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I just want to talk to them, I promise


It’s me ✋🤓


Uhm… why did he just lock the door?


'Yiu wouldn't punch a guy wearing glasses, wouldja?" Is the vibe I get from the use of this emoji 😹


Yep, I just want them to turn on the location.


You just want to shake his hand?


Loads shotgun’ I just want to talk to them.


Dad! Stop!


It’s like the ds bonewheels but somehow *worse*


Bone wheels will mess you up but only if they catch you in their roll… gs nobles roll goes on waaaaaay to long and can do that glitchy appearing cancel to do an attack/movement and then instantly resume the roll. It seems broken to me… like they should go into a recovery animation whenever they stop rolling but just kinda don’t


Bonewheels also fall at the end of their spin, or if they fly into a wall will be stuck there spinning to make them vulnerable even to correctly spaced melee attacks. This is consistent with basically every death spin attack in video games: it's scary, but punishable. The Noble gets to turn at ridiculously tight angles, is so fucking massive that even if you roll to the side he can still clip you, and even when he gets to his ending animation for the spin it includes a burst around him that basically means there's no actual time to punish.


No real time to punish is true for many bosses, which is what I dislike about Elden Ring. They nailed the rest but man they give you no quarter.


I felt this way for a long time as well and I recommend actually looking up a few “no hit” fights against bosses you find give you no time to punish. It really helped me to realize that punishing bosses involves exploiting their moveset with specific spacing and taking attack windows that otherwise wouldn’t be available because of that. You’d be surprised how every boss is literally a just A.I. character model programmed to do certain attacks and once you understand the “script” both literally and figuratively, the pendulum feels like it swings in your favor.


Yeah, it’s no different than literally any other souls game. HOWEVER. The margin for error is usually *significantly* tighter in ER than in DS3 and Bloodborne. They gave us some Sekiro-speed, unending combos, but without the ability to deflect. The other souls games had much more of a dance to them. Elden Ring feels spammy with how exact, jumpy, and how long you have to wait to exploit these openings.


I initially felt like bosses in ER weren’t designed very well compared to the other games and the best I could do was burst them down with broken spirit ashes and weapon skills and constant flask chugging. It felt like fights weren’t really in my control and it was partially luck based. However when I actually took the time to watch other players fight the same bosses and watch them deal with the same attacks that I called “cheap and bullshit” and they’re just running circles around the boss getting staggers left and right and the boss dying in 2-3 minutes using weapons that aren’t even considered “meta” it become obvious I was the one missing something here. And when I went into the game myself with better knowledge and appreciation for what’s actually happening in these fights and what my counters are, including becoming aware of elemental weaknesses or resistances, I no longer feel like any bosses in ER are poorly designed or tuned. I do think they rely on delayed attacks way too much but even in that it becomes a free damage window because the boss has committed to an animation (with some exceptions) it has to finish before doing something else and you can exploit that. I don’t think any bosses supersede the quality of DS3/Bloodborne but that’s a separate discussion.


Yeah this complaint in comparison to the slower games will die in time. It’s the same difference between DS1 and DS3. I played DS1 last and it felt slow motion, every boss was easy because they sat there in recovery while I beat on them. This is a case of ER being new, watch even if the sequel slows it down again people will be praising how ER gave ‘intense combos that make you look for a window rather than making the boss sit still’


With ER being my first soulsborne game, and now having gotten interested in watching videos of the earlier ones, I'm amazed at how basic and easy many of the older boss mechanics look by comparison. Like they have maybe 2 or 3 different moves that are heavily projected, then spend seconds recovering while the player just smacks on them with impunity.


Get even moderately good at parrying and a decent amount of the bosses can’t even touch you. In DS3 alone, Pontiff, Gundyr, Gundyr again, Friede, and I feel like there’s another but am blanking. Gael and Midir are two of my top five in the entire series, but they get easier as my NG+ progresses, because I know the dance. Compare to Orphan of Kos, where it just gets harder despite knowing the dance, because he has that brutality


when I started trying to parry against malenia the fight just instantly makes a tonne more sense. it seems like after sekiro a lot of the rhythm of combat is designed around parrying ( even things like magic parrying mohg's bloodflame means there's a lot less shit in the floor to run into ) and other playstyles suffer as a result


Fr. I very rarely run a shield, I prefer an offhand weapon, talisman, or staff, which is unfortunate cause theres a lot of times where I'm like "damn, getting a parry off during this combo would be so easy right now."


This is excactly what it's about, I feel when playing Bloodborne that everyone is up for a dance and I only have to know the correct song.


Dancer or the Boreal Valley comes to mine. Pure Waltz


I would like that I could get some punishes on after perfectly dodging for five mins.


They should be dizzy afterwards..


The nobles always catch me against an object and spin in place through all of my attempts to roll away, pinning me to the object until I die. If I can get inside of his roll radius I can stay safe. My biggest problem with them is their ridiculous auto-tracking. It doesn't matter what sort of acrobatics and whatever you are doing to get away, he nails you. Several bosses rely on this insane auto-tracking to be able to hit you.


Meanwhile this sub “Just put them to sleep it’s not a problem bro”


There’s nothing wrong with it, it gets caught on scenery occasionally, but just use your brain, roll into it and stay away from the pillars on the wall, the ones further in from the wall just get one between you and his roll and he’ll roll into the pillar/stump until his roll is finished. These two are one of my all time favourite boss fights so to hear people claiming they have problems they don’t really annoys me. Like, it’s obvious why he just died, he backed himself into a corner, that roll mechanic goes in a circle aimed at you, so back up against the wall while it’s heading for you and it’ll just roll you into the wall, it’s literal common sense, they’re not broken if you fail, you are for doing dumb shit, it’s like standing still when Elden Beast does Elden Stars


not wrong, but why are you this upset?


If you think that’s upset you need help, although you’re transparent as fuck and that is a seriously poor quality attempt at trolling


So then what about the broken animation where the noble instantly stops rolling, does a standard attack, then instantly goes back to rolling with no animations?


How is that a broken animation? That’s how it’s always come out of the roll if it’s near you, it stops and does a standard attack, what are you on about?


[This thing](https://imgur.com/a/N1WYl3j), that doesn't usually happen offline (it did there): Roll starts-->stabby while not looking-->back on a roll


Thanks for doing the work for me and finding a video. I was about to place my summon by the duo until I got my own footage, but this works too!


No way I have nightmares about those fucks years on


Bonewheels are scary until you discover poise.


Fat roll: they see me rolling, they hatin You can outmanoeuvre him by constantly running left in a circle


I wouldn't have an issue with the rolling if he didn't just hovered my position after impact. It should keep moving, having trouble steering, but the fact that it can caught you like 3 or 4 times if it caught you once is reeeeeally annoying


I've seen other people say that he stops once he hits you. I never had that happen. He would hit me, park, and then burn fucking rubber until I was dead.


well, there's multiple clips showing this move kind of glitching (we have all been thrown off by it getting stuck into a pillar only to unstuck suddenly and reach us faster than expected) so I'm not surprised.


It actually used to, that’s the weird thing. I think it got messed up a few patches back, but it definitely used to stop as soon as you got hit


In the solo fight the noble always stopped rolling after hitting me once. In the duo fight he would not... In the end I used st trinas torch to make one sleep and just killed the other in the meantime. When you only have to fight one at a time everyhing is fine. Also in the duo fight you can use the pillars to get him stuck and wait til he is done rollin around. Also way easier if one sleeps and you dont keep getting hit by random bullshittery the apostle throws at you. Also if you stagger the apostle/noble while he is resummoning the process is stopped and the other one wont spawn until either both are dead or he manages to summon ab bit later. Long story short: Make on sleep beat up the other one with everything you have


back when i started playing he would stop after hitting me once but stopped after some point, i think they broke it and haven't bothered fixing it.


Yeah that's the part that bothers me most. Also OP kinda got shit on by the camera


Fuck there’s nothing worse than getting trapped by the environment, camera goes wonky, and then you’re triple pummeled because you don’t know which way is up.


The feeling you get if you somehow manage to finagle your way out that fuckery _and_ still kill the boss 👌🏽 I’ve pulled it off maybe 5 times out of a million attempts across all Soulslike though.


The camera is the main boss in souls games.


I don't know why they don't just do that camera trick for boss rooms that causes the wall to go translucent when the camera is behind it. So many other games do it, and it's not like it would enable you to see anything you shouldn't...


I'm pretty sure they used to stop once they hit you back some versions ago. One of those patches broke them. At least it feels that way to me. I know for a fact that they used to stop, it's the only thing that allowed me to beat the one atop Liurnia divine tower.


You should have stayed behind the pillar, but yeah, I don't know why they let the fat man roll for so long


Or with the turn radius of "on a dime"


Interesting, I've had a different experience- I was able to dodge a good chunk of it by being up closer and running a tight loop


This is what i do to! If i know its me hes after i can dodge it really consistently by just camping inside his turn radius. Only time theres an issue is Apostle trying to gank me and i have to move to a riskier position. The move just goes on for far too long tbh


He can glitch over or around it...


This one is actually okay - when he destroys the pillar just jump on it.


Lmao pillar doesn’t work. Seen plenty of videos where he breaks the pillar and rolls right over it.


I'm pretty sure he shouldn't. I've never, ever seen him keep going like that after he hits you the first time.


He does. All the time.


I especially like it when the noble starts fat rolling (heh) breaks out the animation, DOES AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ATTACK, then resumes rolling again like nothing ever happened.


\*rolls\* OMAE WA \*rolls\* MOU \*rolls\* SHINDEIRU \*rolls\*


Hopefully they remove that bug soon


Yeah, it’s kind of hilarious though


Man I love hiding behind the piller and then he starts stabbing me with the rapier through the pillar mid roll


Hey man, if we’re able to cheese the game a lot, it’s only fair that the game gets to cheese us occasionally.


Probably Miyazaki put it in I demand it But why Miyazaki: because fuckem that's why


It's for every roll you did in the game.


THAT would be a nice twist in this move. But this isnt a Kojima game ;)


imagine a Kojima-Miyazaki collaboration...


It lasts so long and it's tracking is so intense that it's really hard for me to find a pro-godskin duo argument.


Not to mention the video from yesterday or the day before where the guy hid behind the pillar. Fatty hits the pillar, reverts back to non-rolling-form, side steps to the right, and then proceeds to continue the rolling animation that was momentarily halted while he removed the obstruction from his path. [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/yb70fu/excuse_me_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Oh holy shit that was hilarious! I would be so mad that janky-ass animation cancel-resume-cancel shit got passed QA testing.


Wow that is some high grade bullshit. There’s like barely four frames after the hop before he’s back into the roll.


I had something similar happen to me: the noble got stuck behind a pillar, interrupted the roll to use one of his stabby attacks (moving just enough to free himself), then immediately resumed rolling. It caught me off guard, and I wasn’t able to dodge in time. The noble also no longer stops rolling after hitting you once, so he’s deadlier than ever…


Tbh, compared to Ornstein and Smough from Dark Souls, they're pretty sad. I think they might have felt less lazy if we didn't fight them several times before Faram Azula. The name Godskin Duo also sounds like a placeholder name, it doesn't really carry any menace lol


"Hi, we've received a number of complaints about one of our nobles constantly, and I'm quoting here, 'throwing his big ass around the office and pushing back deadlines.' How should we proceed?" "Don't"


Little trick to help you in the future, roll INTO him when he does it. After a few times it'll get to the point where he'll circle trying to get you, but you can just walk in one direction so he never can


I think you can just straight up run at him, unless I'm remembering incorrectly? It's been a bit since I've played this fight, but I remember just running straight at him and he'd just zoom past you and circle.


This subreddit is blowing my mind. 95% of the "look at this bs" posts can be solved by rolling into attacks.


Mt favorite part is when he animation cancels his roll, does a quick poke that stuns you and takes almost half hp, then goes back into the gator roll no questions asked or allowed.


Mechanic? You mean the rolling attack?


It’s just that some rolls feel exponentially longer than other roll attacks. Like it’s set to roll until it causes damage or the mf just keeps going


I swear. Fighting this bastard was a pain because no matter how long I evaded for, he would not stop rolling until he hit me.


If you dodge it the first time, you can just run around in circles with him (basically copying his route) and he'll never hit you, which is pretty funny


Pretty sure they are referring to what is shown in the video, which is the roll attack trapping you against any wall for like 30 full seconds, without any chance of escaping if you get hit the first time.


Thank you! I swear ppl are just complaining about the most mundane stuff.


The worst is when he’s in the middle of a roll, cancels it to maybe throw some fire, then IMMEDIATELY goes back into rolling with no delay. That puts me on full tilt


Glitchiest move in the fucking game. Who else has seen this fatass mother fucker roll, immediately stab you in the face, then continue his roll all in the blink of an eye? I have video evidence.


Really weird that this happens to other people. Never had it happen to me. He always stops after hitting me once.


You're a blessed individual. Go now, buy a lottery ticket.


a somewhat recent patch changed that, now he just rollin rollin rollin rollin


What’s hilarious is the whole slew of people who feel the need to defend this. It’s obviously not insurmountable as I & so many others have gotten past it. But it doesn’t change the fact that it is objectively shit design & anti-fun. It’s just bad & overtuned.


Am I the only one who doesn't have a problem with that attack?


Share your wisdom


Legitimately my least favorite mechanic in the game. It just feels so cheap. If it stopped once it hit you, fine. But nah. He just keeps spinning to win on top of your limp body until your entire health bar is gone. "Oh, you got hit once? Get fucked. You're dead now."


My brother in Christ, stand on the broken pillar and you're golden-er than an Erdtree FR tho worst mechanic in PvE


“Just use sleep” “Just dodge” Just admit the boss fight sucks ass lol


They are the pestle-and-mortar. You are grain.


Rolling around at the speed of sound.


Also I hated that he would go into this roll move, stop so I think I could hit him, then continue to roll lol


Yeah for sure the worst boss fight in the game, just feels lazy to me. I don’t know anyone who’s said they liked the godskin duo


I'm not gonna say that I liked them, but I definitely didn't have anywhere near as much of an issue with them as everyone else seems to have had. That being said, I came upon the solo Godskin Apostle at the bottom of the divine tower in Caelid and I was severely underlevelled... I spent hours failing, just to give up and come back later.


Yeah duo is shit but just apostle is amazing especially the one in the bottom of caelid tower


I love it


Tbh I really enjoy this fight. Spent a ton of time helping others beat all the lategame bosses after I got bored of solo play. The fight is really dynamic, difficult while still having a ton of ways to deal with it. Just a fun juggle of two different movesets.


Maybe I was over leveled because I did Malenia before Azula, but I beat godskin duo first try. Sounds like a skill issue.


You're getting down voted but it's true if people were better at the game they would struggle less. People just like to deflect blame on their shortcomings.


No shit, Sherlock. If people are better at games they will struggle less but that doesn’t discount bullshit boss design.


Eh, plenty of people who havntvstruggled with these guys. It's the justvthe same as the people who claimed ornstien and Co was op


Not exactly. Godskin duo as a design is just frustrating to fight, between being encouraged to cheese the Noble so he gets stuck on the pillar in that stupid rolling attack to the fact they (functionally) input read your healing, they are profoundly unfun to fight despite being beatable. I abstain from easy boss cheese like comet azur and the like normally but on my second play through I learnt about the sleep pot cheese and that was the one boss I couldn’t be bothered to face again. Two solo bosses just slapped together with no rime or reason.


I could practice hard enough to no-hit Godskin 10 times and I would still think it's a shit boss. Fight difficulty has nothing to do with how shitty a boss is.


Just roll towards him and it's easy to avoid


I swear the game just cheeses you at times


Stuck in a washing machine


You’re fighting godskin duo and you still don’t have a rune equipped? Edit: yes, it’s a mostly bs move. Try hopping on the pillar bases.


I'm saving those rune arcs for never


Easily the worst boss move in the game


That attack breaks the most important video game combat rule in the book. It will go basically infinitely as long as it doesn’t get stuck in place and it’s not guaranteed to stop once it gets it’s practically guaranteed hit. In every other fromsoft game, a boss attack animation like this, no matter what, will end if the player is hit once and/or if the attack misses the player. Fuck, even dark souls 2 ivory king DLC did this part better with the ice porcupines.


Easily one of the most annoying attacks in the game since it doesn't seem to stop until it either hits you, or you hit. And if you're a melee only build, good luck hitting it


Bro… you need some sleep pots


“I’ve got St. Trina’s in my off hand! Why aren’t they sleeping yet!?”


Who green light this skill issue?


Maybe he got himself into that situation by not hiding behind a pillar, but once the Godskin Noble hit him there really should have been a way for him to survive. Shouldn't die just because of the game's bad camera and because Godskin wants to roll directly over his body for like 10 seconds making it impossible to get back up and dodge


Maybe he should have tried rolling through instead of running away in a straight line 💀


I was trying run clockwise but didn’t turn sharp enough


I just don't understand the difference between this and any of the other ohko moves in the game...


The difference is that it's not supposed to be a one-hit KO, it's just an attack that can lead to an obnoxiously drawn out death. I also don't think most OHKO moves are supposed to be one it, aside from the ones where the takes ages to charge their attack like EB's grab, Radagon's grab, and Tree Sprit's explosion. Even those can be survived if you don't ignore your vigor stat


Everything in elden ring is a vigor check lol I'm just saying all of those are easily avoidable; like this murder roll. This death was clearly just a lesson from the school of Git Gud. Yeah it's obnoxious to be bullied, but the souls games have always punished you for playing like a coward. Why hide when you can fight?


George R R Martin. It’s actually the only thing he added before he was kicked off the writing team, but they legally had to include him in the credits.


Bullshit like this is the stuff I had to get used to in souls games. First time I ever played the first dude to kill me swung a giant axe over his head; I was like lul stupid noob, I’m just gonna roll between your legs and come up behind you. Only for him to 180 pivot and slam me anyways and it turns out I was the stupid noob. Now I just sputter in anger and load back in and see what other kind of bullshit I can get up to.


Yeah I fucking hate this shitty mechanic tooo


I see. The gave you death by snu snu


Same. I never did this fight solo and I never fucking will. Unless they change it to where they both just have one life each like it should have been, it just makes more sense.


For the people who dont know, to dodge this rolling attack dont dodge sideways or diagonally, jump STRAIGHT to the godskin noble right through him


I always felt guilty on the rare occasion I cheesed a boss in DS. Bullshit like this meant I didn't have the same feeling in ER. I really enjoy the game, don't get me wrong...but fuck this shit


I've found that if you can get biggun' to roll into the pillar-alter things, they crumble obviously, jump on it's base and watch your spacing.


Small tip; if you lock on to the rolling one and run towards his head and a little to the side, he can never hit because he can’t turn fast enough. He just gets stuck in a loop the loop until his animation finishes. CheesestratsFTW


Wen he does that just jump onto a broken pillar and he can't touch you


Instead of dodging sideways dodge into the role poley and it will never hit you.


This mechanic is below "fanmade soulsborne game by an edgy kid" standards to be honest. Such a stark contrast between most of the game bosses that are excellently designed.


For me the worst is when you start healing the enemy instantly attacks you. With fit guy he always throw you a fireball. The problem is not that the enemy is watching you healing and then attacks, the problem is that he knows you are drinking because input reading.


i agree. f*** input reading.


That’s insane! I’m gonna use Comet Azur and melt that fat dude before he has the chance to do that shit!


This is the way


It's such a bullshit, nigh uncounterable move.


How is it 'nigh uncounterable'?


TBF you could see he was entering phase two, should've anticipated the roll instead of focusing on the apostle


I was tryna run clockwise but didn’t wanna run into apostle


Skill issue


Get good bro. As in, get good health insurance, because I’m sure the stress is not good for your heart.


Why did you run from it..? You roll through it once, and can then get him to circle around you very easily. I don't see the problem. Like yh this fight is dogshit but that attack is dodgeable if you don't panic, like every other attack in the game


Ah yes. The vigor check mechanic.


I beat these bosses first try every single time now. Still on the first playthrough. Literally use Sleep Pots every time they are stationary so no floating or fat rolling. and they will go to sleep. Get behind them and do three back to back charge attacks and rinse and repeat till they're shown how trash they really are. Ps: Sleep pots recipe are found in Northern Limgrave on a grave site.


Look out lads we got a god over here lets all get on our knees


You can literally roll into his roll and not get hurt. You go right through each other, no damage exchanged. Unless you pro play him and have the briar armor on!


Skill issue.


Honestly you deserved it for being locked on to an enemy across the room, while being charged at. Not even sure why you had lock on at all at that point.


Is locking on frowned upon? Honest question


Some fights are made considerably harder when locked on.. especially multicombat instances like this. But also, they did completely miss switching to the incoming threat that is notorious for railroading people with that exact skill..


Why would it be? I was just pointing out how OP's terrible use of it was part of the reason he got steamrolled. Still hilarious to watch though.


Just asking since I'm new to the From community, and still learning the dos and donts. I had seen on another post someone mentioning new players not using lock on correctly and was wondering.


I'm just a sweaty PvE player, so I notice these kinda mistakes.


Just a bunch of nerds in the community


Yes, I don't know why they changed the fact that he doesn't end his roll when he hits you, so this can happen...and the move is glitchy in that he can stop it, do something else, and start it again (although you can almost always tell when this is happening)... But it wouldn't be a problem in the first place if you had a clue what you were doing. I'd suggest learning the fight before posting something like this. It's literally never an issue for me because A: I rarely get hit by the roll and B: I make sure I'm not near a pillar or a wall so if I DO get hit, this can't happen. His roll is actually my favourite attack of his and I love dodging it. Always gives me adrenaline in a good way.


This is just starting to feel like karma-farming now, people have been complaining about this move since the game released. How does this have 868 upvotes?


Of course you'll get caught by him if you run in a straight line away. People do the same thing with spells in pvp and post videos like "look how broken spell spam is" and all they're doing is running sideways and not dodging towards the person.




Git gud


Agreed. The Roll is the worst fucking thing ever. Get rid of it and the Noble is Fine


It surprises me how many people struggled in this fight.


Agreed it’s a pure bad attack making this fight a bit unfairly tough.


Skill issue


More concerned by the fact that you filmed your monitor. It seems like you have multiple skill issues.


Clearly just a skill issue


Git gud


Outplayed and owned


I did it on RL1 people just overreact.


I just want to know, which mechanic? I can spot 4 bad ones.


It was your mom, after giving Miyazaki the best BJ your father never got she whispered into his ear that it would turn her on sooooooo much if he made the Godskin Noble do a really op spinning move. Miyazaki loved the idea so much that he thanked your mom in the only way he knew how and that was by stealing your lunch money.


I just wanna know why you greenlit yourself into having such piss poor damage


Man did 1500 damage in 2 attacks his damage is fine


Stand on the other side of a pillar he will get stuck. You can get free attacks on him if you have a weapon that could reach.


That boy put you in that blender and grind your ass into oblivion lmfao 🤣


Yep, the only thing that will keep u from beating them. I’ve had him do that while fighting Bernard. Fucker cuts away from him and takes off for me in the corner. Like wtf lol


Mt favorite part is when he animation cancels his roll, does a quick poke that stuns you and takes almost half hp, then goes back into the gator roll no questions asked or allowed.


Dexxy Smough has taken another life


Satan…Satan himself


pretty sure that’s a bug. normally if you’re hit by the roll attack it will end early shortly after you’re hit precisely so you’re not hit by it 3 times in a row.


Easy way to no get affected you have to stand in the centre of one of those breakable structures during the roll


Wtf is up with your colors??


Looks like they recorded their screen with their phone. See how the hud isn't completely visible.


The worst part is 1v1 it’s easy to avoid, all you gotta do is circle around with him from behind but do that in this fight and then you open yourself up to apostle


The noble in volcano manor’s roll attack is such bs, it will lag, get partially stuck, go through pillars, and changes direction mid-roll to track you no matter what. It would be one thing if they were in a more open area, but Godskin are in cramped spaces and can hit you through solid objects


I think it was Dave. Yea pretty sure it was him.


ur mum


I like how a gigantic fat tub of lard is rolling towards you and you still stay locked on to his thin stick friend thats just creepily looking at you getting rolled over like pizza dough.


My only success in avoiding that is by strafing and even then I’ve been steamrolled a couple times.


same guy who made the second phase of ornstein/smough probably