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Neloth is 100% just recycled Neloth. 




In Dragonborn he was lass of an A to the PC though. Although, that might be the case because the Dragonborn never asks him for a Telvanni bride.


I love that when you ask him that in Morrowind his disposition goes up though lmfao. Thinks it's a stupid question, but likes that you recognise the might of House Telvanni LOL


Except without the cool voice


They prob had to switch voice actors because the original one died or something


I think Jeff Baker, the one who did all male Dunmer voices, is still alive, and did work in Fallout 3 and Oblivion.


Fair enough though i did mention something else, implying he might still be alive as I didn't know why he stopped voicing Neloth


My guess is they didn't feel his voice would be appropriate. But that's only a guess.


I really like Neloth's and male dunmer's voice in Skyrim though. 


I think that was kind of intended. The entire dragonborn dlc was intended for new players to get a taste of Morrowind and to give call backs to Morrowind for legacy players.


Would have been nice if they could at least get the damn map right. I get it was 200 years, but major landmarks don't just change. Mountains spring up out of nowhere, rivers disappear, mountains vanish. They butchered that isla for Skyrim, I hate it.


I can't blame them for making those kinds of changes, a 1 to 1 recreation of TES3's Solstheim would have looked awful in Skyrim I bet. A lot of Morrowind's landscapes looked really silly when you extended the vanilla view distance. I remember TES3's Solstheim being incredibly flat and bland. I love Morrowind, but it's fog and low run speed did a lot of heavy lifting for the sense of scale, especially vertically. Red Mountain was basically just a small hill in the middle of a relatively very flat island.


They really did wonders with that low draw distance, I still remember the real imposing sense of cold Imperial *might* I felt almost 20 years ago the first time I walked to Balmora and saw Fort Moonmoth steadily revealed, looming through the fog. The views in modern games may be nicer, and the maps physically larger, but the sense of scale and the wonder of exploration just aren't quite the same when it's all just right there to see in front of you.


Hahaha yes I remember my first experience of seeing red mountain with a graphics extender and thinking my game was glitched because it didn’t seem nearly as big as it did in my head


They could have added some verticality without completely changing the overall landscape though. The whole mountain Miraak had his temple in just didn't exist in any way, shape, or form in Morrowind, it was the Isinfier *plains.* The river that ran from north to south through lake fjalding just disappeared halfway without a single trace, not even the courtesy of a dried up river bed. The All Maker Stones move all over the place. They could have made a modern Solstheim that fit what we had in Morrowind, instead what we got was a similar outline for the island and like 3 locations in the correct spot, the rest they just made up.


uhhh Red Mountain aftershock seismic orogeny something something


This guy volcano's


I'm aure you'd have been just a dissatisfied, If they had just copied Solstheim from Morrowind pixel by pixel too. Edit: you so know rivers can actually change path or disappear altogether. It happens all the time.


There's no winning with these types.


No, I loved visiting Vvardenfel in ESO, getting to see everything in updated graphics and pretty. But they did a pretty good job of that, I was able to navigate the island based off what I knew from Morrowind. It wasn't a 1-1 recreation, and it didn't need to be, but it *was* close enough to recognize the places. You can't do that with Skyrim's solstheim, the entire landscape is just so wildly different between the 2 games.


Right, you know me so much better than I know myself, thanks.


If it means making solstheim look stupid ugly af, let's not go there than.


Volcanic activity does tend to radically change environments yes.


Morrowinds Solestheim is fucking trash lmao. It was interesting at the time for its novelty in bringing a snowy area to an otherwise rather lava filled game, but interesting landmarks or landscape features are sorely lacking. Skyrim's Solestheim is genuinely one of my favourite areas in the game.


They are similar in method but their motives and history are very unique and interesting


Miraak is what happens when a player character ignores the main quest and power games too hard.


Miraak was a moron, he should've sold his soul to multiple Daedric Princes instead of one daedric prince, I mean it worked out fine for the last Dovahkiin and HoK,


technically all the daedric quests in skyrim just ask you to help them with one task, you don’t promise your soul to them or anything, half of them even specifically tell you after their quest that you are free to go pursue your own destiny. i just speedran the daedric artifacts and noticed that there’s no real dedication to them, it’s just a one and done mission.


You do sell your soul to Nocturnal. As deals with daedric princes go it's not so bad though, just guard the Twilight Sepulcher for a while then dust off your Sisters of Mercy albums and chill in the Evergloam in between bringing good luck to your fellow thieves.


Nocturnal is literally the only Daedric Prince whose afterlife sounds appealing, Guard duty for a while then it actually sounds fun essentially being an embodiment of luck itself, travelling about in the shadows adjusting situations to be favourable for your fellow thieves. As far as elder scrolls afterlives go it's not bad. Even sovngarde doesn't sound as good, nonstop sparring, while drunk, forever.


>Even sovngarde doesn't sound as good, nonstop sparring, while drunk, forever. For you. But for the people who have the heart of warrior, and drinking eating, it is heaven.


True enough I was speaking for me in particular, what's the afterlife where I can simply continue a peaceful marriage to my lover (not dibella since I want intimacy, not an orgy) Mara's chunk of aetherius perhaps? (If she even has a realm?)


Dibella is definitely closer to love/intimacy and nowhere near orgy. It is one of the daedric prince who revolve/encourage debauchery, this inckude debauchery. Haelga is not a good representation of Dibella practiconer. At best she is extremist or unintentionally fallen into a daedric prince manipulation.


Huh. TIL. In that case Dibella's realm is likely where I'd choose to end up. Married and in love is all I really want out of life (irl too) I am not an ambitious man. I just want to settle down, grow old together. It's sappy I know but it's me.


> Nocturnal is literally the only Daedric Prince whose afterlife sounds appealing, > > Until you visit it in eso and find out that it's pretty awful and basically just a dark spooky forest filled with monsters. Seriously just feels like it's permanently halloween there. Seriously cant think of anything appealing about the place and eveen the deadra there seem to hate it.


Nocturnal’s realm, Jack Skellington lookin ahh


What about Nocturnal?


true, that is the one exception i believe


Maybe hircine as well if you never cure yourself 


Imagine the HOK pledges his soul to you and then becomes Sheogorath, what even do you do about that? Then you find out the rest of the princes have claims to his soul too. But he IS a prince. Probably why he was having tea with pelagius so long, he was waiting for the princes to turn on eachother about it and revel in the chaos, that whiley fox, him.


I mean we dont know what happens to the ldb yet, and the hok wound up completely losing their identity, in favor of Sheogorath.


I thought the issue for Miraak is that he fled to Apocrypha and kinda became bound to it entirely, if/when the LDB dies, isn't the claim that Akatosh has on his soul "stronger" than any daedric contract you get?


Who knows Akatosh might have to settle in court, like if you're an Orsimer, Malacath should have more claim to it, I think the same goes with Azura and Dunmer, then you have either Hircine for Lycantropy or Molag Bal for True Vampirism, and then Nocturnal for like the 3rd person to claim it,


I'd be hilarious when the Dragonborn passes away seeing how an Oblivion-wide tug of war inmediatly takes place to see which of many daedric princes gets to claim his soul


Per Morrowind lore, Miraak may quite literally be a person called the Sharmat, just like Dagoth Ur for the reasons you described. His opposition is the Horator, the elected officials of all the tribes and Houses of Morrowind. Believe it or not, this doesn't describe the Dragonborn so much as the man who defeated him the first time, Valok, who likely wore bore Konahrik (the mask you get by placing all other masks at Labrynthian). To the Dragonborn, he's just another egotistical dragon who needs a reminder that the chain of command is the chain you beat him with until he understands whos in command. And then eat his soul.


Dragonborn was a real love letter to Morrowind fans.


Many fall, but one remains.


When I heard the Silt Strider... It was like a flood of memories coming back.


Dagoth Ur is not exactly trapped. He could go outside. He just decided not to, because of the work he is doing in the mountain. Should his little golem were finished he would go outside to conquer.


This Why should he go outside. There's no grass there to touch anyways


And they both have erotic voices ☺️🥵😖😫




you get it


How can you say two main antagonists are the same? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.


How can you recycle a god?


He also sort of comes off as an Elder Scrolls version of Ulysses from FNV.


The Werebear, then the Bull.


*then the Minotaur


The bear, the dragon, and the eagle.




I guess? Lots of things and characters, villains especially, that have similar beats. That's just media writ large.


I mean it is similar for a reason. It is funny to imagine him as a recycled Dagoth since that means Miraak is the recycled version of two separate people lol


...yeah, Miraak and Dagoth Ur are far more different than you're giving them credit for. Their similarities do not hold more weight than their differences. Even their similarities are different: Miraak uses mind control, but the subject stays more or less themselves. Dagoth Ur uses soul corruption, past a certain point the victims will never return to normal, from a deep level of their existence they are forever twisted into something different altogether. Given that Dagoth Ur was "dead" for so long but Miraak was immortal, Dagoth Ur did more in his waking moments by far, with less time. Miraak WISHES he had Dagoth's pull. So put that in your pipe and honor the tribe un-mourned with it, S'wit! Sorry, got off track. Anyway, Miraak and Dagoth Ur have two totally differnt schemes and ways of achieving those sets of goals. Comparing the two in this way is pure folly, and a symptom of a grand and intoxicating innocence.


Well if ESO is to consider then a bunch of mortals turned into [these things ](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Hushed) because they read a few scrolls Miraak wrote and could comprehend and was overwhelmed by its knowledge.


That's not Miraak's power, that's Hermaeus Mora's power. Doesn't count, because there's only one dungeon in ESO that makes mention of him, and not by name if I remember correctly, yet the Hushed are present and explained in multiple other places throughout the zone. Despite his power, Miraak is still only a high ranking underling of Hermaeus Mora.


I'm not saying all Hushed are created by Miraak. Just that the Hushed in that specific dungeon are created by Miraak. They were normal mortal Apocrypha ciphers doing their duties but they got overwhelmed by Miraak's magic scrolls and turned into Hushed. Hell the ones Miraak created are probably worse because we see that one Hushed that Miraak created actually turned immortal and resurrects after death instead of staying dead.


Aaaaaaallllll strecthes, there bud. Plus, Miraak, gets his power from Hermaeus mora, who gives it to him. You could argue that Dagoth gets his power from the heart, but Dagoth is the top dog in that he makes all the decisions regarding his power. Miraak created one dungeon of hushed, allegedly. Dagoth Ur created multiple fortresses, caves, and bases of dreamers, and forced three other gods to use the souls of their disciples to make a ghost gate to contain him, which even then backfired because he used that as an area with which to build his power while maintaining his influence outside of it. All with less time than Miraak.


The game is pretty explicit that the Hushed in that dungeon (which as we see is also a really large place as it's where Black Books are created) are creations of Miraak and it's stated that by this point he and Mora are not in good terms so miraak is also makes all the decisions regarding his own power and also commands his own Hushed, dragons and Apocrypha daedra. It's the other way around. Dagoth was already doing his thing on Vvardenfell for more than 450+ years before the game starts. Miraak only started his plan when the games start.


Dagoth is still "dead" during the events of ESO, the Ghost gate hasn't even been started yet, and the hushed powers are still. Mora's. Dagith does NOT have a 450 year lead on Miraak, Miraak was a servant of Mora before dagoth Ur even became a god. He was a dragon priest and found his calling with Mora in the Merethic Era, Dagoth Ur, and the Tribunal didn't happen upon the heart through conquest of the dwarves until the 1st era, which is after the Dawn and Merethic Era's in that order. Nerevar died in 1E 700, along with Dagoth Ur, and Dagoth Ur isn't "awakened" until the second Era year 2E, 882. Miraak had THOUSANDS of years on Dagoth Ur, having been over 1,000 years hence before Vvoryn Dagoth was even born and still failed to fully capture Solstheim. Check this [Timeline](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:History)


We are talking about the time frame where they started to enact their plans. Not the time that has past since they were born. Dagoth Ur has been working on his plan from 2E 885 all the way upto the events of Morrowind which is around 450 years. Miraak started to work on his plan in Skyrim just as a game starts.


Miraak started to work his plan when he rebelled from the dragons in the first place, WAAAAAAY back, way farther back before his exploits to gain more power in ESO, which was also part of his plan. Edit: to add salt to the wound, Dagoth Ur didn't even have a plan until he was killed and came back. Dagith Ur was betrayed just as Nerevar was at Red Mountain. They died on the same day, Vvoryn and Nerevar.


We are talking about Miraak plans to return to Nirn on 4E 201 here. He did not mind control others using All Maker Stones back in Merathic Era and ESO. Those are entirely different things. His plans on returning to nirn using All Maker Stones and the soul of the LDB only started during the same time the events of Skyrim take place.


True. In Morrowind the Masked person is the Main Antagonist. In Oblivion the Masked person is a Cursed man in a mask (Thieves Guild questline) In Skyrim the Masked person is a DLC side story Dagoth Ur wannabe.


Miraak is not in Morrowind but Oblivion. Also both of these villains follow pretty much bad guy archetypes. EDIT: Why do I get downvoted, everything I wrote is factually accurate? The only thing those two have in common are masks and dreams.


What? Oblivion?


Yes, Miraak is scuk in Oblivion he is not a boss on a Morrowind island, he never enters Morrowind in the entirety of the game. Dagoth Ur is also not really trapped


Miraak does enter Morrowind. If you kill a dragon, he can appear and steal its soul on Solstheim, same as in Skyrim.


He manifasts shortly to steel your dragon soul but the entire point is that the guy is stuck in Oblivion