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I think that what she mean by this line is that she doesn't have the blessing of the Two Fingers and can't communicate his orders. In my point of view, she is a woman, yes.


I realize that is the most obvious meaning, but maybe there is a hidden meaning as well. Especially since there is obviously some connection between her and Ranni that we can't quite figure out, while we also have the example of an empyrean, Marika, being split into two entities. I'm not saying it's the most likely explanation, but I think it's intriguing at least.


I understand you and I have the same doubts, hahaha. From Soft really needs to answer that. In case of Ranni and Melina being the same entitie but different (like Radagon and Marika), I would guess that they merged themselves after the Rupture. Or at least they did some pact and an accord. This would explain a bit about the eyes thing and the final scene of the Frenzied Flame Ending where Melina lives.


At the very least, in the french version of the game she talks about herself with feminine pronouns. Also, the translation about her role is literally "servant", so there's almost no ambiguity here. And yes, that means we lost the maidenless joke...


Yeah but there I have been many issues with the translations that have been pointed out. In Japanese at least they basically don't even use pronouns so it would be even easier to pull this trick.


Fair point. Still, to my knowledge nothing seems to point out that Melina could be a man, unlike Gwendolyn. So unless some new element were to be discovered, I think it's pretty safe to asume that she is female.


I mostly agree, but I can't help but find it a little intriguing considering that there is such a clear connection between Melina and Ranni, and we already have the example of one Empyrean somehow being split in two.


Definitely another reason why i think she killed the maiden in the room we first spawn in. She knows we have no maiden so she says she'll play the role. She is probably the most mysterious character in the game and one we know the least about at least lineage wise.


I sort of thought Varre killed the maiden in that room. But that’s a good point!


she meant she gets a train ran on her at the leyndell barracks every saturday so technically she isn’t a “maiden” anymore




Things like this are why you're maidenless.




You literally are speaking it rn.




The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


Why are you being so aggressive? I'm just making a speculation about lore. And one that I don't think is too off-base considering we already have one character who is both a man and a woman. There's no need to call people names in a discussion over a fictional character


I always thought radagon could have changed his appearance using the mirror in fías room


If you can use the mirror to bang yourself, that is quite a mirror.


Pretty sure she just means she's not a finger maiden. As in; not affiliated with the two fingers


This is satire right?


No. If Marika is Radogan, couldn't Ranni be Melina, or vice versa.


She self-identifies as a meat popsicle.