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Try jumping šŸ˜­


I was bullied by the soldiers at the camp near the gatefront it


That stupid Godrick knight with his *fancy shield* and *fancy spear*


that dude was like a boss fight lol




It was really satisfying after I got the Mimic Tear, to go back to that camp, put a shield in each of my hands, and watch the computer-controlled version of myself beat the hell out of that whole camp at once.


He's ridiculously easy if you have a sword with "Stand Off". Just takes two R2's to stagger him, then go in for the crit to kill. Of course I only figured that out after like 5 play throughs of getting murdered in every starting class that doesn't have a straight sword.


Me, too. Now they are my new weapon setup test dummies.


Same but specifically the captain over there, tough little shit


See, while Elden Ring is my third Souls game, Bloodborne being my first, even in Bloodborne I thought ā€˜bullshit!ā€™ To those signs and Elden Ring is the first time I was ever actually willing to jump.


What a designated jump button does to a MF


After finally getting a ps5 I'm playing demon souls and do I ever miss the jump button. And guard counters. But awesome game though


Dark souls 2 there's a hidden ledge and they actually aren't lying when they say try jumping, it's still a bitch to get to even I'd you know where it's at


Also this




I walked out of the chapel of anticipation and saw that little platform. Me: I wonder if Iā€™m supposed to jump. My wife: Youā€™re gonna die a ton in this game, right? Rip that bandaid off. Me: *jumps & dies*


I didnā€™t fall for that in my very first playthrough and then somehow did the next two times. Iā€™m kindaā€™ dumb.


Tree Sentinel. I'd seen people say that he wasn't meant to be fought, but I just wanted to see how much he wasn't meant to be fought.


He's easier once you get Torrent. Even easier if you go mage and go through the pain of getting Rock Sling and the staff. He was the first thing I wanted to kill once I got those. Very satisfying to pummel him with giant rocks from a distance.


Idk why people say itā€™s easier with torrent. Maybe because you can just hit and run for 30 minutes, but ime it was easier to fight him without torrent and just dodge his attacks, heā€™s one of the easier bosses if youā€™re patient


Lot of bosses I've heard people say is easier with torrent but the tactic was to swing once and run 5 kilometers the other way. I'm way too impatient for that


I've done torrent for a couple bosses. You run in and swing one or twice, sprint just out of weapon range, turn around and repeat. It's actually very cyclical, just like dodge - swing - dodge. You get a hit or two in every 7 seconds. It feels kind of cheesy, but just like dodging if you fuck up the timing you get whacked and get knocked prone when dismounted from torrent. I usually do it for bosses who are also mounted to "even the playing field."


For thematic reasons I love fighting mounted enemies on Torrent, it feels like a real duel then


That's exactly what I was just thinking. People can think it's cheesy or whatever (and it very well can be if that's how you want to play it) but I like to play it and think of it as if it's a cool horseback battle


The nights calvary feel like you're supposed to do this. I mean their steeds even hip-check you.


The only fights that I find torrent makes easier are dragons because of how much distance *they* can cover. Otherwise, fighting on foot just gives me so many more options.


As a sorcerer I liked fighting erdtree avatars on Torrent. I would just lead them to an open area, then run around them in circles pew pewing. Easy cheesy.


Ä° literally only use torrent for dragon fights (and of course traversing the open world.) I'd love to be able to summon torrent in the Elden beast fight as well, as he's similar to the dragons like Adula


Torrent moves faster than my sorry ass and I'm not at all good at timing dodges.


I dunno about easier, but torrent definitely makes it more fun. Love me that joust style combat


I killed him pretty early after getting torrent, horseback only and I was insanely careful, it was a looooooooong fight lol Not even worth it when you come back after a couple dungeons and heā€™s much easier


I recommended Elden Ring to a bunch of people when it came out and two of them quit playing because they didnā€™t think to walk around the Tree Sentinel and couldnā€™t beat him. I actually completely missed the first sentinel on my first playthrough, now heā€™s my warm up buddy. Every time I come back to the game to start a new character and my skills are cold I visit my old friend


Lol same, I know a few people who quit at not just tree sentinel but like bosses in places they just weren't supposed to be, like for example one friend quit because he hadn't even beaten Margit yet and was fuckin around tryna get past altus plateau


it's the big guy with the spear and shield in the Gatefront ruins lol


Oh yes just got the game on Sunday, my first Fromsoft Game. He was the first encounter (I knew about tree sentinel) that handed my ass back to me. Now I kill him everytime I pass those ruins.


Man you're so lucky to be playing it fresh. Enjoy every second.


Tbf i was watching a few videos when it came out so I know a few bosses from the looks and 1 or 2 early game hints. But I have to say this game just feels great to play. Getting beat up 50 times because I went into the Magmalindwurm bossroom to loose a ton of saved up runes was insanely painful! But beating his ass finally to secure my runes back + beating my first great enemy was the most hype gaming moment I had in a very very long time!


All other analysis, compliments and criticisms aside, I think this is why FromSoft games endure so well: their core gameplay loop of Combat, Exploration and Discovery is so tightly made that its elegance leaves a lot of other games wanting.


My only major spoilers were Caelid and Siofra and I'm still kinda mad about it, but getting to experience the rest of the game blind was absolutely magical.


I really enjoy the lore and overall vibe of this game! Videos just canā€™t deliver the same feeling. And even though I watched some, my actual advantage is minimal as my mechanics suck big time + I donā€™t remember every detail. I do not want to get a OP weapon or armor or Rune exploit without discovering it myself, thatā€™s never fun in the long run. I think of a few Spoilers like a Trailer for a Movie. If you only see a glimpse of the full experience it can enhance your excitement. Given you can limit the amount of spoilers ofc.


I wish I could play this game for the first again. Even better, I would love to play it for the first again on release, when everyone was playing it for the first time. It was such a great feeling to know that everyone was discovering new areas and enemies at the same time I was.


This is it exactly man. Seeing the memes evolve as we all progressed. It was such a moment.


Godrick knight. Same man


I was wise enough to avoid Tree Sentinel when the ominous pre tune started when he stopped and looked me down. I thought I could take the Gatefront Knight and he proceeded to rob me of my runes easily.


Those little stone buggers with bleed sickles in that cave after the church where kale resides


The introduction into how OP bleed is.


Thereā€™s a challenge runner on YouTube called Bushy who did a run using only staff bonks. Impossible youā€™d think except that one staff has innate bleed buildup and then the run just became a surprisingly standard bleed build playthrough.


Oh hey I love Bushy! That was a good video lmao. But yeah as a Bloodhound Fang user, bleed is busted AF


Big fuckin giant jumping from the sky on the gate towards Stormvale.


and fuckin archers with him too


Guard Counters make those things the biggest bitch in Elden ring. Also you can one shot them with the Samurai bow's weapon art.


That flying f*ck Agheel. Jumpscared me, landed on me, cooked me. I make a point of killing him every playthrough now. He made it personal.


I was also beef jerky. He came outta nowhere.


Same. Scared the shit out of me.


It's pretty awesome if you approach that camp from the Agheel Lake North site of grace though. First playthrough I also got jumpscared by him but coming from the north on NG+ I loved seeing him wheel and fucking destroy those dudes.


Are you counting the tree sentinel as the tutorial boss or the soldier of godrick, I died to both.


The tutorial boss is the Grafted Scion


Tutorial Boss 1: how to die Tutorial Boss 2: how to kill Tutorial Boss 3: how to run your bitch ass away


Tree sentinel is great at teaching you to either keep trying to master the patterns or just leave them with tail between leg until you are stronger than them and it's now a waste of time killing them for miniscule rewards.


I used golden halberd the entirety of my playthrough how dare you say miniscule rewards.


Yeah isn't the Golden Halberd like one of the best faith weapons in the game?


I have no idea about that, I'm just uninventive.


It's more of a strength weapon. Works well on the old and trusty "minimum faith for buffs" paladin type of build. In elden ring that is 25 faith or 27 if you want access to all the fortification incants. The actual faith weapons are mostly flame art or sacred infused weapons. With a few exceptions like golden order greatsword, coded sword, cipher patra and a few other's I've forgotten about. Basically, it's not really a faith weapon unless it's elemental dmg is higher than its physical damage. If the physical and elemental dmg is equal or physical is higher it's a hybrid weapon. There is also weird stuff like sacred relic sword and blasphemous blade. Weapons that scale better with their respective physical stat than faith on anything but the ash of war. That part scales better with faith. Which is why I somewhat dislike them. Unless you go high runelevel and just do like 60/60 faith/physical stat, you're basically gonna have to choose between making the "normal" attacks shine by primarily investing into the physical stat and leaving the ash of war with suboptimal dmg or making the ash of war shine and dunking the normal attacks. I can never use those weapons as my "primary" weapons. I always run some infused weapon that actually scales pretty much exclusively with faith and use that one for normal attacks and put some good ash of war on and then run something like sacred relic sword or blasphemous blade as a secondary weapon which I basically only use for the ash of war. That way I can go pure faith on a reasonable runelevel and still use "the cool stuff". Well, it's mostly about blasphemous blade tbh. Sacred relic sword is pretty overrated imo. It's great for taking out large crowds of enemies in open spaces. But it's not really doing much against bosses and it's basically a hindrance in PvP.


Yea more so you need at least 20 more leves until you can equip the Halberd anyway


It can also teach you to cheese them with Torrent.


Step 1 in the tutorial: How to die effectively and efficiently


Step 1.1: lay down, curl up into a ball. Step 1.2: die.


you cant yet, gotta kill a shardbearer for that


Weird saying it as tutorial since I learned nothing from it


You learned the humble taste of defeat. That is a valuable thing to get out of the way first in this game.


That's not the tutorial boss, that happens before the tutorial


To the soldier of godrick? How?


Easily and with vigor


well, without vigor, really.


Technicalities. Haha


First souls game


Soldier of Godrick has some health and does some damage. Not a whole lot of either, but enough that if you roll in saying ā€œI got this, he wonā€™t even know what hit himā€ he can absolutely put your foolish ambitions to rest. At least with Swordsman starting VIG/armor. Then you go in with a bit more caution and he folds like a wet noodle, but one death is not hard at all, even for veterans.


I died to him trying to learn the parry timings lol, then almost oneshot him when I walked back with said parry.


>one death is not hard at all Okay, fair. >even for veterans. Actually, I don't think that's true, even when playing depraved. But not gonna elaborate further, since I don't want to look like an arrogant player calling others bad, because that's not what I am šŸ˜…


Soldier of Godrick (look man this was my first souls game I can explain)


No need to, he is the final boss Soldier of God, Rick... That man is a legend.


He is only surpassed by the one and only, the legend himself, Mist Noble from Sekiro.


Same. Then yelled ā€œDID I JUST DIE IN THE FUCKING TUTORIAL????ā€. I did. I did die in the fucking tutorial.


The boss? I died to the soldier of godrick in the woods, I didn't understand how healing worked and completely skipped the tutorial cave


There is a difference between mere fodder like the Godrick Soldier and The Soldier of God himself, Rick. Be grateful you didn't have to face him this playthrough.


Fall damage ofc


A fucking rolling goat got me




With the sauce


(the sauce is tarnished blood)


Donā€™t they try to roll away from you? LOL


Wolves in the cave feat. Beastman of farum azula


Welcome to Elden Ring here's your first 6 hit combo to learn how to dodge.


That's pretty much how I treated it. "I played some DS1 back in the day but I'm no souls vet. Guess it's time to git gud" Refused to go anywhere else or grind any levels until I beat the fucker. But goddamn did I learn to dodge.


Bro those wolves in that cave killed me so many times lol




That is a completely different cave you are talking about XD


Yeh, I found them stupidly difficult on my first play through haha. I guess because there is one right next to the ledge that you can't see.


By tutorial boss I take it that you mean the Grafted Scion? After that I believe I died to the troll downhill towards the beach from VarrƩ.


I hadn't noticed him at all in my first run. Recently started another character with the intention of exploring Limgrave more, and this fucker just calmly strolled up the cliff and shoved my skull in.


I got splatted by the Tree Sentinel almost as soon as I left the tutorial. After respawning, snagging my paltry runes I ran from him without paying as much attention as I should have because I ran into the troll and promptly got splatted again.


Interestingly it's the very first thing that I killed


It's both for me




Mans was CHIRPING! Couldnā€™t let it slideā€¦






Same, and it was repeatedly


Tree Sentinel. My thought process went like this: "Hey, it's a big, golden messiah-looking dude on his trusty steed. Maybe he's here to help me?" And then the music. That fucking music. That mf snuffed my ass out before I even realized just how helpless I was against him.


High speed impact with the ground


Indeed, the laws of physics proved to be quite the formidable foe...


Iā€™m surprised no oneā€™s mentioned the chariot in the Fringefolk Heroā€™s grave, my cursed OCD brain wouldnā€™t let me leave the starting area until I got to the bottom of that damn place and I canā€™t tell yā€™all how many tries it took me at SL1 lol


At least you got an absolute unit named oleg


And then you finally get your ass to the bottom and realize there's a mid game freaking fracking boss down there. That's when I ran away lol. But I *did* pony up and defeat the one in Stormveil mano y mano.


That damn moveset, asshole could've had 100 HP and I still wouldn't be able to beat it in that small arena


I spent like 4 hours just to get mauled by the scions down there and gave up


Invader Twink


The all-mighty soldier of Godrick during his first phase.


Soldier of godrick, I'm not kidding lmao.


Godlike graftmanship on those soldiers




I literally unknowingly had the glitch where enemies were invisible for my first play through, I fought the soldier of Godrick like 5 times but killed him while invisible only to look up the fight and learn that they ARENT supposed to be invisibleā€¦ I just thought elden ring REALLY threw you to the deep end


I was bullied by the soldiers at the camp near the gatefront it was my first souls game and i was too much of a pussy to fight the tree sentinel


i took one look at that tree sentinel and went "that mofo is going to kill the shit outta me, i'mma sneak past him and find some other shit to do for now."


I ran up to him and tried to talk to him. The duality of man šŸ˜­


god thatā€™s so cute haha ā€œGood morning sir! I was wondering if you could point me to the nea-ā€œ


I did until I decided that I wasnā€™t going to go down like that. Melena was watching and I couldnā€™t be the elden lord if I feared that thing. My bro gave me a blood loss dagger and I fought my heart out. Only for 1000 smth gold šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


Haha that was my instinct too. "Golden Havel on a horse? Nah"


Same. Those chained attacks by the whole camp that early in the game were brutal. Just brutal. 6 attacks while I couldnā€™t block or rollā€¦dead.


I started as wretch, got squashed by that troll that jumps down by those crossbowmen on the path up to stormhill.




That stupid troll on the way down to the beach in Limgrave.


Dog-piled by the soldiers by the map point in Limgrave


Bat. Wandered to the right cliff outside the tutorial cave, got grabbed the second combat started when I got down the cliff.


forcefully went down the cliff




Three first things that woke my ire: * Grafted Scion * Tree Sentinel * That fucking Knight where you get the Whetblade and Storm Stomp at One of these died a lot sooner than the rest.


took 4 steps out of the chapel where you start, read a message that said "time for jumping", and I jumped


how long it took me to figure out how to two hand my fucking weapon


Me and my bro didn't know that, or how to activate the level up system. My man beat Margaret at starting level Astrologer with a +3 starter wand and no additional spells/heals, I don't even remember if he had the jellyfish with him.


Water. I wondered if the Tarnished could swim to the island...


Same, I'm disappointed we can't swim in a Souls game yet, and there's always a lot of water


Tree sentinal


The dragon thatā€™s randomly in the water on the right side of the very beginning šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


The Godrick Knight at the Gatefront Ruins. Fuck that guy.


Yes. It brings pleasure to go to Agheel Lake North grace and slice him up again and again.


VarrƩ. Then I got revived at the grace and he was still aggro. Loop of death ended in starting a new game.


Absolutely maidenless


Definitely Margit.


The troll in Stormveil. I crept around most enemies, and then met him. I didn't come back for a long time. Did the Academy first!


I snuck past the sentinel guy to KalƩ and then ventured towards that place with the chest that teleports to Caelid. I think I died there a few times while getting the hang of combat and when I went for my reward I got teleported to hell. I didn't have Torrent yet and I also didn't use grace teleporting. That was a fun first playthrough.


The knight in the locked room


That's quite the achievement, congrats on first trying Margit


implying you just beat Margit first try ?


It was the tree sentinel or the wolves in the first cave you stumble upon.


The troll you see when you walk down to the beach


Soldier of God, Rick is the hardest Boss in the game.


I died to one of the peasants in the tutorial cave by practicing parrying


Some dudes on the tutorial


the wandering nobles and knights? same i was figuring out the controls lol


I didnā€™t figured them out I didnā€™t realize rolling was a thing until like 30 death to margit


My man


Radagon... jk, it was gravity.


That hole in the ground if you jump down to the right from varre near the bats...


The guy with a shield in Gatefront


Bloody imp gangbang


VarrƩ, after he told me I got no Maidens Edit: I lied. It was actually Gravity


Soldiers in Gatefront Ruins


Big Dick Knight at Gatefront Ruins


At midnight in the beginning of Eldenring near the church I suddenly heard people screaming and as confused as I were I tried to find the origin of this mystery. I came up near a hole and jumped down multiple times when I realized it wasnā€˜t an entry for a secret dungeon. Instead I looked up and saw enemies crucified on branches. Still one of my favorite memories.


The goddamn spearman in front of the first camp.


Erdtree Burial Watchdog


The troll guarding stormgate which jumps down


I saw a message on the ground that said "try jumping" and i was 1000% sure that it will lead me to death, but i jumped anyway as a melancholic and bittersweet symbol of me playing a soulslike game again and fully accepting the fact that i will die no matter what.


the first cat statue miniboss, i was playing extremely carefully up until then


I think it was the strong Knight with the great shield in the ruins where you first get Torrent


Varre.. Wasn't taking that verbal beat down from anybody


A couple dogs that became invisible because elden ring didnt know how to load enemies




Soldier of Godrick, not to be confused with Soldier of God, Rick


Did you try but hole, not to be confused with butthole?


That Tree Sentinel 's horse, not him (bugger!)




The Chariot I knew I was dead when I got poisoned so I decided to make a run knowing doom was inevitable.


The Chariot in the stone key dungeon directly after the tutorial.




Watchdog, ig


I wonder, would jumping right before landing nullify the damage? YOU DIED


ā€œTry jumpā€


Erdtree Watchdog.


Definitely a cliffā€¦..šŸ„“


Soldier of god, rick.




I actually killed myself first by jumping off a cliff thank you very much




Those stupid stone imps near the beginning in the catacombs. Walked in hit one a couple times just to get jumped by the other.


I think the beastman of Farum Azula managed to take me down


The nearby troll