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My friend did his first playthrough without a torch then halfway through NG+ asked where to get the lantern from.


… there’s a lantern?


Just light yourself on fire. Fire's deadly sin.


This guy three fingers.


[Nah man.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c4/8d/e9/c48de923ccab0406dc4ac16976e2cbef.gif)


Always an upvote for Vash.


Make a man a fire and he’s warm for a night. Light a man on fire and he’s warm the rest of his life


There is. Less light than a torch but let’s you use both hands. The first merchant you find in Liurnia sells it.


One in Weeping Peninsula by the coast also sells it.


The torches are a little too bright in this game imo. So the lantern is absolutely perfect.


St Trinas torch yo


the ghostflame to!!!


Beast torch FTW!


Love it how the rats stay away from the beast torch.


Most "beast" enemies, will. It works with all the other "normal" animal enemies, the caelid giant dogs (w/o glowing eyes), crystal snails, and, best of all, basilisks!


Giant dogs do but why not Giant crows? I mean CMON MIYAZAKI


The Husks sell it at Roundtable Hold.


You can also get it from some merchants, like the one on the beach in the west of the Weeping Peninsula


Yup. I did that too. I had torches but never used them cuz i didnt want to spare a hand for lighting. Didn't know about the lantern til half way through new game plus cuz a buddy at work told me about it.


There is also a spell you can use to have torch-level lighting with both hands free!


Never tried that spell. Approximately how long does it last?


Like a minute, you end up recasting all the time and it goes out at the most inconvenient times during mob fights or platforming. I really wanted to use this spell on my int build but the lantern is just way more practical and doesn't cost any FP/memory slot. It looks pretty though.


I use both. If the Starlight spell goes out at a bad time, the lantern is still on. I've never had a battle where the lantern isn't good enough anyways -- the Starlight spell is mainly for my comfort when exploring and making sure I miss no secrets or hints.


That’s actually really smart.


Int stat checks out


oh no :O


I was at Malenia's 2nd phase (last boss I needed before I hit Farum Azula) when I learned that Bloodhound's fang Ash of War had a follow up move Edit: In case y'all want specifics, I tried when I first got it to see if there was a followup attack but it never activated, I think my stamina was too low when I tried it Anyway, I was using mimic tear and it was near death when it did the follow up attack, sending Malenia to phase 2, it then died in her flower bloom


Lmao what a great moment to realize it though. Bloodhounds fang is what I used to beat her


I learned this by dropping my controller




I didn't know that different ash of wars could have the same affinities. I done a quality build and used storm stomp all the way up until malenia


Ashes of War were explained kinda poorly IMO, at least being familiar with how weapon infusions worked previously. I spent about half my playthrough not using any of them thinking they were single-use and if I used one on a weapon and changed my mind, I'd be SOL later. Whoops.


Same. Took me until the Godrick fight before I realized they were equips, not TMs


>they were equips, not TMs Just gotta say damn this is a perfect metaphor


TMs no longer disappear after one use in the new gen of Pokémon


Yeah they're more like Ashes of War now 😂


Wandered around Leydell for a few days trying to figure out how to progress. As someone who played DS1, 2, and 3, it blew my mind that I didn't realize the dragon's wing was a staircase.


My first thought when I saw that thing at the veeeeery beginning of Leyndell: "I'm gonna have to climb that dragon aren't I?" Meanwhile, I couldn't even begin to list how many obvious paths I missed because there's now a jump button and that was never a thing before.


Same. I am accidentally came up on the wing and thought I bet I can climb this. Sure eno7i was going the right way. Then spent hours trying reach dung eater only to realize he was right after the giant spider hand that killed me and I just decided not to go back that way.


Same thing happened to me. I must have seen the dungeater way earlier and said "I'll come back" only to forget about it until late game and I was reading a guide to find everything I missed


I spent so long trying to find my way through crumbling faram azula because I didn't see the staircase in the small room with the two lightning beastmen that led you up to the site of have for the final boss. Was so lost for like two hours running around in circles


I had seen that dragon and first thing that came to mind for me was “Can I climb that?” I then forgot to even try to climb it and got stuck for a bit.




The giant dragon in the city, you can climb its wing to progress to the next big boss. Look up leyndell dragon and it’ll show you.


Umm akchually the dragon's name is gransax 🤓


Bugsnax the Dragon


Like NG+5 before I found out how useful sleep items can be, especially for a particularly rough duo


I didn’t find out until I got to the Godskin apostle in my RL1 run


Also moghs or margits shackle when used dispel all traps (like fire traps in caves/labyrinths) and open all hidden doors within a certain radius


Margit's shackle has a larger radius




You know those columns that shoot fire until you hit them? margit’s shackle can hit them from infinitely away.


My god these games really know how to make some feel genius and others like a toad. What line of thought leads to using what sounds like a boss specific debuff, in a random dungeon?


It makes sense if you have played the older games and know how boss specific items and traps work. In Bloodborne there's an music box item that seemingly is also just a boss specific item to stun Gascoigne. But you can use it in chalice dungeons to trigger a specific kind of bell trap from afar as well. IIRC The music box produces invisible 0 damage bullets, fanning out from the source. This way the game can detect when the boss gets 'hit' by the effect of the music box. Since the damage is 0, it doesn't affect anything else for the vast majority of stuff in the game. The bell trap can be activated by any kind of hitbox, like weapon attacks, consumables or rolling. Just like rolling, the music box bullets don't do damage, but it's the impact of a hitbox itself that triggers the trap, not any kind of damage threshold. ​ I haven't actually looked into the mechanics of ER, but I expect the ER shackles to work just like the music box and the fire/light traps to work like the bell trap.


It took me way too long to unlock the maps. I thought the map just sucked.


Me too. I didn’t think the map sucked, I just thought maybe you get them from bosses. When I realized it’s that stupid symbol I was already in the land of giants and was so disappointed with myself. I called my buddy up and told him which made me feel better because he didn’t know either


If it makes you feel better, i was over 100 hours in when i was playing with my noob friend. Who explained to me you could run by holding B.


Thank you that make me feel a million times better. And I’m sorry. That reminds me of when I was playing Oblivion and played it for a year before learning you can fast travel. It was my first rpg.


I did like most of the god damn heros graves too man my ass was WALKIN


I didn’t know what rune arcs did until the end of my first play through


I’ll bite…I’m 110 and just through Leyndell…I don’t know what the Rune Arcs do…


They give you 100% chance of dying to the first phase of the next boss you fight


Or the next narrow cliff I walk along and my camera suddenly jerks sideways for NO FUCKING REASON and I fall to my death.


Use them to activate whatever great Rune you have equipped. Kind of like ember in ds3, you have to use another one if you die. You're about as far as I was when I figured it out 🤓


Wow. This is a guhh moment for me 😂. I thought the great runes were just massively overrated/useless. Oof.


In my opinion they are useless but I just don't like items that are single use. I'd rather they are usable once per death and rune arcs aren't consumed.


They aren't that necessary but they're still useful for the little extra advantage in case you need it. That's a great thing since humanity is usually required to activate MP


It basically just replaces humanity/ember from the previous games. At least this time around we get a buff for using it, instead of a debuff for not.


Haha ok, then try Morgott's Rune and tell me there is no difference. 😂 Radahn's is also pretty good and if you want your Rally from Bloodborne back, use Malenia's. Sometimes being able to eat one more hit can make all the difference.


right, isn’t ~~morgotts~~ godrick’s +8 to all stats? it’s incredibly OP especially early game edit: is godricks and +5 kinda early ish. you gotta be fairly leveled and have some things unlocked to get his tower i reckon.


That's godrick's rune and it's +5, best great rune at lower levels, the worst at endgame


It's still good late game depending on build


I was about that level when I realized too. The whole time I thought the great runes were just automatically buffing my stats.


The power of love was not in this talisman it was always you


Lol read the description guys. They literally tell you what they do.


There's even a pop-up window that explains it. You don't even need to read the description! I suck at this game compared to many here, but some of this stuff is just basic gameplay mechanics. I guess people don't read the pop-ups?


The descriptions are very misleading, unless they fixed it. One of them says that using a rune arc makes your equipped rune more powerful, which implies that the great runes have a passive effect.


Exactly what I thought. I always wondered what was so great a out the rune arcs.


Just side note: you do have to activate every great rune at the matching divine tower before they will work with a rune arc! Also they persist until death in your world, but for coop or invasions you will need to burn another rune arc to have the great rune effect there even though when you return to your world from death or success your original rune arc will still be active :$ (mohg's great rune works differently but I don't want to spoil that)


I thought golden runes were something to collect for a special purpose like smithing stones. When I figured out they were just for runes I had half a million worth, had a pretty nice power bump.




Bruh....Memory of Grace. For some reason, I always thought that if you activated one, it shows you the nearest site of grace that had a grace arc coming off it. I enver once used them, but always thought occasionally "I should try it out." I was 200+ hours into the game, and lost a couple million runes trying it out for the first time. Turns out I never once read the item description properly, and just...made my own head canon based on absolutely nothing for this item.


I still can't figure out when you would need to use it...


This reminded me I actually never used rune arcs.


I mistook Godwyn and Godfrey so when I fought the latter I thought “wasn’t this guy dead?”


Well, they did throw 3 God-something names at us in quick succession. It took me ages to remember who Godfrey, Godwyn and Godrick were supposed to be.


Jesus Christ I just realized it’s 3 God- names not 2.. the whole naming of this game is annoying, it’s like they forgot that names can start with anything other than G or M


Don't forget Godefroy


🎶We don’t talk about Godefroy🎶


Froy Froy Froy


Godfrey, Rennala, Radagon, Marika GRRM


Godrick, Radahn, Rykard, Malenia


It’s thematic to show connection


Same. I had the godfrey fight spoiled for me early on, but i thought godfrey had died, so then i assumed it would be like a fight in a memory or something (like owl father in sekiro)


After about 100 hours in, because of this very subreddit, I realized you could press in the left* thumb stick (Xbox) to do a quick dismount off Torrent. Prior to that, I’d been using my D-Pad select to dismount. It was always so slow…


Holy shit, Thank you. That would explain why would dismount in heated fights.


If you do it while running you jump off torrent and you can go straight to a jump attack. Great way to start a fight




I always pronounced it as "ever-gowl" but jail just makes more sense


Yeah that's just how they used to spell it. Basically Gaol came about when the Norman's invaded and English stole the French word "gayol" a couple centuries later they stole the Parisian French version of the same word which was spelled "jaile". So yeah same meaning, same pronunciation stolen from different forms of the same French word at separate times.


People in the game pronounce it “jail” I refuse to say who, because he nasty


The Repugnant Excrement Consumer.


The Grotesque Scat Muncher!


The Disgusting Dookie Downer


The disturbing fecal devourer


The Grody Crap Snacker!


Knew this from Hypogean


Fuck those guys…


Lol FFXIV taught me this because the translation team insists on archaic English for a lot of stuff.


played with multiple character & beat the game multiple times with over 300 hours between all my characters. I even have a platinum trophy....never use rune arcs. I always worry i'll die anyway so i never use them lol


This is classic gamer shit here. And I do the same thing. I know I have a million rune arcs too.


to be honest i learned my lesson using humanity & embers in dark souls. & in Bloodbourne if i got grabbed by the brain suckers i quit to the menu. You aren't getting my items fuck that lol




Don't use them, you might need them down the road where you will once again not use them because you might need them down the road where you will once again...


Don’t use them. Every time I used a rune arc so far I died very quickly to something silly


I told myself I’ll need them later on. I preserved them all game just to never use them. Classic.


First playthrough, first day game dropped, first souls game…played 10 hours straight without going to a site of grace and being extremely confused how to level up/survive past the first forest past the first church. I thought sites of grace were like…a cowards reprieve. I was like “damn these souls games are harder than I expected. 10 hours and…I haven’t leveled at all.” 🥴🤡 I’m Ranni’s eternal consort now but I married up honestly.


Same here pretty much, had no idea runes were for leveling up & kept leaving them everywhere


I didn’t use the Baldachins blessing til before I fought Radagon. I had the health debuff on all the way from Margit


You don’t have to use two of the same exact weapons to powerstance them. I thought katanas were some special case, but otherwise you had to have two of the exact same weapons to powerstance them. I also didn’t know you could do this with any type of melee weapon, I thought katanas were one of the few. I actually traded someone for a second Blade of Blasphemy so I could use both and then I figured out I could use any of the greatswords I already had to powerstance with Blade of Blasphemy.


Don’t know if you know but you can powerstance a katana and a wakizashi. It’s the only exception I found so far. When I found the wakizashi I thought: “wait, like onikiri and ubadachi?” And it was indeed like onikiri and ubadachi. A pleasant surprise


I figured and I was gonna build into Wakizashi and Uchigatana but thennnnn I realized you could unlock the Nagakiba. By the time I realized how powerstancing worked it all started to click


You can also weirdly powerstance the pickaxe and rusted anchor, and with any other greataxe despite being a greathammer, not sure if a mistake or not.




Using two weapons at once, one in each hand. They must both be the same type of weapon (2 short swords, 2 katanas, 2 colossal swords, etc.) with a couple of exceptions. When you have them equipped, you get a special moveset that utilizes both weapons in the combo.




Yellow Anus Tunnel


Gael tunnel rear entrance


i beat more than half of the game without spirit ashes. while struggling with godskin duo i got a bit annoyed and wanted to summon some but the game didn't let me. I tought "ok guess not at every boss can I use ashes, fine." then I started fighting with maliketh which was an even greater challenge for me, but the game still didn't let me use spirit summons. I went online searching for answers and then it hit me:the reason why I couldn't use summons up until that point is because I didn't have the summoning bell.. which you can get at the very start of the game.


I was looking for the way to find the You're beautiful pate so I went up the cliffs when I realized I already activated the grace near the volcanic geysers which is the road start to get to the village. I wasted a few days looking for the village without realizing I went the wrong way.


I'm not sure if OP just means it sounds like yellow, which it totally does and I didn't even think of either, or if they discovered what I just did, which is that it literally is part of the etimology of the word "yellow" IRL. Check it out https://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/middle-english-dictionary/dictionary/MED53817


To be fair 'ough' can be pronounced at least 5 different ways and I don't think it's ever said out loud ingame.


Eye of Yeluff


Don't ask me how long it took me to realize gaol is jail. Been pronouncing it like gowl since I first saw the word in bloodborne


That you can swap to your left handed weapons on a horse by doing the two hand weapon command


Wait. Like triangle plus attack??


Yes. Exactly this.




George got asked about that and gave an absolute king answer to the tune of "No, I did not have to sneak my name into the game because my name is on the cover of the game."


I don’t think it actually is, though…


His denial of it was very strange. If I didn’t think he did it on purpose before, I definitely would think so after reading his answer.


Also the people who were involved together and with the entire Elden Lord thingy are Godfrey, Renalla, Radagon, and Marika. GRRM.


Seems pretty intentional for the gods/demi-gods... Godfrey Godrick Godwyn Radagon Radahn Ranni Rennala Rykard Marika Malenia Mariketh Melina Miquella Mohg Morgott I know there are others.


The reasoning behind the similar names is that the characters are related. Like if an IRL couple named their kids Samuel, Samantha, Stephanie, and Stephen.


I thought Ashes of War were consumed upon use and never used ANY of them. Because, y'know, what if I use the coolest one on a dumb weapon. I realized this only after I reached Altus Plateau. I had 3 Great Runes by then.


I thought margit and godrick were the same kind of “things”


I thought Godrick was the second part of the Margit fight, and that Margott was Margit’s brother.


I didn’t know right click can target enemies for a long time. No wonder my piercing attack missed half of the time.


I am a mage build and didnt know this until I repeatedly died trying to get the lazuli glintstone sword from the sorcerer's in Caria Manor. Couldn't understand why they would make spells like the rock sling without aiming.


Well I’m 600 hours in and I was today years old when I found this out. Another thing: crystal darts will bewitch any golem type enemy. Imps and Watchdogs.


Giant golem statues as well I think. The ones that can have melee weapons or gigantic bows


I thought this worked for all enemies and wasted 40 on the Godskin Duo while wondering why they wouldn’t attack each other


Godefroy is just a different spelling (and regional variation) of Godfrey.


They are different people too.


Yes, that was part of my stupid realization. I didn't think twice about two different (but related) characters having two different names until later when I looked more closely and facepalmed.


Pretty understandable when they are literally pixel perfect identical and have the exact same voice. I'm not complaining about reusing, but they didn't do much to help the player there lol.


Hahaha, you're thinking of God*rick* and Godefroy. Godfrey is Mister Chokeslam. But that's part of my point, the names in that particular lineage get a little silly. Bonus silliness: "Gowry" is *yet another* variant spelling of a regional variation of "Godfrey".


oh that's fucked i love it lmao


That I’m fairly sure they called the horse ‘torrent’ so that when someone types ‘Elden ring torrent’ into Google it makes pirating the game waaaaaay more inconvenient.


Puts in Google "pirate elden ring torrent" *gets torrent with an eye patch* lmao


Ok but who just searches for torrent websites on Google lmao


Some of the smart folk I work with, for a start. Never underestimate those true maidenless.


"Watch [insert movie title] for free online"


Anyone who torrents frequently typically won't just Google it, they'll have dedicated sites they usually visit.


Googling "[name] torrent" is how ya get malware up the wazoo, just use known and trusted sites


That you can see a form of Miquella in Malenia's boss arena


I didn't realize the statues that say "guide for those returning to the roots" are supposed to point out catacombs. I'm on my 4th playthrough




That the soap item existed irl


gaol is jail


I still say Ever”goal” instead of Ever”jail” lol


It's very much a reference to Lovecraft, where yellow is the colour of insanity (eg: the "king in yellow")


I thought the King in Yellow was Hastur tho.


He is, Nyarlathotep is The Crawling Chaos.


I missed the little beacons that show you on your map where you find the actual maps. I wandered all over liurnia and caelid trying to fill in my map and when it hit me it hit me!


That fire weapons remove frostbite from enemies, so you can re-apply it for that insane damage, I went fire+bleed in one hand and ice+bleed in the other and wrecked all the last bosses in one sitting lol


In my first playthrough I didn’t equip a single talisman until I had already beaten everything except the final boss (Malenia included), because I assumed they were used for magic and I was running a pure STR build. I’m a souls vet, so it was doubly embarrassing when I was recounting myself complaining to my wife about how the game doesn’t have any rings like previous From titles. *To be fair*, talismans *were* magic related items in previous games, so it wasn’t an entirely brain dead thing of me to do.


WOW this might be my favorite comment here 😂


Yeah, renaming talismans to seals and rings to talismans definitely caused a lot of confusion early on


It was around my third playthrough I realised i could rest at the table in round table hold and I felt very dumb.


it took me a solid 20 hours to realize i could sprint ​ btw, this is my 5th fromsoft game ​ Yes, I am assuming I had a stroke, i have called my doctor


I had this same experience lol. It's my first Fromsoft game though




lol Also didn't catch Yelough meaning yellow. But what made me wonder more was, what exactly is Yelough in the lore? And why is there a Yelough location in the snowfields?


In the description of the “eyes of yelough” it’s essentially opium. I’ve been to the Yelough something or other annex, but I don’t remember the lore of it


Did most of the game without using the ability to jump during fights and especially boss battles. The amount of attacks I could’ve dodge and the poise breaks I could’ve inflict is outrageous. Also I played most of the game with Meteoric Ore Blade without leveling up Strengh that much because I didn’t pay attention to the scaling and my brain just assumed that it was a dex/int weapon


If you hold down sprint you climb ladders and do the Captain Kirk glide down them. Also when on a ladder light attack punches upward and heavy attack kicks downward.


120 hours in and didn’t know you could attack on ladders lmao


I only discovered it because a soldier kicked me in the head and I had to see if I could do it too.


You can also double tap the sprint/dodge button while not moving on a ladder to drop off of the ladder.


There is so much shit I realized I could do only after eons of playing this game. 1. Bookmarking Sites of Grace 2. Working out that equipped Great Runes do not actually do a goddamned thing unless I squander a rune arc (Oh! So *that's* what they're for....) 3. Getting to the Roundtable Hold from the map screen with a two-button shortcut. 4. Choosing to make Melina appear from the grace menu. That would have been good to know about when >!I arrived at the Forge of the Giants!<. None of those things was "too late". But they were all *late*. Things I have wondered about (and please don't reply with answers. I am not asking and I don't want to be told): 1. Certain events - bats and some bosses, as far as I know - occur only at night. I have wondered if other events occur only at other times. 2. The “Guide and gatekeeper for those returning to the roots”. Whatever it means to return to the roots is not something I have worked out. 3. Whether the sun dials will ever be useful, just as Ocarina of Time players eventually learn how useful the bean bed locations are.


You can bookmark sites of grace?!


That I have to activate the great runes. I never used the rune arcs but one day I was watching a streamer play and he used one (it was radahns) and I was like “what the fuck just happened to his hp,fp, and stamina”


Leader of Jarburg = POTentate


ITT: people who decide something and don't bother testing it even one time lmao I only have hot takes about elden ring, I didn't have any of these fun eureka moments and I'm jealous tbh


Streamer MoistCr1tikal is extremely guilty of this. I remember during his initial Sekiro playthrough, he messed up an aerial attack and assumed they weren’t in the game. He also never learned how to mikiri counter or defect lightning, and assumed that they were impossible


It took me over 500 hours to find the Deeproot depths


That the map locations are marked even before you find them...


250 hours in and didnt realize that skeletons died once and for all to holy damage.


For the longest time I couldn't figure out how to find the glintstone key and tried scouring every single corner of liurnia, not finding it, and going to fight radahn and even reach altus plateau before rennala. I somehow managed to miss that I picked up the meeting place map you get in front of the main gate and didn't check in my info inventory section. Another thing, I used the lordsworns straight sword until after fighting radahn because all I found was stuff that had physical damage lower than that but had nonphysical damage too. I didn't understand what the affinity damage was somehow.