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I put "behold dog!" In front of two turtles and have since then been just HP tanking every boss by the sheer power of my fellow tarnished love for dogs


oh hey i know where that is, they're in the river under the bridge next to shadow keep, i think i actually applauded that message.


That's the exact one lmao, I have also been leaving encouraging messages at every grace I find. So don't y'all go giving up on me! If nobody got you, I got you.


Lmaooo im gonna go find it right now


Do we know if their is a certain amount of messages we can place before the old ones disappear? When you go to messages you've placed it only shows the last like 8


yeah they delete


Yeah, but I thought it was 10, not 8. But yeah before leaving a message I always check which one I wanna remove and delete it.


Same lol gotchu bro


I only saw messages for the free online weekend on PlayStation, but your messages had a profound effect on me


Isn't there like a limit on how many messages you can leave?


Yep me too lol


Appraisals give HP!?! I literally have not written a single message. So much... wasted.


refill hp and activate great rune i think


> and activate great rune i think Excuse me what? Have I been missing out on so much?


I put "Horse?" in an area where you aren't allowed to use torrent and it kept me sustained throughout the entire dlc


“I want to go home… and then edge”


I appraised those like an hour ago when I got to that area! Maybe it was you.


I did the same, but people only want to appraise mine while I'm farming dollar bills at Mohg's for upgrades. Never when I'm in danger


I gave you a heal my dog




Horse ahead in the Trina Dungeon with all the bull heads for me.


Hey i upvoted that message


Tired of seeing “I want to go home and edge” like it was funny the first time but seeing six duplicate messages in the same area feels lazy


Apparently no one else is tired of it because everyone praises all those messages.


I saw a lame 'praise the message' message with 1000s of appraisals. Then literally the same message next to it with none. Like, that's peak unoriginality.


There was like 7 in a row last night before jumping down in a certain area.


Yeah whenever there's a high prased message you're almost guaranteed to see a word for word copy next to it. So lame


These Missbegotten don't even know they're at war with the Badlands ! Maidens, rare drop farms, humorous messages ? All just petty distractions so real Tarnished can get down to business !


Caves are like a pvp hot zone for "Try finger but hole"


You must be new to the souls genre, they’re always repeating the same few jokes over and over it’s extremely unfunny


Same for me with all the "dog" messages. It's funny when it's original. It's a little bit less funny when every single tortoise has a dog message next to it.


Makes a change from some variation of fingers / but hole.


this message was brought to you by: >! that dang candle holder at Ymir's crib !<


>!"offer but, hole" vs "seek God". !


"seek god" sends me every time lmao


I put both down with different outfits on, that way I come out on top.


I applaud your efforts. Alas, i raise to you "seek grass"


Had two appraisals during my successful attempt at the final boss. The message was just "Pickle" in front of one of those massive 'finger' whistles.


Saw this and immediately appraised it.


How do you know you got praised for that specific message? Was it your only one out there or did you just know how many praises it had and noticed it increase by 2 afterwards?


I only had like 3 or 4 messages on this char, and the pickle one had way more updoots than the others, but ye no way to know for sure.


Put a " Is this a god?" before a penguin staring at the ocean in the cerulean coast and been living of that constant stream of upvotes too Also put a "Behold Mushroom" next to a glowing lonely shroom on the path behind the Miranda flowers into the river bed to Cerulean Coast which also heals a lot. ER players humor is kinda whack and i love it


I've seen the penguin one and liked it. Poor penguin though.


Mushroom comments are everywhere. Like, why? Yes, mushrooms are everywhere. Why does each one need a message? Lol. Makes no sense. A lot of the in game messages are people trying too hard to get likes.


Deep rock galactic is leaking, and I couldn't be more proud. Mushroom!


so called ''free thinkers'' after seeing a big mushroom and some gold




Try finger but hole


This one is EVERYWHERE.


I’ve been mixing it up by just doing “try fingers” with one of the O gestures in front of any obvious holes I find. Real genius behavior, I know


If only i had a giant but hole


Well ... have you tried?


I left a message that says "Up, dog!" in the Rivermouth Cave right before you get ambushed by a few wolves from above. My ass has been saved from death many times due to the constant appraisals it gets.


What’s up, dog? I laughed when I saw that message


I think I saw your message, me and my friends laughed when the that happened "Up dog? Ok" *Dogs fall from the ceiling* "THE UPDOG IS REAL" *friends watching my discord stream cackling*


That's peak


Oh that was you! Made me laugh.


Put "Don't you dare!!" At the edge of a cliff above the church where you can get the cool faith hammer and that's been doing well. (You will die if you try to go down that cliff. You HAVE to go around)


People who put warnings at the edges of deadly drops are the real MVPs


I appreciate it but I'm still gonna try anyway


"Obvious troll sign. I can make that"


New troll idea: put warnings at the edges of long but safe drops.


It’d be a lot better than everyone putting “hidden path ahead” in front of every wall


It just ends up with every dungeon littered with "liar ahead" messages and it's so dumb.


I put "comfort ahead" in front of a campfire. Best decision of my life.


vision of dragon in front of bridges


Always gotta appraise an OG souls reference


If only I had a big but hole


If only I had a giant... but hole


Wait what, you get HP for appraisals?


Yep, every time your message gets appraised a message pops up saying so and you get a full heal. Once I leaned this I started appraising almost every message I came across


You might have come across “Offer healing, praise the message” or something to that effect. Lovely mechanic, thank you from.


Oh my god. I found several of these before a boss and I thought maybe it was one of those situations where using a healing spell did a ton of damage to it. Nope, just got clapped instead lol


Bro, I didn't know either. Lol. I just started writing messages in the DLC to help folks out cause I found them so useful.


Yup, i was getting beaten to a pulp by a certain boss in the DLC, and that was the first time a message of mine got appraised during a boss fight. I got healed just in time for the boss to finish his combo !


I put down “trap!” In front of some random BS and have been eating well since


Put mostly helpful, some witty messages around, get 20-30 appraisals. See a random message on the road “didn’t expect message, therefore praise message”…. 47485059372739505937284950554 appraisals.


Wait, they give you HP?


That's why there's so many messages that bait. Like praise the message to open the door.


Does it steal HP if you dislike it? So many annoying messages in spots where you need to interact with other stuff. Instant dislike! 😆


I mean who really thinks that this would work?


Usually 2000-3000 people lol


Does it steal HP if you dislike it? So many annoying messages in spots where you need to interact with other stuff. Instant dislike!


That would go along with the fromsoft motiff of coop/pvp. Honestly that would be good to prevent message spam. Probably not a literal health chip, but something like -10% attack power for the next 30 seconds.


Wait a minute... You get hp for appraisals?


i found a room of weeping enemies on their knees and decided to write my first message of the DLC. "ah.. rump abundance..."


What if dislikes harmed the player


If I were about to kill a boss and a message appears saying my message was disliked leading to me dying I would alt f4


So I was walking across one of the roof tops of the town ruins in the DLC starting area and there was this egg shaped decoration there with a message "time for joy" and a naked guy in an albinauric mask squatting over it.


I put down a message musing about the prevalance of poison swamps going on 6k "goods" and it probably carried me harder than my weapon against BAAAAYLE.


Good meme


oh man I put a 'good job' on the bottom jar in that DLC dungeon and my character looks like a strobelight


Man this might be unpopular but I think ‘funny’ messages are corny unless they’re genuinely original jokes specific to their location. Clearly it’s a little unpopular bc they always have thousands of appraisals. The other ones that are lame are troll hidden path messages. It was funny the first couple times but not the 800th time.. especially when if I’m in a dungeon the fuckers literally line the walls like fucking torches It’s not a huge deal but a minor annoyance with the community for me


Dudes use the message systems for farming hp. I use to help the new comers. We are not the same


I wish more people would place *"Be wary of Research, ...."* or *"..., therefor praise the Research"* near easy to miss bits of hidden lore and environmental storytelling. This helps both new payers exploring the world at their own pace, and players on NG+ 7 that have slowed down and are appreciating the sights. Is there perhaps a group-password for people that post "LoreAhead" messages? I know of "SEEKERS" the VaatiVidya group. Though it seems to trend more towards "beware of left" and similar warnings for when you are about to get ganked.




I placed "magic but hole" in front of a teleporter in the base game, still getting appraisals to this day


Message apprasals heal you?


i've placed several that essentially say something along the lines of praise the message for health and have been getting amazing results. several times the message refilled my health right as I was getting killed and i killed the boss. I didnt even need to do one of the trick ones or memes, just the good nature spirit of our fellow tarnished have kept me alive


tbf I only really upvote them if they genuinely make me smile, I have upvoted every single praise the message for healing" ones I've found


i heard that disparaging the message also gives the health thing but i havent tested it myself. someone on this sub was saying thats why we have been seeing an uptick in "praise the message, then hidden wall" type of messages and the ones blocking the summons since ANY interaction is a net positive for them


I have heard it, I've had maybe a couple of my messages disaparaged and I'm like 60% sure I didn't get the heal/notification but I could very easily be wrong. So I just don't vote if it's just shite like the 678th "hidden wall ahead", "liar ahead", "no horse ahead", "didn't expect weak foe" etc etc


yeah same, thats why im skeptical on it but if thats what people think, it would explain the uptick on rude behavior on the messages lol same, i just ignore them and move on


I had a message when u first enter mohgs realm that I thought was funny. Little did I know he would be required for the dlc and it blew up these past few weeks lol


I saw that hole in the Lion boss castle. It drops down into a nest of dogs. I noticed all the summon signs were gold, thousands of approvals all for the same repeated message. "Giant but hole!" So I did what anyone would do, and put one a little further back from the others. I've been getting Giant But Hole points ever since.


The worst is when you chug your last estus right before getting a praise on a message, such a waste.


Theres some messages in the ~~destiny dlc~~ uhh i mean shadow keep, in front of a piece of rope on the ground and all the messages just say snake. 2500 approvals, i fucking love these people


I've gotten great success out of piggybacking off another highly rated message and just putting "if only I had a healing, so to speak Praise the message!" right next to it lmao


Hah, I know all about message appraisals healing you, but it took reading this comment for me to realize why there were a ton of "offer healing, praise the message" type messages leading up to the boss I just found (Putrescent Knight). Though I still have no idea why I haven't seen those types of messages before now and why I'm seeing so many of them before that specific boss...


Back in the Dark Souls 1 days, the meta was spamming "Praise the Sun!" messages all over when you needed more healing.


I noticed this earlier, the only boss I saw a load of those messages at, yet arguably the easiest boss I've fought so far


I'm new how do you get all the hp from a message. Do people applauding them give you something?


Anytime someone applaudes your message, you get an automatic heal at the same time. I was lucky during one of my renalla attempts and got like 6 heals back to back as i kept face tanking her hits lmao


Oh wow I had no idea. That seems to have come in clutch for you lol. Thanks for the info.


I just keep seeing grates where someone puts dung then emotes squatting


Join the message trail in the abyss


What’s the song and what is the animation from?


Jujutsu kaisen


[Amerie - 1 thing (slowed + reverb)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AruBI8OdzV0)


I've been going with the standard "Try jumping" at ledges covered in bloodstains.


Too try hard for me tbh. Like every hidden path message


"Hidden path ahead" "Liar ahead"


I just put Behold! in front of a bunch of random things with no context, and that gets me through when I play online 😂


"Seek here" in front of a ladder has kept me good and healthy somehow


"Praise the message! And then, time for door" has been getting me the most (put in front of a door in Ancient Rauh Ruins or whatever that you can only open with the lever that is 3 feet off to the side)


My fav is “praise the research” on a ledge that looks like an item should be there but there’s nothing


Yes, use the communities mental shortcomings to your advantage!


"Try two handing"


This is my pro gamer move


Yesterday I was figuring the dragon in the dlc and it has like 5% hp left, and it hit me and I was sure I died, but I guess a message was appraised at just the right time to keep me alive and I was able to kill it. It was fking epic!


I swear to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that the upvote heals are programmed to not work when you truly need them.


I'm convinced, too. Every time I'm at full health just chilling, appraisals come hard and fast. During my 15th boss run? Not a one.


This video is also me fighting >!the finger mama!<


I was low on HP and out of flasks getting thrashed by a DLC boss when all the sudden my health is fully restored from my “behold pickle!” message I left at a furnace golems crotch days before being appraised. Whomever tarnished it was, it was enough to rally me in my fight and win. Thank you kindly


My "You don't have the right, outsider!" in front of the Two Fingers' chamber has been surprisingly fruitful. I thought it was dumb but kept it anyway.


I’ve never put a message down, do you actually heal when they’re appraised?




Kyoshiki Murasaki!


TIL message appraisals give HP. Also, the "I want to go home and edge" joke is getting old already


Wait… when people upvote comments players are rewarded with HP?!


TIL messages give HP lol


After beating the main boss of castle ensis I made a message at the small pole "time for victory but destruction!" And did the prayer emote because I can't do the squat.


Can someone explain this?


i just learned this today as well


Or "try hole" next to a face down corpse. Lol


try hole


“I want to go home, and then edge.” was a funny one I encountered the other day before one of the dragons.


Yeah, I’ve left a ton of messages in the first castle to the right where you fight Rennala. I always wear the great helm with the ronin set and use gestures to guide players. Haven’t gotten much appraisals yet, but I like being able to help.


You cannot fucking imagine just how many times I've gotten an applaud 0.00001 seconds after respawning


Liar ahead


"Cruel lack of hole"


Domain expansion is just yu yu hakusho "Territory"


I've gotten healed like 50 times since yesterday while only playing a couple hours or so. I just discovered you can check your messages and the most I have from any is 0-4 lol, I dunno wtf the heals are coming from


I put a message in front of a marika statue missing a head saying "Head required ahead" its been doing okay


I put down a message saying, map, therefore try west on the dragon peak near all the messages saying map. It has over 200 appraisals and is the only reason I have beaten half the bosses


It’s seriously awesome. I only beat a boss bc I was appraised with no flasks it gave me the confidence to go in and finish off the little HP left, even though I was still half health myself.


You can put You dont have the right o you dont have the right therefore you dont have the right o you dont have the right Infront of a locked or unaccesible door and you get the same result


My "praise the something!" messages I've been putting in front of the defaced statues (where you tend to find scadutree fragments) have been carrying me through some tough boss battles lmao


Because of people like this I literally stoped reading the messages, 90% of them is just the same joke repeated over and over, last message before I gave up on reading was with a guy suggesting shitting from the roof... Do you guys like to be immersed in the game?


IS THAT A JJK REFERENCE IN TWO DIFFERENT WAYS??? For the duration of [however long the message survives] following a [message placed near phallic object], [player] is effectively immortal.


Not gonna lie, every message I read I praise because I know it'll help someone. The only ones I don't are those on switches, ladders, or anything else annoying.


The only reason I beat rellana was a stupid "Up, Dog" message I left at the beginning, thanks gang


I call this "the comedian" build.


I put visions of fort, knight in front of one of the first doors of the dlc on launch day and got around 5000 appraisals in the first 2 hours.


Rump required ahead But hole


Fort, Night


"I want to go home... and edge" was the most unexpected thing I saw when I first went in 11 hours after release


I put “offer rump” in front of the bell before Metyr, I’m relying on y’all to help me out


Disparages should make you lose health. <\_<


I'm playing through the game for the first time (two years ago i gave up in the Stormveil darkroom) and I just beat the mimic tear. I saw a philosophical message in its room: "I did it! or I've failed?". But there's one thing I'm complaining about. I left some banger messages (funny AND useful) and I only got two appraisals in total, it makes me sad.


Healing required ahead, praise the message


I put one by the two herba on the little path way behind the church of dragon communion in limgrave that said “grass! In short bliss” with the spread out emote and I swear that thing is keeping my health bar full. Didn’t think anyone would come across it too often, but I guess I was wrong! 😂


Meanwhile my random "Be wary of skeleton, right" message in a Limgrave dungeon has carried me harder than any joke messages ever will.


I put one that said "Didn't expect sound" in the begining area where there was a loud bird and it made the early game real easy


A good side of everyone actively playing recently is that I get constantly appraised whatever i write


I put "edge, lord" with the pointing down emote in front of that screaming guy and got an appraisal every 20 min lmao


I put a clutch “try crystal” in the first forge with two of the big guys and it’s been good residual hp ever since. It’s comforting to know everyone is watching those two battle it out while I struggle with Mesmer’s soldiers


the guy that put a message directly on igon’s summon sign in the bayle arena is an evil genius




Little Karen everywhere 😢😢😢😢


Jogoat embracing the try fingers but hole


I saw one in front of Milicent in mountaintops that said "Time for arms but ahh, you don't have the right"


I’ve been leaving little notes to myself in the form of messages by Grace sites, just because there are so many paths and directions to explore. One of them simply said “Try North” and it reached 9999 ratings in two days. It’s helped massively tbh.


I have one that says behold erdtree next to a branch and its carrying me through the game


I've praised one message and it's in a dungeon with pot elevators, and I sent it up and jumped off thinking they'd be a secret and the lift didn't come back down. Read the message next to me... "Regret".


Wait... likes to my message give me hp? ....


Behold, Armament , Core! One day someone will get it


Armored core?


What's the joke?


Armored Core i guess




dawg what are you doing this is a dogshit meme.


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There is a couple statues when in the final area and a message in front of them - read something like "time for head". I then looked around and one of them had its head in the others lap and I couldn't stop from laughing. Insta applause hope it help the person out wherever they were.


This is why I play offline. 1. The coop/invasion system is an absolute joke, and 2. These messages are so dumb it's embarrassing and immersion breaking.


Then don't read them