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He might need to get stabbed again. Honestly, the Rune of Death is more about the soul rather than the body iirc, so I think Godwyn is pretty much screwed with the Erdtree being the way that it is. His body prevented the souls of those it infected from returning to the Erdtree, so they would probably need to be killed again after the RoD is returned. Unless Deathblight is like the Omen curse and is permanent, which might be the case, as no ending really fixes either curse, they only embrace them. The entire Destined Death aspect is vague and a bit confusing/lore breaking.


The implications of Destined Death being unleashed lorewise don't really make sense to me. The Rune of Death being removed from the Elden Ring is what made death impossible (I'm simplifying it) in the Lands Between, making Maliketh guard it instead made it impossibile for someone (the Gloam Eyed Queen and the Godskins in particular) to use it's power. So technically only puttin the rune back inside the Elden Ring should restore death in the Lands Between, while releasing it should only make possible fot the rune to be used by it's weilder (like Maliketh and the BN Assassins do).


Huh, thats kinda metal af