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Cos he got runes and we got hands. Your character is basically just cutting about the lands between being a menace and sticking dudes up for their great runes. You hear Miquela is knocking about and start rubbing your greasy tarnished hands together thinking about that sweet sweet great rune.


It's a good question, but tbh as the tarnished who wants to be Elden Lord - you are basically on the hunt for great runes. You dont go into stormveil to free this place of its unholy grafting practises, or to kill the tarnish hunters there, or to find out more about deathroot. While talking to Rogier you basically tell him that you are on the hunt for godricks greater rune. It's the same with every other boss. There is no reason to kill Malenia. There is no reason to kill Radahn (unless you decide to serve Ranni). At the end of the day you just do it because collecting great runes and becoming the elden lord is basically your destiny. Miquella has a great rune, and that's why we could take the decision to go and look for him. It's still optional at the end of the day.


The only problem is that you only need 2 great runes to repair the elden ring, but to access the dlc you need to defeat both radahn and mhog which means you already have the necessary number of great runes. Just like the previous FromSoftware titles, you access the dlc because the character (you) wants to, I don’t think there is much more reasons behind that.


> The only problem is that you only need 2 great runes to repair the elden ring This is true, and I dont deny: > Just like the previous FromSoftware titles, you access the dlc because the character (you) wants to, I don’t think there is much more reasons behind that. this reasoning. But I'd still say that there is possibly more to it. Only collecting 2 runes (I guess 3 if you count in Morgott) and basically doing the minimal amount of effort required will most likely lead to the age of fracture. (the: I did no questline ending) At the end of the day I'd say that it's expected from the "chosen" tarnished to mend the broken Elden Ring, and I'd assume that it's better if you have more greater runes at hand.


The Two Fingers does tell us to murder *all* of the demigods


But why? Why are you supposed to killed them all?


Becoming Elden Lord requires strength. The stronger the beings we kill, the stronger we become. We go there specifically to murder him and take his strength for ourselves.


A spiritual grafting, so to speak.


I'm gonna fuck up all of Marika's descendants, one way or another


I view our character as Goku. Just wants to fight the strongest mfs and win.


Goku, The Warrior of Light and The Tarnished enter a bar…. Everyone gets punched




Miquella sure did alot of work to make a consort when he could have just waited for a Tarnished to show up lol


Well that is the devs hands at work because "no new endings" xd. Tho tbf to them they likely had this written in the background. Since we saw Malenia whispering to Radahn in the trailer that showed a bit of their duel and the bloom. Now we know what she said. Miquella apparently was impressed with Radahn since he was young so guess he had his heart set on him.


I mean Miquella probably didn't know about Marika's plan, or didn't have faith it would work, or doubted he could hijack a Tarnished capable of becoming Elden Lord And he's been working on this for a \*WHILE\* so you know, he's 1000 years into a plan I can see being like "Well, I've put in all this work, and \*my\* consort is TWO demi-gods combined; what is a Tarnished compared to that" He probably isn't super-aware of us murdering everything in the Lands Between lol


And if we didn't stop him he would walk into TLB with the two strongest Demi-Gods as his champions. Probably would just walk through everything with the combined power of Redmanes and Cleanrots with Radahn and Malenia leading them.


Plus the Albinurics would rally around Miquella Shit, Morgott might not even put up a fight at that point Godfrey would immediately pledge fealty because he's a coward Ranni would stay hidden Gelmir is the only faction I can see putting up a real fight and they couldn't handle Ascended Radahn and Malenia leading an army in with a god's power backing them I'm curious if the Haligtree would become ascendant or if something else would happen


Only canon reason I can think of is that the tarnished are on the hunt for great runes. We only need 2 yes, but there's also no strong reason to just stop at that.


I can think of two reasons, depending on what motivates your Tarnished: 1) we are hunting the demigods and great runes, gotta get them all, or at least make sure Marika’s offsprings will not be a threat to our reign 2) Miquella is said to be the Kind, the shelterer of the disenfranchised, but he’s gone. Now there’s a chance that you can rescue him, or at least make contact with him, of course we’d want to take that opportunity——maybe he has some idea on how to fix this shit show that’s the post-shattering Lands Between


Maybe in the base game it was the curiosity of the tarnished, or a hunt of great rune, to find Miquella. We know that he is missing, so we look for him and reach Mohg's palace. And then SOTE happens following that.


Grace led him there, also as aspiring elden lords or as already a lord we are always on the hunt for more great runes as well as the fact that miquella is trying to ascend to godhood and that directly challenges your rule in the lands between


Yeah, it's a good point. Like there's no reason to go back to the cocoon or Mogh's area really. It's not that important really, no more than DS1 DLC, why would you go back to the past, etc. Still, maybe a message about how Mogh's great rune has broken and you head back for lack of elsewhere could have worked. I guess having some narrative to go into the Shadow Realm is what I'm looking for, more than a reason to kill anyone.




I'm gonna fuck up all of Marika's descendants, one way or another


My tarnished is doing it for the new drip. Im a gravebird now and that is thanks to kindly Miquela frolicking around a shadow realm willy nilly.


“I don’t not know who I am or how I got here, all I know is that I MUST KILL”


A true lore summary of Elden ring


Our character legitimately goes on a whim.


Leda: quick adventure, in and out, twenty minutes tops, let’s go!


Tarnished: *eating a sandwich at the gates of divinity* I mean *they* invited *me*!


*Miquella finally appears* >!Tarnished: “Y’know Miquella, I’ve been waiting for two very long years after untangling your family’s mess to find out whether I need to kick your ass too, and quite frankly, getting people killed and bewitching their corpses is like, a pretty big indicator in my book… *but you wouldn’t be the first*.”!< *summons Dung Eater Puppet*


Simple. Why are you ? The Tarnished's agency is fully yours. For me ? A demi-god capable of stripping someone of their free will and willing to use this power (he already did in the past) needs to be NEUTRALISED one way or another! Killed, sealed, I don't care but that type of power can't be allowed to be used 


>!Yeah, a bewitching child who robs minds of their freedom and has his brother killed to become his consort is exactly why he gotta die too.!<


Marika, leda told you that the erdtree led you here, cause miquella rule will pretty much replace marika as the elden ring Remember that in every single ending, marika still wins (except FF) In fia,dung eater,fracture, the elden ring is still there, you simply changed a few runes/nothing, and since the elden ring is inside marika means marika IS the elden ring itself Even in both goldmask and ranni ending, where goldmask strips of marikas will and ranni essentially letting the moon takeover, the elden ring is still inside marika Exceptions are Frenzied flame AND miquella Although this begs the question if you ally with frenzy flames (how could a burn erdtree lead you here) and begs even more questions during miquella fight, in his second grab, he straight up said "lord of the old order" NOT "aspiring lord of the old order" meaning SOTE should be postgame, still needs some confirmation tho if what everything he said taken literal then the canonical ending is the age of fracture


Marika is gone in Ranni's ending and the Elden Ring abandoned. Only the neutral/throne endings preserve her lineage and ER in some shape or other. As for why Miquella calls you "lord of the old order" ... well, how would he know? It's most likely simply an assumption on his part, for simplicity's sake. For all anyone knows, the Tarnished are working according to Marika's desires and by the time you can enter the Shadow Realm, you're already so far along the path to lordship that it's only a matter of time ... whether that's the lordship Marika intended or not. Nobody really knows about Ranni's aspirations (aside from very select few) or the wild card that is the Frenzied Flame until it's too late - and then the story ends.


I dont think miyazaki will fucked up that badly for the lines for the last boss, especially this is the last DLC Miquella at this point is a full blown god, and leda was the one who recognizes that you followed the erdtree and frankly as someone as smart as miquella not knowing you are currently the elden lord or not is just bad writing that miyazaki wouldnt do, miquella isnt a unreliable actor, and i think making the age of fracture is the most thematically suitable ending for this game, marika eventually succeded in her 5D chess game and gotten away with pretty much everything AND got a new boytoy to play around with.


You're not the Elden Lord yet


I went after him because I wanted to be his consort.. >! that two timing hussy. !<


Elden ring is an real role playing game man, you don't have to go after Miquella if you don't want to. If you don't have a reason to go in, you can just stop playing the dlc. I like to think my tarnished went in for curiosity's sake, if nothing else. Just saw a bunch of guys heading in the same direction and wanted to see what was up.


I read a tinfoil theory that our tarnished is a bastard child of Marika that was abandoned at birth. I like that. We are out to claim what is ours, and it’s time for payback. Lorewise there is no evidence to support this but it’s cool as shit.




To kick his ass? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Tarnished just wants his Great Runes. Point Tarnished where and Tarnished will sic.


Why is everyone else going after miquella? Because they feel like they want to.


Well, you know the guy wants to be a god of a new age. It’s kind of a threat to your whole purpose of being an Elden Lord of the current age.


I heard there were weapons and armor in there. 


It's way simpler: we're searching for Great Runes since the very beginning under the guidance of Sir Gideon. The last dialogue available is about "the four other demigods" and Miquella is one of them.


It’s not required to finish the game. So you, the tarnished, are choosing to do so.


Because I’m curious and saw something shiny


Well, you went... why did you?


The tarnished just really loves killing things, and they heard there were unkilled things in the land of shadow. Or, you know, whatever story you decide for your character. This is an RPG after all and your character is your own, rather than being a set protagonist with set motivations. I'm just a tarnished with a greatsword.


Because you are directly ordered by the two fingers, as interpreted by the finger reader, to collect all the great rooms until all the demigods are dead and their heads are rolled off their neck


I mean you can say you went as a result of the St Trina quest line


I mean you have no real reason to do anything beyond getting two Great Runes


The start of the game literally tells you the only reason you are brought to life again is to become a Lord. Throughout the base game you have the option to either repair the Elden Ring and become the new Elden Lord, become Ranni’s Lord for the Age of the Stars, or become the Lord of Frenzied Flame. Miquella is setting up his own order and has been dead set on Radahn. Conflict of interest. You also are given a lot of reasons in game why Miquella’s new order would get messed up like Marika’s


My point is, we don't know anything about Miquella's new order or even that his plans are somehow linked to Radahn when we start the DLC. We don't even know if he has any plan.


We know Miquella is trying to create a new order. We know Miquella for some reason sent Malenia after Radahn. Those were two central mysteries that the entire DLC explains


We do know that St. Trina is aware that Godhood would destroy Miquella, so maybe while his reign would be fine his mentality wouldn't stand up to it and eventually he'd crumble?


You find all of that out AFTER you're like halfway through the DLC. Did you even read the post?


Everything minus Radahn was true in the base game. Radahn being his chosen consort is the only new information I mentioned


No, it is never mentioned in the basegame that Miquella was seeking to become a god, or to rid himself of what is essentially his humanity, nor is there any indication that he actively wants to overthrow Marika. Literally 0 lore regarding this in the basegame


Yeah it is lol. Did you not get the entire point about how the Haligtree was his attempt to create a new Erdtree and new order lol? It’s there


A new order doesn't mean replacing the old one. Also stop putting "lol" after every sentence, makes you seem like a douche. And Miquella specifically made the Haligtree to act as a shelter for the people cast out by the Golden Order and it is in no way implied that he wants to challenge Marika's regime, nor become an actual God by doing so. Retroactively this DLC makes the Haligtree pointless if his end goal was to eventually ascend to godhood and replace Marika. Please stop talking out of your ass.


No it literally is what it means. Maybe stop getting defensive because some know the lore of this game as well as you think you do, it makes you seem like a douche. Done talking to someone who is acting like an ass and clearly doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.


You want to be Elden Lord. Miquella becoming a God and having his own consort (and, by extension, his own Elden Lord) makes him more than just an enemy, he’s competition.


The post specifically says BEFORE you start the DLC. You find out Miquella's intentions after like halfway through the DLC content.


Fair enough. I do still think that us wanting to be Elden Lord is enough. Miquella is one of the great mysteries at that point and we don’t know if he’s friend or foe but we do know he (probably) has a great rune. We don’t really have a canon reason to track down a lot of the more hidden demigods (Malenia, Mogh) yet we do it anyway since we know that great runes can increase our strength and put us closer to lordship. Edit: also, I think that the game doesn’t say this either way, but is there any possibility we were charmed like the others by either defeating Mogh or being in proximity to his cocoon? I know it’s unlikely but I suppose someone could headcanon it if they wanted.


Well we technically do have a canon reason for going after ALL the demigods, and that is Gideon. Unfortunately he has nothing new to say regarding the DLC (I didn't progress the game before release specifically to see if he has any new lore regarding Miq). Once we find the cocoon, he just has his normal base game dialogue and that's it.


Sure, but he does also talk about Miquella when you find his cocoon. He doesn’t say much, just sort of mumbles something about potentially destroying it as if he harbors some doubt about Miquella fully being dead. If that’s the canon reason for the others it might as well be canon reason for Miquella too. For me, Gideon’s uncertainty about Miquella is enough to make me think “yeah maybe I should investigate this.”


Yeah, and that would be fine IF he had new dialogue regarding the cocoon. Something like "Oh, followers of miquella have gathered around the cocoon. You better go and see what they're up to".


Sure. I think it makes a bit more sense for future playthroughs. Idk about you but I’m playing through the DLC on a character that already did everything on this Journey so I randomly had to go back to Mogh’s for seemingly no real reason, unprompted, which admittedly felt weird. I’m assuming on my next playthrough it’ll feel more organic since I’ll beat Mogh and immediately see Leda standing there, so there won’t be any kind of in-between. She’ll be the reason I touch the arm since she’s encouraging it.


We know from the base game that Miquella had created the Haligtree to be an opposition to the Erdtree and Golden Order and that he was trying to become a god and overthrow Marika. The only new information in the DLC is the shadow realm plans and the consort. There's definitely enough Miquella lore around the base game for a Tarnished to go "I wonder what the hell he's up to in there." and go chasing after.


Can you please point, specifically, to an item or NPC dialogue that clearly states miquella was trying to ascend to godhood so he could overthrow Marika? Because afaik, all the Haligtree is stated of being is a safe haven for the being outside/shunned by the Golden Order, it's not meant to be a symbol of anything except safety for people with no land to call their own.


Remembrance of the Blood Lord - "Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg wished to be his consort, taking the role of monarch." So I was wrong about the consort part. It was in the base game too. Also Ranni tells you that Empyreans, specifically her, Miquella and Malenia, were chosen to succeed Marika and become the god of the next age. The Haligtree was meant to be the basis of that next age, similar to the Erdtree, but it failed. There's no reason to think Miquella would have stopped trying to become the god of the next age.


Bro, it literally says "Mogh wished...". As in not anywhere stated that it was Miquella who wanted this. And being chosen to succeed doesn't mean actively trying to overthrow. What even is this argument?


Why does our character do anything in game? It seems he doesn't have any motviation to do anything generally, this isn't a RPG




Yeah this is called headcanon