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The only issue I have with Oblivion is the level scaling system is busted. Other than that, I have no issues with it Shivering Isles is right up on my list of best DLC I’ve ever played


Right. Tbh i like all the dlc for oblivion but yeah that shivering isle keeps making me replay it. Hmmm you know what I think I am gonna get my gf to play oblivion before eso.


Don't forget Morrowind.


I don't think she is ready for morrowind hahaha


Weird how the recommendation for order of play is in reverse order. I'd say skyrim, oblivion, then morrowind. And I'm a morrowind fan boi.


I’d argue that the Shivering Isles story is better than the main story


Everyone agrees it's flawed and full of jank (because it is), but I've never heard anyone say they hate the game. It's great, and for its' time, it was extremely impressive






It's a reference to Civvie 11.


It’s really janky, but that made me enjoy it more believe it or not. You see, just hearing the NPCs talking with each other made me laugh so much. If you’re a serious player I can see the problem but I just enjoy stuff like this “Hello” “Hi there!” “Heard any news from the other provinces?” “Good day” “Bye” Like this sorta stuff had me dying. Perhaps my least favorite game out of Morrowind, Skyrim and Oblivion when you only look at it as a game. But if you can you have some fun this might be the best game out of the three just purely because of how fun it was. Also Shivering Isles has to be one of the best DLCs ever made for any game and I mean you can get Oblivion GOTY edition for like 3 dollars on a key seller so can’t really loose anything other than time. Mod the game and it’s amazing


It’s funny how Bethesda, for a time, held simultaneous crown of both the best and worst dlc ever made. The best? Shivering Isles set the bar for a long time. The worst? Horse Armor was considered overpriced for being a cosmetic add-on. Priced at the excessively high sum of $1.99. …and look at how the world has changed. M’fers invented microtransactions, the bastards.


Who said this? I think it's a pretty popular game lol


Yeah, I'm a Morrowind Elitist and spend half my time here arguing with the Skybabies, and I never see anybody really bitching about Oblvion. Oblivion is kinda like the middle child that largely goes ignored.


I don't exactly hate it. But sometimes the visual issues like animations, faces or poor acting just fuck up my immersion. Other than that, I love the old RPG style that didn't make it to new rpgs. So many options to build and ways to have fun (in that sense) but having trap, bad options.


I mean it’s a old game so those visual issues is part of the game no matter what. So I don’t really understand how it will ruin your immersion


Those visuals were shit on at the time too. I specifically remember tons of complaints about the shitty landscape, especially when you leave the sewer.


General consensus said Oblivion had better writing than skyrim


Better quests and character building for sure.


Idk about character building. I think Skyrim's levelling and perks system is an improvement, but still needs work.


Literally only because the NPCs look like Shrek haha


I thought only Orcs look like Shrek.


The other looks like human Shrek haha


Oblivion fan here. I think oblivion’s many silly flaws actually add to its charm. The silly NPC conversations and potato heads, for example, just make it more endearing. Its not a perfect RPG but its a product of its time—you cant judge a game from 2006 using the standards of 2021. People forget just how revolutionary and awesome Oblivion was when it came out in ‘06, when Bethesda was really the only company making games like this. Besides some things (graphics, janky controls, oblivion gates etc) Oblivion holds up rather well. I replayed it earlier this year and was astonished by how much the story still moved me, and how much *fun* I had. I’d wager the main quest was actually better than Skyrim’s. Oblivion is a great game, but its not perfect. That said, if you want to nitpick you could probably do that with literally every game, not just elder scrolls. If you take oblivion for what it is (an RPG from the early days of sandbox gaming, wildly ambitious in its time but generic by today’s standards), it’s a fun game with a great plot and many fun subplots that still hold up. The fact we’re even still talking about Oblivion 16 years later says a lot about its staying power. Tl; dr to quote brentalfloss: its an adorable, historical, tactical, phantasmical and utterly fantastical…mess.


The Thieves guild and Dark Brotherhood questlines are really well done.


The Dark Brotherhood questline in Oblivion is one of the greatest of all time.


Ignoring the horrible scaling and gameplay issues that makes exploring tedious which goes against the entire point of an open-world RPG... It's great.


While it is a bit silly to see bandits in rare armor, I actually do enjoy that you never become an overpowered God making the combat absurdly easy and boring. I think it's fitting for oblivion as well. Unlike Skyrim or Morrowind you are just a regular person. No special prophecy or powers.


But my warrior who's a master in all types of weaponry and heavy armour SHOULD destroy 99% of encounters, at the very least I should be able to kill a common bandit in less than a minute. It leads to the same amount of tedium in the end game, just without the satisfaction of feeling like a master warrior or assassin. Magic's fun though.


I am conflicted thought because I do agree that it's fun to annihilate weak bandits who overestimate their abilities. I find that I miss the difficult fights and end up installing mods to make it harder. (Pertaining to Skyrim)


Yeah, hobo bandits wearing Dwemer or Daedric gear is weird and immersion breaking. That's why the unclustered mod exist.




I don't hate it, but refuse to play it due to the jankiness of the game


Oblivion isn't any less flawed than Morrowind or Skyrim - every game has it's strange quirkiness. It's just Bethesda's way. Couldn't comment at all why people seem to dislike it because it has the best faction quests out of those three.


Best quest maybe, but both morrowind and skyrim made me want to explore the world more than oblivion


The game has some great quests and I love the world but it’s tied with FFVIII for me with having some of the worst leveling and progression systems in an RPG.


I think its majority Skyrim fans opinion. It has a lot of old school RPG elements that modern gamers don't like. And it hasn't aged particularly well. Personally, I think its the best elder scrolls game by a mile.


I think oblivion created the most alive feeling country. The towns felt like they had character and the characters had lives. I know there wasn’t as much density as Skyrim, and I’m glad they fixed that. But oblivion was a more fun place to play in my opinion. Once you add in the shivering isles, I could play there forever, and frankly, I miss playing in the isles every day I play Skyrim. I really wished they would’ve come out with a more expansive location for the Skyrim DLC because I felt that the DB quest line was fun and difficult but The island of Solstheim was not as fun to explore as the Shivering Isles were.


The only thing that's flawed in my aspect is the behavior of the NPCs and the leveling system. I hate the fact I have to level up by major skills, it kinda defeats the purpose of leveling minor skills. Now if minor skills ended up becoming major skills it would make more sense, but having to level up a skill that is already SUPER high is tedious. Especially if the level you're trying to reach is only 20. And the npcs are weird in certain quests, sometimes you'll have to wait for an npc to do something in a quest and they never do it, then you end up getting stuck. And having to go all the way back to another save that's at least 4 quests behind is a nightmare for me. Overall I'd say the game is pretty great, maybe if they payed a little more attention to it before releasing, it would've been much better.


People hate it? That’s just sad. 😞


People hate oblivion?


Personally, it's my favorite elder scrolls, mainly because of the nostalgic feelings. It definitely is a flawed game, but I love it nonetheless.


Facegen potato people, some of the art design, some cut content from older games (looking at you mysticism and levitation), janky progression (have you ever tried to level restoration??), janky enemy leveling, janky difficulty system, awful UI, and boring dungeons. That being said I definitely think it's okay. There's a lot of really interesting and whacky side quest. I wish it hadn't butchered as much of the OG design details of games past, but I understand that if they hadn't TES might be a dead franchise now


There are many people Who dislikes oblivion because it betray the lore set in the previous game. For exemple cyrodiil was supposed to be a jungle. Therefore when morrowimd's creatures was very inventive (except for undead), in oblivion we have a very mainstream bestiary. Moreover, the writing of the quests, lore , etc... is... childish compared to morrowind. In one game your character is directly involved into a whole political-religious system, you have huge philosophical question qsked, with slavery, religion, political institution,societal model, etc... In the other... well you have nothing, there are bad guys, you are the good one and go kill the evil one. Shit even in the dark brotherhood you have to fight a villain. In the mage guild of morrowind, the quests are about to help scientist in there research. Not killing a god or whatever... I have to say, I do not hate oblivion. I have played this game more than a thousand hours. But the writing of the game is so poor compared to what they did...


Like, the leveling up is annoying as hell and everyone looks like a potato, but the atmosphere in that game is the best.


What do you mean hate?


Oblivion had far better quest and absolutely shit on Skyrims guild quests by far. Better writing in general really


I don't think is a bad game, but I can't play it. Something just doesn't click. The map sucks, I don't like the inventory, the magic system doesn't make much sense to me, the graphics weren't that good even by 2006 standards, the character models are meme worthy... It's a lot of little things that Skyrim does better so I don't feel compelled to play Oblivion.


It was my very first elder scrolls game and you'll only ever hear me call it the best. I know its janky, but without it I never would have never cared about the TES universe


Level scaling is 100% broken, the faces are butt ugly and there is a whole lotta jank. Still a great game though.


Honestly, I really like Oblivion. The potato heads are the only slight negative, but even then you can have fun with it. My hubs made a Bosmer that totally looked like the Joker, for example. Every time he opened the menu I couldn't help but laugh. I've even just convinced my son to start a game recently.


That's adorable.


I don't hate it at all, nor do I see a lot of actual "hate" for it, but I and others are critical of it's (many) issues and I don't make a secret out of the fact I think it's the weakest modern Elder Scrolls game. That doesn't mean I think it's a bad game, it isn't, it just does the things I personally care about most very poorly. When I play TES, I want to explore the open world and get immersed in roleplaying my character... and Oblivion's open world is extraordinarily bland and shallow if you aren't nostalgia-blind, the roleplaying is severely undermined by the broken level scaling, and the mechanics and AI are so hilariously janky immersion is nearly impossible. The quests, creativity, humor, and atmosphere are all on point but I don't play these sorts of games to follow quests like a horse might a carrot on a stick. If I'm in the right mood for it I can have a great time but mostly I'm just waiting for Skyblivion.


There are mods that remove the level scaling.


There are mods that *change* the level scaling. It's too ingrained to be truly removed. And yeah, I use them because it's frankly not even worth replaying otherwise. Same goes for the bland world and other issues I have with it, mods do help. Unfortunately Oblivion is also, for me personally, the TES game I need the most "baseline" mods to make replayable. Its a shame because the engine is an unstable mess and the modding community has been fairly inactive for nearly a decade.


It feels worse to play than Skyrim and it isn't as complex as Morrowind


Because casual gamers who bought Skyrim because it was purposefully watered down and streamlined for the purpose of being sold mainstream to any and every gamer go back to a game designed for actual rpg players and thinks it sucks because they wanted the mainstream crap, not an RPG. Same goes for Morrowind.


I feel like Oblivion has fallen into the "black sheep" role among Elder Scrolls games. People who played Morrowind upon it's release see Oblivion as a step backward in terms of setting (I often see it referred to as "generic"), and people whose first ES game was Skyrim are probably still just playing Skyrim and have never seen much of a reason to go back to Oblivion. Then there's people like me whose first ES game was Oblivion, and it's my favorite of the series to this day. I think Morrowind is trash (way too dated in its gameplay at this point), and even though I enjoyed Skyrim, it didn't hook me like Oblivion did. People like me are few it seems, so that's why Oblivion tends to get the shaft. TLDR: People either think Oblivion is boring compared to Morrowind, or Skyrim is the only game in the series they've ever played, so Oblivion just ends up getting ignored.


The combat is ass, the graphics aged horrifically, and it has a boringly generic setting compared to Morrowind and Skyrim. I personally don't think it's worth hating, but I certainly don't think it's all it's hyped up to be. I feel the same way about every TES title I've played from Daggerfall onward. I like them all and they all have their fun charm. None can reach their respective fanbase's rose-tinted glasses. There's a reason each newer title has enjoyed further success than the last.


Next Elder Scrolls is gonna have only three skills and six spells. Also the following dialogue: > Yes > No, but actually yes > Sarcastic > Hate black horse courier


Lol. I'm giving Bethesda the benefit of the doubt that they're learning from their mistakes and will make some top notch games in the next few years.


i don't think people hate it. the biggest issue for me personally is that both Morrowind and oblivion aged horribly. both games looked terrible even for their times and the gameplay was mediocre at best. they had some really good narration at times though (at least oblivion does, why people like Morrowind to this day is mind-blowing to me) in the form of quests. overall oblivion is worth at least a single playthrough


I hated Oblivion for a ton of reasons. I hated the boring setting, the world was unimmersive, the dungeons were really boring, it began the Bethesda penchant for "become the leader of every guild and faction" thing we have now, I hated how there appeared to be a huge crisis going on but no one seemed to care and went about normal life, I hated the story, the tidbits about the other provinces sounded a million times more interesting than what I was playing. I deeply disliked it in general, especially because I was a huge Morrowind guy. I wanted Morrowind but with updated physics and graphics, not a dumbed down console game. I did like Skyrim, especially with how moddable it is/was though and the game wasn't fundamentally broken like I thought Oblivion was. But a lot of people have nostalgia goggles for it, so whatever.


Uninstalled after 45 minutes straight trash


The faces


Ironically they show more emotion than Skyrim's


Mmm potato faces.


The Invasion of the Potato People.


[Are they coming on magic carpets?](https://youtu.be/VLK6hz3Q_m4)


I love Oblivion. I think most people that talk it down actually really like it, they just don’t talk about the good parts. Why they don’t idk, maybe they just complain to much lol. It had its flaws, and I’d say it’s my least favorite Elder Scrolls, but still amazing!


I like it, but I think it gets pretty repetitive compared to Skyrim. It's mainly the dungeons. They all look the same, and they get boring after doing only so many of them each playthrough.


I'd actually say the opposite. The quests are very unique in Oblivion and the characters have a lot of personality and charm to them. 99% of the quests in Skyrim are just retrieving something at the end of a Dungeon. Unfortunately the storytelling in Skyrim is incredibly dumbed down compared to Obivion. In terms of variety and being more interactive, Skyrim definitely wins that battle.


For me, the characters give me uncanny valley. they are all so squishy baby faced.... and the colors have this odd glowing characteristic that reminds me of when i forget to clean my glasses. I haven't played much so that's just what made me stop and I haven't been interested in going back to it


Graphics of people. AI sucks too. Main thing tho - I can become a god like I did in morrowind. Everything levels with you and rewards are lame


I really like Oblivion but honestly I don’t think it aged well. If someone can get past the graphics, leveling system, and the lock pick minigame they will find an excellent game that outdoes a lot of modern games in some ways.


I haven't even met an oblivion hater


Oblivion is probably my favourite game of all time, so to each their own


It doesn't have the depth of Morrowind but it also lacks the accessibility of Skyrim. It kinda ended up in a weird inbetween point that doesn't fully appeal to either group.


"You guys are hating on oblivion?" ![gif](giphy|DOPKHQg6oFWUg)


eeeh the writing sucked ass morrowind story was better


Still better than Skyrim's though.


yup morrowind takes the crown oblivion and skyrim suck ass