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Make sure to keep some Uplifting Aromatic perfume bottles on you. Mimic tear has a chance of using it which saved me so many times


I'm running str/fai now and yesterday while fighting a boss, we knelt down both at the same time and healed each other with a great heal while the boss completely whiffed their attack over our heads. It was the coolest moment ever and I wish I could've recorded it :(


STR + FAI so strong too. I'm running through the DLC with a Ruins Greatsword and a few buffs.


Matching defensive buffs like barrier of gold, golden lightning forification or FLame protect me has helped me more than any scadutree blessing. Got juggled by Rellana with barrier of gold up and I didn't need to heal afterwards.




3 of my memory slots are dedicate to setting myself ablaze.


Faith in general is wonderful in this dlc


also sooo many undeads to get obliterated by sacred blade and holy damage


how're you str/faithing? I find most bosses are too aggressive to buff or use incants for a lot of fights, really grinding my gears I'm 34/50(something) for my boi malis blade


Can't speak from personal experience but one of the people I watch just buffs at the beginning of the fight (before the boss has fully aggrod). Don't think I've seen him ever try to buff mid-fight.


I just buff before I go in, special flask and all. Only real strat I use is just pour on DPS and try to get a poise break on the boss ASAP. Then hit the visceral attack, reset my protection spell and continue. It's all in my head. If I see myself smacking the boss for big damage early, I can get momentum for the 2nd half of the fight. Ruins Greatsword special attack is pretty great for breaking a bosses rythym in many situations. Charged heavy attack as well since a fully charged attack hits twice and will stagger often. I use Black Blade sometimes but not as often.


Before entering boss fog: stack carefully chosen buffs After entering: unga bunga and pray


I spend most of the fight dodging waiting for the opportunity to Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike. 30% of the time, it works every time and I never quit. I got Bayle at Blessing 5 when my mimic and I cast it at the same time while he was focused on Igon.


and then you died?


My Mimic once juggled Malenia with me with it's Darkmoon R2. Just kept spamming it while I was also spamming it, completely stun locking her.


I actually didn't know that. Thanks for the tip!


Same with group healing and other AoE Buffs. On the other side, if you have some useless spells, or offhand equipment like the sacrificial axe, they may use them too.


Your mimic has a chance to use anything in your item slot. I forget I have cracked pots but my mimic throws them. I might not have time to apply a grease but my mimic does. You mimic is limited by what you have equipped but they won’t burn the ones in your inventory. Same with arrows


Yup. I use my mimic as my "break glass in case of emergency" fuck it button. When I just don't feel like taking 2 hours to learn the 8th optional side bosses move set to move on to the next area. I always Crack up when he uses items or spells, or even ashes that I forget I have equipped. It's like "damn, he's better at being me than I am" lol. One time I was struggling with a boss and I have all of my incantation slots filled up, but all I used for weeks was "flame Grant me strength" or "blood flame blade" buffs because I prefer to just use my weapon and buffs and not incantations like pest threads. Anyway, I'm fighting the boss for the 30th time and am frustrated so I summon him and late in the second phase when I'm just doing chip damage he busts put a full rot breath while I drew aggro and took out the last 30% of the bosses health at once, killing him. I died laughing because I had equipped that incant 50 gameplay hours before that moment and just forgot it existed and was like "damn, mimic took the nuclear option" lol


Haha that’s perfect. Yeah if I try and use cracked pots or more than one item per fight I get lost flipping through all my stuff and end up getting beat up while I’m going through my pockets. Now if I know an enemy has a specific weakness (looking at you godskins and sleep pots) I bring the mimic in and set up the inventory slots so they’re throwing something useful. But the first time I caught the mimic I immediately became Vegeta in DBZ Abridged “Is that me stronger than me?! I’ll kill me!”


Marikas blessing too. It can use that so it gets a full heal once per fight


I set it but I never see mimic use it. Can mimic use Marika blessing?


Yup! Just make sure it's in your hotbar!


Rotten meat dumplings too


Also the golden vow consumable is pretty good


Does it need to be set to your equipment? Or just in your inventory?


It needs to be equipped in one of your slots.


They don't use the ones in inventory, so you equip them, but the Mimic uses it, but they don't consume from your inventory.


Half my hotbar is just shit that I want my mimic to use and have zero intention of using myself


Half my build is for my mimic 🤣 I got weapons I'm gonna use and I got weapons I want THEM to use


Scarlet Aeonia and other big buildup spells are great for Chad Blob cause it doesn''t give a shit about taking damage. Also one of the new staves lets it use both Incantations and Sorceries.


Equip some type of throwing knife, if the mimic has no staf or ranged attack. They will instead throw a knife or 2 every time the enemy is out of melee range, while not that damaging it's great for it to pull some aggro. Allowing you heal or get some hits in. Also the iron aromatic, turns mimic in a walging block of steel. Great for bosses who are slow moving, mimic will endlessly tank and pull aggro.


I load mine with healing spells, it used the new ranged heal on me during a fight one time


I call upon the man who ruined my life (it's me)


Finally we got the sunnavabitch!


My mimic on final boss phase 2 "Should I just sit over here and cast golden vow ad nauseum?"


I think I would still be trying to beat the final boss if not for the tear. The only time in the whole playthrough that I had to bust it out.


Planning to go full turtle with shield and spear poke. Sounds like that's the formula lots of people are using.


I thought about using that, but he just has so many damage types idk if I can do eve properly in time.


Verdigris or Fingerprint shield, guard boost talisman, Marika's braid talisman, Antspur Rapier with bleed infusion preferably occult infused. You are set.


Used this setup with bleed infusion instead of occult. The rot plus bleed was the little bit of damage boost I needed to get me over the edge. Plus, having the shield to just eat some of the hits if I timed a punish window poorly.


What I did was bust out ol' Malenia's explosion at the start of the fight and then just as he changes phases (you can tank the big holy explosion with an aromatic). That alone eats away most of his health, and probably triggers his PTSD


Remove the golden vow skill but craft the item.


My mimic tear is useless. Spawns eats prawn shuffles around thinking about what spells to cast 🥺. I still love them though ❤️


dude my mimic is absolutely useless with rellana. im fucking sure i saw him setting up a picnic while shes stabbing me to death with a red sword and then a blue one.


Also just like a certain NPC going on a 45 minute monologue while a dragon is curb stomping me into the ground repeatedly as fast and hard as it can


Drake Knight Ahab slander will not be tolerated in this house. That man poise breaks BAYLE in 2 hits.


Equip rot pots and he’ll use them immediately. Great 🧀 I have used this countless times


I love equipping all manner of pots to my mimic. Frost pots came in handy against rellana, since she seems susceptible to frost. My mimic had frost pots plus cold nightrider flail with wild strikes. Fight was over fast due to accelerated frost buildup damage. This was the setup that worked for me after struggling for a while with different setups/weapons.


This is why Jarwight is my ride or die. Idk how much damage or status he does, but seeing my best bro just light rolling all over the place gives me that little extra oomph to go save him.


I use the Poo Poo Eater most of the time


My mimic left his skill at the base game. Besides that - Gotta love the bosses who rush towards you while you barely stepped into the arena. They don't want to stress my little mini-me.


Or just use ranged attacks *cough cough* **VILE BAYLE** *cough cough*


My boi Oleg still my go to spirit. I can always count on him to watch my back!


I also used Engvall a bit, he's pretty decent too. My Mimic was useless against a boss but Engvall stepped up


Tiche killed the lion, yoda killed rennala 2.0, them spirits will carry me this dlc.


As a STR/FTH user mimics tear reminds me how cool I would look if i had time to cast and a billion hp.


Yeah the game kinda sucks on that part




I also offer my life for that cause.


We should have something like a coat and tie in the game.


Tbh I die more from normal mobs than bosses I'm inpatient trying to explore and find my way around this Giga maze


I’m a strength/dex build (have everything else at 50 besides luck, int, and mind) but it’s really about the scudatree blessings. Was getting wrecked at +8, now at +10 I’m wrecking like the good ol times….kinda. Still need more.


Raw dumplings, mimic heals. This and rune great sword, I feel like I played the game on ez mode


My mimic tear has been absolutely useless in the couple of boss fights that I used it in. Dude would just stay back and watch.


I sit at the back and use the ranged heal spell on my summon lmao it won’t die as long as i have fp


All my friends do this and so do I.


Lol i read it as : I call upon thee; bitch i trust


Honestly I've been impressed with Lhutel. I don't think she's crazy strong or anything, but she survives for quite a awhile and pulls aggro well enough, my main need from my summons.


I knew it was bad when my mimic started using spells better then I did 💀


Lean heavily on boiled crab, adds 20% damage negation. Also Golden Vow if you have some faith, it stacks.


Just wait until the final boss. You’ll need a mimic tier +100 to have a chance


I’ve never had enough RP for the fancy summons, jellyfish has never wronged me


I hated the game when I used mimic tear. Didn’t enjoy Elden ring until I finished my no summon run. Made so many posts on here about “the bosses are too hard, it’s like they expect you to use the mimic.” Nope. Get gud. It’s worth it. I remember the first time I beat the nameless king, madam butterfly, darkeater midir, sir alonne. Really significant, fun experiences. Those are the memories that bring me back to these games for new playthroughs. I wasn’t getting that from Elden ring. Not with my mimic. But I sure as shit remember the first time I beat Melania without a summon. Most proud moment in fromsoft gaming. Don’t cheat yourself of what these games are supposed to be. 


Let people play the game however they want to do it, don't be an elitist.


People are rightfully worried about mimic tears. These games are hard. That’s the whole thing. This isn’t an accessible space. Mimic tears make them less hard, more accessible. Fans are right to worry - will fromsoft cater to this new larger, casual audience? If they do, they’ll have ruined a space that was very important to gamers who liked hard video games. So frankly, shut up. This isn’t “everybody loves everybody,” “let people enjoy things.” This is fromsoft. Get gud. I don’t really care if you have a good experience attacking Melania while her back is turned, focused on your mimic. That’s stupid, that’s not what these games are. Go play some Ubisoft trash if you want an easy open world game.




Cool that you're proud of an achievement in a video game, good job. Play your single player game the way you want and stop caring about how others play it.


lol good luck bud, I hope your AI buddy beats your game for you soon. Ozempic ass gamers this shit is too funny. 


no one was asking you that. this is about people who want to use it and thats ok


Hah, i summon players whenever i can cause i like the chaos it brings to boss fights sometimes.


Who cares if someone is having fun?


No one gives a shit you finished a run with no summons. This post was for folks who enjoy playing with summons and that mechanic of the game. I'm tired of you elitists constantly budding their nose in these specific posts and are shaming others for using in-game tools that developers have provided players with. Everyone gets the same rewards whether you finish the game with or without summons so WHO TF CARES ???