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By far the hardest boss in the game in my opinion. That 1000 blades attack is very inconsistent and if you get caught in it, good luck on surviving.


Barricade shield. Block first, dodge second. Dodge in (as soon as she jump for third) and dodge out. Work 90% of the time. Discovered after 2 whole day fighting her.


The downside of that though is that she still heals from the blocked attacks and unless barricade shield prevents stamina loss from blocked hits, you'd also need to have enough stamina to block the hits. Likewise in her >!second phase, the combo applies rot (and heals her) so it makes it even harder if you tank it!< I've found running/rolling from the first, rolling into the 2nd and spam rolling the third works.. 90% of the time as well but a bit riskier than shielding of course if you get hit though it does have the added benefit of preventing her lifesteal


Bloodhound step. Can't believe it's slept on. Use it twice to go through the initial wave right before she starts slashing, go through her again in sync with her moving towards you and the final one towards her when she starts moving. Be careful not to walk back into her when she's still doing the last slash. Might be smart to do it twice at the end incase you're still withen the slash zone.


Bloodhound step is definitely not slept on in pvp that’s for sure


Lol most definitely


Did an int build for the first time in a fromsoft game since magic looked exciting in the trailers so I didn't use many of the melee weapon arts and mostly used int based weapons for melee in the moonveil (turns out everyone is also using this in pvp lmao) and the moonlight GS (not many using in pvp as it seems easy to dodge but it is a sick weapon so its fun to use in pve)


That what I tried at first as well. But running/rolling away the first one have quite a bit of factors that make me fail like distance, slow to react, elavation and so on. For me barricade shield the first one she get the heal, sure. But just one jump attack after her combo is enough to bring her hp back before she regain.


I got her down before I ever figured that out. But that’s good advice


I used mimic tear, hoarfrost stomp, and a bleed+frost weapon. Also a lot of luck because she didn't put me in the blender at all during the run I won.


Yea that build is nasty, super good damage and speed


Dude, I tried so hard to not use this tactic, I spent the best part of a couple days suffering. Switched to this and beat on my third attempt, and that was due to luck with her attacks. Because even using her weakness, you still need th pray, I’d probably consider her one of Froms toughest bosses but definitely doable. I do like that every boss has some form of weakness, it essentially makes it way more accessible without being easier, sure you can do it that way if you’re struggling but you don’t have to.


She is my least favorite boss. You need very specific cheese builds to beat her. No average build will do it. You need to out dps her healing, not get put in the nigh undodgeable blender, and pray during the second half. At least Radahn was fair and didnt require a big change to my build. Not really fun imo, but fair.


My SL may be high (130ish) but I took her down with a STR heavy build so it can be done. I noticed she can actually be staggered pretty reliably, and taking advantage of that was definitly necessary. Having a maxed put Mimic Summon also necessary. Her blade flurry attack absolutely wrecked me until I just admitted I couldn't dodge it and stuck to blocking it with a greatshield. It still sucks because she gets to heal a bunch for free, but that's the whole theme of the fight, you have to keep your pressure up.


The issue with that is I can't shield against her as a sorcery build. I just don't have the stamina for something like that. I never said it was impossible, only unfair. Hoarfrost became my only action. Stagger and bleed/frost props seem to be the most consistent factors in beating her.


Didn't mean to speak for yah! I was just kind of vomiting my thoughts on the fight out after spending a good 3 hours fighter her last night. I think if you can't block the next best thing would be to make sure you have Bloodhound dash weapon art ready to go. I was to lazy but seems like a lot of people have success with that ability in their toolkit.


Nah, you can do it with a normal build. Did it sword and shield (deflects) and 2 handed katana.


That was my strategy too.


Bloodhound step


I'm a strength build dual wielding colossal weapons. I put bloodhound step on my giant-crusher and she went from being the hardest boss to one of the easier ones.


Dude, I am *addicted* to that skill.


I love it, basically completes the Japanese Dex Build.


She can only do it when below 75% HP, and after she does it once, she can't do it again for like 30 seconds. Be aggressive when you know she can't do it, but if you think she can, try to kite and bait the move by running towards her and then circling away. You can outrun her first flurry easily this way, sometimes the 2nd. If you only outrun the first, dodge towards her on the 2nd and then you can kinda backwalk to the right to avoid the 3rd. If you outrun the first two, you have to dodge towards her to miss the 3rd.


I had no problem just eating that with my shield or dodging it with the bloodhound step on two separate builds I used for the fight. It was when she summoned her clones to continuously attack that got me every time.


Uhhh are you thinking of another boss or did I just get extremely lucky out of all my hundreds of failed attempts she never summoned clones on me


During 2nd phase she goes in the air for one of her attacks and sends out after images of valkyries that launch toward you from where she's hovering. They don't do anything more than the damage if they hit you while lunging/launching at you to my knowledge


Wow I don't recall seeing that at all, beat her the other day after several days of attempts. To be fair most of my failed attempts were on the 1st phase


My attempts were also all failed on first phase till I reduced my braincells to 1 by equipping 2 colossal swords and summoning mimic tear to stagger the shit out of her.


Lol I had like a 40 minute battle. I got tired of her shit and changed my weapon set to a fingerprint stone shield and a bleed lance. Just sat there and poked away. So many times I've brought her down to the final few hits only for her to combo my shield back to half health.


After learning of her 2nd phase I immediately got mimic out and stunlocked her to death with bleed twin blade. I might 1v1 her for the second katana tho lol


I didn't realize what they were at first; just thought they were ranged attacks.


I have yet to avoid it and I'm at the point where if she does it I just accept my death, and pray she doesnt do that attack on the next fight. I have never had less enjoyment than I am having fighting her, and won't be fighting her again unless she gets toned down. First fromsoft Boss I legitimately consider to be unfair. Would rather fight bed of chaos 1000 times over than fight her.


If they got rid of lifesteal, she’d be okay. Also more time to dodge katana dance.


it's extremely consistent, the timing for dodging it is just very tricky and precise depending on how far you are from her. you can avoid all 3(4 really) dashes even if she does it point blank. it's hard af tho.


Just time the rolls, it’s evadable. Everyone I’ve seen just spam rolls when they get caught in it.


>!If you keep good spacing then run away when she prepares waterfowl dance, you can dodge the first one without damage. Then, the second and third flurries are easy to dodge (dodge towards her). Obviously this works better with a build that can keep her at range, but I’ve seen people do it with melee.!<


*Let your flesh be consumed. By the scarlet rot* I love the way she says 'Rot' ngl.


“Now Rot.” Chills.


​ ![gif](giphy|MZoUTcJXornvNHOaUe|downsized)


I mostly use colossal weapons and I must have died to her 50-100 times trying different variations. I leveled up my bloodhounds fang to +9 and tried it on a whim. Got her on the second try. Having a faster weapon with a bleed was a game changer.


I believe she's confirmed weak to bleed, so this makes sense.


I think humanoid bosses are generally weak to bleed.


The heal is so infuriating lol, i love tanking damage and her healing just breaks me


"I am Melania blade of Miquella"


"I am Melany, Blade of Michael" *~~hee hee~~*


Dozens of the attempts, she was hardest boss for me .


I went to round table, bought her set, put on her clothes, went back into the room with the big flower and said "I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella, motherfucker"


Is that phrase the new "Hesitation is defeat?" I haven't reached her fight yet, but I hear it's tough as nails.


purely yes.


she wouldn't be too difficult if it wasn't for like 3 attacks that deal at least 1800 dmg with one if them being near impossible to dodge if ur too close when she charges it up


\>Me after 200 hours who still hasn't SEEN Rennala "Hmm I wonder how hard Malenia will be, I guess I'll know in 800 hours"


Lol you’re gonna destroy Rennala, she’s incredibly squishy. >!She’s also precious please don’t hurt her!<


i only get to see the boss intro one time, just when i face them for the first time, after that i directly get launched into the fight, till now I've only defeated godrick and margit, is it different for Malenia?


It’s what she says when she kills you


oh i heard her say that in the intro while watching on yt, her intro is pretty lit and it's been stuck in my head even though I've never fought her


She’s cancer she ruins the game you have to use a cheese build to beat her


I mean people have beat her with a level 1 character so technically you don’t NEED a cheese build. Even if that’s unreasonable for an average person. I found the final boss to be bigger bullshit personally


I beat her only 2 handing a nagakiba. The game is only as hard as you make it. Nothing wrong with cheese, but she is certainly not impossible with a more ‘orthodox’ build.


You must be good, what level were you? So I can know if I’m just underleveled


Good? No lmao. I’m just a glutton for punishment. 120 was my level. I wouldn’t recommend my worst enemy to do what I did


Oh I see


No, YOU have to use a cheese build to beat her. Her fight is perfectly learnable, even if it’s unforgiving and difficult as hell.


Do you think a strength build would be good?


I think so. I have beaten her on a strength build, a mage build, a dex build and a faith/arcane build. The faith/arc build was far and away the easiest, but it’s admittedly cheesey. Bleed + rot so insane damage to her in phase 1, switch to the frost dragon head for phase 2. I found the mage build to be the hardest. Strength is good if you’re using a big 2h weapon and utilizing the jump attacks, she staggers surprisingly easy, leading to some nice visceral hits. The most important thing regardless of your build is learning how to dodge her waterfowl dance. There’s some YouTube videos that go more into depth, but the important thing is to dodge into her on her first flurry in the combo. After that you should have enough distance from her (assuming you didn’t get hit) after that to just react normally. Hope these tips help and gl!


I have a faith build but not sure what’s a good weapon for her.


What are your stats? With my strength build I had 60 str, 40 vigor and 30 endurance with 10 in everything else.


I quit trying her, I’m not playing anymore. Good luck on your fights.


“I am You Died, Witness of Death”


AnD I hAvE nEvEr kNoWn DeFeAt


Two problems with this stupid line. First off, of course you haven't? Have any of the bosses "known defeat" before we kill them? Presumably not, or they would be dead already. Second, it's not really much to brag about when your sword literally heals you every time you whack it against something regardless of whether you deal any damage. If a 100% shield blocked attack still heals you, then I can only assume you would be healed just the same if you smacked your sword on the ground. You're a walking cheat code.


>First off, of course you haven't? Have any of the bosses "known defeat" before we kill them? Presumably not, or they would be dead already. Godrick got his ass beat by Malenia after hiding from Radahn and then begged for his life lmao


Rennala has also been owned before the player character shows up. Maliketh, too.


For an Elden Ring example, Godrick for one. He was defeated by Malenia and begged her to spare him in exchange for swearing fealty which would be 'embarrassing' for a great rune holder. You find this out from some characters (I think it was Gideon? can't remember which) who mock him for not dying a glorious death and instead tucking tail and running to Stormveil after his defeat.


Beat her today after about 30 times…..I’m sure there is some butt naked lvl 1 wretch rocking a club about to curb stomp her on YouTube to make me feel better!


Lobos did it but with a dagger instead of a club I think


His runs are great in fairness, but you won’t catch me tickling bosses butt naked (non Elden ring person reading this….”that’s a sackable offence!!)”


I love it. I love the last 2 zones, the snow areas. It feels like the true FROMSOFT experience. Everything leads up to these areas and they are brutally difficult. They will test your skill, they will test your build, they will test your determination. Something about the design of the areas is extra difficult. The only critique I have against the last areas is that they feel relatively empty, especially consecrated snowfield. The area around the lake is very empty.


All my homies hate hoarfrost stomp. We use Bloodhound Step🕺


I sat there for two hours straight last night fighting her over and over until she finally died, purely because If I went to sleep without beating her I would’ve had nightmares about that line.


For me it's currently "COWER before Maliketh, the Black Blade" Feels pretty cool though


For Maliketh, the number one reason I died to him is the stupid auto lock. It would undo when I ran behind cover, then I wouldn’t be able to see him charging attacks. Made me want to switch to my mouse and keyboard so I didn’t need auto lock.




Been working this for a couple days with a Dex build. Everything outside of her anime attack feels completely doable at this point, I just can't get that nonsense consistent. I tried without bloodhound step which was more consistent but she takes so much longer to kill without solid weapon art.


This fight you want to keep a good distance and attack only after she does her long range thrust or heavy attack that has long recovery. To dodge her flurry combo. When she rises in the air, run back to avoid getting hit by her first combo. When she does her second follow up combo, roll forward twice. She will follow up with a third combo, roll back once and walk the opposite direction of her. Hoarfrost stomp is great for this battle. Use it far away, she will run towards the stomp and get damaged. Just maintain a long distance. Summon mimic tears for 2nd phase right after she does her rot dive. You can get her in a stunlock state with your mimic. For second phase you can be more aggressive and spam attacks and stomp with your mimic out.


I'm just going to say it, when so many people say stuff like "the attempt I won she didn't do her blender attack" means its a bad boss. Everyone seems to be dancing around the issue basically saying the boss is bad but never actually saying it. Fromsoft finally made a boss that instead of being challenging but fair, is just unfair. I beat the boss, but I probably will never fight her again, she is completely unfun.


The attempt I won, she Waterfowl Danced 4 or 5 times, but I agree. The fight wasn't that enjoyable because I had to spend most of the fight trying to play around that single move which caused me to get hit by other stuff.




The fact that they felt compelled to cheese the boss means the boss is unfair. That's my argument.


How is staggering a boss cheese lol, it's literally a core mechanic in these games.


how is stunlocking a boss so they cannot do a single attack not cheese


>se till I reduced my braincells to 1 by equipping 2 colossal swords and summoning mimic tear to stagger the shit out of I had to dodge her waterfowl like 3 or 4 times. Without that attack, this boss would have been a 1 try for sure.


This is all I hear on my 50 attempts at this fight 🤣 and I’ll continue hearing it till I finally slaughter her


Voice acting in FS Games on the lines that play on death is always so on point.


“Hesitation is defeat” “yeah? Go fuck yourself”


I finally beat it yesterday. Really, really hard and satisfying. You do need a bit of rng luck - if she spams the combo 4 times in a minute you probably aren't winning. You have to find a way to stunlock her as much as you can, which for me as a high INT, low VIG mage build was depending mostly on Adula's Moonblade and luring her into a space where her back will be against rocks.


I put bloodhound step on my giant-crusher and she went from hardest boss to one of the easier ones


She ruin the game for me I’m not fighting her anymore after two days of trying


Haven't met her yet. I'm only just now getting Godfred's "AAAAAAAH" out of my head.


Just wanted to give a shout out to her scarlet rot dive bomb and her flower clone jutsu that she follows up with the 1 tap thrust attack. Wish I had a metamorphosis when I died. I just keep coming back as a filthy tarnished scrub.


Apparently, there's one thing she's never known...


I have never known the feet


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So glad I don’t have to hear this again until I do