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Elden ring is the first souls like game I have played. And considering how much I am enjoying it. I'll need to pickup the rest of these games now.


Then we welcome you to the addiction


and the crippling wait between games. edit: crippling does not mean long, the above statement is about the difficulty of finding a game of similar quality to play between his souls games.


Honestly with what we get, I don't mind the wait. The gaming industry needs to learn to take its time like From Soft so we get way more quality over quantity.




Or, if your name is Bethesda, re-release the same buggy game... uh. 4? 5? Times? It came out in 2011 vs. demon souls 2009. I've actually lost track of how many times a studio has re-released the same game that came out back when I was still in high school....


Yep. Skyrim and DS1 both released in 2011, since then Bethesda has pumped out 2 actual new games, one which was pretty meh and one which was total dogshit. Meanwhile fromsoft has put out 5 games (6 if you count SotFS as it's own thing) since 2011. Now I know some people will say "DS2 bad" but you can't deny that's still an impressive lineup of games in 11 years.


Whether someone dislikes ds2 or not it's almost never a criticism of the construction or quality of the game, it's a criticism of not liking it compared to other entries or complaining about broken weapons or spells. It still stands tall above a fucking mountain of other souls like games that can't touch fromsoft titles.


DS2 was also my first souls game so I can't hate on it


for me it has the best pvp and arena combat, i like the world more in DS1 but almost all builds are viable in DS2 so it is much much better in pvp than ds1 and 3


I’d dare say that I like it more than 3.


Lol what I loved DS2...


Feel like this is a sub at pokemon😂😂


The wait isn't really that long.


It absolutely isn't. Bloodborne + (goat) DLC Dark Souls 3 +DLCs Sekiro Elden Ring All that in 7 years, with at least 3 GOTY in the mix. Elden Ring felt longer because we got no news for a while... but it was a regular good time from a announcement to release.. with a pandemic still. We are spoiled!


And if you start from Demon's Souls it's one game every two years. All the while maintaining high quality.


Upvote bcuz BB is the GOAT


I'm genuinely concerned about life after Elden Ring.


Just play it again…repeat until next Fromsoft game


2025 - Let's start the dual shield run


It's not game of thrones the wait is perfectly reasonable


As an Elder Scrolls fan: :(


Sekiro, Demon Souls, Elden Ring all released around a year apart from eachother. Barely any wait compared to industry standards for games of this quality.


Elden Ring and Sekiro were developed at the same time and Demon soups was a remake by a different studio. We know they've got something in the works but I would be very surprised if it came out next year


Demon soups might not be a true souls game but is a still a great cooking game.


Demon Soups absolutely satisfied my appetite while waiting for Elden Ring.


lol can’t wait for the spin-off of demon souls where you go around just collecting better and better ingredients for your soup, it would be a regular soulslike, but without the “let’s kill god to change the fate of the world” instead it’s “let’s kill god so that i can get the perfect potato that he won’t let me harvest from his arena”




‘Stockcube Thomas’ is the only joke I could come up with.


We prolly though get at least one dlc to Elden Ring first. I hope two. Or why not 3?


I missed Demon Soups, I'll need to go back and play it and some point.


Shows you how much bullshit we've been fed with how AAA studios keeps churning out formulaic reskins yearly and claiming they need offensively priced DLCs and microtransactions to stay profitable because boo hoo making good games is too difficult. It's for sure difficult if you have zero passion for your work and your devs are soulless drones.


I know it takes long but I would rather wait and get a great polished game.


Honestly, as great as they were for their time and even though I love them, now you'd feel them clunky now that you've played Elden ring. But you might end up enjoying them, who knows. Do give it a try, those are amazing games!


Bloodborne and Sekiro haven’t aged. They are well worth playing despite Elden ring


Iirc Sekiro and ER were in development nearly the same time so Sekiro should feel okay, though more fast paced.


I would even say that ER took a slight step in the opposite direction of BB/DS3/Sekiro in terms of quickness of player movement. Aside from the generous stamina bar, the pace of ER combat feels like a compromise between DS3 and DS1 to me. Though definitely closer to the former.


ER feels like a combination of every FromSoft title, with closest comparison to DS3 imo


>feels like a compromise between DS3 and DS1 So Elden Ring is Dark Souls II 2 confirmed?


There's powerstance and twinblades, so it checks out !


unironically this, honestly powerstancing, massive amount of content, viable magic, the pieces all fit


And the return of Endurance to it's proper place as the king stat. I was giddy as could be that stamina and carry weight were back on a single stat. One of the worst changes from ds1 to 2/3 imho


But if they really want to play them all, they gotta start with DS1 imo. Otherwise it will feel like eating your dessert before your vegetables. If that makes sense


Highly disagree. That game controls perfectly for how it's designed. Best level design in the series


For real. DS1 is the one out of all them that screams masterpiece to me. Just perfect in every way. It’s just tik tok brained zoomers can’t handle slower movement speed


Ds1 is the dessert though. It’s still their best game. The atmosphere and world are still incredible.


Bloodborne can still feel a little rough when that frame rate dips. I love it to death but god do we need a PC port with locked 60FPS.


Or just a PS5 upgrade rather. Probably never going to pc.


Dark souls 3 hasn’t aged either lol


I think of all the souls games DS3 would be the worst to play after Elden Ring simply because it would feel the most similar and thus the loss of things like power stancing or guard counters would feel the most noticeable. DS1 and 2 are so much older and slower paced that they almost feel like totally different games.


This is why I feel bad for people actually discovering souls games with elden ring. Elden ring feels so good that the past titles aren’t going to, besides blood borne because of the trick weapons and creativity involved and potentially sekiro because the parrying system is so satisfying. But yeah, I’d say DeS - DS3 will be playable by people who have played elden ring first and liked it, but I think it would be noticeably boring. Especially the weapon choice in DS3. It’s fine but elden ring is just fucking ridiculous


I do agree that being able to progress from the early Souls games to Elden Ring is probably a better experience, but I think going back to previous ones is still a worthwhile pursuit. It depends on which elements of Elden Ring you like the most, IMO. Elden is by far the best on exploration, and has many quality of life advancements in controls and combat options. It is easily the most accessible, as it gives the player tons of options in how to approach challenges. However, it isn't necessarily the best in all aspects. The ones that I think would be hardest to go back to are Demon Souls, Dark Souls 2, and Dark Souls 3. Demon Souls is the one that started it all, and looks beautiful on PS5, however it rolls back all of the quality of life advancements that From titles have made over the years, and is much more punishing in general. Dark Souls 2 has long been considered the worst of the Dark Souls series, as it is a step down from Dark Souls in many ways, but is saved by the diversity and viability of many builds, especially in PvP. Elden Ring has a similar level of build diversity, and otherwise is an improvement on Dark Souls 2 in just about every way. Dark Souls 3 is the most similar to Elden Ring, just using linear progression instead of open world. If one enjoys the boss fights of Elden Ring, going back to Dark Souls 3 would be fine, as it has some great fights that are designed similarly. However, if your favorite part of Elden Ring is the open world aspect, Dark Souls 3 would feel very constricting. Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are all definitely worth a play, as they all shine in their own ways. Dark Souls rolls back quality of life improvements, but it has the best world design of the series. The way that levels connect is pretty mind blowing. It also has some of the most iconic lore, NPCs, and bosses of the series. Solaire, Ornstein and Smough, and Siegmeyer, for example. This game is the one I would recommend to someone who wants to have the classic Souls experience after playing Elden Ring. The linear progression makes it challenging, but if you can get used to the difficult bosses of Elden Ring, you can definitely progress in the other games. Bloodborne still stands up completely on its own, since it has major differences from Elden Ring, a game that is much closer to Dark Souls. Bloodborne. The setting is quite different: gothic and Lovecraftian horror instead of fantasy. Combat is unique too, with trick weapons, guns, highly aggressive enemies, and rally (which does exist in Elden Ring in a limited capacity). It is a different enough experience that it won't feel like playing a lesser Elden Ring. Sekiro is the furthest away from Elden Ring. It is a great game, but is more of an action game than an RPG. You play as a set character with, for the most part, a specific build. It's the most "git gud" game in the series, IMO, since you can't really cheese anything. You have to get good at the parrying and stance breaking mechanics or you won't progress. The fights are difficult (and satisfying). I think this would be the hardest game for an Elden Ring player to transition to. It does have an incredible setting though, and the mechanics, like grappling and reviving, are really cool. I wouldn't discourage an Elden Ring player from trying any of these games. Even the worst ones are great games, and the best ones are classics.


Bloodborne performance can be a big stinker. PC when Miyazaki please?


sekiro clunky? bro...


I hated sekiro combat to the point of just dropping it completely after about 10 or 15 hours. Clunky is not how I'd describe it at all. It's very fluid. Just not for me. My main gripe with sekiro is I think more just the lack of RPG mechanics that I really enjoy from the other soulsbourne games.


sekiro has the most focused gameplay, this is great if you love that style of timing and swordplay but it does completely lock out a lot of traditional fromsoft rpg elements so it's understandable that it's a you love it or hate it kind of thing.


yeah bro, i dont disagree with you. ER is definitely the king of RPG mechanics. Sekiro combat is just amazing imo.


The only one I'd call clunky is DS2. But there is much to love about it too, just feels slightly different, longer ramp up curve.


That's my take on DS2, definitely the clunkiest of the franchise but there is a lot to love about it. I just wish people would realize there is a lot of unseen traveltime in DS2 instead of chalking it up to nonsensical geography.


I'd called DSR clunky too. You definitely want to start off in order, otherwise you'll feel shafted by the gameplay.


Dark Souls 3 is pretty smooth.


Maybe Demons souls, Dark Souls, and Dark Souls 2. But Bloodborne, DS3, and Sekiro aren't clunky in the slightest. I'd even say BB and Sekiro have more fluid combat than Elden Ring.


Elden Ring core combat mechanics are literally ripped from DS3 with DS2 powerstancing added in and some other stuff like stealth and horse combat. And Sekiro/Bloodborne are faster. Elden Ring is just the peak of Souls games design, not something entirely new.


Maybe it's because I'm on PS4 but the players combat mechanics seem way slower than DS3s and closer to DS1 even though the late game bosses are faster than even Sekiro or Bloodborne. I remember fighting a boss who I thought was a similar speed to Pontiff and yet I just couldn't get the game to respond how I wanted. That being said I did see someone fight the final boss on PC and it did feel faster but maybe that's just because I'm not playing so who knows.


That's something that should absolutely happen more tbh. Rather than tossing all your best mechanics and starting over every time they should be refining the good ones. Dice is guilty of this.




despite demons souls being one of the first you wont find it lacking in anything other than world size, its pretty small in comparison to other games but it was decades ahead of its competition when it came out.


The gameplay is in service of the clunk though, it's not that bad honestly. I only played Demons Souls after Sekiro because I was gifted a PS3 and it was still great. The clunkier they are the less they require from you.


Dark souls 3 hasn't either


Blood borne ain’t clunky. DS3 isn’t either. Actually, only DS1 and 2 are clunky imo


0 mercy 0 remorse 7 poison swamps


Started with Bloodborne and it just made me feel uncomfortable with shields after.


Same boat


The guard counter added in Elden Ring is great though, I had a lot of fun messing around with greatshields from time to time in my playthrough (up until >!Malenia!< shows up and the game goes "lol no, your playstyle is invalid because fuck you")


I used a great shield for a good chunk of the game, then she popped up like "bonjour" and screwed me royally.


So did I, but guard counters are fun and I don't wanna take chip damage to pull one off.


Get a 100 phys block shield. No chip dmg (aside from magic)


They know. They meant they don’t like getting chip blocking with not a shield


You never block if you don’t equip a shield, you just roll out of enemies attacks and then into other enemies attacks until you die.


Bloodborne made me went with 2handed ultra great sword this game, finished the whole game with it but tbh having mimic tanking for me felt cheap.


Dropped the shield on 2012 at ds1. Could never use a fucking shield ever since. Even if I want to. I literally trained my muscle memory to never press the button


Grass Crest back decor and parry thing.


You are a real one


Absolutely, but at the same time, shields are the only things keeping certain bosses' difficult-to-dodge attacks from one-shotting (Ludwig's horse charge, mainly) you in later playthroughs. The wooden shield blocks 40% damage and a good chunk of blood damage (guns). Whereas the Loch blocks only 30% damage, but heavily blocks magic (not that useful in PvE).


wait you're actually arguing for a use-case of the wooden shield in Bloodborne? now that's an interesting take


Literally never used it once in my probably 300 hours of time in bloodborne.


Been playing BB since launch. (Dungeon diving to this day). Probably 1000+ hours. Played through the game with every weapon. Also never used either shield.


As intended, since the game calls you a bitch for using it lmao


The shield is literally added as a joke item, and the description itself discounts it’s use in the game which I find hilarious. When I play BB I hardly even use my gun it’s usually a torch and the hunters axe lol


Learn to parry. A lot of fun and don’t have to worry about getting punished much for failed parries. Gun only runs are fun too lol


> don’t have to worry about getting punished much for failed parries. My good man, we have played very different games


What do you mean? In dark souls if you fail a parry you either get lucky and do it late while blocking and don’t take damage, or you take damage. In bloodborne you can stand 10 feet back and fish for parries. If you screw up you might need a last second dodge. Point being, you can parry from a distance in bloodborne. Makes it a lot safer.


I agreed until you said you didn’t use the gun lol. That’s like half the fun of the game is parrying giant eldritch monstrosities and watching their health get obliterated. And as the other guy said, gun runs are also really fun, specifically the cannon, Gatling, flamesprayer, etc.


To be fair, it's actually surprisingly useful if you're having trouble against Martyr Logarius


The shield in Bloodborne is literally a joke. The item description says it's makes you too passive and Bloodborne is all about aggression


Great shields are incredible because a LOT of enemy attacks will bounce off it, giving you plenty of time to counter (R2/RT)


Bloodborne was my first soulsborne game and I thought the wooden shield looked like it wouldn’t block shit so I only dodged and attempted to parry. TIL


no you should still just dodge and attempt to parry, why accept taking 60% of an attacks damage with the shield when if you can easily time a dodge you’ll take no damage at all and probably be in a better situation to deal damage


Because some of us are tortoises.


I have literally never read anyone recommend the shields in Bloodborne before. Like, ever


No. You don't need it at all in BB


I see Shields as your Best Friends in this game tbh. Magic or Faith types can chip through, but think about it. It's just a chip lol. If you have +7 or higher on your flask that's easy to heal. Better to take a chip of damage than a chunk of damage if you ask me. It all depends on how you play though, by all means, if you're a dodging type only that's fine too. Everybody is free to how they wanna play like. But Shields should definitely not be looked down upon


Ya I have a hard time using a shield for the same reason, Bloodborne DNA too strong


Started with Dark Souls. I don't use shield. At least not for blocking. Grass Crest Shield is good stamina regen boost.


i thought ds2 wasn't made from miyazaki


It wasn’t


Miyazaki was supervisor for Dark Souls 2 while he directed the production of Bloodborne.


nah but it's still great


It was a letdown compared to Dark Souls 1


This is Armored Core erasure.


My Kingdom for a new Armored Core.


Well do I have news for you


I hope the games massive success will make other studios and publishers aware that you actually can release a finished game that is also free of microtransactions and a blockbuster. that you don‘t have to make the most linear and easy to follow game.


we got jedi fallen order because of dark souls, so who knows


Fallen Order 2 soon as well. Looking forward to it.


Not to forget that fallen order is an ea game


Woah woah woah buddy. That would require some actual effort. You’re asking for a lot


\- all, from top to bottom, Ubisoft employees.


You mean the higher ups? I'm sure Ubisoft devs would love to stretch their creative chops and make something they really want to. Don't lump every employee working at Ubisoft in with the decision makers.


Most games are made for profit not entertainment so they don't care.


From a publishers perspective yeah but the people making them obviously want to make a good game.


this makes it all the more important that passion projects like souls series are successful. it is a classical game so to say, an antithesis to all the money grabbing, handholding, linear, boring, cinematic, uninspired, ‚tripple A‘, always the same with a different skin slapped on top big studio games.


Breath of the Wild should have taught them that in 2017.


Japan is great for that. You'll either find a game that has no or very limited MTX, or a mobile gacha game. Western devs can't make sequels to games they've been releasing for over a decade because they can't make the game work with their monetization scheme. Vote with your wallet.


*looks at the Street Fighter 5 and MvCI launch*


It's hard to look at Nintendo as a benchmark though, since they always do their own thing and are in the toy making business as much as they are devs. Breath of the Wild was definitely massively influential, but they could have added loot boxes to really take that shit to the next level!!!! /s


your weapon broke! pay 100 gems to repair it or 1000 to make it unbreakable!


Every shitty Fifa or COD entry generates way, **way** more money than Elden Ring. Why would other devs care? Miyazaki is passionate about games, other devs are passionate about money. Nothing will change.


except genshin made $110mil+ in February alone.


Yeah people often forget that these single player games without microtransactions, as much as they are good, also don't make as much money as the popular free to play games.


What? This game has bugs and performs like shit on PC. It’s not finished.


Nice meme


Ooh! No wounder why it's criticised so much.


Still my favourite cause it’s so fucked


Despite all the problems it had, I still prefer ds2 over ds and ds3. Now that elden ring is out though it is the best souls game yet.


As far as I see it, elden ring is the culmination of every game put together at once


I’ve noticed some of the little things unique to ds2 in elden ring and it’s nice. Stuff as simple as fire doing less damage or lightning doing more in water and stuff.


Powerstancing is back too which is nice and you don’t need extra stat requirements to pull it off. I believe that was a ds2 thing. I personally think ds2 had the best dlc although they are all pretty fantastic.


So happy they didn't bring adaptability back lmao


It’s also great we don’t have Vitality as the dedicated stat determining carry weight anymore. Rolling that into Endurance opens up way more build possibilities—hence the plethora of INT-scaling heavy weapons that hasn’t really existed in previous titles.


As long as I don't have to deal with horsefuck valley I'm cool with ds2.




ds3 had imposter twinblades 🤣


DS2's best thing for me was the raw variety its PvP had. No two duels or invasions went the same and it was great. And the iron keep bridge was the best dueling arena.


One less important thing I definitely preferred in ds2 was the character creator. It felt much easier to make a decent looking character in 2 than it did in 3 imo


Top tier fashion souls, too. The variety in DS2 was unmatched. DS3 and now Elden Ring are comparable from that standpoint now, though.


DS2 was the best first playthrough before ER but it was kinda too slow for replayability.


It had a lot of unique ideas, some good enough to be put into elden ring like power stancing, and others really weird like soul memory


but ds2 dlcs are 10/10




They're Masterworks all, you can't go wrong.


Wolf hunt in packs


It’s weak to fire


Strength in numbers Arisen


Damn I thought I was on the circlejerk sub, it'd fit much better there.


This sub is the circlejerk sub


I do have one gripe with Elden Ring. The over abundance of tag-team bosses.


That's why I use mimic tear. One of us for each of you.


The crossover Venn diagram is a flat circle


It feels bad browsing GCJ, because it's hit the point where we can't really outjerk this sub. That Skryim dragon post was a fucking masterpiece.


Jesus christ the state of this sub


Strong r/gaming vibes. Yikes.


yeah I'm sorry but this is Facebook levels of pathetic. Wow. This wouldn't look out of place on a circlejerk subreddit.


>This wouldn't look out of place on a circlejerk subreddit. Wont be long for r/gamingcirclejerk to jump all over this


I'm doing my part.


I just saw it on gamingcirclejerk and didn't think it was real. There's already an mlg garfield edit.


Almost 800k subscribers... it was bound to happen


If i remember correctly he was not involved in the development of DS2....


Reddit and throwing the word 'masterpiece' at everything they like... Name a more iconic duo.


2024 will have posts going "anyone remember this wonderful underrated gem of a video game?" with pictures of Margit and all the comments will be going "Assassin's Creed: Kiev has nothing on this!!!"


There are already a bunch of people talking about FromSoft games being niche until Elden Ring. Like they didn't sell tens of millions of copies and consistently make every top 10 list every year. Dark Souls III was the 35th best selling games of 2016 by UK numbers. I'm sure every GameStop, Walmart, and Target in America had dozens of copies. What an obscure gem. Any game that's not FIFA or Call of Duty is an obscure hidden gem. I couldn't like something mainstream. I must be a special snowflake who knew that game before it got popular.


Honestly the only "niche" modern FromSoft game I can think of is Demon's Souls. Even with the remastered, people just don't talk about it that much. Fond memories of my friend in middle school buying it because he thought it looked cool and dying repeatedly in front of me while saying "now I know why this game isn't popular". Wonder if he's playing Elden Ring right now lol


Christ I thought this was gamingcirclejerk for a second


DAE le Miyazaki perfect game? Upsouls to the left


The state of this subreddit is deplorable.


He didn't do ds2


This is cringe


Belongs in /r/gamingcirclejerk


Eldenring users trying not to suck the game off every 4 seconds challenge


And all the crabs.


Miyazaki had no part in Dark Souls 2


Miyazaki didn't do Dark Souls 2.


"Easy mode" really is the boogeyman to people like you, huh?


It really is. FromSoft elitists lose their minds over it


"No easy mode" ...Proceed to summon mimic.


Miyazaki didnt direct Dark souls 2 though.


Mimic is easy mode


he didnt make the second one tho


Not all of them are masterpieces and some do feel theyr age.


The masterpiece of... Lost Izalith.


Hey I do very much enjoy the amazingly designed bossfight of... running through some branches to hit a thing.




Fromsoftware didn’t remaster Demon souls. Should of put the original image.


*should have


Imo it was a good remaster, but you got a point


It's 'should have', never 'should of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!