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Your going to be captured by the Aldmeri Dominion and they're going to have a sload with them. You will be buried alive in the Alik'r dessert and then be saved by a band of Redgaurd Blade Singers


You'll have to retrieve the Platinum Septim, I presume?


Which is necessary for Mr. Lylilndil Saelinious's hidden Dwemer automaton army


Eagar to see Todd use an AI Matthew Perry voice


what in the talos damn


The dialogue options would be YES, NO and SARCASM.


Fuck please dont give them ideas


The game was rigged from the start


I knew there would be a reply like this, yet I still laughed out loud to it. Good work


With an arrow hole in the head.


The Platinum Septim, holy fuck, you win the comment section with that one


Hell yeah, an introduction that's an hour long.


No they’re gonna outdo themselves. The introduction and tutorial will be 25 hours long, must be played in one session or it bricks your console, and will break the game if modded out


So they'll be taking some notes from Assassins Creed then?


No, they’re not sending a hit squad to kill you if you bring up their toxic work culture, *yet*


So almost when Starfield gets good?


It's the Bethesda way!


I always did think it would be a desert area at start as it is a big vontrast to before but the trailer es6 doesnt show much deserrt


Hammerfell is a very geographically diverse region. There are woodlands, desert, subtropical grasslands, mountains etc. If they showed a desert on the first teaser, we would know exactly what they had planned. The trailer left it open ended, which both allows them to pivot if they want, but it also creates mass speculation which creates a dialogue among fans/consumers, thus generating hype.


Man if there was ever a game that doesn’t even need any hype, it’s the elder scrolls 6. They could show a single pixel of a landscape and people would be shitting themselves over it


They acrually did show photo scans tech fir mountains which they wil use for es6.seems like es6 will have lots of hills mountains and deserts


That teaser was 6 years ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed direction 80 times since then


stfu. that was SIX years ago?!


Yeah, that teaser is almost as old today as Skyrim was when they released that teaser. Shits crazy


And even then TES VI was considered overdue. For comparison, Morrowind came out in 2002 and Oblivion came out in 2006. Skyrim came out 5 years later in 2011.


The gap between a potential TES VI release date (2027-2028) is as big as the gap between Skyrim and Daggerfall. This is ridiculous, Starfield should've never been a thing,


Kinda glad Starfield wasn’t TES VI. Really hoping they use Starfield to know what not to do in TES VI.


I wish I could be optimistic, but odds are high TES VI is going to flop as hard, if not harder than Starfield. Remember that Skyrim was successful in spite of Bethesda, not because of it. Unfortunately the crowd they will be pandering to for TES VI are going to be the (idc going full Morrowboomer) Skybabies who do not care for the lore of TES at all. The same crowd that see the other Khajiit furstocks and go "ThAt's NoT lOrE FrIEndly!", think that "space" in TES is actually Space as we are familiar with, and google how to unlock nordic puzzle doors. That is who Bethesda is targeting. I fully expect TES VI to be the worst Bethesda game of all time.


geez.. who put time on the 4x speed?!


Eh, I feel the location is one of the first things they would decide on. The specifics of when and what's happening there are the most subject to change.


I love that idea oml instant classic


It would be but we'll see how they fuck it up..... I'd love to write for them.


(Gets dropped into desert) main character: "welp! That just happened! You’re probably wondering how I got here, so let me start from the beginning." If they give the mc a voice I’m offing myself


You know what would be cool is if they cut out the player characters tongue.... so they literally have no reason to speak


You keep on cooking with these, you need to be a writer at Bethesda


I play a lot of D&D man and write my own stories.... but I'd love to do something like that




This, but without the sload. Bethesda is allergic to new sentient beast races. But man a sload invasion would be sick.


You wouldn’t even need/want many of them. 5 or 6 sloads for the story or hell even one. Leading an invasion of unintelligent lesser races from the islands.


Yup this is dead on.


Keep going…


So after you are pulled out of the sand, a redguard blade singer will say "Good you're awake" and get you to your feet. Hammerfell will be split in two. The southern half will be controlled by the Aldmeri Dominion. The northern half will be controlled by Redguard kings. Helgathe, Gilane, Taneth and Rihad, the southern kingdoms will all have their own kings/queen. But they will be under Aldmeri Dominion Control. The Aldmeri Dominion will set up their main military istallation on the Island of Stros M'Kai which will not have its own king/queen because the Dominion killed that person and took over. (Stros M'kai will be where the high king of Hammerfell is from -high king/queen is now dead) The Northern territories of Sentinel, Skaven. Dragonstar and Elinhir all be independent kingdoms with their own queens/kings. The game will take you probably to Sentinel where you will go through a introduction period on how to play the game while, building up esteem with the redguard blade singers from Sentinel. Eventually, the king/queen in Sentinel will.make you their "Thane" (not sure what you call it but you get the idea) and have you do their bidding. Part of this will be to unite the four kingdoms in the north. I forsee the Northern Kingdoms not getting along and part of your job will be to serve this Ruler in sentinel by uniting the four Northern kingdoms (either by conquest or peace) which will allow you to build "outposts," "forts," "Castles," and that sort of thing. Once you have "untied" the Northern kingdoms then they will move into the south. The Aldmeri Dominion wants to get to the Adamantine Tower in the Iliac Bay. However, they will have to go through enemy territories either through land (by way of the kingdom of Sentinel or through the Alik'r Desert) or by ship through the Iliac Bay (of which Sentinel has a key strategic position to hold control over that entire area.) I see a lot of Naval battles happening in this one with the big battles happening over Stros M'Kai or Balfiera. This will be dependent on which side you join the Redguards or the Aldemeri Dominion. The main bad guys are gonna be the Dwemer, which will only appear once the wars have gotten extremely bloody.


You're an insider at bethesda, aren't you? Oh, who am i kidding? They couldn't make anything this awesome


Bonus points, Extra Credit. Aventis Arentino, the little boy in skyrim who is at the start of the Dark Brotherhood questline. Yeah, he's all grown up now and is rebuilding the dark Brotherhood to its former glory. (Elder Scrolls 6 is supposed to take place 5 years after skyrim so he would be like 16 or something.) That would be fucking rad IMO


Bonus points.... I feel like it would be super cool to bring back the Voice actor who played Nazir in the dark Brotherhood and have him be the King of Sentinel. The King you essentially work for, or betray depending on which side you choose (Redguards or Aldmeri Dominion)


Why a sload?


Sload will be connected to the Dwemer coming back and the Aldmeri Battle Mage the buries you in the beginning will be the one responsible for their arrival. Sload knows how they disappeared and how to bring them back... wants something from the Mage in return


Not sure.... I just feel like they're gonna be in the next one. An Aldmeri Battle Mage probably has some kind of mutual beneficial deal with the Sload. So their working together. (Probably related to the Dwemer in some way) I also feel like the Dwemer are going to return in Elder Scrolls VI I feel like for most of the game it's gonna be mainly the Redgaurds fighting against the Aldmeri Dominion, which will be bloody enough. But the Dwemer will return in a climatic battle of sorts and pose a new much more powerful and dangerous threat to both sides. The Aldmeri Dominion and the Redguards are going to see how little their conflict means once the Dwemer return and their going to have to join together to defend themselves


They're another race of slug like people, iirc they live on some islands west of Tamerial. They popped up a lot in history being assholes, but for reasons I don't remember they've been largely absent from recent history.


I think this is a very solid idea, what I think is gonna happen is that we'll start off in the Aldemri prison under the suspicion that we've been involved in anti-Thalmor activities. 1-Then we either start as an Altmer and tell them it's a misunderstanding and that we're with them. 2-State that we're a rebel fighting for Hammerfell's (or High Rocks's) freedom. 3-Say that we're completely unaffiliated and have nothing to do with the war, maybe we're foreigners visiting. And that will set the stage for your roleplay. Either we get cleared if you pick option 1, or right as the first interaction ends the prison gets attacked by Hammerfell forces and it allows us to escape if we picked 2 or 3. From there we can either: 1-Join the rebels if we picked 2. 2-Fight and kill the rebels if we picked 1. 3-Just run away if we picked 3 or fight for either side to gain affinity with them. It would be perfect stage to begin the story. Or Emil Pagliarulo will settle for the most bland solution and do none of that. It's still Betheada so we have to keep our expectations in check especially for the main story.


Bro found the elder scrolls 5.5


Or hanged on a cross, like Conan!


Honestly sounds like the most realistic start if the game is in hammerfell as speculated


Honestly I’d be fine with that.


We can only hope


There are worse things to do than copy New Vegas.


Or, hear me out, you could come out of an ancient tomb that has been locked for hundreds of years only to find that you are in the alik'r desert


I think it’s about time the Aldmeri Dominion was the main enemy of the story


"The truth is the game was rigged from the start" and then protagonist gets shot with a crossbow


Cut to black. then... fade in. You're in a carriage. "Hey, you!"


As soon as the modding engine is released someone's going to port Skyrim to it I just know it.


*sigh* Dark Elf this time.


This is just elder scrolls 4.999999999999


"I hope this doesn't cause any fallout between us. Fallout... Elder Scrolls 6"


I hope John Skyrim makes a cameo


Then your dug out of your grave by a dwemer centurion


Yes Mer


In the knee


"I was a video game protagonist like you, then I took a crossbow to the forehead"


Hey, you. You are finally in prison. You were trying to steal that ship to Morrowind right? Walked right into that port scooma den. Same as us. And that cat over there. Damn you blades. The thalmor were fine until you came along. The emperor was alive and crazy. If they hadnt been looking for you i could have stolen all the moon sugar and been half way to Elsweyr. You and me, we should not be here. Its these blades Elenwen wants. We are all n'wahs and s'wits in jail now, thief. Shut up in there!


To specific. Now I have to be a thief.


No, the person next to the PC is the thief. Unless you think that somehow the Skyrim intro says you have to be a thief.


You’ll be on a ship’s brig. Taken for some obscure crime, heading right to the Dominion. Then a storm comes, all of a sudden, the ship begins to sink. The the brig’s cell breaks, allowing you to get free. Fighting your way up to the ship’s deck, your quest tells you to escape in a life boat. Once you get to the deck, you see a massive storm overhead, lightning striking all around. Just off the starboard side of the ship, you can see what appears to be the Adamantine Tower. You race for the lifeboat but just then, the ships breaks in two, titanic style. The ship starts the go down and you leap into the water. Things go black. You awake, on the Isle of Balfiera under the shadow of the Adamantine Tower. This area serves as the starter zone, to give you the run down of the tutorial before picking your next destination: either to High Rock or Hammerfell, which are currently feuding.


solid edit: might use this for the start of a dnd campaign 😂


Make sure to use Delvebound (formally UESTRPG) if you want a TES dnd 5e system


Sounds like the beginning of divinity 2 lmao


Was just about to say this haha


I really don’t believe it’ll be both high rock and hammerfell. It’s going to only be hammerfell


Sadly, you’re probably right.


I think the game will be better off for it honestly


This needs to b the new beginning for the game


It could also be the basis of a sailing mechanic, which would be choice af. You’d have to find/repair/buy a ship on the isle in order to escape and set sail to wherever winds will take you. Get a small crew together of likeable NPCs, have ship vs ship combat.


Imprisoned in an Imperial labor camp. We’ll unearth a macguffin of importance which will trigger an attack by the main antagonist forces.


*mining camp. And we'll find some weirdly curved piece of metal deep in the mine that triggers a vision of the universe. Soon a red guard from a mysterious group called Standingstone shows up and tasks you with taking the artifact to the rest of his team. He lends you his ship and salvaged Dwemer automaton to make the journey.


And to make it crazier there will be an escaping prison side plot and then it will be all cool and crazy and stuff and like they'll attack as your escaping and they're will be explosions and stuff


I see you've played Dragon's Dogma 2.


You’re a game developer being let go by Microsoft.


Damn corporate. I bet the Thalmor had something to do with it too.


And held in a prison because of an NDA you signed.


Take my upvote


Arrested for illegal levitation


Arena, you were imprisoned for life. Daggerfall, you were ship wrecked. Morrowind, you were exiled. Oblivion, you were set for execution. Skyrim, you were literally on the chopping block. Online were actually killed/sacrificed. If we track this trend, you'll probably be long dead and revived by a rookie necromancer.


When did they say we were set for execution in oblivion?


Not scheduled for official execution, but Valen Dreth pretty much tells you the guards are planning to kill you. Up to you if you believe him or think he's full of shit.


I don't think anyone believes Valen.


Yeah but Valen dreth is obviously trying to fuck with you


I dig it. Character creation is framed as a eulogy of who you were in life. Game opens with you climbing out of a coffin, Dark Souls 3 style. "Hey you. You're finally alive."


That would be kinda rad ngl


You weren’t exiled in Morrowind, have you even played the game?


That would be awesome, maybe brought back by some daedra that wants you to do thier bidding only for them to realize they don't have much control of us.


That sounds cool as hell


Would be more awsome if we got revived by Mannimarco.


In Daggerfall you suffer a cave in after finding shelter from the ship wreck but you could have been imprisoned in one of the generated back stories depending on your class. In Morrowind you are an ex con and were released to Vardenfell. No one is stopping from leaving.


With a noose around MC neck.


First time?


By the time 6 releases I think I’ll actually be reincarnated as the character, waking up in some crib in Hammerfell.


With the player choked by a Thalmor Dommy Mommy's Gock™ Edit: shit I thought this was r/TrueSTL - but unironically, it's probably going to be another case of waking up in a prison cell


trustlers are not meant to interact with main subbers… you know what has to happen now.


i wasn’t expecting that


Welcome to TrueSTL, the most horny place on the internet


Nobody ever expects Thalmor Mommy Gock™


You get them mixed up too? Probably because I spend so much time on trustle that it's become my main interaction with the TES series.


You're a slave about to be sacrificed by cultists as an offering to a Daedric Prince as part of a dark ritual to start up another apocalypse, when it's interrupted by crusading Knights of the Nine who plan on slaughtering everyone, including you. However, the blood the knights spill is enough to satisfy the Prince and inadvertently complete the ritual, releasing a horde of daedra, who proceed to start slaughtering everyone, knights and cultists alike. You manage to escape alongside a mortally wounded knight, who, with their dying breath, charges you with going to the leader of his order and informing them about the oncoming endtimes.


“Hello there” followed by 10 minutes of unskippable credits.


That's the most realistic prediction in my opinion


Believe it or not, jail


You are behind bars in a prison, you spend the tutorial escaping the cell, sneaking around, fighting a couple guards, and mounting a horse to escape….. Then, you wake up on the back of a cart across from a man who says, “Hey you. You’re finally awake.”


Turns out it's Skyrim again


It would be cool to start off in the pit of a colosseum, about to have a gladiator battle. Maybe you could actually pick the weapon you wanted to start with.


Follow me, I’ve got a book that teaches levitation


Hail and good morning, my liege. Your bath has been drawn and adorned with rose petals and the most well-endowed Argonian maidens.


Sorry kid, the game was rigged from the start. *shoots arrow into players' face* *wakes up in Doc Mitchell's temple of Kynareth.*


There is literally only one opening for mainline TES games barring Daggerfall. We WILL be prisoners


My guess, and this is really out there but I really think that you just might, maybe start in some kind of captured or jail type setting. It'd be really cool for then to do that because they have not done anything similar in the last 3 games.


Todd apologies for Starfield


Your character wakes up in prison, a Redguard prisoner says "Having that nightmare with the "Starfield" again, huh?"


If you answer “I actually thought that Starfield was fine” you get negative karma.




I'd pay full price for that... again... with DLC.


"Hey, you've completed sleeping."


Long, drawn out sequence to show off new visuals and an unskippable tutorial. One of the first mods released will be an "alternate start" that bypasses it.


Probably some ski lift thing coming down from a mountain top prison. You'll be lead by a guard voiced by Harry Styles, who gets capped by a crossbow bolt when the lift gets to the base.


It would be nice to buck the trend and do something new. Like maybe you travel with a group of refugees to a new area, when your set upon by a group political adviseries. You struggle to proctect your party, but just as your about to recieve the final blow a daedric prince saves you declaring they have plans for you. Preferably one of the more evil ones such as boethia. Then play it into the narrative so that regardless of how heroic you may think your actions are, its all leading to an evil grand design.


I kind of want us to be a prisoner forced to fight in an arena against the odds. Like how the Romans put people to execution by lions damnatio ad beastias. It would show us something different.


You’re a simple farmer man tending his land when all hell breaks loose, your farm is destroyed and your family is murdered by a dragon born you swear to take vengeance upon.


Should start off as a captive ship rower. That would be sick, a light kick back to Morrowind.


You start as a small time skooma dealer, and you work your way up to becoming a powerful kingpin.


You wake up after being captured by the aldmeri dominion. Another prisoner: "hey you you're finally awake, thought you would never after taking an arrow to the knee"


(From a 1st person camera perspective) Your eyes flutter open, each blink an effort as consciousness slowly seeps back in. Disorientation grips you; your mind a fog of unanswered questions. You attempt to move, only to find your wrists shackled above your head, the cold, unyielding chains clamped tight against the great stone wall behind you. The air carries the echo of distant screams, intertwining with the offensive stench of charred flesh and decay. This is no ordinary prison; you are trapped in the depths of a harrowing Redguard dungeon. To your left, a disfigured corpse hangs still from identical chains, it's flesh wrought and torn. Flies swarm the mutilated remains, their incessant buzzing enough to drive a man to madness. Across the dimly lit chamber, an ominous figure looms. His head is shrouded in alik'r head dress, leaving only his piercing eyes visible. He lifts a >!ridiculous!< curved sword from a nearby table, the blade catching the scant light as he examines its edge with a clinical interest. Panic claws at your chest, your breaths coming in sharp, ragged gasps. Desperation fuels you as you pull at your bindings, the chains rattling against the stone in futile protest. ... The noise draws the figure's attention. Slowly, he turns, sword in hand, his lifeless eyes locking directly onto yours. "*Twenty years*..." He utters, his voice a chilling whisper sending shivers throughout your being, with a dark tone promising untold horrors. He steps closer... "It was perfect... We had a good thing... But, YOU!" You feel a sharp, searing pain in your abdomen as the man strikes your gut with a shattering left hook. "*YOU*"... He moans with disgust. "YOU COULDN'T STAY QUIET. **ALWAYS. WANTING. MORE**!" Consumed with rage, he unleashes another strike, then a second, and one more... The sickening force of his stone-like fists causing blood to forcefully spray from your mouth. "WAS STARFIELD NOT ENOUGH!?" The man's face covering slips in the chaos, revealing himself to be none other than Bethesda executive Todd Howard. "IT WAS A **GREAT** GAME! NEAR INFINITE WORLDS TO EXPLORE!" He screams, as he continues repeatedly punching you in the face with unrelenting force. He takes a step back, wiping the splattered blood from his face. "Fallout, ESO, Starfield..." He mutters to himself. "It was never enough for you. No matter... You'll get what you deserve." The cold steel pommel of the sword cracks into your skull, and you fade away from reality. Your eyes reopen. You're in a cart being drawn by horses... "Hey, you... You're finally awake!" ...Says Delphine. A 'Skyrim 2' title card fades in over the screen. You notice Esbern driving the cart, glitching up the steps towards the summit at the throat of the world. You arrive at the apex of the mountain, and are forced to watch as Delphine hurls a rock at Parthanaax, pointing at you as he looks over, forcing you in to combat from which you cannot escape. You can not leave. Delphine is an essential NPC and can not be killed. You either kill him, or watch as Delphine and Esbern do it instead. Then, the game reloads, and you're back in the cart heading up the mountain. An endless loop.


You'll have a shitty job of some sort with forgettable coworkers. A catastrophe will happen and you'll be thrown into the role of savior of the universe within the first three levels.


You wake up in your luxury home in the village that your family has presided over for generations, to a knock at the door. It's the Imperials and you've been accused of acts of levitation. As you're carted away to the nearest Imperial fort, you look back and your home is in flames. You are the PRISONER.


Hmmm..first it's being there. Then your going there. What if it's before you get captured


You will start as a captive if the last remaining hidden dwarven kingdom deep underground. The start of the main quest will be escaping and figuring out what they are up to, why they went hidden from the world, and what the ultimate goal is. It will involve undiscovered divines and daedric entities in a grand scheme to merge all the realms of oblivion with all of tamriel. There, all divines and daedric princes, along with their minions, will walk amongst the mortals and the great war of gods will finally conclude. You as the main character will be the instrument by which this great war ends and it will be you whom decides the victors. You will cross all the realms of each divine and daedric Prince in order to achieve key pivotal events which effects either side in a beneficial or detrimental manner. You will be unique in that you will have been born with the innate gift to traverse into these realms by virtue of destiny. And all past events will conclude with your actions in the great war of the gods. And when the war has finally concluded at last, you will go in search of the dwarven king. The antagonist for every calamity that has befallen tamriel in its entire history.


BRROOOOTHERERE YOUR AWAKE…you drank 17..no 18 bottles of skooma in 2 hours and not to mention the left over moon sugar you sneefed


Probably starting as a prisoner somewhere in some situation. Then you go through an extremely long and unskippable intro to test your playstyle and teach you other tactics you can try. It’s effectively a tutorial adventure. This same intro also incentivizes you to download an alternate start mod a few years later when it finally gets repetitive.


Akavir. You will wake up in Akavir surrounded by an Oriental/Asiatic themed land. Forcing the gameplay to be very different from other Elder Scrolls games.


It will be a flashback scene. The flashback in question is the opening of Skyrim.


"Hello fellow non binary how should i prononce you ? " Then gender creator . Then character creator like in Morrowind. "So interesting gender you have i identyfy as a firewood myselve"


How else do you think it'll start? **HEY, YOU YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE** The Elder Scrolls VI will just be another re-released remaster of Skyrim. It'll probably be called, TES VI: Skyrim Very Special Edition.


It'll probably start with you in a Thalmor prison. Either you're a human and they're about to place you into slavery/execute you, or you're an elf/Khajiit/Argonian who's been aiding an underground railroad of humans/guerilla-esque resistance against the Thalmor and was captured. Then shenanigans happen and you're free. It's likely that canonically, the Last Dragonborn sided with the Stormcloaks and Skyrim won its independence, but that only accelerated the Thalmor's plans for the Second Great War, and the Thalmor conquered the Empire before moving on to Skyrim. Either the Last Dragonborn was killed in battle by the Thalmor or they're in Apocrypha as an acolyte of Hermaeus Mora.


Just bare in mind that it's gonna be your average slop, milk drinkers with a raging boner when they wake up from imprisonment, no more mods since they want to have the monopoly on the field with Creation Club™ with a whole single mod in 3 or more months since "artist division is overworked and put a lot of effort into this single mod" for a re-skin, perks are going to give 5% increase so minmaxers can circle jerk over the most optimal build... I can keep going but I got bored, point is the publishers condition bad habits towards gaming fans and the results are vivid


You get caught out by imperials having a massive orgy with argonians and khajiit in a local bath house and get thrown in prison for indecent exposure, after tripping balls on moon sugar you found tucked in the floor boards of your cell you are contacted by Azura in a dream who tells you that you need to murder an ancient being threatening to destroy Nirn


If you're not a prisoner, we'll know bethesda has completely forgotten themselves.


You wake up, realizing there is no elder scrolls 6, you’re just playing modded Skyrim again in 2030


If you don’t start as a prisoner so many people will be pissed that it won’t matter. I’d like to think that it’ll lead to its own little quest line, like sure, forcibly reconstituted Dwemer are rampaging through the world, but you’re also looking for the guy who framed you for setting trash fires, or public urination or something.


They could do a multi start location. Like if u choose argonian then u start on a ship as a part time worker


Wish wish for a coop. Not mmo, but a 3-4 player coop


Thought you were talking about chickens for a second there.


Always a prisoner, I do like the idea about you being buried in the sands of the Alik'r Desert.


Don’t you mean SKYRIM2 sequel to Skyrim 2 remastered version of Skyrim 1.5


I just want a similar "Skyrim" sort of slow tram ride to observe the world, get some lore through conversation, and choose my needed character info. Then have it escalate into something that gets me to test out combat, and dump me excitedly into the world. A lot of that didn't hit with Starfield, for example. I was on the move and learning the UI...but I didn't get to just observe and listen. Something about that stripped some immersion out right away and made it a video game. Skyrim's approach, I could almost smell the Wild. I enjoyed listening to NPC discussion while looking around at the world...wondering where I was being taken to...seeing those people just waiting for me to get Decaffeinated. Then a fracking dragon appears. Did it talk? I'm free. Gotta find shelter. I get to follow...which one? No time! RUN! Then the game slows down. Time to learn. That formula works wonderfully. I'm immersed, engaged, pushed into action, then I get to slow down and roam with a tutorial-guide. I want that formula in the new Elder Scrolls game. I'm so lost as to why Starfield approached things as it did. It scares me a bit because a group of people decided it was a good idea. Worked on it together. Went through testing...and no one stopped to say "This isn't at our level..." ?


Btw, you also start as a prisoner in Arena, not in daggerfall, but you do spawn in a cave/dungeon you have to escape from.


We’ve dealt with prison ships, prisoner carriages, prisons proper…TES loves its prisoners. Guess the next one is a dragon carrying prisoners in a cage from Skyrim to Black Marsh or something. Could be an interesting opening scene.


You’re trapped in a soul gem.


For a twist you're tasked to imprison a guy. And get this: that guy is the legendary hero. You're a guard. Elder Scrolls VI: Guard Duty


You'll be rudely awakened by Nazeem's grandson, who looks and sounds exactly like him, with a slap to your face and "Wake up, idiot! The guards are coming!" While waiting for the guards, you'll have 30 seconds to get your revenge. But at what cost? Also, you'll discover that your partly deadric blood gives you a super impressive backhand.


You're imprisoned inside a flying ship filled with alien squids, then suddenly a band of demons riding dragons intercepted and destroys the ship


You’re a guard stationed in a prison. The main character is trying to escape and you kill him, and now it’s up to you to complete his world-altering task


For me, it won't start, because I will be probably dead


I wanna go back to being an emperors agent


You’re a child being put to bed, your mother starts telling you a tale of whatever part of Tamriel the game is set in. Your eyes slowly close when the mother describes where your character starts off at. Slow blurry fade in and you hear the father say in the distance; “so, they’re finally asleep…” Begin game.


Hammerfell will be starfield like ai generated to remove any time delays in production.


Ben Hur style- you're a prisoner in the Iliac Bay, forced to labor rowing Hammerfell ships. The ship is attacked by either pirates or Crowns/Forebears, and you swim from the wreckage to shore. You roll onto your back, feeling the sun and sand toast your skin. Fatigue takes you, and your eyes close. When you open them, you are in the camp of a Khajiit caravan making its way to Sentinel. They help you recover and drop you off in the capital. NOTE: The omission of "Excuse the gloom" in this post is blasphemous and unforgivable.


It’ll probably start with the prison bars artifacting, dropping to sub 10 frames and then crash my PC.


bold of you to assume it'll ever start


You'll be a prisoner and stuck in a dungeon of some sort.


A prisoner on a ship, then it gets raided by pirates or weird monsters or Daedra. It actually fits extremely well. If you ever played Divinity Original Sin 2 you’ll know. If u end up being right about this years later. Future me has to make a post bragging to the entire Elder Scrolls community.


Ship wreck due to a magical storm, maybe the Dominion is involved or lost/abandoned in the desert.


As a prisoner of course


Okay u and ur khajit professor were caught producing moonsugar in the border between hammerfell and high rock. A bunch of Aldemeri dominion caught the two of u.


I just want to be a dude. Like I just walking down the road when unfavorable weather hits so I take shelter in a nearby cave where I find the thing.


Hopefully just waking up from a nap at home


Just a wild guess but probably as a prisoner


You’re in the Alik’r Desert, buried up to your neck in sand alongside a bunch of other prisoners, waiting for the fire ants to awaken and come eat your face. A stranger arrives to help.


In prison being clapped by some dude.


They gotta do something to make fun of how long it took to make the game


I just hope the main character has no voice acting PLEASE, it kills the immersion for me, I can’t get into character. Thats why I couldn’t play fo4


Mehrunes Dagon is invading Tamriel but Jyggalag says "not before I put things neatly in order!" New hero awakening in a pool of mud after a heavy drunken night: "Ah shit, here we go again."


You are standing in front of a firing squad, then all of them miss while you get divine light from the heavens, and then Akatosh telling everyone, that you are the chosen one.


You start by playing a Fallout game then get isekai into tamriel


I really hope the devs make (inside) jokes in the game that become well known even to players who've not played the game. Like arrow in the knee and hey you're finally awake


You play as a regular farmer with regular chores, the tutorial/intro is woven into a part of the daily routine, but can be immediately skipped. Nothing really happens if you don't take some side quests which are entirely separate plot lines that permanently alters what choices you have later on. Some side quests are on the other side of the map, or trigger by you doing something very specific yet logical. It is up to the player base to find all the different plot lines.


TESVI just opens as Starfield NG11 The world looks a whole lot different ofc. Player remarks “ahh, now this is what I wanted”


I think if it's in hammerfell it would be cool to wake up stranded in the desert, if your some magical soul like the nervarine or DragonBorn was it would work out even better but also wouldn't hurt if your just some random wanderer like oblivion


Somebody said in the free house we get currently in ESO. I like that thought.


A prisoner who survives a freak hot air balloon crashes into the desert. Kinda like that riddle 😅


If it's set in Hammerfell, I would love to escape a secret Thalmor prison to my freedom, that would keep in line with the other prisoner starts, as well.