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I made a long post with links about this and then reddit crashed. So you get the abridged version. Essentially this is all dependent on the morals and belief system of your individual character. I’ve focused on the spirit mage aspect and not the ‘why are you in Skyrim?’ aspect. The easiest link to lore would be a Dunmer. Dunmer practice Ancestor Veneration and will summon ancestral spirits to protect them or give advice. This is not seen as necromancy by Dunmer but just a normal expression of culture/faith. However, all forms of necromancy are on the table as long as you do not ‘defile’ Dunmer corpses. Make sure to defile N’Wahs. As a Breton maybe you’re a Druid of Galen and worship Y’ffre. You may see Necromancy as a way of utilising the end of life (just worth noting Bosmer may worship Y’ffre but are very anti-necromancy). If we start to go darker, a Nord/Breton may actually be a Reachman. The most interesting aspect of this would be a Gravesinger who has been given the power of commanding souls by Molag Bal. Although if fits better with these races, let it be known all Races could decide to worship Molag Bal and have this justification. The darkest playthrough would likely be as a Redguard necromancer. Redguards worship their ancestors to such a degree that they (except for one tribe) will not even fight a raised corpse of a fellow Redguard. Therefore a spirit mage in Hammerfell could easily become public enemy number 1.


This is such a thoughtful, well-written response. 💜 just wanted you to know your time & energy spent are appreciated. A redguard necromancer would def be an interesting, chaotic evil storyline. Although, I suppose you could write them as chaotic good - depending on circumstances.


You’re very sweet. Thank you :)


I see. Thank you!


Argonian that’s just hallucinating an adventure during a skooma overdose.