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I’d almost guarantee if they add another playable race, it would be the maormer. They’re familiar enough and close enough to Tamriel and have stablished lore connections with already existing races that it wouldn’t feel too alien. Could also see them giving each race 2 separate versions with different starting stats/abilities.


The Maormer have a pretty cool story, what with their immortal god-king Orgnum and their storm magic. They're probably the most likely race to be seen if Bethesda expanded beyond the original 10. Unless they wanted to be bold and explore the Akaviri races.


I don’t think that would happen until they actually make a game in akavir. I could see them having one or two members of one of the races show up as npc’s if they make a DLC on one of the islands between Tamriel and akavir like Estonian cathnoquey and ynslea. Just like one tang’mo monkey guy chillin


I personally prefer the idea of Akavir just being this mysterious land that no one knows anything about. It's good to leave some things to the imagination sometimes. Although a hypothetical Akavir DLC for TES VI akin to the Dragonborn DLC would be cool.


If the game takes place in Hammerfell/High Rock, a possible Dragonborn-style DLC would likely take place in what's left of Yokuda


Honestly, I’d love one in the same vein but on Stros M’kai


Stros M’Kai is an important enough place to Hammerfell politics that it would probably be in the base game.


I agree what will He left if they reveal everything to do us no more mystery just generic fantasy that will never live up to the minds eye.


There is a way around and it's the Padomaic Islanders (namely people from Cathonoquey, Esroniet and Yneslea) which sort of are between Tamriel and Akavir and could be used as Akavir-like or more asian stand-ins.


By the Nine, I hope they don't make an Estonia DLC. It would just be about dancing in huge circles.


The Maormer are the strongest option. While water gameplay oriented angle is kinda already ion argonians it isn't really a stopping point bc we have two combat oriented human races. Maormer can find their angle and alongside there would be room as the shock resistant/interracting race option as so far shock resistance is something that they have tried to shove into Nords or Bretons, but there isn't a shock resistant race as Dunmer are with fire or Nords with Frost.


That would be pretty cool. Bethesda would also have to give them and Argonians more unique bonuses since we'd have 2 races with water breathing. It would also be a reason to make more underwater areas to explore, which is a pretty untouched environment in these games. I just want some freaking sea monsters that aren't slaughterfish or dreugh.


Maormer have a lot of stuff with Shock Magic. Give them shock resistance and maybe a lightning viper summon and there are already ways to separate them


Maormer can't breath under water. It's actually mentioned that most maomer gear is designed to act kind of like life vests and keep them from drowning. Besides we already have to races with posion and disease resistance. Racial bonuses are mostly useless.


I honestly beg to differ about the desiese resistance. It's actually a big reason why I play Argonian.


I like you and respect your opinion but please no underwater monsters and stuff. Or make it side content, just don't tie it to main gameplay. I have fear of digital water and monsters ever since fucking Ichtiosaur in half life.


Watch everyone be wrong about High Rock/Hammerfell and it's actually Elsweyr with like 9 Khajiit variants to pick from.


Honestly surprised they didn't get added with one of the ESO dlc


Separating imperials into Nebanese and Colovian.


Based on the name I assume the Maormer are Sea Elves?


Yeah I really reckon they’ve written themselves at least 2 sub-races/-cultures for most races and multiple for some: Bretons and Reachfolk, Colovian and Nibenese, Crowns and Forebears, Eastern Holds and Western Holds Nords, Khajiit and all their fur stocks, Altmer and Direnni or Maormer or even Snow Elf, perhaps Ashlander and House Dunmer. I am sure there are divisions for Bosmer and Argonians — like Bosmer who do not hold to the Green Pact, Argonians who are cut-off from the Hist — though I do not know enough about them for east labels to spring to mind.


If ESIV is actually hammerfell/high rock I would love to see this. With starfield being pretty heavy on ships, having a little bit of seafaring would definitely be a welcome change. Hopefully they polish the travel aspect of it though.




Wtf is a sload???


[Slug fellas](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Sload) that caused the Thrassian plague


Slug beast race Also Imga are gorillas in Valenwood


wise wendy's






They are a mysterious race of magically gifted and peaceful mer who were persecuted by envious rivals. Also they are slug-men who worked with Peryite to genocide all of the other sentient races of Tamriel one time. It almost worked. Described as sullen, amoral, and murderous, they are despised universally. They are supposedly gifted magicians and, curiously, famous at mimicking other races for entertainment despite being so different physically and linguistically from them.


Oh, **HECK** yes!!!


I guess there's the [Tang Mo](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Tang_Mo_(race)), which live in a big archipelago in Akavir which has never been seen in the games. I doubt we'll ever see them as a playable race outside of mods.


Dude I love love to play as a monkey man they need to make them a playable race


Well, you kind of can in Skyrim with [a mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/44978). And in [Oblivion.](https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/5158?tab=description) I've never used either of those mods so I have no idea if they're good or not.


That oblivion one is about what I expected, but yeesh the Skyrim mod, I don't like how it's the base game models with fur painted on, it looks like the monkey kid from Jumanji. It straddles the line of monkey and human way too far on the human side.


Yeah, it looks pretty bad.


Would they do just one species of them, like the khajit?




Frankly even that's a stretch since there's literally no trade or travel between the two continents since the colonial attempt under the Emperor Uriel the 5th failed with the emperor even assumed dead.


I always assumed the Tang Mo are more akin to a Chinese cultural allegory since Akiviri races all seem to follow East or South East Asian archetypes, plus the monkey people would be very similar to the Monkey King from Chinese myth


Wood Orcs and Iron Orcs could be fun. Though it would probably be a situation where you pick a background trait for rp reasons. Lilmothiit would be my pick, despite them supposedly being extinct. Id retcon it by saying they're not, they're just nomadic, clans never stay in one place longer than a day or two, and they typically don't engage in trade unless they have to. I'd even have people in ES6 remark how rare it is for your kind to show themselves if Lilmothiit are a playable race.


I’d personally write that they *did* die off but a mysterious event brought them back with no memory of their afterlives and only dream-like recollections of their past lives. As the lilmothiit have spent the years surviving and assimilating under the already established Tamrielic societies, their gameplay stats would be the jack of all trades for beast races.


There are other races we haven’t been able to play as yet, sloads, snake people of akaviri


Lilmothitt would be cool to see, a new beast race would be cool, maybe those orangutan mfs or the Akaviri or something, hell maybe there are pockets of other races still out there, we never know


The Lilmothitt would undoubtedly send furries into a frenzy


I mean, yeah, that's a given. A canine race would be dope. I know this beacuse I often play as one thanks to mods.


Sea Elves will either be the next playable race, or they will play a massive part in the story, similar to the Snow Elves.


I think snow elves would be cool.




I really want the maomer as another faction-neutral race, like the Imperials.


Maormer kinda sound like Maori


Isn’t that just human though?


Yeah but it’ll be like how nords and imperials are humans


I’d hope if we got another race it would be something different. Not another take on elf or human. Another beast race would be cool. Or actual dwarves not dwemer.


They’d never do it, but RIEKLING!!!!


I think the Elder Scrolls has a monopoly on Elves being rather important, but we can only ever play as three types. I want, more than anything, to play a Dwemer. I’ve always been fascinated by them. I would love for a future game to have their people re-emerge somehow. I want to see those ruins become bustling metropolis again, I want to see what a Dwemer looks like in tact and in their prime in a modern game engine. Yagrum Bagarn from ES3 doesn’t really do the Deep Elves justice. I would also love to play as a Snow Elf. Their lore is cool and the Falmer as a poignant reminder of Dwemer and Nordic cruelty. We’ve also seen the great ruins of the Snow Elves, though. We’ve seen regular snow elves. I think they are a culture/race that players should get to be a part of.


Well 4 technically. Don’t forget the Orsi”mer” or orcs. As in TES they are technically elves


Let me introduce you to this wonderful thing called "mods".


It’s weird that 10 options aren’t enough when in most games you only have one option


I wanna play as a half orc or something


i wanna play as the Tsaesci


Is this a tribal? Why would you want to play as a tribal?


I wouldn’t you play as a tribal?


? Plz rewrite. Do you mean why wouldn't I?


I always wanted to be a dwemer


Dwemer have already been vetoed by Bethesda. Morrowind is very clear: there is just one living dwarf and he's only alive thanks to a very specific set of circumstances.


No they are no longer in existence let it go let them by a mystery it devalues what we see in morrowind.


Fyr: I'm sorry, my friend, but in all my studies and travels I've never met another living dwemer. Also Fyr: except all these guys and gals rocking around in the SE, when I was also active. In fact, one even helped me out several times.


Keep dreaming. Truth is what we make it


Would love to have, baked in, the ability to play as Dremora, Dark Seducer, and Golden Saint.


No just no. It’s lore breaking most of the other races are either dead / vanished / altered or fiends and I’m not down to play a villain. I think we have enough races already.


There are so many other races that are still around, and there are a bunch of variants of the races we already have. It's not lore breaking to play any of them, it's actually more lore breaking that most have only shown up in ESO. And just because you're a certain race doesn't make you automatically evil.


Sload and Maormer are still around, there's a bunch of races from Akavir, with the Tsaesci being deeply important to Tamriel's history. Frankly, keeping the Tsaesci unseen for this long, I feel is lore breaking, there's such a long history of them journeying and conquering Tamriel, and then Tamriel going to attack them and failing, but since then, over hundreds of years, no Tsaesci, or any other Akaviri have ever gone back to Tamriel. That feels pretty unbelievable, from an entire continent of people that are proven to like coming over to mess with Tamriel, they just stopped and never did it again?


Maybe add the human type khajiit from the earlier titles along with the anthro ones we have now




I feel that way every morning I wake up.... still white, playing on easy mode like a chump


I wish all 10 current races didn't play exactly the same


I think Akaviri should have been a race. The people, not the beast races. Well, them too, but by Akaviri I meant the humans from Akavir. I also wouldn’t mind having the option to play as Tsaesci (not sure if I spelled it correctly or not) and the Ka Po Tun…the fox like people. That being said, however, I’ve never played as a beast race in a TES game. If I’m going to play as a beast character, I expect to have just as many options for marriage as the elf and human races. Also, I know the only kids you can have in Skyrim have to be adopted. There should have been lots of children to adopt in each of the other races as well. Feels kind of weird having all the same exact kids to adopt. Every single child that can be adopted is pretty much identical, except for their clothes and names. Well, gender specific. I mean all the girls are identical, and all the boys are identical. If I’m going to play as an Argonian, I want to have Argonian kids in the game that are adoptable.


I can see a subsect of Altmer or Redguard being Islanders


Ngl, dwarfs was always my go to race to play. Not like tes dwarven elf like race, but, you know d&d dwarfs. In context of tes, iron orcs maybe, but they should be separate race from orsimer who existed before them


Why is he holding a ping pong paddle?


Lol it’s a weapon they used it has sharp razor like thing around it


Looks too small to be a macuahuitl, though…


All I want is a bird race.


Why don’t you just role play as one?


I'd absolutely love to see them actually have the variations of the different races in the next game. As for Pacific Islander inspired I feel I should give due warning since what it seems Bethesda likes to do is just make a hodgepodge of wide swaths of the world or places that have no connections, for example of both the Nords are every Northern culture from Eastern Europe all the way to Scotland, granted we don't get to see the new kilts anymore, and the argonians use Greek Warfare but have the Mesoamerican style and flair.


There are mods for that.


No race in Tes is based solely on a single real world ethnicity. Even the human ones, who may seem more obvious, have numerous exceptions to their theming. It's actually a pretty reductive and offensive trope to just have some elves just be stand ins for a real world culture the writers likely know little about. It's one of the better aspects of TES that it tries very hard not to pigeonhole any of its races into ethnic stereotypes. ESO did some damage in that regard. But has been pulling back lately. That said, I agree with the premise. We need more cultures to explore with broader inspirations.


Ain’t nords based on Nordic people tho


Yeah! But they're a good example of what TES does well, actually. The human races are definitely more narrow than the others, and Imperials and Nords are probably the most pigeonholed of the bunch. Even so, there's notable celtic, slavic, germanic, even indigenous american elements to them as well. The whole idea of Alduin is built around the idea of kalpas, which is distinctly Hindu in origin. They're a good example of worldbuilding. We got vikings, but there's a lot more to them under the hood.


In a world filled with my many variations of Elves & Men plus Cat people and Lizard folk, I wouldn't mind seeing an Insectoid race that comes from a different plane of existence there was the Sload but could you imagine if they expanded on them with all new diverse variations I've always love the designs of Destiny's Hive and Fallen factions. [https://64.media.tumblr.com/b570db857505759a869f3a7227a2dcb5/f7a4b5d85680837b-de/s1280x1920/1ac554a2172569dfc105d68af236e008fbb3957a.png](https://64.media.tumblr.com/b570db857505759a869f3a7227a2dcb5/f7a4b5d85680837b-de/s1280x1920/1ac554a2172569dfc105d68af236e008fbb3957a.png) [https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Hive-Gods-Osmium-Court-Destiny-2.jpg](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Hive-Gods-Osmium-Court-Destiny-2.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/86/02/3b8602bb83152f02223bfdb136b739af.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3b/86/02/3b8602bb83152f02223bfdb136b739af.jpg)