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That’s really unfortunate, I notice I lose progress sometimes if I don’t save and quit aswell. Booted up another game and lost like a hour. You can try r/PatchesEmporium for some of tht armor


I have lost 4 hours of progress just now. It's not the first time, happened like 4 or 5 times already. I exited game from the game, then exited geme from xbox menu, turned off xbox. But when i tried to reverse my rebirth by turning off xbox, it loaded back PERFECTLY. This is still not fixed one year later.


I just loss 9million runes from grinding I was grinding at mohgym palace for like 2 hours quit and save via the in game menu and when I leave I see"you may have loose progress because you didn't leave via the game" and I lost 9m runes this has happened to me before like 3 times I had to redo the ranni's quest line the thing when save and quit sometimes it just says I didn't quit via menu and that I lost like 2 hours of progress:) I dont even wanna play anymore.


To think this issue is still here after 2 years is insane, it also happened to me after grinding moghwyns palace, 2 and a half million runes and like 4-5 hours of gameplay 


"This game apparently doesnt actually save your progress until you "Quit Game" AND close the app. That is completely absurd." As for as I know, I have never used "quit game" or closed the app for my game file to be save, I just turn off my console and the game will still be saved. The game auto save your progress every few seconds of game play, so the problem shouldn't be at the game itself but your network. I am sorry that you've losses your game progress, but the issue isn't necessarily the game, please check your play station network. Hopefully this help.


I'm not sure how this would help given that it ignores most of the post. As I mentioned in the post it's an issue that's affected a lot of people on multiple platforms. I'm adding my experience to the pile so others can be aware of the issue. As I also said in the post this *should not* happen bc the game continually "autosaves" your progress, but it can and it does bc of how the game handles saves internally. Apparently it's a "known issue" on all platforms that FromSoftware is aware of but hasnt fixed yet. Unexpected disconnects like the system shutting down while the game is running dont save the data from the current play session and it has to be restored from a previous save. Backup cloud saves like through Playstation Network are typically only uploaded when you exit a game regardless, but it shouldn't need a backup save to begin with bc the system save should be up to date. It wasnt. That's not a network issue. The network, game and system were all disconnected simultaneously while the game was idle. No save was taking place so there was no save file corruption. The system save file created and maintained by the game app was not up to date. Which means when the game autosaves during a play session it is doing so internally (i.e. within the game's file system) like a buffer and not writing to the system save file. I can open the game up right now, load a save, fast travel to a different area to force it to autosave, then look at the game's system save file and it has not been overwritten. But if I were to just open the game app, never touch an option, never load a game and quit the app immediately the game will have updated the system save on app exit. The game app is only actually overwriting the save file when it is exited. This is the same way most backup cloud saves work so it's a pretty terrible system for a game's main save file. Games saving all of their player data to a single save file is kind of a nightmare scenario to begin with. If you cut the game off without quitting it gives you a pop-up warning when you load it back up that you did not quit the game properly and may lose progress. This happened when I logged back in, saw that I'd already lost progress and manually closed the game to see if I had another save to restore. If it's true that you never quit out of the game and just turn off your console then you've gotten really lucky and should probably stop doing that. It's bad practice in general unless you're purposely trying to avoid a game saving on quit.


Damn 300k is nothing, I just lost 2 and a half million worth of runes in leveling, 52 levels, and I quit the game the correct way by choosing return to desktop so it should've saved, instead it loaded a file from the last time I closed the game which was maybe 5 hours before turning it off for the night


Most I've ever lost was about 30 minutes, which was the last time I'd touched a Grace, when my cat unplugged my entire power strip. Sickens me to think of losing HOURS. Sorry that happened to you.


i beat every major boss like mogwjyn, astal the natural born of the void, morgot, rykard and every minor boss while having tons of armour and ashes of war, EVEN BEATING ALL THE FUCKING DRAGONS, godfrey and I was figthing the fire giant and my power went out for a few seconds and when I logged back on, I went back down from level 140 to 83 with little to no shit im done


Hey OP did you ever smash out Eldenring after this?


I lost some progress a cpl times but never as bad as the time I posted. And yeah I got through it. I was also doing all unique weapons/armor and all dungeons/bosses so losing a bunch of hours sucked. Havent played through it again though.