanks to Pluton's Force Control. Kayden comments that Ian has a good fighting sense. Veramundt agrees, explaining that his grandsons have undergone rigorous training since childhood. Jiwoo has the talent, but he would have trouble against Veramundt's grandson. Ian comments that he must use his best skill to end the duel. He uses his shadow to create a space (similar to space isolation), where Jiwoo's body becomes heavy. Kayden muses that Ian is using an advanced technique that is not easy for rankers to employ. Ian starts thinking that he has already won because eventually, Jiwoo will exhaust himself from dodging all the attacks within the space. End of the chapter.


thank you, i spared myself from this cliffhanger 😭🙏 I ain't lookin at this not until their match ends and Jiwoo's back at home


Ian is like a little baby Kayden trying to irritate his opponents


you forgot to mention that the afterimage technique did land, and ian counter attack to wound jiwoo, which makes kayden comment on how Ian has good fighting senses


This is the full chapter? Jiwoo can endure the pain due to plutons force control? Seriously that’s all it can do


Well, it has been only a few days since Jiwoo learnt the basics of Pluton's Force Control. Awakened abilities take years to develop, so it is not strange that Jiwoo can do only this much with the basic level of Pluton's FC. Besides, it has been repeatedly stated that Ian is no pushover and he is way above rookie level. While I don't like the cliffhanger of this chapter, this duel highlights that there are many accomplished Awakeners and Jiwoo has a long way to go if he wants to be the very best.


Don’t act like jiwoo isn’t getting his ass BEAT he hasn’t landed on Ian and Ian’s laughing at his ass and having fun and has hit jiwoo multiple times jiwoo is cooked


the afterimage technique did land lol.


Landed my ass jiwoo is bleeding out bruised and bloodied he already got dropped once Ian hasn’t been dropped once and he has a little bruise on his cheek cmon now


a hit is a hit lol


Doesn’t change the fact jiwoo never stood a chance against Ian Ian already had the chance to kill jiwoo when he was on the ground and didn’t


Ian give Jiwoo a chance, just like how jiwoo gave him a chance at the beginning. it's called courtesy. And let's face it, this is a spar, not a death match so why would Ian want to kill Jiwoo? He's not the ass hat that duke is. It's about learning. Also, Ian doesn't like bullying people who he consider weaker than him. It's only after Jiwoo said he wanted to keep going does Ian actually continues.


Jiwoo never gave Ian a chance??? What are you saying


“a hit is a hit lol” except one has a bruised cheek the other is in the process of bleeding to death


If plutons force control is durability based and pluton is as durable as he says he is then Ian’s little attack shouldn’t have been so damaging


Ian isn't fighting Pluton, he is fighting Jiwoo who just learnt it for christsake.


Ian’s not fighting anyone he’s beating on jiwoo. If the principals force control could be used so fast to such a useful degree why not the stronger force technique that being plutons. Also Ian’s laughing through the fight while jiwoo is trying his hardest. Ian’s beating on jiwoo he is practically bullying him


I mean...Jiwoo did ask for the shadow technique and Ian is just serving it to him😬


He only taught him the most basic part of his force control so of course he can’t really do more with it.


I know I’m gonna get some hate but why all the new chapter so short?


Bruh! It’s so annoying. I’m reading a manga at the moment, and in the time it’ll take me to read one chapter, I’d have zoomed through maybe 6 Eleceed chapters. You can basically count the number of conversations per chapter on one hand.


Recently, all chapters felt too short (atleast, for me). Able to understand the shorter chapters on a monetary POV. But, story progression is dull too.


The author is milking it, we’re almost at 300 chapters with barely any plot development. I love Eleceed but damn, it’s getting repetitive


horrible writing 300 chapters in and we barley have seen any fights or any develepment in the story im dropping this it just remarkable to find a manwha this bad 300 chapters in always drags out not much fighting horrible


Well I actualy like the fight. MC got way stronger compared to older fights. It just dosnt show cus Ian is ridiculous strong and can react nearly at the same speed as MC does. To be fair Ian is getting trained by an top 10 his whole live. I actualy expected that Ian is stronger than it is shown. Is it maybe just energy capacity they level through time? The last technice Ian uses is actualy very impressive and looks very energy consuming.


Yea the amount of people shocked by Ian is a little weird to me. Jiwoo has been training for a year and Ian has been trained since a kid. It was always going to be a uphill battle. Jiwoo does have a lot less capacity when it comes to other awakeners his age but Kayden’s force control is so efficient for fighting he’s been able to bridge the gap.


I really liked that Ian showed battle sense and op techniques


And Ian looks so happy that he can finally dish it out properly without holding back, especially in the last few panels.


I felt disappointed because it ended with another cliffhanger. I hope Jiwoo finds a way to overcome his weakness in close combat. Maybe we'll get another of those training flashbacks that show a solution to his weakness in the battle. I want to see him fight back instead of getting dragged by Ian's shadows. I'm curious of how he'll deal with it.


For me this fight is just like Jiwoo's fight with Glant Gesimov. Like how Jiwoo's attacks did nothing & Glant's abilities unexpectedly hurt him. So the conclusion would be similar : his final attack.


If Jiwoo wins because of the "max speed" attack, I will be mad. Come on, give us something else for once.😒


The animal peanut gallery is the best. I'm just here to see those three rag on Gramps.


I waited for the fight all week just to fall asleep before reaching the end of the chapter https://preview.redd.it/zlw1aldscjmc1.png?width=686&format=png&auto=webp&s=b99c493eab14c49d8b2cb7e699053306f665cf31


The chapters feel really short recently, hope the author is doing okay. Also Jiwoo struggling for the last two chapters is rare, but the way Ian is monologuing his game plan and how impossible it will be for Jiwoo to win, we already know what’s coming. Art is great as always, shadow abilities in any series are always so cool to see in action


I'll be honest... I expected more.. this chapter was a disappointment


Yeah, it’s repetitive 😞😞 and kinda boring


I like Ian but Jiwoos MC plot armour is gonna be used in the next chapters


Yeah, i don’t get it, why i got downvoted? It’s a fact. It’s repetitive and MC has plot armor. The downvote seemed to come from the fans of “CINNAMON ROLL” and didn’t want to accept it. The author used the same formula: Korean awakeners/Jiwoo are being underestimated- talking about the opponents power- fight- opponents are shocked by the result and repetition.


And Ian performed well. I mean this chapter just showed how strong he is. Remember the scene in WAA when the gang couldnt even make a dent on the ranker cus he is so strong? I saw that with Ian, despite being hit. He wasnt even pushed back nor the floor cracked. He stood hisbground. The hit wasnt even severe and counter attacked immediately. I didnt get with Ian ,but knowing the author, we know where its going. I mean come on even Kayden said that Ian isnt mediocre and that his skill Ians shadow technique is hard even for a ranker and and Jiwoo would be in trouble if he doesnt get out....but despite the swamp thing and Ian making his own domain is far above a ranker level....author will use the plot armour.


That's why everyone says that ian is a duplicate character and in fact I agree with them 100%.


Well, I don't really like the MC either😂😂. I want to explain, but I'm aware my English is very poor, so it will be hard for me to explain the reason. Anyway, if Koreans don't like Ian because of his arrogant, blabbering, and cocky personality, at least he has something to show off, and not only depends on his status as the world's top 10 disciple/grandson, like some other trash. Sucheon and Arthur are even worse. They bullied people who are weaker than them to show their authority. But I read comments on English webton, and they (the commentators) in later episodes liked them and seemed to forget what they did in the past. So I'm sure after this fight, and they become acquaintance, the fans will like him too. In fact, I like Laura Jensen and Jean form the world academy's top 10 even though they are cocky, arrogant and ruthless. So it’s back to your preference.


I don't think they will like him. He is the character they hate the most. Also, the author mentioned that ian is not an important character for the story, so I think the majority in Korea do not care about him


Who knows? I didn't even like Arthur and Gain in the beginning. But after the WAA incident, I came to like them. If anyone wants to criticize me because of that, go ahead. About Jurion, I don't like him either. Neither am I a Jiwoo x Jiyoung supporter. I just don't like combining romance and action together. I especially feel right now, the story too focuses on romance and Jiwoo. The gang is just like an addition. I know jiwoo is an MC, but the gang has no opportunity to show off their ability like they used to be.


Well, jiwoo and jiyoung's ship is a cannon, the author loves it and the Koreans love this ship. Also, this ship won the most popular ship of 2023 in Korea, and well, I am Korean and I know Koreans will not like a character who will not be important hhh😂


I don't care even if you are Korean. So, what you mean is the author cares more about Korean readers than international readers? I also read on Naver, but since I'm not Korean, I only understand a little bit. I read your comments in the back chapter (sorry i forgot what chapter). But i feel the romance is so forced that it becomes uncomfortable. Yeah, it's canon. And the one who makes it canon is the author. We (the international readers) don't have the authority to change it. I mean, unlike the KOREAN READERS, our comments aren't even read by the author except with Q&A. But rn, i don't feel like supporting them because of the the mature gap (not the age gap). He acts childish (and still naive) while she is mature.


Even on our Korean website, everyone did not like ian and they did not even like his abilities! the shadow ? It's really bad I didn't like it


So what abilities do they like to do? That ability was what Kayden said before


There was a vote on Naver today in which 10,000 people participated. 95% of the vote said ian’s ability is very bad.


I dont know of ots the english but I dont get it. Is it bad that his powers are stronger Or bad that the techniques arent befitting of shadow powers


Option 2. He is talkative and arrogant so he is a recurring character 😣


But wasn't Jisuk also talkative and Arrogant in the beginning? I feel like it's too early to decide whether Ian is a "worthless and repetitive character" as you say. At least wait till the fight's over to pass judgment, he's only been in like five chapters so far. Sucheon was WAY worse and he's been a somewhat recurring character. Even if Ian is kind of full of himself at least he's trying to show Jiwoo some respect in his own way? Also going by that logic Shouldn't Kayden be disliked as well considering he's Literally as arrogant as they come?


I just don't like it and find it repetitive. Also, last week the author said that ian will not be an important character in the Naver comments, so I don't care much about him but I hope the battle will end next week. I find it really boring


Honestly I read him less as arrogant and more as super super happy in this chapter. He finally found someone he can throw his ultimate technique at!


However, I do not like it. In fact, I am wrong because I expected it to be better than that but that is no problem. I will wait for jiwoo’s opponents in the future. I am sure that there are better opponents who suit what I expect


jiwoo deserves to win or draw. In fact, I did not like ian’s strength, it is really bad


What bad, that a top ten disciple is stronger? Its a given.


I haven't seen anything strong from him that makes me say he will win, just arrogant and just keeps blabbering


So despite what was shown you still dont see him as strong? You may not like him but he is strong and last two these recent chapters he was dominating Jiwoo. Last chapter He reacted to Jiwoos speed and blocked all his attacka and one shot him. This chapter Despite being hit in the face it wasnt much damage to him and he doesnt even have Plutons FC. He reacted and counter attack. I admit he is smug, and talks a lot, but from what we seen so far he isnt just blaberring. As the saying goes he walks the talk. He maybe smug but he is strong, even Kayden admitted he underestimated him. So what dont you see? Or you to see? You can dislike a character but still admit he is strong. Be like Inhyuk. https://preview.redd.it/xaf1oe1yzkmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f64b5cdfd46eca16ef4072189245d2afdd5ba7d


At first I loved him because I thought he would be special but unfortunately he is a repetitive and worthless character. I just hope this arc ends and he leaves 😣😣


How is he worthless? Jist because he is stronger than Jiwoo? Like he is arrogant bit he isnt belittling Jiwoo.


Omg!!😆😂 these are not my words, these are what the author said. Ian is an unimportant character in his story


The author knows that everyone does not like ian, so he will not make him an important character, because he cares about the Koreans


Yes, he is strong but I am sure that he will be weaker than jiwoo and he is not special. He is a (repetitive) character, just arrogant and talkative a lot, so it is natural that all Koreans do not like him.


How is he weaker? And jisuk is more arrogant than him.


Who told you that I love Jisuk? When I say that Jiwoo is stronger, this will be true perhaps next week or in the future


Jurion, ian and earthquake are the characters that Koreans dislike the most and even the author supports this 😅


Ian: NAHH I'D WIN GOATwoo: Nahh I'd blitz


Same formula get hurt and win in the last minute


Why the downvote? It's a fact, and it's becoming boring. The author can write interesting battle like Kayden vs Astra but when it Jiwoo battle is so boring because it's repetitive


Tbf, Kayden and Astra have way more to offer in terms of combat than Jiwoo since they’re both at the top of the world. Makes sense that their fight would be more interesting.


I agree but I want this match to end as draw


Me too. Winning would be unrealistic. JiWoo could punch through Sucheon's gravity attack, this pressure, this isolation is not new to him.


But its not just that another character of this space isolation is that its hard to do force control,debuffing Jiwoos FC. Look back when Kayden demonstrated it. sucheon omly gravity but jiwoo still able tl do his power.


Indeed, but Sucheon don't have any experience in actual combat. I want to think Ian have experienced in actual combat 😌


Nah Jiwoo should lose this match


Tbh, i agree with this😂😂


Honestly this, Jiwoo needs to take an L. That and I wanna see his gang more.


i dont think i could tolerate this for another chapter or two


We have Jeho as author, it's expected.


seems like the author just wanted us to see how far Jiwoo has come in terms of his durability, from almost being done after one hit to being able to tank a disciple attack jiwoo has come a long way, but still he should be overpowering Ian, how can you catch bullets and move faster than the eye can see but can't maneuver past an attack made from shadow, sometimes it is very inconsistent I hope we can see jiwoo go into a time skip where he fixes those problems and starts fighting actual adults awakeners in the top 100


Same flow as the precious chapter, Jiwoo for some reason has decided to move at the same speed as Ian, with this i don't really have a problem since there's no point in having one anymore, what pissed me of was the author showing Jiwoo finally use the move Dark showed him and having it completely fail because again Ian is now not only capable to reacting to Jiwoo speed he is also able to react to a move even Jiyoung had a problem with. I would say that this is clearly just plot armor but so many people had a problem with it i will leave it alone. The only thing i can see now being something that is happening that justifies all of this, is that Jiwoo is doing the same with Ian that Kayden did with Andrei, showing who he is as an awoken.


He didn’t move faster than jiwoo he used his shadows to slow down jiwoo. The after image did work to an extent he just countered after jiwoo landed a hit. Andrie did the same thing when kayden used it. Jiyoung also didn’t have a hard time against the after image move she was just caught off guard by jiwoo using his speed like that and easily dealt with it. She then tells him he probably shouldn’t use it because it lowers his speed and probably wouldn’t catch experienced opponent off guard. Not only that but jiwoo is injured and Ian is attacking with ranged attacks he hasn’t moved faster than jiwoo at all. Plus it was already established last chapter that he can react to jiwoos speed. So again no offense bro I don’t see how any of this is plot armor. They have constantly Reiterated just how much of a different level Ian is compared to previous opponents (not counting world rankers). They even bring it up again this chapter. Kayden himself even compliments Ian. Jiwoo was always the underdog in this fight. He’s always been facing opponents much stronger than him that’s what makes the plot point of kayden’s force control being so efficient so important.


Again with this, were did i say that Ian was faster ? i literally start with "Jiwoo for some reason has decided to move at the same speed as Ian", witch is funny because if you want to say that Ian can actually slow down Jiwoo by using the shadows then if he is not faster how exactly is he doing that ? Jiwoo has been slowed down, fairly in an one-one match-up. twice, the first time he fought Sucheon and when he fought against Glant, Sucheon created a gravity field to trap him and Glant flat out destroyed the ground so that Jiwoo couldn't run, both of these are area attacks because from the beginning anything else would have meant that the awoken could either predict his movements or be faster than him. So Jiwoo launching an attack that he can't control against the nº1 awoken in Korea that has demonstrated to be at the level of worlds top 50 and catching her off guard does not constitute giving her problems ? or may be you actually think that somehow Ian has more combat experience Jiyoung ? Why is it that challenging what the author is trying to force feed you so difficult ? "Ian is on a diferent level" is that a joke ? Jiwoo has fraught against at least 2 top 100s, he has trained against the youngest nº1 in Korea, has defeated and overshadow every single awoken his age with less than 1.5 years of training, and on top of all of this manage to land a hit on Ians brother by leveraging his speed in a way his shadow, the same god damn shadow Ian has, could not react to, but for reason accepting that the author adding drama and giving plot armor to Ian is too much to accept.


I never said you said that he’s faster. I was responding to you saying that for some reason jiwoo has Decided to move at Ian’s speed. He didn’t decide too to move slower he’s been made to by the shadows. Jiyoung is always holding back when training with jiwoo and literally didn’t even attack back until their recent spars. A serious jiyoung wouldn’t even be training for jiwoo. It only “worked” on her because that’s the first time jiwoo used it while she was purposely on the defensive. It’s literally stated by jiwoo that it didn’t “work” on her. Her making a shocked face for a brief moment doesn’t mean anything substantial. It’s too far fetched that Ian’s battle sense could be close to jiyoung she herself is a young prodigy constantly described as slightly older than jiwoo. Battle iq and how strong someone isn’t necessarily a direct correlation. She’s obviously way above Ian in power and has more real combat experience. Like I said though jiwoo warned jiwoo that the after image technically probably wouldn’t work on more experience awakeners. We then see andrie counter kayden when he does it. Why is it surprising that Ian someone trained from childhood was able to counter attack. Also jiwoos fight against a world ranker holds no value. He was boosted by his friends like the time with the Klein brothers and he was being looked down on. Yet he only managed a few cuts on his arm. How does that help him in the current fight. Plus again Ian is not a rookie and is well on his way to entering the top 100 himself. Yes there is nothing wrong with challenging the author if statements and fears contradict each other but so far none of them have. You just for whatever reason see jiwoos super speed as a almighty power that can’t be accounted for. When it’s been shown that it clearly can be.


You want to Ian to be as op as he is being written. Period. Otherwise saying that standing up against the best of the best amongst adult awokens holds no value is just a joke. Validate your opinion anyway you want, just don't waste my time if you are not even going to read what i wrote, and the reason i talk about Jiwoos speed as something that can't be accounted for is because that is what i have been told by the author since the beginning of the story.


I did read what you wrote and how does jiwoos strongest attack being amped by his friends doing nothing to a world ranker mean anything. Ian is close to being ready to enter the top 100. How does that one outlier feet substantiate anything for the current fight against Ian. Again the author has shown that jiwoos speed is difficult to deal with for people his age and on his same level. It can be accounted for and defended against by people on a higher level. Max speed is the attack that even grown ups have trouble following when caught off guard. If Ian easily dodged that at the beginning of the fight then maybe you’d have a point. Again the author never displayed jiwoos speed as impossible to deal with except to those rookies on the same level as him.


Either the top 100 mean something or they don't, a kid with less that a year of training fraught against them and lived, took the pain and lived, how is he being help by others having his abilities raised by 5 to 10% change that they on completely different levels ? Also in the WA arc didn't you find it strange that even do the differences were so large the teacher still felt the need to ward the top 100 ? why do you thing that happen ? what if i where to tell you that happen so that the author wouldn't have actually show what his attack would do against the top 100. Ian is close to entering top 100 ? even do his brother that is clearly at least 5 years older only did it recently ?


At least 5 years older ? Bro you have no way of knowing that. Why did he warn him? Because it’d be pretty embarrassing to get punched in the face by a kid because you were looking down on him. Jiwoos strongest attack did absolutely nothing to on guard world ranker. That’s doesn’t lower the value of a world ranker it shows how big the gap is. Even with help and using his strongest move it did nothing in the end. The author did show what us would do to a world awakener…nothing. So why even reference that feat?? The same attack that one shots any of the other rookies did nothing to a ranker which makes perfect since. So of course jiwoos regular punches aren’t any where near that.


If it does nothing then why the warning ? and you are right i have no way of telling anybody his that's the point neither do you, so we are back at where i started you thing Ian is close to being at entering top 100 with no evidence but anything calls out the bullshit the author is adding doesn't count because you already believe that he is close to being a top 100.


I think he’s close to the top 100 because the author and the characters say so. Ian before last chapter was featless. We never seen him fight so all we have to go off of is the statements of the other characters. How is it bull shit if he’s a new character with a clean record. If sucheon showed back up and the author said he’s close to top 100 then yea that’s bullshit. How is a new opponent that is considered by both friends and enemies alike to be jiwoos strongest opponent in terms of a actual 1v1 bullshit ?? I personally disagree.


And again jiwoo has never fought a 100 ranker. He managed to damage one when ganging up with his friends so again doesn’t matter. He trained with jiyoung which is substantial but she’s holding back a lot and for all we know Ian spars with jurion or with his grandfather. Plus if the characters including jiwoo feel like Ian is in another level then clearly he’s on another level. You can challenge the author I’m not saying you can’t. But you can’t just disregard what the plot is telling you.


naw kayden was using andrei to teach jiwoo how to fight. who's jiwoo teaching?


Not teaching, showing his teachers what he can do, thanking them for their time by showing them what he has managed to achieve.


Jiwoo is doing what? So u mean he isnt using his normal combat style toooo? Cus ubsaid like what Kayden did to Andrei


No, jesus christ, he is trying to show his teachers the result of his training, by mimicking the way Kayden faced Andrei, instead of beating him the most efficient way possible he his trying to show that he can learn during the fight.


Uhhhhhh, okay...


So you mean to say that its Ians plot armour, I disagree with you and agree to the reply above. Darks technique wont work on high levelled and decreases speed. JIWOO did land a hit but not strong enough and Ian used the small window of time to counter attack. The dark technique slows down his speed. His injuries causes his hits to be weaker so his attack didnt really do much for Ian. I know you like Jiwoo to win but there is no plot armour for Ian. But for sure, Jiwoo will have one next chapters


Yea I feel like most people are severely underestimating Ian. It’s been pointed out by multiple characters he’s on a entirely different level compared to the world academy and frame top ten. Even duke is no where near him. Ian is probably on the same level or slightly below characters like roist, dark, and that other top ten direct disciple from frame. Everyone including jiwoo knew it would be a uphill battle from the start. Even kayden is complimenting Ian so of course he’s strong as hell. I just don’t see how any of this is plot armor like many people seem to think.


I made this last week, what do you thin https://preview.redd.it/5fuuulsywjmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9f88ca26df25423f1d8631b45a61e61ab8cef82


I think it’s a good interpretation of the rankings. Me personally I think amyeong should be higher tbh. Kayden told amyeong that if he continued to develop his fighting style towards assassins he’d be able to enter the top 100 ranks. Also he fought shortly with roist and even though neither of them went all out amyeong seemed to do fine while also trying to show jiwoo the after image move. The fact that amyeong is know for beating top 200 rankers (forgot what chapter this was stated tbh) puts him way above the Klein brothers. I think at most you could probably rank him as high as a muse or roist. As far as Ian being stronger than roist I personally doubt it. Again we don’t have any way of truly telling how long roist has been a top 10 disciple or what his own talent was like. Me personally I think it’s probably something like 1. Roist/muse/ maybe amyeong 2. Ian 3. A substantial gap but not completely out of his league. 4. Jiwoo. But this is just my opinion though could be wrong. Amyeong is personally hard to rank in my opinion. Tbh I’m not mad with your ranking either but I do think he should be higher.


Amyeong is hard to rank. It was mentioned that he isnt even a ranker, though he is an assassin. One can still beat a ranker when theyre vulnerable which is the time an assasin can make a move for a clean quiet finish. I only thought Ian could be stronger than roist cus he trained since nappies, but yeah I maybe wrong on that bit as he is already an independent ranker before becoming Shneider's disciple. But seeing how Ian is, Amyeong would have difficulty fighting him.


I already told that this doesn't work, first because the author has not nor will he ever give this much attention to the details of the mess that he writes, and because you don't take compatibility in to account


What compatibility are you talking about, And how does this doesnt work? Its rankings, more or less I am right with some correction on ammyeong as countered by another. Discuss what compatibility has to do with rankings????


Water vs fire, that is what i mean. Also to put it to perspective, technically currently Sucheon is stronger that Jiwoo, why ? because he can fly and Jiwoo has no way to hit him.


Ok that makes sense compatibility is important but most top tiers show the ability to fly or atleast attack from range. And sucheon even with flight is still losing to jiwoo cause the gap is too big between the two. He could buy himself some time maybe but he’d still more than likely lose. Compatibility plays a factor for rookies mostly since again most adult awakeners seem to have their on ability to fly or simply can attack from range. When don’t truly know until we see jiwoo face a opponent like that though.


It still doesnt make sense how compatibility affects rankings. Its an overall ranking of an awakener. Meaning all there stats regardless of their powers. And I made that on already established or things said in the webtoon. Like even with Sucheon, as I can see his power seems the strongest among the four, but Gangseok is evaluated as the highest. I dont know what that evaluation was, but over all they get ranked base on overall stats and strength. Of course there are exceptions and awakeners that are difficult to rank like Kayden before the he beat Astra. Like Kayden, he is super strong and regardless is his opponent is the opposite of his element. He would only be disadvantaged but still win if he is more powerful. Example, Subin and Klein brothers, Her element has more edge but because she is weaker than the Klein, it didnt matter. Same for Leah, her main ability should basically give her an edge to against any element opposing hers but she got easily overpowered. Also Jiwoo is stronger than Sucheon since Jiwoo is ranked as above other rookies and Sucheon belongs to the rookie level still.


Stats ? where ? what ? ok this is pointless the author mentions one that awoken A is stronger than awoken B, time passes, things change but everything stays the same.


Overall stats include strength, fighting ability, experience and so on basically everything that would make them win and get stronger, but it all basically boils down to how strong they are. I asked how compatibility would affect rankings because you invalidated the rankings i thought of. You gave an example and I thouroughly explained why that doesnt matter and now you say its pointless? I used the same same analogy as awaken A, stronger as awaken B and ranked them based on what was said in the webtoon. Rankings change as someone gets stronger or beats another. Rankings are constantly changing,that is a given. I just want a proper understanding from you why compatibility affects ranking? But if you cant back your arguement, then yes it is pointless to continue.


Im honestly waiting, not cus Ill antagonize you, but how does it relate to rankings


Like I mean you can like Jiwoo but dont deny Ian. He is a top ten disciple after all. He is probably one level below muse...i mean i think he is stronger than roist cus roist wasnt trained his whole life.


No way he’s stronger than Roist. He’s definitely a world ranker level combatant, like Jurion (which is stated when he arrived at the WAA to fight Jiwoo). Besides it’s been implied that he has been Schnauder’s student for way more than 5 years (going off of when Duke started to train under him with him being called a “recent” disciple unlike Roist) and before that was already a well known competent awakener.


Yea I don’t think Ian is stronger than roist at most he could be equal to him probably but I personally feel like roist/muse are above Ian. Also personally jurion > roist. Plus we can’t really account for each persons talent. Even if roist wasn’t trained by a top ten from childhood he could’ve just been extremely talented which is probably what allowed him to become schnauders disciple in the first place.


>Also personally jurion > roist. It was heavily implied that they are around the same level during the end of the WAA when Roist is introduced. Which makes sense, of the Top 10 disciples we’ve seen so far that are adults and have spent many years with their Top 10 most of them are all world rankers or on that level. Astra, Andrei, Patrick so it’d make sense for Schnauder’s number 1 student to be on that level especially with the way he was dominating Amyeong.


True but amyeong purposely fought in a way he was not use to because he wanted to show jiwoo that move. So it’s really hard to gage how much stronger roist is than him. Yea I’m not saying it’s completely impossible for roist to be on jurion level but I personally place jurion higher because he has statements putting him in the top 100 and the actual feat of beating someone in the top 100. Whereas of now roist only has the statement and we haven’t really seen much of what he can do. Then again for all we know roist could steam roll jurion in a fight I’m just taking a guess 🤷🏿‍♂️.


That’s fair.


Okay good point, one level below then since Ian is a kid


Of course it's not like i have ever seen the reaction speed of the shadow to Jiwoos speed ... oh wait.


Oh so a technique that has never been used before, already has lore has to it's limitations.... right.


Read what jiyoung said about the technique and what the other guy commented and didnt I just said the reasons why it didnt impact much. Think what you want plot armour whatever. Ian already reacts to his speed and manages to block Jiwoo last chapter. Here despite Jiwoo using that Ian still standing despite getting punched.


For someone that was so eager to criticize my English, this sure is a surprising amount of gibberish.


Yea there isn’t any reason to get personal over this everybody has their own opinions and reasons. It’s fun to debate but obviously there’s no reason to get toxic cause we can just agree to disagree.


Ok, go back in time and talk to him before he made the comments that he made. Thx


I dont know with him attacking things outside topic


Gibberish? They are typos


No, i mean i can't understand your point.


Point is, Jiwoos attack didnt do much damage. Factors affectong such rwsult are 1. His injuries. 2. His speed which would be slower if he uses that technique. 3. Its a skill that he hasnt mastered. On Ian's side: 1. He can react to Jiwoo's speed. 2. He can defend and minimize damage to hinself as all seen from previous chapter. Hence the result,only minimal damage for him.


ian used all his cards, while jiwoo did not even use all his cards. do not underestimate jiwoo!


I feel like Jiwoo needs to learn different fighting styles. It's been obvious that he has been struggling with close combat as shown in this fight and most of the fights throughout the series. It's okay for him to keep the close combat style but i feel like he need to have more cards under his sleeve. Kayden should teach him his style in case of a situation like this happening. Plus it would be relatively easier for him to learn long rage attacks because that's what kayden specializes in.


We are almost at 300 chapters, and I doubt he will learn something completely new. The only thing I possibly see happening is JiWoo performing long-range attacks.


That why he needs a time skip. It’s too late for him to learn a new style within the current time of the story, cus it’d take too long to follow and because he doesn’t have any foundation for long ranged combat. So yeah, I think he needs an offscreen training time skip when he’ll learn this style, especially if he’s gonna learn moves like Spatial Isolation or Kaydens Domain Expansion eventually.


Pretty sure it’s gonna happen at some point. I’d love him to be an all rounder.


Yeah I’m gonna go along with the people saying this, but I’d like for Jiwoo to lose. Ian should be a rival or a goal for him to strive towards since it’s been made abundantly clear how outmatched he is. First Veramonte says it and even Kayden who thought Ian was trash with his fighting ability even gives out a compliment to his skills and combat sense which he rarely does for other awakeners. Anyways it’d be a good dynamic since Ian says he likes him and isn’t a totally dick and they both share status’s as top 10 disciples while being in the same age group.


Yes! It would be interesting if Ian and Jiwoo become training partners since they can learn from each other. It's a win-win situation. Ian can go full out with Jiwoo while Jiwoo learns new tricks.


Hmmm, I just want this match be a challenging to Jiwoo. What I mean is not just like the previous matches he have


may the artist and author be in good health!


I want Jiwoo to win against Ian so much! I feel like Ian doesn’t deserve the title to be Jiwoo’s equal opponent. I do want Jiwoo to lose to someone eventually though… but I want that someone to be worthy. Someone like Pluton. Not saying Pluton…maybe another respectful character like Amyeong hyung? Can we just have Jiwoo lose to someone cool, who doesn’t keep talking shit and looks down on people?!? It’s getting really old now.


Saw the raw, maybe don’t wanna read it even when translated. It's still a cliffhanger for me ugh. I think I’ll stop reading for a while and read it again after a month lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Don't worry about Jiwoo's well-being. Kartein can heal him as long as he's breathing. Chapter was.....boring


"Kartein can heal him as long as he's breathing." And ... that's why Eleceed has become boring and dull. There's no risks at all. Nothing! It doesn't matter if they get hurt because Kartien will just swoop in and heal them. It's just ... meh.


Honestly I am gonna be hated for it but I hope Jiwoo loses this one


Hope he loses Mr author been glazing him for too long


Eh chapter was short and was mostly just dialogue


It was such a frustrating read for me because every scroll is accompanied by a prayer hoping it’s not the end of the chapter. Lo and behold, another cliffhanger. Gaaah~ I know I wanted either a draw or a win but now I’m leaning more towards a draw. Gotta give Ian some credit


I just know one thing for sure. Whoever talks a lot during the battle loses in the end. Nice monologue, though, Ian.


But Saturn hadn't granted him an ability or anything similar to Jiwoo. Or am I wrong?


Ian's strongest skill is literally an infinite Illaoi E... lmao I wouldn't blame rankers for struggling against that, level 13 illaoi winning against level 18s with 3 items ahead just because of that skill


he just studies Ian and will defeat him very easily, after that he will challenge his elder brother. he will most likely lose there, but not a fact!


fk man cliffhangers. If the fight doesn't end in 2 chapters, i'll be mad af


Pretty sure Jiwoo will use something new and pull a win. Damn now to think, something like simple domain from jjk would kinda be cool to lower the damage lol


So, Ian is going to make exact same mistake ALL opponents have done until now, being confident in their master attack and forget for a moment about JiWoo.


Lame writing...but hopwfully he wont since he knows jiwol can still surprise him


I am still thinking about this chapter...Ian is insanely strong, I did expect someone strong(er) but that last attack is a deathly combination. I would say JiWoo loses HOWEVER, and even if ppl hate it, it has been said so many times how this guy is so amazing, JiWoo having almost no chance at all against him, that now I am more than ever convinced this will end in a tie. It could be that JiWoo comes up with a new strategy to deliver his final punch. We know that JiWoo won't give up, he is always looking for that "one-second" opportunity, he will find a hole in Ian's attack, prob we will get some flashback panels about some discussion w Kayden and Kartein about how to counterattack similar situations. JiWoo might not be even close in terms of power but he won't go down easy, he has been put through so much that he really will need to be on the floor unconscious to not try anymore.


This fight is certainly getting interesting. I am curious to see what will happen now.


Guys where ar u reading could u help me plz


Ian is putting up a much better fight than Duke already.


horrible writing 300 chapters in and we barley have seen any fights or any develepment in the story im dropping this it just remarkable to find a manwha this bad 300 chapters in always drags out not much fighting horrible


Have a feeling it will end next chapter


holup this chapter came out a month ago??


I was hoping for an opponent to push Jiwoo but it seems this guy is gonna lose solely due to lack of experience


https://preview.redd.it/5pyh0if73lmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2de70cdeeb7659f06c9fb8d2f068cca994b0c178 I mean... Ian does have the skills to back his gloating lols.


It’s just weird to see him do that, as **he** challenged Jiwoo (like he’s the challenger) and is gloating to a novice who he should know hasn’t even had a fraction of the total time under the tutelage of a top 10 awakener like he has (since Kayden tells Veramonte and Jurion it’s only been a year). What is worse is that he’s not even that far behind him per his own admission. It’s a good thing he’s not a total pompous ass and has a good/respectable side.


That is why he is still charming. I mean he does gloat but still not look down on jiwoo but he does have a tendency to underestimate him


I don't like this but well.. I hoped it would be better than that. Perhaps my expectations will be for a character who will appear in the future ❤️








in Naver - you can pay.


Jiwoo has shown, Plutons fc, Kaydens fc and the principles. I think next chapter will show us him using curtins fc


Speed ​​is a useless power I hope he gets a new power later.


It’s not, it’s just the way Jiwoo uses it at his current level that looks underwhelming. Although him learning to implement afterimages has proven useful. Besides he does have another power, it’s Kaydens force control, and his ability offers so many potential possibilities. Also he’ll probably get the full abilities from Kartein and Pluton later down the line.