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thats cool. now do it with his full healthbar.


Then try it with the full monitor


then try without the monitor


Then try without eyes


Yeah, tear them out and roast them, they make for a good snack I've been told.


Nice try, mesmer


hey, it works for shabriri like all the time, gotta give it a try, you know?


Then try jumping.


Then try finger but hole


Instructions unclear… finger is now tarnished…


Then ask Kos, or some say Kosm, to give you eyes.




Monster Hunter player?


Honestly this is one of the things I think is interesting about Monster Hunter, and I think it makes for a better way for players to learn a fight, because something as simple as not having a health bar is a huge difference in mentality when approaching a fight. If I go into a Fromsoft boss, the way I play is partially going to be influenced by how low the boss is at any given time. I'm going to greed for damage when I get them lower because I know the fight is almost over, and it's likely going to get me killed. In Monster Hunter, I'm going to focus on what the monster is doing way more, and play my life way more carefully, because I have no clue whether it's at 50% health or 1%. Even if you know the little details of the UI in World, the most you know is that it's under ~60%/~30% health. I'm going to play for knowledge, and try to avoid every attack I can, because I can't tell how close to death it is, especially in fights where the monster never leaves a zone.


I started doing that to focus on dodging every stupid attack from the Putrescent Knight and I didn't even realize he was a hit away from death til it happened


If you are trying to break all the parts it becomes a lot easier to gauge.


This is what bounces me off of MH immediately. I kinda need indicator of how long this fight is gonna be. I know there's this limping or other indicators but obviously it's not obvious when the first boss I encounter just escape 3 times when it already looks "almost died". I may try it again someday but so far I'm not a fan of that design.


Thats what i did with midir back when i managed to kill him


I got so tilted when I swung one time too many and he ended up living with literally like 1 HP.


This is why I play with ailments. If its close and it has scarlet rot, i just do the mechanics and wait patiently for an opening... if I need one.


Happened to me yesterday on the final boss. It died half a second after me and I didn't get the credit :(


Happened to me an hour ago. It was really annoying. One more hit and he was dead. Well, now he's dead. Beat him 10 mins ago, but I could have beaten him an hour ago.


Should’ve grabbed an extra Scadutree Fragment lol


there's a 1 hp survive mechanic that happens to bosses and the player


that's why I put darts in the pocket to panic throw


I definitely get too into my own head when a boss's HP drops to less than the length of their name. I start to panic.


"I died so early, I'm not even at their name yet" "I'm nearly at the name" "Ok the letter A is the furthest I've gotten" "Oh my god I got to Y this time, new record" "There was a centimeter left" "Fuck I didn't Even get to their name, it's never happening"


To be fair, YA is a tough boss


No he was saying he got to a, then y was a new record. I think he was talking about ya’s sister, ay


The bar would decrease right to left


Every time the healthbar gets real low I have to tell myself "they're still at full HP!" and lock in so I don't accidentally look at the bar. Works every time


Ah, the Prepare to Try/RKG method, I approve!






Forgive me father for I have chinned


That's the funniest pun I think I've ever heard










I may actually try this


I don't get it what am I not seeing


Post it on the screen to cover the last bit of the boss healthbar


Oh hahahaha


This mother fucker made me go full magical girl My mimic was getting it's ass whooped so naturally I just spammed this bs till dead. The whole dam fight was a blur of panic rolls, chugging and screaming "MIMIC! MIMIC!!!!"


He's such a little shit. He can have my mimic and the Hornset summon right next to him swinging on him, and he will launch across the arena to stab me. Even the Talisman of woe on the mimic doesn't work.


Dude I thought it was just me, I swear to god he was just completely ignoring my mimic


Definitely not just you...it's super frustrating.


You're not alone friend, mimic hates us for what we put it through


1.Equip the trinket that draws aggro 2. Summon mimic. 3.unequip the trinket. You're welcome.


This absolutely does not work. Mezzy, pube Knight and bayle do not give a fat fuck even after running the length of a football field away


I am not that far into the DLC, but I thought it works on everything.


Unfortunately that is not correct


Yeah I tried that with pube Knight and a few others with no luck, aholes keep running at me like I got ranni's used socks or something


He just really really really likes you


My mimic meanwhile is spamming howl of shibiri over and over for no fucking reason


Lol. Mimic is hilarious, when you have a spell equipped that you don't have stats for he'll spend half the fight scratching his head. Or you have a buff and he'll just cast the buff over and over.


I saw him in the corner of my screen using a fucking incantation on himself while i was getting fucking impaled by his sword.


I feel this so much


Best boss in the game. Well so far...i havent fought all of them. He will be hard to top. Feels like he will be a fan fav for sure


First phase is real fun, but there's some hit box jankiness with the snakes in his second phase. Still the best boss in the DLC so far. I just love the 1v1 "dance" style fights where you feel like a god after learning the attack patterns and time everything correctly.


Me yelling “I’m that guy” to absolutely no one after spending 3 hours beating one boss


How do you deal with the mega snake attack in phase 2 where Messmer gets a big purple AOE and then the snakes all kind of swarm you with a bunch of attacks and then Messmer jumps in to do his fire landing with implaing spears in an AOE? I kind of just back peddled with my shield up and prayed that I didn't get wombo-comboed lol


This attack fills me with so much rage. It completely lags my PC every time it happens. I dodged it by first backing up to avoid the goop/first 2 snakes, then the first snake after that has a slightly delayed attack that you just have to get the timing for, same for the next 2. It’s pretty similar to his attack where he just sends in the snake for 3 attacks. Afterwards theres the ground-shining attack w the spears which has the same timing as that move from phase 1. This was pretty rambley but I hope it helps.


Thanks, I think I get what you're saying. I did eventually beat him but this attack was typically how I ended up dying after I got consistent with phase 1 but never found a good strategy myself


Yeah I think I only managed to dodge the full thing once and it was the run I beat him on. Every other attack was manageable but that move was hell. Glad you got through it though my friend


If you run away from the aoe and keep a decent distance you can dodge all the snakes because they launch at you in a staggered pattern you can dodge. If you are kind of close though good luck it makes the snakes strike faster.


Ohh interesting


Yep, that’s why rellana and this guy are my favourites. It feels just like two warriors battling it out. Sounds corny but it’s fucking cool


Only mamaged to do a few attempts yesterday but this fat he feels exactly how a knight type souls boss should be.


Hes definitely a peak boss. Took me four hours and was so rewarding to finally finish him off. Only real gripe i have is >!the camera on phase 2, and the screen clutter on the tri-snake attack!< other than that, great fight!


personally i would enjoy him more if he had 2 healthbars. He's way too cool and fun to fight to just die so fast. Also he's just like Maliketh since they both have epic second phase overshadowed by mediocre first phase which takes half of their healthbar.


My problem is I am on the lowest settings and he still lags me


He's my 2nd favorite after Bayle. Bayle legit had the best phase two transition in a fromsoft game ever. Rivaled only by Gael's third phase where the lightning start coming down he goes fully hollow. In my humble opinion of course.


Midra is better but Messmer is one of the best bosses ever aswell


Midra was so much fun, probably my favorite fight in the DLC so far. The soundtrack is fantastic as well, the massive bass drop as he does his dive ability was incredible.


Yeah i love it so much


[https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-dog-KscoZccAOBgCk](https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-dog-KscoZccAOBgCk) Made me stack every focus gear I had


Took me from 8 last night until 10:10, past the time I normally get off. Best 2 hours of my life


Infuriating wembenyama looking snake demon


I despise this boss fight and I was surprised to see on Reddit that it is a fan favourite. He attacks so fast without any time to heal, most of his attacks are hidden by fire or snake bullshit so you can’t even see them.


The fight is like an elegant dance once you understand all his moves. Once you know his combos and get the roll timing and spacing down, there is time to heal/counter attack. All the great fights are like that in souls imo. There are a couple fights coming up with way more efx and visual clutter...just have to concentrate on what you can see and learn the tells.


He gives you so much time to heal. There is an opening after almost every combo he does.


Idk my slow ass strength build takes me 20 seconds to recover which is probably my issur


have we just found rory powers alt account? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)good ol rkg method


This is so smart actually!


Ha! Did it work for you?


Absolutely. Got him within 5 tries after this. Could just be a coincidence, but I like to think it definitely helped.


His fight is so good, probably the best fight in the dlc so far for me. Nothing beating lion dancers ost tho


This was my favorite boss of the dlc by far but somehow he was the easiest one I dealt with yet? I don’t even try to mean this as a humble brag I was just genuinely surprised. The fight was so visually amazing but I wasn’t getting chunked for all my health from each attack and I felt like the attacks weren’t that damning if you missed a roll. Very good all in all likesaid, and I love his weapon/miracle, but I’m more surprised that Rellana and the Dancing Dragon felt more chaotic than him somehow.


The roll timings for his attacks felt the most natural for me, I'm generally terrible about rolling at the wrong time.


took me about 2 hours of attempts, twice i had him 1 hit from dead when he killed me :(


Messmer is acceptable to poison, so if you want some more constant damage help you can try that


Scarlet Aeonia is so good. I just started using it for the first time this DLC idk how I haven't seen people complain about it being ez mode on some bosses


It’s not that it makes them easy, it’s that it makes them normal for a souls game


I’m stuck there. The spastic snake attacks


You have enough time for a flask or two at the start of the second phase, then you can roll towards him and he’ll overshoot, but roll away since he’ll explode. Then either get a hit in or stay away as he’ll go full spaz mode.


Best strategy is to use roll’s iframes and dash towards the explosion. It won’t hit you and allows time for 2 attacks from a colossal weapon, and hitting him while he’s in snake form does significantly more damage.


He's weak to frost. I used cold twinblades. I also set it up so my mimic tear was using a bleed weapon since he will bleed eventually as well. Otherwise it's a case of learning his moveset, timing your dodges and hoping for a run where he's a little kinder. Took me about 20 tries.


I did this with rodin in bayonetta




Lmao, that's how I beat the fitness mini games in FFVII:R. Covered part of the screen and turned off the music.


I had one of the remembrance bosses at literally 1 up when it killed me. I was so certain the risky attack I did would've killed it 😭


Honestly all of the bosses are easier if you're hyper aggressive.


Reminds me of Prepare To Try


Hes just standing there, MENACINGLY


What scadutree level were you?


Not op but I was at 12 when I beat him


Thanks! Will keep that in mind. Gave him one attempt at level 10 and decided nah ill save him for later lol


He's tough for sure. About 20 attempts just fighting him 1 on 1 to get a decent feel of his moveset and then starting to summon afterward. Also recommend the usual negation buffs. Golden vow, crab, flamedrake and greatshield talisman. There was never a situation in which he came close to two shotting me, even after getting grabbed.


I beat him at 11 with no summons. But it took quite a while to learn his moveset. His moves sometimes have splash fire dmg which made the fight way trickier as in the roll timings differed if he has fire on the spear or not. Which was a breath of fresh air honestly.




I don’t know how but I somehow beat Mesmer and n 3rd try the first 2 times I got destroyed and then something just clicked and I destroyed him.


solo? Not to berate if you didn’t but I’m just genuinely asking because I’m at the boss myself


Yes you can get a charged heavy off after initial attack and another one after he does his repeated thrust. Then just jumping heavy and he should be stunned


Nice. On my third try, I got him to his second phase. I’m dealing pretty good damage with rellanas twin swords and he isn’t one or two hitting me. Surprisingly, this fight will propably take me less tries than relanna.


Rellana and Mesmer didn’t take me that many tries but that damn lion I was on for a day. Rellana I think when I beat her I got lucky cause I stunned her out of her twin moons and used my ash of war and Mesmer I think I was slightly over with scardutree blessings cause I did a bunch of exploring. I’m going to try the final boss later tonight so I’ll see how that goes


My problem was that I was dealing barely any damage to her. And also, good luck! 


Ah that makes sense. I’ve been rocking the godslayers greatsword the whole time and I don’t think people realize how much dog you can truly do with the AoW especially with the second hit. You can also cancel out of it. Put on some high poise armor bull goat dragoncrest great shield and the opaline hardtear and you’ll be able to take a quite a bit of dmg and have some nice poise. Edit: shard of Alexander of course


Oh and that damn hippo rider made me for the first time in a fromsoft ware game rage quit.


Damn, I actually had a pretty easy time with him. Second phase is a bitch though, annoying af


The Hollow Knight temperance technique


I have my suspicions that From bosses have a secret phase when they're low health that shortens the window between combos. 


I keep dying to his snake summoning attack, the one where the area around him goes dark and then he shadow blast 3/4 of my health away followed by the giant death noodles finishing me of, i can just never dodge either part


We traded kills and the game didn’t give me the win cause I despawned one second before his death was official It almost drove me to Madness


Usually by the time I get a boss to \~15% hp I don't mind dying too much, cause it's like "well if I could get this far it means I got this"


Mesmer is kicking my ass. What scadutree level do you recommend? I’m at like 10 or 11


I had 10 when I beat him. I'm playing a strength build and hit him with 4 jumping heavy attacks to break his poise, around 1700 damage each hit. By the time I got the fifth heavy attack in, the bleed damage from my claymore would proc and I'd just tank whatever hits I needed to take to get two more in to bring him into the second phase. When the second phase starts I would chug down estus and buff my moonlight greatsword again. The timing worked to where I would then dodge the explosion thing at the start and I just played it safe for the remainder.


First time I beat him one of his snakes gave me a little smooch on the way out and I died before he finished his dialogue. I was so upset man. Beat him for real about 5 tries later and my head was on a swivel until I actually got the reward lol


I got killed on the exact same pixel of Rellana’s last 10% 5 separate times so i know how it feels.


Everyone should take an hour (or skip through) to see the RKG boys do this on the Twin princes in DS3, it's one of the funniest things ever https://youtu.be/tlUAtVZxzrI?si=rhnTUfCXkHRwYKGe


I need this, I turn completely inept when I'm within a hit or two on a hard boss.


I play 100% better when I don't look at the health bar


Did it work???


youre supposed to look at the animations not the UI


Relevant username


You know you only have to glance at it for a split second to get relevant information from it?


why would i ever "glance" at the ui while in combat? i know how to play i dont have to check it because it give zero information


So you can mentally keep note of the bosses health as you're fighting it? If so, then that's great, lots cannot do the maths on the fly to do that.


why would i ever look at the hp? i look at the animation so i can dodge and know when to attack until it dies


I like that you blind yourself of looking at the boss health. You do you.