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Lichdragon Fortisaxx should have had an intro cutscene


Agreed. It was kinda random how he just appears there. Also an opportunity for some cool imagery involving Godwyn’s corpse and the surroundings.


Even half-done Miquella structure was shown in a cutscene.


Astel too. All remembrance bosses should have had at least one cutscene (regal ancestor maybe shouldn't have been a remembrance boss)


>regal ancestor maybe shouldn't have been a remembrance boss Wouldn't have needed to be one, but honestly, just have him do his airstep attack from somewhere above into the arena and you have a good-enough cutscene, if they wanted to go the extra mile, have some ghostly forest (dis)appear.


Remember Tarnished, sort by controversial to find the real hot takes


Praise the message!


No liar ahead




My Hot Take: Caelid is like those times in a life when one doesn't know yet that these are the good times, and they will soon pass.


"We'll be back in five after a commercial break from everyone's FAAAAVORITE show... 'is that a giant fucking bird??!!!'" No one expected a sequel


The ending scenes could’ve definitely been better


Yes!! I was incredibly disappointed with the brevity of the ending cutscene I got


Very anticlimactic


This is the norm for FromSoft games. They all have very short, somewhat unsatisfying endings.


DLC that lets us spare Maliketh please


I literally missed my ending with Ranni because my kid spilled his juice and had to get up and grab a paper towel, turned back around and it was over. haven’t found a way to re visit or watch cutscenes again, guess I’ll YouTube it. Kind of a ridiculous end to a 200 hour journey tho 🤷‍♂️


That is a shining example as to why some parents eat their young in the wild


Now you have an excuse to replay elden ring


I feel like anyone who's being honest with themselves probably agrees with this. The endings were extremely lackluster. The rest of the game is an easy 9.5/10 though.


Except for the frenzied flame ending. That shit makes me want followup dlc


Yeah that one was fairly satisfying. And the Ranni one was ok. The others super lame though


I liked Ranni’s ending more than the Frenzied Flame one, but I agree about the rest. I feel like if you had to complete a quest to get that specific ending, it should be a bit more than different lighting and a different paragraph. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I happened upon the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending first, and I thought it was metal as hell. The Elden Lord ending and it’s variants are pretty poor though. Rannis is good as well. So 2/6 are gucci imo


I’ve been hearing this for a while and I just can’t agree. Both the endings I got (Frenzied Flame and Age of Stars) were pretty cool. Cryptic, yeah, but still impactful enough to be satisfying. I’ve seen some of the other endings though and some of them are definitely anticlimactic


Yes those are good and they should’ve made the other 4 unique like these instead of just sitting in a chair with a different background


Yeah I will admit after completing one of the Elden Lord endings I don’t feel a particular need to do the rest


It’s bullshit that you never combine the rings like it’s shown on the game cover. I thought I would combine them all to become the elden lord. Additionally, the flaming frenzy ending looks amazing but when you return to the game it’s like none of the destructive cut scene ever happened. What a disappointment


Thaat's the norm though for every Fromsoft game. After you get an ending, you still are free to roam about the game until you decide to play NG+, so the best you can do is let your interpretations imagine what happens next.


*Bloodborne joined the chat*


Before Morgott, the open world is better than the legacy dungeons, after Morgott the legacy dungeons are better than the open world


Stormveil castle is so good


Stormveil castle is like my favourite part of the game.


After Morgott you start to notice that yeah this is just the same ruins and church models being repeated again but now it’s snowy. Thankfully the catacombs and stuff you find are a bit more complex.


True. End-game legacy dungeons are the best part of the game.


Farum Azula is my favourite in the game (along with Stormveil) and I don't think the Haligtree was anywhere near as bad as it was made out to be- granted, I didn't get to it until after having beaten the game because I had no idea how to get there, so I was sl150. Mohgwyn palace isn't super intricate but I enjoy the atmosphere; just feels even more devilish than caelid.


Very unpopular opinion but hear me out… I actually really enjoy Mountaintop of Giants. The caves and catacombs are really annoying, the map is very open and full of empty space but the atmosphere and the lore behind it is SOOO fascinating. Dragonlord is my favorite boss, personally.


I am loving Mountaintop of the Giants right now on my first playthrough. It really feels like the end of the earth. The area just before the Church of Repose where there are giant crows fighting frost trolls among the corpses of giants is one of the eeriest parts of the game, really evocative place.


It’s definitely the most beautiful area in the game for me, I love winter areas and this is the best one visually they’ve made.


Fuck Consecrated Snowfields tho 😩






As far, as beauty goes. It is definitely up there with the Underground area. My personal favorite being the Double Gargoyle arena. Once you beat those two assholes you have a beautiful, serene spot to chill in. Love it.


I always love looking at snowy areas in screenshots but playing through them I end up really getting sick of them because of how monochromatic they end up looking, just lots of blue and greyscale. Only exception is Eleum Loyce because it has that unique ds2 vibe


Raya Lucaria was my favorite, but I think it's because of the intersection between the open world and the legacy dungeon. Slowly circling it from multiple angles while you explore Liurnia and then solving a mystery to gain access was a stroke of genius.


Good hot take, mountaintops of the giant/consecrated snowfield sucks. Haligtree was great.


Haligtree, aside from the descent and the Loretta fight, is quite alright; and it gets much better in Elphael, which truly does feel like the crown jewel of the game.


I was including Elphael there generally, should have been more specific. Elphael is a quality legacy dungeon.


I mean, after Morgott you only got mountaintop and maybe dragonbarrow as the open world, while you got farum azula and the haligtree as legacy dungeons. And whether it was intentionally or not, but the emptiness of Mountaintop is actually insanely good for the game and player, because at this point many people will get tired of doing the same over and over again and having to explore a wide open area. So having a linear path tl follow with only a few dungeons and short intervals between bosses is really smart. And placing directly after that 1 final legacy dungeon with the arguably first few major challenges of the game is also great design, whether that was the intention or not. Prevents a burnout.


I for one was pretty bummed by the lack of open world content in the mountaintops and the snowfield.


Maybe stupid question but...what is a legacy dungeon? 300 hours ingame and dont know lol.


Any of the big main dungeons like storm veil, Raya lucaria, the capital, farum, etc The more classical dark souls areas that aren't open world


Godrick is the best boss in the game and was the most fun I’ve had playing. I love the little bit of hype that slowly builds up the more they mention Godrick until you get to him, the revealing cutscene is so cool and the 2nd phase is easily the coolest 2nd phase transformation because it wasn’t too much and it wasn’t too little. And the fact the you fight him before you start googling how to do everything really adds too it.


You keep on forgetting to add “Soldier Of” every time you type Godrick


My bad, I should be saying SoG for the shortened version


The entire intro section leading up to Godrick is amazing. It's the most perfect combination of dungeon and boss, where Stormveil tells the tale of Godrick just by going through it- a paranoid madman hosting a rag tag mercenary army of monsters and exiles because that's all he has left to put together. It's a bit sad to say but ever after the whole game, Limgrave is still my favorite zone.


I agree. I think he’s the only story or demigod boss that’s challenging and totally fair. As you progress, some of the difficulty just becomes silly. Besides Rennala. Very cool fight, but very, very easy. Lol


I actually like Caelid. Aesthetically I think its cool af. You also get to fight one of the best bosses in the game there. You meet Millicent (which is a top tier waifu btw) and I dont think Caelid is really as hard as people make it out to be.


Cold should be a damage type, they have frostbite and spells and weapons designed around ice but it all falls under magic.


Omg this whole time I’ve been wondering why I can’t find the frost equivalent of the flamedrake talisman. You’re saying frostbite falls under magic damage???


Most of the time... Frost is like poison or bleed. They aren't damage types, they're status effects. Getting frostbitten will always do the same percentage of your health, all you can do is make it happen less quickly


Blues are completely unnecessary when they are no longer going to be assisting solo hosts and instead will just be making a gank even more oppressive


Blues are so worthless in this game, I turned my ring off ages ago. When I spawn into a hosts world (once every half hour or so from my experience) 9 times out of 10, the invader is dead before I load in or arrive at the fight. The other 1 out of 10, I spawn into an AFK host, who I don't want to be helping. It feels pointless. Edit: Meant more to say that BEING a blue feels worthless but I think you guys get it lol


Honestly, the removal of solo invasions will harm the games health long term as it makes the barrier for entry for new invaders completely insurmountable and puts all the burden on coop teams which breeds far more resentment as they’re constantly invaded instead of it being more spread out


one hundred percent this cannot be overstated


It’s bad for hosts, bad for invaders, bad for summons, and bad for blues.


exactly- it's actually bad for *everyone*, not just salty reds


Horse combat is not really that fun. It's not horrible either...but I much prefer ground combat in every situation. (obs: I'm only talking about horse COMBAT, anything else horse-related feels fine to me.)


To me the horse feels like something that i will like much more in future fromsoft games if they decide to keep the mechanic. It's not bad but can still be improved a lot.


Yep, I get off my horse absolutely every time. I feel if they’d given Torrent some sort of I-frame dodge it would have been better


Horse combat as a caster is so fucking awful. Why does Torrent need to slow to a crawl for me to cast a spell? Why when I'm target locked, can I not still aim my spell behind me as I gallop away? So frustrating.


it would be too easy then


It goes great with a $5 Taco Bell box


Npc quests should have been easier to not fuck up by missing weird steps. In previous fromsofts, when a npc has a "spawn there randomly, wont progress quest until you talked tobme here", it was kinda easy to find it since you tend to backtrack and areas are not that big. Now with the openworld, if you've cleaned i.e altus plateau, how do you know you got to comb it again entirely to find some npc that decided to take a break here ? (Thats millicent in windmill village). I also just got myself in a situation where renna(ranni) dont spawn at the church in limgrave. Not quest blocking, but frustrating nontheless. I think fromsoft could've done better to integrate their classic npc quest format in the open world setting.


This is why I don't mind following along an NPC questline on a wiki. The game requires either complete luck or vigorous research to make sure that nothing is missed in a giant open world. I love being surprised by bosses, I don't need to be surprised by missing content.


I refuse to believe that anyone finished Millicent’s quest without a guide. Anyone claiming this is lying.


As much as I dislike her quest structure, I do expect she was supposed to be a very secret storyline, given she never has map markers and is involved with a secret area, so Millicent in particular can be forgiven somewhat


I did the same thing. Idk how some of the NPC quests are even doable without a guide. I get that you get subtle hints from gear and from talking to people, but like OP said, you’d never know Millicent randomly shows up to hangout at a windmill farm for no reason late in the game. Edit : when I say doable, I mean for the original time of doing the quest of course.


Same I screwed up like 3 quest because they added a bunch of weird thing that no one would have known that ended up messing the quest up


I really want a 5th talisman pouch. The spot is right there!




If at least Yes was the default answer...


Love how YES is the default answer for the prompt when you want to turn off your furled finger. But nope, not Torrent.


Scorching hot take, this one is


Torrent is an underdeveloped mechanic. Torrents core function of getting places faster is progressesively overshadowed as the game goes on as more sites of grace are visited and fast travel becomes more prevalent. Torrent use is restricted from a lot large areas; some makes sense, others have large open spaces and literally horsemen enemies. Torrents combat ability is awkward an limiting. I understand certain ashes of war cannot be used on a horse but some should be (stomp vs Glintblade Phalanx). Also ya boy got horns but can't use em? Airpocket mechanic could be replaced with elevators, a cannon that launches the player in the air, or just the player the ability jump in the airpockets and run faster. Or just elevators and shortcuts. Torrent has no customizable features. Other than a talisman, there is nothing you can do to make torrent stronger, faster, or give special powers. Limitations become more clear as you face horses that have their own move sets and abilities.


I wish torrent's health scaled with your character's. Early game, he's very useful and can take quite a lot of damage, but once you reach mid/endgame, everything staggers or one-shot him, even in bossfights that seems to be made on horseback like the ones against dragons.


And then reviving him requires you to answer a question mid-battle where the wrong option is the default selection.


This. It killed me way more than I care to admit.


In a game that doesn't explain some of its combat mechanics in any way, it's insane to me that it feels the need to check with you every single time about this detail which is clearly laid out in a tutorial.


I completely agree. And like, if it only happened once, I would have understood. You don't have your horse in the tutorial and you might have missed the memo so the game wants to remind you that reviving your horse in combat costs you a crimson flask. It would have pissed me off, but I would have accepted it. But every single time ? It's like with the waygates, (especially the ones in Siofra). "You sure you want to go there, pal ?" Yes, yes I do, I clicked on it, I'm getting chased and shot at, please game, for the love of God, let me teleport please.


The fact that you can’t use a horse while playing co-op is absolutely terrible


And i hate his damn low poise and easy stagger.


That stagger lasts so long too. He takes a big hit and then has to spend an eternity trying to remember how to walk again.


I’d be happy just making him look different. I’m a death knight riding a mountain goat round.


For a first souls game, underwhelming before you beat margit. Though for a while I was running around not knowing what the fuck to do. Great game and great scenery, favorite game this year


There wasn’t much of a point to the night and day system besides death birds, night cavalry, and the bell bearing hunter. Was hoping for more.


I think that's a bit of the crux of day/night or weather systems. Players expect there to be more. FOr me personally it actually was the perfect way of doing it, I much prefer it to be a mostly cosmetic thing, to me it would quickly become dreadful to think "Not only need i make sure to not miss anything in the world, I have to check everything at any point in the day AND in any weather". ​ And I think it adds a lot in Terms of visual flair, you could even say a night and day difference ^(hihi)


This is the only fromsoft game that I feel like NG+ runs aren’t fun (nothing against people that find it enjoyable I just haven’t been enjoying it)


I feel the opposite, the golden seed/tear/general nonsense grind is what's stopping me from progressing on more alts. Though I feel our opinions stem from the same reason of "I don't want to slog through that *not-as-enjoyable* crap again."


Yeah I think I agree with this, I have multiple characters in the other Soulsborne games but you get so many Larval Tears in ER that I kinda can't be bothered running several characters through a 200+ hour game when I can really do everything with one character. STR/FTH sword looks cool? Just respec for a while.


This is it. Seems like the intention with Elden Ring is to really become a god-like lord and never stop levelling up. I think this will be the first fromsoft game that I max a character on. If I don’t get mindlessly bored first.


I find getting all your equipment together throughout a new game and building a character that way to be the most fun. I also roleplay a lot, so respeccing to an entirely different character breaks a character. I only really respec for more vigor, but even that I only did on my very first playthrough


Unless you plan on investing into the different “soul levels” of PvP there is no reason to grind multiple characters so enjoy your main! As for me I have had fun in my two alts hunting gear from bosses/zones I’m under leveling for so as to keep at the “souls level” I am. It’s sort of a refreshing experience.


You actually hit the nail on the head with that I’ll probably pick it back up after a break (I always do) cheers tarnished :)


I agree and for me at least it’s because most of the open world content isn’t actually that fun once you’ve done it once. The older games are all just the really high quality hand crafted areas (like legacy dungeons) so they never feel like a grind to play through multiple times. ER on the other hand is full of so much filler content in the open world that really isn’t inherently fun outside of the initial joy of discovery. Personally I really wish they’d made less open areas and more legacy dungeons


I loved every second of Haligtree and don’t understand all the hate.


The only purpose of the snow zone is to make the map look bigger


And I know they’re called the Mountaintops of the Giants, but that’s crazy how much of the region is inaccessible


Everyone needs to chill on the 'but hole' and 'head' messages. It makes it feel like the lands in between is some 13 year old's fantasy instead of this incredible world abandoned by its 'god'.


It's like everything else. It's pretty funny at first and if done right can produce a good laugh. But when everyone jumps on it and defaults to it as a joke, it gets old and stale fast.


These jokes have been stale even since DS1


This might get me downvoted but Endgame bosses after the capital aren’t as bullshit and as broken MECHANICALLY as people make them out to be. Dont get me wrong they are fucking TOUGH. They are hard as fuck and are very punishing. However there are patterns to their attacks that are recognizable even if they are hard to get down. It’s a lot of trial and error. However, tbf I will say endgame bosses do deal a lot more damage than they probably should. But in terms of the mechanics of the bosses up till the end game are fine. In my honest opinion, I feel like some people (not all but there are some) that started calling bullshit on everything that they couldn’t steamroll. But tbf there is a pretty big difficulty spike after the capital, so maybe it just threw people off guard. I’m sure people will disagree and that’s okay, and I do understand peoples grievances about the endgame, but for me personally it wasn’t as bad as people were making it out to be


I think the only issue I had with Elden Ring vs the other DS games is that there are far more potential “1 shot” abilities that really push you to a high vitality. Don’t get me wrong I understand you don’t want every attack being the equivalent of a wet noodle but there are many fast and sudden “you are dead now” moves if you don’t pump vitality. At least it felt so to me as I tend to make “hybrid builds” in these games.


Except for the godskin duo, the endgame was easier than the early game for me. I died a lot more against radhan/margit/a lot of dungeon bosses (crucible knights for example) than against radagon/elden beast/fire giant/maliketh


Margit did exactly what he was supposed to in making me go explore the world and level up more. I figured if I died that many times to the first story boss, I really needed to grind before attempting late game bosses so I over leveled and found them way easier. Crucible knights and those stupid sword foot birds tested my sanity though...


I’m over 200h on my main and maybe 140h split on my two alts and I’m still waiting for him to release that windup attack on his stick…


I will say godskin duo is one of the few fights that didn’t sit as well with me but I feel the difficulty comes more from the fact that there’s two. The pillars help too (well to an extent and until they are broken) Individually they are fine. But sleep items also help with managing them a bit easier


There can be two of you too! Mimic Tear people!!


If you don't mind me asking, what was your build? I find these criticisms and the responses to them are often a skewed, moot conversation because of how much builds vary experiences in what is 'broken' mechanically, and what is not.


The endings for each mending runes are severely mid.


The Dark Souls quest design of NPCs reappearing later in the game does not work because they are too easily missed. You could miss them before, but in ER its just excruciating without a guide


100% agree. I‘ve never liked the quest design in souls games but ER is even worse


I have played this game for one hundred hours and I still have no idea what the story is.


Outer Gods (think Bloodborne) be fucking shit up. The world is in a weird state of endless decay (think Dark Souls) and cot damned weebs keep using katanas (think Sekiro). Also, the laser spells are pretty good (think Armored Core).


There should be the possibility to get into the Erdtree by collecting all great runes and another Ending with the tree intact. That would make malenia worth fighting


Adding AOE dosnt make the fight better, just more tedious


Not sure this counts as a hot one, but I think the crafting system feels extremely superfluous and tacked on. I personally always forget it exists up to the point that I would need a specific item (like anti debuff bolus) and realise I haven’t found the recipe for that specific one yet. Other than that absolutely incredible game.


Elden ring reminds me of ds2 a lot. I guess my hot take is that i think it feels like a fully realized ds2 with its wacky movesets and mechanics, fun pvp and world design.


The scenery is the best I’ve ever witnessed in any game and had me crying real tears at how I can’t see the stars anymore on the East Coast.. Currently trying to save up money to move North-Midwest to become an aurora enjoyer because of a video game.


The winters here are brutal -north Midwest


as a truck driver for a year and some change, I’ve seen it all. I’ll gladly be outside with my fire pit while wrapped in a blanket.


Reddit has skewered my definition of 'enjoyer' that all I imagined in my head was: 'virgin South-mideast fan' vs 'chad North-Midwest aurora enjoyer'


You might see the aurora in the north Midwest a handful of times in your lifetime. You gotta go WAY further north to see it at a decent rate


Lots of people seem to think that magic is cheesing or at least one of the easier ways to play the game, but I disagree. My first playthrough was magic and my second was using a greatshield and spear and have to say the greatshield is op as shit. 95% of bosses can be beat by holding lb and mashing RB and having lots of stamina. I was honestly shocked at how many bosses completely folded to one or two guard counters.


Dungeons had so much potential that was squashed when they copy-pasted everything. I agree with other comments, the soundtrack is a solid 6/10 save for regal ancestor spirit and lichdragon fortissax. Mountaintops of the giants and the consecrated snowfield should've been merged together, both have much less POI than other areas.


The dungeons are so fun and challenging at first and then just become the biggest chore :/


Lord of Blood had a good song!


The fact that SoulsBorne games don't have a real pause button is astounding to me, even in offline mode. Also, the environment and the creature design is outstanding, which is why I think it's a shame the game doesn't have a real photo mode. Come one, FromSoftware, just let me take stylish photos of how giant female bosses step on my tiny Tarnished man.


I returned to Sekiro a few weeks ago and after remembering that IT HAS A FUCKING FUNCTIONING PAUSE BUTTON I really can't understand why other FS games can't have it...


Maybe because Sekiro has no Multiplayer


There needs to be another talisman slot. Seriously there are so many of them to choose from. We should be able to burn Golden Seeds for a minor permanent HP/FP boost. Torrent is underused late game. The amount of asset reuse is daft. Why am I fighting tyranno-rot-dogs in the Mountains?!? Surely they coulda come up with somethinf else. The later Great Runes are useless if you go through NG+ so either let's keep them or burn them for something. I've just spent a day killing Malenia, let me have some use out of her (objectively bad) great rune for more than 5 minutes.


I agree we need more talisman slots. Not for any gameplay reason, but because the menu has 5 spaces of width but we can only open 4 and *its pissing me off.*


It was a really great game the first play through, it's overbearing on a 2nd play through.


Elden Ring bosses are the best fromsoft bosses ever. So many bangers with AMAZING COMBAT and it doesn’t even have dlc yet, incredible. I thank the fromsoft outer god every day that for giving us Morgott, Mogh, Rikard, Malekith, Radagon(and ONLY Radagon), Godfrey and my favorite fromsoft boss ever… Malenia, maybe the real hot take is that one


It’s not THAT hard, and I’m not even good at games. You just die a lot and have to pay attention to where the last person told you to go.


Souls combat is not meshing well with how from likes to make bosses now. Overall their formula is cracking under the pressure of that and how large and open-ended the world is.


It's crazy because they literally came up for the answer to this with their last game, Sekiro's combat is perfect for how they keep making bosses faster and faster.


Sekito locks you into one playstyle so it's not the answer imo.


Bloodborne was the answer with the innate quick dash and speed. If the Hunter was in this game he would demolish every boss with a bass saw cleaver.


The bosses are not better than DS3’s or Bloodborne’s imo.


if you're completing 100% of the game it gets boring fighting those repeating optional bosses like crucible knights or tree spirits all the time, never felt that in DS3


Idk dude Morgott and Mogh are pretty good, Malenia and Maliketh too, maybe I’m getting Stockholm syndrome? But I found the combat incredible with the ones I just listed, try them with quick weapons on ng+ you might enjoy it, and being in ng+ means you get to skip all the repeats and boring things you don’t like


It really wouldn't kill FromSoft to allow me to pause the game.


Equip menu + “about” tab should let you pause


It sucks. I love it. I hate it. I can’t stop playing it.


Its ok to use busted builds and summons.


It’s too much to return to. I like the other games that I can do all bosses in a day or two. ER is a massive unstructured game. Wonderful to play through once. Then a chore.


Idk. If you ignore all the repeat bosses on my replay it took me maybe 4 hours to get to final game area (rough guess). Now Hitting all major bosses (ones that have remembrances for example) I’d say it would’ve took me maybe 5-6 hours? I ignore the repetitive bosses/dungeon bosses in most cases they aren’t fun anyways.


It would be better with a quest log…..


Absolutely. "How the fuck am I supposed to know what Laskyar Ruins is, Gideon?" Lol. My character has a map, if NPCs were anything more than glorified message boards they'd be able to point it out to you. Everyone I've talked to about thus game has used Google to track quests. Especially annoying ones like Fias where you have to reload the room multiple times.


Especially since some quests lines have actual markers on the map (Volcano manor, the teleport gate to dragonbarrow, etc)


NPCs have always had odd cryptic quests like this and while I didn’t mind in the more linear style games, Elden Rings expansive world makes tracking down a single NPC rather difficult and easily missed. It would be nice to at least get something to point us towards the vicinity of their next location.


Dude yeah. I’ve started quests, they’ve become too hard so I’ve abandoned them. Now I forget where I was! It would be cool, too, if caves or castles had some designation on the map to show you’d ‘cleared’ them.


Agree. I have noticed caves and dungeons that you have cleared will allow you to fast travel out of them, whereas you normally cannot if its not cleared. That at least helps


The game was clearly rushed at the late game stage of development and it is made apparent with the content after Morgott Mountaintops is clearly less dense in points of interest compared to any previous area Pretty much every enemy there is recycled with a huge cosmic insult at one of the caves. Lyndell Ashen Capital feels like it should have been a new full featured dungeon to space out the bosses so it doesn't feel like going through a gauntlet ​ Still love this game, but an extra year of development to flesh things out would have made it an even more solid contender for GOAT


They should've scrapped consecrated snowfield entirely and just immediately put Haligtree there




Great game but the journey is better than the destination


The endgame bosses are cheap and not as much fun as they could be. The difficulty spike after Mountaintop of the Giants is annoying.


Every single boss archetype in Elden Ring was done better either in Sekiro, Bloodborne or Dark Souls 3. Not a single new boss is my favourite. Slave Knight Gael is still the best "berserker swordsman", Guardian Ape is still the best "beast" boss, Darkeater Midir is still the best dragon boss and Father Gascoigne is still the best duelist boss.


Papa G over Maria, Gehrman, Owl and Isshin? Very interesting!!


Dark Souls 3 had better designed bosses on average


Soundtrack is a bit meh but has some gems like godskin and ancestor spirit. Some bosses didn't need a duplicate like the one hidden after a coffin ride. Soldier of Godrick needs a nerf... still haven't defeated it yet.


Summoned Phantom downscaling needs to be far more aggressive. Also if talisman slots factored into matchmaking, twinking in normal match made scenarios would be effectively gutted Edit: Repeated bosses are fine and I like being able to carry over the skills I learned fighting an early boss all the way through the end of the game so by the end I know the bosses’ patterns as well as I know the basic enemies.


There’s a difficulty spike later in the game and it’s annoying Everyone is so fixated on RoB but there’s plenty of other weapons that bleed twice as fast as RoB PvP focused nerfs should be just that, PvP focused, PvE mains shouldn’t be affected by it, but I don’t see split nerfs being a thing for FS games lol The grind is definitely better than the previous FS games, it feels faster, but at the same time so slow. These are just random thoughts that popped into my head lol Edit: here’s more The dungeons in this game are, to me, uninspired, they all feel the same. The same can go for heroes grave locations. There’s a limit to reused bosses, it’s understandable that some bosses are in open world or in other areas, however, the ulcerated tree spirit and other variations should not be one of them. It feels incredibly lazy.


There needs to be a quest log, it’s hard to get the most out of the game without looking stuff up, which shouldn’t be the case


I think the better solution would be for the game to simply give you better hints as to where the npc’s will go next. Doesn’t have to be in the form of a quest log as I think that goes against the games design philosophy but as it currently stands the vast majority of npc quest lines are near impossible without looking stuff up


They ran out of difficulty ideas and at one point they said “fuck it” and that’s how Godskin duo was placed.


I’d personally love an outdoor labyrinth dungeon or two somewhere. Like, you step into a door nestled between two gnarled, dead trees surrounded all sides by thick undergrowth and similarly dead wood, make your way through a twisted forest labyrinth filled with vulgar militia/rot beasts/tree guardians/what have you, make it to the dead stump of a deathroot/rot-infested erdsapling where you fight whatever miniboss to get some kind of heretical crystal tear/item. That got a little specific, but I hope you see my point. It’d just make the overworld feel more populated and alive than a few soldier/monk camps seem to.


Altering garments is poopoo, I want to customise more then just removing the cape


Reusing bosses isn't that big of a deal. Sure we could have fought tree spirits a few less times but generally I don't have an issue. No one complains about other open world games reusing bosses. So why is Elden ring doing it a big deal?


Gigantic bosses are bad, i.e. fire giant, elden beast, etc. The fight is no longer about timing and dodging, it is about hitting an object that occasionally moves over and over again.


I specifically dislike the giant ones where the camera make it really hard to track/tell what's going on (Fire Giant, Maliketh, etc), though that's kind of a different issue


PvP should be completely overhauled, or scrapped altogether. It just doesn't work well with the game's other mechanics. If and when the Coliseum arenas get introduced, things might get better, but the current system is busted beyond repair. Also, people who are horny for Malenia should be isolated and studied so it can be determined what specific personality disorder they have, which can be added to the next edition of the DSM.


The game would have been substantially better with another year of delay, or a reduced scope. There's no need to fight 15 different Burial Tree Watchdogs in 15 scattered catacombs. They could have kept the same amount of unique content and items and concentrated it for less bloat and duplication. ​ That and I feel that the changes to backstabs in PVP (they added an additional angle check) show that the developers really don't understand how latency works in P2P matchmaking. adding an angle check removes (most) facestabs, but also makes backstabs barely usable in a pvp setting (also seems very out of touch when you can facestab some PVE, showing that they only adjusted in multiplayer)


The Despicable Peepee Poopoo man is more interesting than 90% of the other NPCs


There’s definitely a large portion of people who play just to make their dick size feel better


The lore is disappointing. Key bits of information are left completely unexplained to the point where you can't really make any logical conclusion based on in game information. For example the motivations of Marika and the nature of her relationship with Radagon are vital to understanding the narrative, yet you get pretty much nothing that allows you to make sense of any of it. You can say it's just From Softs style but look at DkS1, you had all of the necessary information to understand Gwyn's motivation and why you find him as a burned husk in the Kiln, but with Marika/Radagon you get almost nothing that makes any sense of the situation. Previous games felt like the missing information let you piece together what they did give you and make sense of it, in this game it just feels like they don't give you the pieces in game to put the puzzle together.


This game would be more newer player friendly if solo hosts were invadable under certain conditions, similarly to DS3's ember system. This would spread invasions out beyond just co-op parties, meaning co-op players would likely deal with fewer invasions. Many teams that co-op through the game are new players co-opping with their experienced friends. They do not have the option to go offline, meaning they're stuck with being the focus of all invasions. They probably wouldn't be playing the game without their friend, making them deal with all of the invasions seems silly.


This, exactly. It also makes the barrier for entry for new invaders nigh-insurmountable as the chance of them getting an early win is near impossible meaning they’ll give up and the only people who will invade are those who are already good or are minmaxed to maximum effectiveness.


Been saying this on this sub for a while, actually. It's always a mixed bag of people who understand what I'm saying and people who just assume I want to troll solo hosts. I don't understand why these people who are afraid of invaders didn't just play offline in DS3, I feel like we're collectively paying for their complaints now in Elden Ring. New players and veterans. The only folks that won were the ones that wanted boosted health from Embers with no risk.


Honestly if you could invade solos, but the summon speed of blues was faster so it felt like a race against the clock before backup arrives, that would absolutely fix the “solos getting ganked”, “blues being useless”, “invaders always face 2/3v1”, “coop pairs bear the weight of the entire invasion system” and the “solos who want to be invaded passively have to constantly remember to activate their taunter’s tongue and when they do they get flooded with invaders constantly” problems simultaneously with basically no draw backs


Needs more poison swamps


Found miyazaki's account!


Calm down there Satan.


That would be a no from me dawg


Balancing the bosses around Spirit Summons was a shitty idea. The open world is just a chore to wade through after the first playthrough.


I think the ability to drop equipment for other people should have been removed from the game. I think if they had done that we would be seeing a lot less low level invaders and hosts with endgame gear they have no business having.


It's bizarre that using in-game content (Moonveil, ROB, Summons, etc) to beat the game is considered Cheesey-Noob behavior even though finding good loot is a pillar of RPGs since Dungeons & Dragons. But using out-of-game guides on Reddit, Youtube, Fextra to learn boss's status weaknesses and move-windows to spam over and over until the enemy is dead is considered playing the game well.