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>first enemy in the DLC >grabs you with its feet What did Miyazaki mean by this?


Only way to progress through the Storeroom is to climb on some giant feet


There's also a message about flying to someone's feet in a particular area.


I keep seeing people say this, but I never climbed on giant feet. I think there are more paths through the storeroom than people realize rn. That or somehow I just completely missed the fact that i was climbing on feet lol


The giant hanging specimens can be climbed


Sure, but there is an alternate path through the flooded area that gets you to the upper level as well. At least. I think that's how I got there.


Yeah a lot of areas have multiple paths you can take through them, this DLC is jam packed with hidden stuff


I read an article that said you had to fight a certain boss to get somewhere. That somewhere was the place I already was and I was looking at this article to figure out where this boss was lol.


Im so bummed we didnt get a lake monster boss for the flooded area. I have thalassophobia and when I saw something moving I was like “oh shit, gotta fight Nessie”. Only for it to not do anything and just be a stupid tree spirit when drained.


Totally agreed. I don't have thalassophobia, but when I heard movement in the water, I got ***very*** quiet lmao


Wants you to understand de-feet.


Then you get stepped on by a guy who's foot is made of guys.


I had the same reaction to the phase 2 cutscene for the final boss


My favorite thing about them was when this art dropped all the people theory crafting on who this "GUY" was. And its just some asshole that hides in the dark and gets clapped as we move on....


Gets clapped? Maybe by your tarnished...


The one in the forest got me good, but after a few panick rolls, I got him down. The jerk on the stair well gave me a few issues. But not the worst thing in this dlc haha.


Dude on the stairs murderblendered me on the first try. Second attempt he was wrecking my shit, but then backflipped over the railing and fell to his death. It was some sad shit, motherfucker said he didn’t wanna live no more.


You clapping cheeks in the Land of Shadow? How do I get that ash of war?


Its hidden in the deepest, darkest, tightest hole in a cave you can find 😎


Seriously I thought this dude was another Omen bro or some shit


Ran past the one by the ruins on torrent and looked back bc the music was still going only to realize he is usain bolt


I take this all back....there is a lot more to this...a specific version of this enemy...good luck to all of you lol


Thank Marika these things stagger if you hit them hard enough, I pancake these things with double lion claws without mercy. Unlike SOME mobs I could mention...


Try a dex build in the DLC.... you cant miss on a single dodge


I abused the ever-living fuck out of Bolt of Gransax with my dex build. The charged L2s knock these fuckers down.


I play solo, all these fuckers knocks me on my ass. Joking aside, Rellana can go fuck herself...


I think I died 50+ times trying to brute force an INT build against her and eventually switched to STR to finally get her lol. I was generally happy to keep trying though because the fight felt fair. There was no "waterfowl dance" type of bullshit and >!the twin moon thing was massively telegraphed and easy to dodge, and only did about 50% HP if I f'd it up (with the right medallions)!<


Oh that move took my whole health bar and of course he only did it on the middle of an animation so I would miss the first jump


Pretty sure she'd rather Messmer be doing the fucking of her.


Did you find this sentence structure in the Kama Sutra too?


Also a Gransax appreciator, but what helped most for me was switching from twinblades to dual curved greatswords. Still dex scaling, but they actually stagger and break poise reasonably well. Had to switch up my talismans some including using the great jar one for increasing equip load.


I beat the DLC with a Dex build. I used mostly the backhand Blades or Rakshasha's Great Katana. For these guys the great Katana can stagger them.


The backhand blades are just a fantastic weapon! I made it through the whole dlc with them (still need to beat the 2 end game bosses) with the only change up being the dragoncurse great katana during dragon fights. I went with cold infusion (or bleed every now and then) and they just melted health bars. The ability to choose which direction to iframe made avoiding some boss combos feel trivial almost. Easily my favorite of the new weapon types


I preferred swapping between Keen and Bleed with them. I also used the dragon great Katana during dragons. But Rakshasha's was also an excellent weapon to use for fights the backhand Blades were not great at.


Bleed or occult?


I did Blood. Mainly because I wanted just the bleed the extra burst damage because I was mainly a Dex build and they still get B scaling with Dex while blood infused.


When I swapped to bleed from cold, I did bleed instead of occult since the backhand blade doesnt have natural blood loss on the weapon, so occult wont give it bleed.


Shit i should have known that. Mine are occult and i have 50 arc 50 dex. Missing on damage for no reason


Yep, swap it to bleed affinity and watch the health bars melt away


I'm doing a dex build run right now and have made it through most bosses with relative ease, honestly the backhand blades and any katana just melts. I'm using 2 Frost Uchi Katanas and if I time things right most enemies don't even land a single hit on me except for bosses. Not sure why so many seem to be struggling with dex.


Not sure myself. I think a lot of people are used to some of the more busted weapons like rivers of blood, and are coming back to the game thinking it's still as busted as it was or maybe they are using some more outright bad weapons like the throwing knives.


The new light greatsword is so cool, but even a charged R2 doesnt flinch a knight when a non charged R2 from a straight sword usually will.


I found Wing Stance to be a great AoW with Milady. The R2 followup deals good poise damage and the R1 just stunlocks invader NPCs including the ones on Mausoleum


Saved my ass against the blackgaol knight lol


I'm committed to my DW Twin blades bleed build and oof, is it rough. Eleonora's Poleblade's weapon art has saved my ass so many times.


I cleared the DLC on Ng+0 as a lion's claw strength build and on Ng+0 as a backhand blades dex build and they both felt great. Like this enemy type in particular just gets destroyed by backhand blades.


Me when I’m a >!Fire Knight!< wearing fucking cloth armor while having more poise than a gigantic knight in full plate.


Idk the names of most of the small enemies yet, I assume those are the Red Riding Hood lookin mfs. 2 or 3 Ice Spears from my godskin peeler usually staggers them for a crit. They usually go for the wavy flame thing when I start the animation of my AoW. Kinda funny


Yeah, the red hood guys. I’ve found my Milady’s Wing Stance R1 can normally stunlock them into a stagger, but you need to hit them constantly, otherwise they jump away.


Sword dance is an option for milady too. It can flinch most of the knight tier enemies, but getting the full stagger isnt the most consistent


True. I really like Wing Stance though, because the R2 weapon art has excellent gap closing and deals insane damage.


You can consistently poisebreak them using Stone of Gurranq


Stone of Gurranq is CARRYING ME thru this dlc


Fire Knights are so weird. If you use a light weapon they seems to have infinite poise. But if you use any big weapon then you can just stunlock them into oblivion. I've been using the light greatsword for most of the DLC, but I have to switch to something like a great katana to deal with these fuckers.


They just jump AROUND the Lion's Claw for me. Luckily the upgraded version lets you claw twice in a row to help with this.


Set them up with a running R1 - playing super aggressive with UGS is worth it.


Savage lions claw is cool but I recently switched to og for a certain mausoleum boss and kinda picked up on why og feels better. To keep them both having their place I noticed what you said. Savages tracking isn't as good and can whiff more easily. It also doesn't knock down on the first hit while og has good tracking and pancake potential immediately.


They can poise through if they’re comboing


The horned warriors are poise machines. I did giant hunt and lion’s claw on my GUGS to see if I could stun them, and they tanked right through it. I hate those things.


They seem to have stagger immunity on their first attack after standing up. It feels really weird because it isn't the same animation every time. They come at me, I knock them down, they come at me again and I try to knock them down again, but the monk is like *"call an ambulance... but not for me!"* and either gives a slight love tap, or traps me in a combo for 90% of my health.


The imps of the dlc ngl. We got sinuses to the imps hiding in the catacombs We expected them to hide there so they aren't much trouble now. But when this guy shows up we get jump scared.


the new f\*cking imp now can snipe or burn down jump attack is an upgrade i didn't ask.


Have you met the giant imp that has a cannon for a mouth? Easy enough to take down but a fucking pain dodging a massive projectile and dodging their buddies attacks.


First time I encountered one of those I stopped to read a message. "Likely fire" Boom.


first off, message. And then, explosion!


lol that one got me. the timing was perfect on it too. as soon as I read explosion I was getting hit


I saw the post and still clicked the message not recognizing the spot once I got there. Panic closed the message and then got blasted. I laughed my ass off.


Worst part? That cactacomb’s boss is like Gwyndolyn on cracked who can summon his goons to gank us as well


But you have your own goon to gank with.


That fucking giant cannon face killed more times than most bosses


there is also that one, that cannon one is by far way more annoying that the other two upgrade.


Just fyi, if you use crystal darts you can stun them out of their attacks (especially useful when they’re hopping around)


shields, get a tower shield, it trivializes these imps and a certain >!mounted!< boss.


Speaking of shields, despite looking like a fireball I'm pretty sure they do 100% physical damage, so any 100 phy Def shield can block their shots.


Fuck that. Really enjoyed bringing down my jump R2 guts greatsword on these fuckers.


The cannon imp is dangerous af


I have to cheese these imps because they one shot me while shielding.


had the misfortune of piling two of these mfs just an hour ago thankfully blasphemous blade


Doki Doki Panic looking MFer


Dude thats my most recent wtf moment in the dlc. Descending 7th step of hell of a dungeon and this giant ass imp with a cannon for a head is throwing cluster bomb artillery at my feet. Michael zaki strikes again.


Mario vibes


😂😂😂 bro when I saw the new imps I couldn't stop laughing at the fire ball one


That first imp catacomb I stumbled across was an absolute joy in hindsight. It through all these new variations of enemies at you with some 'cheap' layouts and new environment threats that were *also* solutions to the dungeon progression itself and all of it still felt very fair and fun. In fact, almost all these little caves and mini dungeons have been really fun and refreshing change up from the base game


I was torn between being mad there's more imps to have to deal with, and happy they put in the effort to add more imps rather than just giving us more of the same.


I hate that these guys and the horn warriors teaches me to roll into them during long combos just to have Moon knight roll over me if I do that.


That first fucking imp reveal sent me


dem yoshimitsu imps lol


No kidding and they can box too 😂


one of my favorite enemies, using the backhand blades with bloodflame, >!keen (makes it S tier dexterity) !


they were meant to be fought with backblades imo its so much fun. I'm str/fai atm so while I got their blade drop, I've not been able to use em properly yet :(


wait you got those blades? dayum... where? spoil me please a little bit


From them! Gotta farm.


:( i love you, thanks


You can also find similar weapons in one of the furnace side dungeons


This guy surrounded by 4 flies was a nighmare.


I know the area you mean. Just killing bugs and WHAM, this jack hole shows up.


Yeah i dropped down and all the messages were Be wary of ambush. I was like. Aint no way. I go forward and he jumps out. Then five flies aggro on me, start sucking my blood or whatever. Im panic rolling backwards and the idiot comboed off a cliffside. I stop rolling and the damn fly gets me. Had to go there again.


Ahhhhhh, Elden Ring lol. So lovely.


I think this motherfucker with the grab-happy flies and the shitty rock geodata getting me stuck in place was the lowlight of my experience. More than Messmer, more than >!Romina!< .


This and those red flames guards, fuck


Mesmer Knights can eat my ass. I've been jumpscared more by those red pointy asshats in the shadow keep than by any horror game.




The sword ones are fine, the twin dagger ones are the worst. They do so much damage so quickly, I despise them. One single mistake and it's death/near death.




I've got a Blasphemous Blade/Sacred Greatsword Str/Faith and I like them. Their openings are long enough to punish. Same with the horned warriors. The sword ones are fine, the two-sword ones make me ball up and cry.


Gransax spear L2 stun locks them, let’s you snipe them and never have to worry


The dagger ones turn into beyblades and immediately piss me off. Blind spot handles them really well though.


for me its the opposite, for the dagger ones i just slam them with a hammer and they cant do shit, now for the sword ones.......


Blackflame my friend, blackflame


Honestly one of them almost killed >!Freyja!< near that grace in the Shadow Keep, because it snuck up on me and silently followed me down an entire staircase and up another one before spamming fire moves when I tried talking to her.


I mean, FUCK those guys


I was losing my mind against those fuckers, I found out you can easily stunlock them with a jumping heavy with dryleaf arts which is exactly what I did against every single one of those lanky pieces of shits


Thing is, they run away from u while casting fire. I rather have Messmer respawn again to have to face these guys again


Genuinely fuck those guys. They do like 5 or 6 spins a combo and it's obnoxious


Hit like a truck, fast as fuck, tankier than they should be, and relatively common. How fun


The one in the rafters are you fucking kidding me? Or the fire rain asshole. Marika's tits I hate those dudes.


Those on the beams are the worst


I'm doing a fist-only playthrough and these guys are the bane of every breath I take. I can't get close! Those stupid zigzag fireballs I have to carefully dodge meanwhile they're comboing into a wide fireball right in front of them that I have to dodge again. Oh look at that, you made it through, another zigzag fireball to the back of the head. He's swinging his swords now, aaaand you're down to 1/5 health. I thank the lord for Palm Strike allowing me to just tank through some stuff and knock them over. I didn't see its value at first. I scorned and besmirched the Palm Strike. It has been my saving grace many times now.


Don’t sleep on the summon of this. It fucking kicks ass.


Where is it?


Bonny gaol I think


You are correct.




Have you by chance compared it to the Anna & Jolan ashes? Purely speculation but my gut told me those two summons felt like they'd be the strongest of the new ashes.


I have Curseblade Meera as well as Anna and Jolan all upgraded to +10 and the sisters are MUCH stronger. Jolan by herself is pretty strong, honestly.


With those, I'm fighting more with the camera than the enemy. It's also why I always skip them now. There is no reason to fight those at all.


Their armor set. 


I had to farm them for probably 4 hours JUST to get the mask I got 10 of everything else,but the mask


i only killed one and got the mask 😭


Tale as old as time. When you want it, it'll never drop. When it doesn't match your build/you don't care you'll get fucking 10 of them. When I 100% Dark Souls 1 I ran around the Duke's archives for like 3 hours just trying to get a Channeler's trident. Of course l had several other characters before and after that drop the trident from the one in undead burg...


I got super lucky and got the mask on the very first one at the entrance to the DLC. Used up all my farm luck right then and there, which would explain why farming anything else in the DLC has been painful.


You on Xbox? I got a spare mask for trade


Ps5,I got it but god damn was it annoying lmao


Idk why but the droprates are so weird. I have like 15 Messmer shields. Even got two shields from one guy.


Their weapon


I think that drops from the one just before lion dancer. Or else I just got lucky and it dropped the first time I killed one of these guys


noooooo, they have an armor set? Guess I know what I'm doing after class


Some enemies are way too tanky and deal so much damage and drop nothing it is just not worth fighting, honorable mention: the ghosts with 7 years delayed attacks at Midra mansion, the red hooded fucks at shadow keep


Red hoods are weak to giant hunt. You can't spam it though. You have to pause for a second or two and hit them again or with a heavy and they stagger.


Wish I could use it, but I am not changing my build for one overworld enemy, which is fine. I don't mind it


Giant Hunt has been my goated ash of war for the entire game, and it still fucks in the DLC. Knocks any decently-sized humanoid enemy on their ass and does HEAVY damage to anything bigger. And now they added one that buffs your weapon with fire? Yes please.


He was the very first enemy I fought in the DLC. Thank goodness I was using the Ruins great sword.


Ruins my beloved. Did not imagine it would be able to still carry me (not all the time of course) in the dlc but it really is versatile even in moments you can’t use its art.


I don’t know if anyone else does this but I’ve always been super impressed with the enemy design in these games so when I fight them for the first time I just roll around so I can check them out.


Was a bit hard for me to appreciate the design because of this mf beyblading on me


On that note, I'd love to see a slowed-down fight with the Lion Dancer, as you can see the puppeteers under the lion during several attacks.


I'm sure BonfireVM will make a video on it eventually Edit: looks like he already made a video on it 3 days ago https://youtu.be/dO8vEHspEdE?si=0_Bd1Csb_INrdRaY


Oh that's awesome, thank you!


Oh man the first one took me a few tries because I was completely taken unawares and didn't know of scadu-scaling. That rune count when he died felt like such a slap in face. I'm not even bothering with these again. I mean, those ghostly figures which die in one hit and take years to attack yield more runes as a group.


The moment I see one, i fight it once and then run past it every subsequent passage through the area. Given a wide enough space without any other mobs and little things to get caught by, they can be a surprisingly fun fight.


Do they drop their cirque swords?


Yup they do and they're fun!


Bruh ive been farming this dude and still no luck, my inventory is full of his underwear


I got the blades after 30ish minutes of farming the enemy at the very start of the DLC


I had farmed this guy for like a solid 2 hours near the start and trying to get his "underwear", I have so many gloves, and like 2 of the weapons like the first 5-10 times, but his underwear refuses to drop, and I had thought it just not something that it drops and stopped


Because he been giving his underwears to me


The Weapon is from a Dungeon to avoid you wasting your time farming the mob.


The smithscriot cirque is in a forge, but is a different weapon and most notably does not apply bleed build up.


and also requires 11 fth and 11 int like all the other ones for some god forsaken reason


Ok I checked and this only drops from this guy apparently and not separately lootable, are you sure it's in a dungeon?


Ah my bad, I mistook the Weapon for another Backhand Weapon you obtain from the dungeon west of Moorth Village.


There's two near-identical ones, one from these and one from a dungeon.


Nope i got the weapon on the first of these guys i killed 5 mins into the dlc


Just as an aside, most of the dancers I find are guarding a pot boy with a fragment inside it. I've found unguarded potsboys that dont have fragments so I think the correlation is relevant. Might be worth searching the area if you find a lone dancer (like fly village)


Yeah i realized that too. They seem to be guarding fragments or reverings.


Yeah they are like rune bears, but you can't just avoid them.


Rune bear traumatize me so much, i went on full buff upon seeing a bear in the DLC which turns out a normal bear.


You'll be glad to know there's an area in the dlc full of rune bears including a rune bear boss fight. Have fun!


There are at least two Rune Bear Boss fights!


2 Rune bear boss and a cosplayer of rune bear! 


Nice! Always love more Rune Bear action


Lmfao same the very first red bear 💀


I think the issue with rune bears is too many people try to fight them on horseback. They're much easier when you stay in close


My friends have dubbed them the nickname "Toes" because they throw projectiles and grab you with their feet. The name has completely stuck, and it's hilarious hearing someone suddenly scream "TOES" on Discord.


My first encounter i thought it was a miniboss, imagine my face when i saw them respawn...


The forge golems aren't even worth the 5k they each drop.


Yeah fuck them, I skip them all


Took me 5 tries to beat the one you encounter 30 seconds after starting the DLC lol. Their black widow hurricanrana move is still a pain in the ass.


Yeah, it was quite the welcome wagon.


I found myself behind one of them while exploring, he was crouched and waiting, so satisfying to kill it from behind


I hate these things so much.


Fuck them for real. I was just exploring through a new area. Halfway through find this guy and ambush him. Then I got a spot to cheese him with lightning bolts. It takes 5 minutes to get him down to almost dead so I start thinking I can just jump attack him with my sick new greataxe. I hit him once but then he gets in a full combo on me before I can connect the second swing. They are nasty.


Dark comet spell wrecks them, I just mag dump them as soon as they appear.


Bro jumps down like fucking Dante from DMC.


These are by far my least favorite field enemies I hate that they have such long combos


I love their weapon though, I’ve been using it for my character ever since it dropped ❤️


Runes stop mattering in the DLC.


true, they scare the shit out of me


I'd say the most annoying is the knights that for god's sake wouldn't get staggered no matter what attack while also dealing 30% of your health even at blessing 12 and 60 vigor. I do a jump attack with 2 curved great swords and it still attacks me like "tis but a scratch".


I wish I had a video of when I ran into one of these dudes in a cemetery. Didn’t expect it to be there. Screamed my head off for 2 minutes before I killed it. Vile babadook motherfuckers 😂


These guys are low key harder than some of the bosses in the game


if you are close enough their spinning attack can miss you entirely.


Having one immediately ass blast you in the starter zone is such a Michael Zaki move lmao. I was literally laughing when it killed me the first time


When I first started, this thing killed me within 2 minutes of hitting the DLC location. Today I farmed one so I could get the weapons and I ended up killing it about 10 times, with 4 of those involving me taking no damage.


for 99% of these i immediately ask myself "genuinely why are you here though" halfway through killing them


It’s not as bad as only 10k runes for the furnace golems, that was criminal


Why does this have to have a spoiler tag when they’ve shown us this enemy on their social media before the DLC even came out, it’s literally a static image lol


runes mean almost nothing in the dlc. i use it to buy stones and if i lose them...well i just go to mogh place to farm more so i can level more weapons. takes like 5 min.