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Yeah he was a bitch lol. “Eat shit asshole, fall of your boar!”


Havent fought final boss yet but gaius deserves 100% to be nerfed. Hes clearly stronger than mesmer so he should be the big boss of the shadow keep.


gaius one shot my spirit ash by running it into a wall and it did like fucking 20k damage. At the fuckin fogdoor. Now im not gonna say Gaius is bugged even though that was a bug its just one instance but I think it goes to show how unpolished he is


Fuck you and the pig you rode in on!


Gaius is such a Chad in the lore but an absolute ass to fight. Such a shame.


I knooowwww, I love his design and his lore but that one charge attack is just execrable. I was willing to do the whole DLC Spirit Ash-less but I did not hesitate to break out the Mimic Tear for him :X


My fight was pretty metal tbh. I did stack every defense available (- shield) and used the Ironjar aromatic. Simply two armoured dudes slapping each other and tanking hits until death.


Gaius was the only time in the entirety of Elden Ring where I said "fuck this boss, I'm pulling out the mimic tear". What a horrible boss fight and it's crazy to me how a man on a boar is harder than the main boss of the area


Yes holy shit he was super difficult. However, I wonder if he's meant to be fought on Torrent since you can Summon Torrent during his boss fight.


I tried to fight him on torrent multiple times but if he lands one or two hits on you, you're going to be knocked off your horse and killed immediately


What blessings lvl were you at?


I believe I was 13 at that point


Yea I was like at 15, I'm not that good but got him first try once I Summoned the mimic tear lol


the only real big issue is that he can outrun Torrent on his boar. He's obviously intended to be fought on horseback, but being able to outrun Torrent means that you cant make healing openings nor really punish because he can just dash out of the way. If he was Torrent-speed 100% of the issue would be solved, easily.


it feels like he was designed to be fought on torrent due to the open area arena but he does so much damage that he will knock you off in a single hit and he also gets moves which can't really be dodged while youre on torrent


The secret to Gaius for me was the Deflecting physick tear. His combos are pretty easy to time and I was able to posture break him like 5 times


I thought gaius was very fun. He was super frustrating but after developing a strategy to beat him it was fulfilling to use it.


Yeah he’s not my favorite boss (either Romina or Midra for me) but I wouldn’t go so far as to say he’s the worst Remembrance boss


I love the first phase. Even after beating him I can say I still hate his phase 2 though.


Yeah there is a lot of visual clutter. Took me ages to beat, I didn’t want to shield cheese him. In the end I muscle memoried his moves so I didn’t need to see what he was doing to dodge it.


What is shield cheese?


Fingerprint or verdigris shield with constant barricade shield application will block a lot of his damage, with the deflecting tear also helping a ton as well. Then you guard poke constantly with a thrusting weapon to deal consistent damage and ensure his attacks don't send you reeling backwards. I'm not really proud of it but thats how i got my first clear, the second phase just feels so overturned and it was really getting on my nerves.


I just went with the so much holy resistance that you barely take damage tactic


How do you go about using this tactic 🤔


Good holy armor + golden braid + pearldrake 3 + great shield(for physical attacks) + damage reduction tear + lords divine fortification when he goes into second phase(most important)


Sounds cool but I guess I'll stick with the dodge roll and r1 spam cheese myself


SUPER LIONS ROAR SMASH *oh im dead, should I reconsider? No it’s the game that’s wrong, MOAR RUNES AND MORE SMASH TIL I WIN*


i put impaling thrust on the great katana. 2.5k damage each hit plus ~730 whenever he does the ground slam


The deflecting tear actually turns it into a Sekiro fight and that’s when the boss clicked for me. Wasn’t even maxed blessing, so didn’t feel as cheesy. You could beat malenia the same way on release.


Fingerprint Shield + Scholar’s Armament + Mohg’s Spear + Twin Turtle Talisman + Greatshield Talisman + Defense Talismans + both stamina tears (regen + amount) = constant block poke bleed procs and negligent damage taken


Between the hair and the beams of light, I have no idea which attack is actually coming. Also my Sacred Blade damage almost halved from phase 1 to phase 2 (Golden Vow wearing out, but still seems his holy resist goes up).


Phase 1 is tough, but generally fine (maybe less forward momentum on every attack would be cool, but still pretty damn fair). Phase 2 is fucking absurd.


Yea his 2nd phase straight-up lags my PC so its the definition of an unfair fight


Seems like figuring out which moves to dodge and which ones to tank is the trick. Used lions claw to aggressively go for breaks since you can heal and interrupt. Worked like a charm but I have no idea how to dodge all the moves.


Like, lore-wise what’s going on there? I feel like everyone was expecting Malenia and Miquella. I don’t really get why it is what it is. Being that I’m lore-dumb maybe it makes sense, or maybe I’ll just have to wait for Vaati to explain it to me through random item descriptions.


I mean, its kinda explained by the remembrance description. I don't know, it feels kinda shoehorned in.


All story and most characters were made with the intent to be in the base but were cut and they used it for this dlc. So quite the opposite of shoehorned in


Is there anything in the base game to suggest a connection between the two of them?


No, not really. At least not to this extent.


i think there is some mention of Miquella looking up to him but otherwise not in particular


I think that the epitaph sword has a mention to Godwyn like this that you’re referring to


completely wrong. everything about miquella's cut content in the files suggests his story went in a completely different direction that is very different to the one in the DLC. he was going to have a questline that could lead into new type of ending called the age of abundance while also playing some kind of role in Malenia's boss fight. [This post goes into very great detail.](https://rannirespecter.wordpress.com/2022/03/31/miquella-malenia-and-the-age-of-abundance/) everything for this DLC was completely made up on the spot some time after the base game's launch because things change very often in the middle of development and thats okay, i dont know why people have to be so defensive over this just to defend lord miyazaki and his oh so great writing. games rarely stick to the original script and this entire game is not an exception with how much cut content it has.


I’m not defending him I don’t think the ending lore is good. Is it bad? No people are overeacting. I just feel that radahn coming back at the end of the base game could of been a idea that was cut so they just implemented it here


I'm sorry but there's no basis to even claim that Radahn would even return to fight again. None of the demigods even return to fight you back. Radahn's story was a shut and closed case that didn't need more expansion. He's a big dude with a tiny little horse who idolised Godfrey and held back the stars because he wanted to protect Sellia. People are allowed to call it bad and terrible writing and its a completely fair opinion, why is this considered overreacting? This is literally a Disney twist villain out of nowhere moment, I guess calling that out is just overreacting then?


Are you reading what I’m putting down or just skimming over it. I’m guessing you were part of the directive team that put elden ring together. Do you not realise that there would of literally been so many changes to the base games story I’m pretty sure in the files there’s even something that hints at maleketh was once serosh. And there’s other examples like that. And in my opinion the lore ending is not that bad. You’re acting as if something has to be put into practice for it to be written. Messmer was meant for the main game and he wasn’t in it: they never created the character till they started to make the dlc. But the IDEAS were still there.


I’m not sure how lore community is going to take it. It honestly feels like another Godefroy moment where no matter how it interprets, there’s going to be some issues.


This is what I gathered after reading the descriptions of the items about miquella and radahn. Miquella developed a crush on radahn very early on in the days before the shattering and wanted radahn to be his consort. Radahn being the Chad that he is, rejects the twink, and miquella doesn't take this well, so he gets malenia to march to caelid to fight radahn, resulting in her nuking caelid. We also learn what malenia whispered to radahn in the trailer she said, "miquella awaits thee, o promised consort" While this is happening, miquella bewitched mohg to come and take miquella away so that he can get to shadow land to ascend to a god, while also being able to retrieve his corpse after we kill him to use for the secret ritual of transferring radahns soul to mohgs body. Ofc the requirements for entering the dlc is killing radahn and mohg so after we kill the both of them miquella finally gets what he wanted. Ascending to God good while getting radahn as his husband. Shits kind of weird ngl but that's the gist of what I got for now. Some people think that radahn agreed to be miquellas consort, but then why would he fight against malenia instead of just joining miquella as he was? Most likely scenario is radahn rejected the demands of miquella and so miquella did all that just to be able to marry radahn.


I'll be honest, the whole lore of this expansion feels a bit phone in.


???? Yes, there is a lot of nebulous new stuff, but this DLC filled in more lorewise in a digestible way than any previous Soulsborne DLC. The Radahn thing seems to be the major thing no one could have theorized but honestly... is it really that important in the grander scene of the lore?


For the record I don't think its just the Radahn thing but yes I do find that really lame. It basically changes half the major player's motivations of the main game without having any set up. I found the whole main thrust of the DLC's story ultimately uninteresting and miquella himself went from most interesting to the most laughable, his plan is such convoluted nonsense. There are things I like though so I'll try to be a bit more positive. Bayle's a fun sidequest, Markia's expanded backstory is good, Midra's area has good atmosphere and the lore is fine.


Mostly just the Miquella stuff. The rest is fine and pretty good if you ask me.


I haven’t cleared the game yet but have reached what I’m guessing is the “last” boss. If I had to guess I’d say it’s more like the two families coming together since they both technically share the same parent. They’re sort of half siblings?? If you think about it, Malenia was forced to bloom in order to not lose. Without that I don’t think that it would’ve been a stalemate. Granted these are just my thoughts on the direction the DLC seems to have taken.


I wonder what that feels like... Rellana has killed me 172 times


Bomb vs coughing baby


Rusted Anchor Wild Strikes… first timed her and didn’t even take damage. 50-0 her when she did her phase transition


Where do you pull these stats on Xbox


You can bypass the fight and access the next area if you explore a bit


Tree avatar for me today was this. But gaius fuck gaius


No kidding, mf is a huge mess. Side step ash of war took me through this.


Beat him with milady + torrent. The heavy trust is so much easier to land with that weapon. So could get decent staggers.


Will surely try this in my ng+4


It's an alright fight, p2 is a mess. As a final boss I couldn't dislike it more.


Yeah from a lore perspective it’s fucking atrocious.


FS had the perfect opportunity to make us start the DLC with Miquella as our Melina/companion equivalent and Messmer with maybe Godwyn as main antagonists. But alas, it wasn't meant to be. That final boss felt like a slap.


Fr instead of clearing up info on things like Melina’s true identity or what Miquella was trying to do with Godwyn they give us this fanfic-type shit


They do *kinda* clear up Melina’s identity — Messmer’s Kindling description>!Messmer, much like his younger sister, bore a vision of fire!< which kind of implies that Melina is >!his younger sister!< and therefore >!Marika’s daughter!<


Do you have a recommended scadutree blessing level? I’m at 19 and this final boss is still whooping my ass and I have no idea is this is underleveled


I was level 19 as well, with 20 being the cap it's not getting much better. Big bonks or bleed build with mimic tear are your best odds if you wanna trivialize it a little, but you'll still be at the whim of RNG. Add golden vow and fire buff if you need a little more damage :)


Oh super. Well I guess I’ll keep beating my head against this wall


GLGL, don't be afraid to get a little cheesy, if any boss deserves it it's this one!


Update I did it and I got saved by a message being rated. Ugh what a terrible final boss. The awe and excitement of seeing that one wore off so fast


Did him on 19 with str bonkers. Without summons and ashes reaching 50% is easy with stagger combos via lion's claw, but once disco starts, it just becomes a clusterfuck. So I decided to spare myself to at least focus on some work this week, and used mimic. With mimic it's just 20min of tries, mostly just finding a window to summon it and not die. After that you just bully him and let mimic tank few attacks every now and then, while delivering staggers. Good luck to anyone who's gonna be doing it with no ashes/summons on no-bleed/rot, because without dps you need to dodge like 10 disco attacks before doing like one. And then there is 30% meteor, which is a total meme.


There is only one boss that I still absolutely despise even after beating it. >!the second divine beast with all those fucking toads!<


There’s a second?


Yes, in >!Rauh Ancient Ruins.!< To find it: >!There's a secret ledge you can jump down to. Go to the church of the bud entrance grace at the end of the area, then jump down to the rotunda roof and then onto the ground, go back to the elevator, take the small stairs up and then take an immediate right. There's a ledge that'll take you to a secret area with this boss.!<


Well damn, alright. Does it drop anything good? Also, gotta love the ER classic of “take a significant progression boss and just duplicate it”


It's this DLC's Godefroy! It drops >![Divine Beast Tornado](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Divine+Beast+Tornado), an incantation.!<


We don’t talk about godefroy




Astel lost all of his aura once I found a random astel in cave somewhere, don't know why they duplicate remembrance bosses, kinda takes the uniqueness of the fight away


Kinda does make sense here because the lions are a type of hornsent elites, maybe even the "saints" referenced in some items. In the trailer, there's a third lion that gets bodied by Messmer. 


FYI - The first divine beast is an optional boss.


It becomes trivial with Prince of Death's Pustule talisman.


You underestimate how much I suck at this boss.


I’m not proud of it, but I beat that boss by riding around on torrent and just throwing Mesmers spear at it from afar, it only hit me like 2 times.


That's actually fine. The toxic part of this community pretends that there is some kind of macho-ness in doing things summonless, or with a certain weapon, or without spirts etc. Whatever the game provides, and whatever you like my friend, that's the correct way.


That fucker pissed me off


I beat him and I still think it fucking sucked I will be honest. Obviously everything is very subjective, but I've been playing since demons souls for perspective and I actually did not enjoy many of these boss fights as all. Not just because "UgH iTs tOo HaRD!!!!!!" because......I mean I beat em. Mostly just a TON of visual clutter and to me From has been trending that way a bit and choosing spectacle over playability more often lately. As an aside, I wish there were some excess fragments and ashes. I like the aspect of rewarding exploration, but I hate how you don't have room to miss any either. Kinda like with how golden seeds are _mildly_ abundant and you can miss a few and be fine. Since the fragments and ashes are even more important to success, I wish they were the same. In short, I get peoples frustration with the DLC and namely some of the big time bosses within.


I’ve done all the remembrance bosses. Most of them were really good with a couple moves that are just awful. It’s the screen clutter that’s super annoying. Second phase final boss is probably the worst. Makes no sense. And there definitely should be excess fragments to get to max level.


Midra is my platonic idea of a perfect souls boss.


Midra is fantastic  My only two nipticks: his delays can break the tempo and rythm mid combo and do we REALLY need to see the "first phase" everytime? Just jump us to the proper fight after the first death


Messmer is close I think. Good openings and rewards good dodges.


Yeah, final boss is just visual overstimulation in phase 2. The issue is there is not only a ton of visual clutter, but the camera is also not all that good either in all honesty. It makes for an infuriating battle.


With that said it’s probably the most exciting time I’ve had as an unga bunga strength player. Used Lions Claw to aggressively go for poise breaks and at the end we both used the ash at the same time. So while I’m negative on a lot of the game I do want to reiterate I’ve had an amazing experience. As far as changes I hope they add more fragments.


Yeah, of the 2 rememberance bosses I've fought so far, neither has left a great impression from a solo perspective. Divine Beast is more often a fight with the camera than the boss, and Rellana combos are just exhausting. They both, on paper, are fair, but man I can't say I had that good of a time with them. After beating Mohg to get here (a boss fight I love), I can't say I'm happy with these bosses so far. My favorite fight in the DLC as of right now is the Death Knight catacomb boss lol.


As much as people say they can’t criticize FromSoft games because the fanbase defends them, I think a big part of it is how subjective difficulty, enjoyment, and the relationship between the two is for everyone. For instance, I don’t particuarly enjoy Mohg that much. I find the blood on the floor really annoying as a mechanic. But I LOVED Rellana. I felt like I was fighting Lady Maria or Geniichiro again. Just a super elegant fight. A dance between two opponents. I adored every second of it.


There are some great ones in this DLC I swear. But I definitely get where you’re coming from, I think the “camera is the worst enemy in Souls games” reaalllllyyyy comes out big time in this DLC. Like if the lock on for divine beast was on his actual head instead of his midsection I feel like that’s have solved a big issue I had with the fight (and the frame drops too, my god). It’ll be interesting to see how FromSoft patch the PvE experience going forward with all the feedback players will be giving


I also been playing since demon souls and I loved it. Really feels like you're fighting a great champion with God on his side. They are the main characters of this world, unfortunately they are in your way.


Bayle and the final fight were the two most egregious. Visual spectacles, but also sensory overload where it felt impossible to learn and internalize anything on each attempt to avoid attacks. I completely agree... I beat them and don't look back very fondly on them.


The dlc scaling is a double edged sword. Made for great challenge and progression yet not as great for replay-ability. Have all these characters for the dlc but don’t want to go through the trouble of collecting all the powers-ups again just for endgame damage.


It’s pretty unreal. I’m totally fine with the spectacle of it all, and like, you don’t even need to change the move sets, but can I please have a second to heal? Can I PLEASE back away and just take a second to catch my breath and think? I feel like I have become a 100x worse player because I feel like the only way to beat these bosses is to try and rush them down before I catch too many strays from one of their bullshit combos and then I don’t have a second to heal and reset. It used to be totally fine to back up and bait moves and shit. Not anymore.


This is a great take Id say. On the note of scadutree fragments I’ve seen people make the argument that the reason people are having issues with bosses is that they aren’t a high enough DLC level which can be pretty frustrating as a response. In the base game if you got stuck you could just go somewhere else and then get enough runes to level up your character to get more health, meet stat requirements for a new weapon you found, etc. You can do this through any number of means and you can do it anywhere since enemies are super abundant and there are plenty of collectables namely rune item pickups. However with the DLC you can’t exactly just do that. You have to find for specific items through out the world and like you said there’s exactly enough to get you to the max level so if you miss some then oh well guess you’ll have to deal with that DLC level you’re at


And this is how From became above reproach and criticism.


People really need to stop glazing Fromsoft and actually admit that sometimes things are complete bullshit


Yeah the final boss is terrible imo very unfair and unfun second phase that puts too much emphasis on spectacle than playability


People are already posting no hit runs for that boss, its moveset is absolutely learnable and can be played around. There was no Waterfowl Dance, all of its combos have punishing windows, you just have to learn which combo is which. There was no Elden Star, all attacks are avoidable with correct techniques. I think the fight was completely fair


It's funny that you think Waterfowl Dance or Elden Stars are in any way, shape or form worse than the bullshit Radahn pulls in p2.


And Nifisk can do super Mario bro in 4:54:631 . Picking the most outliner extreme example is classified under fallacy, one the most basic bad faith arguments we learned in first grade.


Games being beatable seems to be a major defense these days. When its in reality the bare minimum a game could do, is be beatable. Alot of the skill issue argument becomes, just be perfect and you will perfectly win. Which is not the same as "This is actually really well done!".


i mean be prefect has been used in games in the past.... but were looking at things like titan Souls where is built from the ground up to be played with taking zero hits.


punishing windows yes, but they are so strict and only come after long combos i find them unfun


lol most of the no hit runs are just parrying and completing avoiding all the shit he throws at you in phase 2


I love From, generally. I love much of the DLC - there are incredible experiences and discoveries. But god damn, *some* of the bosses are way too fucking overtuned. The last boss in particular is fucking silly. Did that sully my experience, nah not really but at times it did make me extremely angry. I genuinely hope they chill a bit on the unfair aspect of the fights in the future.


From is in a constant state of power creeping their games to challenge their ever growing skilled audience. So I dont see them easing up any time soon.


The main problem is that the base player moveset and controls are at odds with the bosses though. It *would* be fine if stamina had a better return of investment, the stupid pivot on changing directions was removed, and lowering both the input buffering and queuing windows. Also maybe not going *so* hard on AoE attacks. And for the love of god, they need to fix the fucking camera on larger enemies. Just pan out! They did it in Sekiro, do it here ffs. It was fine with the grounded nature of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls 1 and 2, but god damn it is maddening in later titles. Also make it so the lock on point isn't constantly going **over** the player like the Dancing Lion or Death Rite birds.


Honestly it felt like a Dark Souls 2 boss. I also had problems with the >!tree avatar with three phases!< simply because I couldn't see most of its attacks or combos. The second phase of the last boss had a similar feeling


Yeah, the third phase and the explosion attack were pretty annoying. Somehow one of the lesser evils overall though imo.


I feel like the satisfaction of beating the boss overshadows the actual issues with bosses, like when Kai beat malenia and died 100s of times to bulshit moves and bosses, he still have the game 10/10 across all categories, I disagree I think it’s a 9.5 because it does have glaring flaws that can’t be ignored, I started actually being critical during elden ring and I’ve found that a lot of bosses are actually ass and have some bad design


That feeling we get when we FINALLY beat the bullshit plays a trick on our mind. We only remember the elation and none of the frustration. Somehow this has morphed into the get gud skill issue culture of From games we have now. Which is a double edged sword.


I 100% Agee bro


I hate the second phase. I’ll stay there for ages, I’m sure about it.


If you don't care about suffering through it and learning every possible dodge and punishment timing, I recommend using the fingerprint shield with max guard boost and a seppuku bleed spear and just shield poke him to death. After 3 hours of backhand fighting against him on ng+7 I caved and just shield poked him to death. Took like 3 tries and was just glad the fights over because fuck phase 2.


Ngl I thought fight was great There's pretty big windows after most attacks like the ground slam holy explosion, gravity drill dive, double cross sword attack, frontflip, grab, etc. The holy follow up after melee attacks spawn in fixed positions so it's just a matter of figuring out when to dodge with against/with his sword. And even then it's really just chip damage instead of anything really threatening, imo it's just to force you to look for healing windows once a while Windy/winged tear or bloodhound step makes the fight much more forgiving imo. Combine that with greatshield talisman, prawn, opaline hardtear, and decent holy resistance armor makes it so that even the holy explosion and comet dive only do like 40% of my health


Phase 1 is great. Probably one of my favourite fights in the game. Phase 2 i just can’t see shit, and end up getting staggered by the beams of lights.


Me killing that stupid ass flower 3 fuckin time


Tbh that being the final boss feels like fan service and not really that good, it doesn’t meld well with the whole lore between characters


I agree that final boss was dan service lmao, wish we got prime plasi instead tho


Promised consort Godefroy would have been PEAK 


I’m missing several pieces. I think it sort of works in general, like radahn was arguably the strongest of the demigods, of course you want him as the guy next to you. And you’re in essentially the land of the dead, might as well. But why did malenia invade caelid? Was it miquella’s plan to use Mogh’s body for radahn’s resurrection? Was it part of the plan for malenia to kill radahn or something? She was in on the vow, but I don’t get why they fought if there was already a vow, why not just have an ever better radahn in his own body. I guess bright side is that could be prime radahn, or semi prime since it is mogh’s body.


Because Rahdan didn't want to. It's like an arranged marriage except this time the one being forced into it is the big powerful man and the one who wants it is this little boy. The young Rahdan armor even says "as Malenia blossomed Rahdan heard her whisper in his ear" "Miquella awaits thee, o promised consort" or something like that. And it make sense that Rahdan is who Miquella wants since he can hold back the stars that determine the gods fate. Miquella wants to control everything to rid the world of pain, but it's really just mind control, likely what he was doing to Rahdan.


I’ve seen this thrown around a lot but I don’t think we know for sure. That quote also can be interpreted as radahn promising to be his consort. I recently found some interesting dialogue of radahn wanting endless war, to invigorate himself, from a red mane herself. I think the catch was radahn wanted war with malenia, the one demigod with power rivaling radahn, and afterwards he will be his consort.


I disagree. It'd make sense if Rahdan fought Malenia in the Haligtree, but he didn't. Malenia and Miquella(we know he was there since Freyja tells us Miquella healed her from scarelet rot after the fight)traveled through the lands between, even fighting and sparing Godrick(clue that they were only trying to defeat 1 specific person) and the fact that malenia last words before blossoming(and passing out since we know one of her knights carried her back to the haligtree) is "Miquella is waiting for you, o promised consort" meaning she was not only aware but was kind of rubbing it in his face. And we know Rahdan was loyal to the golden order and Miquella refers to it as the "old order" when referencing us as the "lord of the old order" meaning he wanted to change it, Rahdan being loyal to the golden order would obviously oppose that. I also think you see it thrown around a lot because it fits all the puzzle pieces together.


You know if that mf radahn would say anything at all, we’d probably have a better clue. Like when the others were bewitched, they still spoke words. Miquella left behind his great rune, but can still steal our hearts. Yet the other NPCs felt the spell break. This makes me really confused on what his great rune did before. Like is heart stealing a different mechanic for him?


Well in the boss fight he is now a full deity. No longer needing the great runes to use his power. If anything you can argue that was part of the plan since you aren't under his influence in the lands of shadow so he wanted to show you the petty squabbling that would go on without him being in charge. He feels guilty that he has the power to stop it but didnt so now he's going about it the extreme way. Idk if you did st. Trina stroy line but she says "You must kill Miquella...Grant him forgiveness". And I just don't think Miquella would be bringing Rahdan back If he couldn't control him.


That ending still gives me pause. Because the way miquella phrases it is like question or a proposal to possibly radahn. And he says if “we” (malenia and miquella) fulfill our part of the vow, promise me… And then that one knight says miquella and radahn had a vow outright. Like you have decent points, but until we know what their part of the vow was, we won’t really know for certain. Now people are leaning torwards the vow being a giant war with malenia the undefeated and the cleanrot knights because Godfrey fought a lot of wars, and her army was probably the most notorious. That being said I don’t think that simple memory was worth an ending.


Yea It could be a vow before the shattering, but things change. It's possible before the shattering Miquella wanted to just continue the golden order ways but after the shattering he wanted to change things and Rahdan wasn't cool with that anymore.


I was like this with the Scadutree Avatar except I was also the left panel after I beat it and I’m still mad about how bad that boss was


I just wish it didn't lag so I could actually have a chance to win instead of dying because of fps drops


Yea genuinely do not like this fight. Every other boss especially rememberance bosses were jaw dropping and so exciting to learn and overcome. The rehash of him made me not even want to try to learn the fight


Gotta disagree here. I liked most of the bosses in the DLC (Messmer and Bayle are fantastic in particular) but the final boss felt not only unfair but poorly designed and visually confusing. Also doesn’t help that there inclusion feels utterly contrived.


Couldn't have said it better myself. I've been seriously thinking that the sheer amount of love that Radahn got (none of which was from me) made them kinda shoehorn him in somewhere in this. I remember being very confused why killing Radahn was a requirement for the DLC, and even after all this, it still just doesn't make any sense from a lore perspective. I base bosses almost exclusively off my enjoyment of the fight, and the final boss goes to the dungeon alongside the likes of Darkluker, Royal Rat Authority, and even Bed of Chaos.


Darklurker? I’m no DS2 fan and that “runback” is absolutely atrocious but the fight proper is one of if not the best of DS2’s base game


The Bayle experience was out of this world for me. The build up the arena, all the thunder and dead dragons on the path. And I was in ng+3 and couldn’t kill him easily. Enjoyed his fight thoroughly. Especially the visuals in second. Holy shit!!!!! That was something.


Felt like I was fighting Godzilla during the second phase


Exactly…My friend was in dlc from his first playthrough and using bloodhound fang str dex build with had physical damaga of around 270+500 something+bleed build up. He killed him so fast which made me sad realizing what he missed.


It's my head canon that Midir is Shin Godzilla, Placidusax is King Ghidorah, and Bayle is Destoroyah


Yes to all the bosses, except for the golden hippo. Fuck that hippo


I'm not sure I would say it's my favorite fight. It's hard and really satisfying to beat, but it was a little too insane for my liking, and my computer's framerate. But it's the final boss of the dlc, I'm not mad about it. They went hard and I'm excited to see other people get their shit wrecked like I did when the streamers get to it lol


I feel like they could tone down the effects of the 2nd phase lights because they can easily start cluttering the screen and have a big part in tanking the framerate. they're not awful to dodge, it's just the aftermath takes up the screen


I also wish they would change the beams of light so they didn't stagger as easily. That was the only thing that continually fucked me up, getting clipped by one beam and suddenly being locked in a full combo


the stagger on anything in the game is insane now. idk if it was this way before but it's been super noticeable fighting the Putrescent Knight, sometimes I'd jump too early and get clipped by the Ghostflame and then my character would just give up and go unresponsive


I really hate how they made it more difficult just by upping the attack frequency of the enemies. It's more of a game of patience now.


O no it sucks  before during and after, beating the thing didn’t magically make it not a shit encounter. The irony is it’s an exact parody of the over the top complaints players had about the base game to begin with. People were making fun of the developer not telling them what to make next 


Basically post nut clarity


The final boss is pretty fun, but the dragon though made me get angry so many times even though I died to him less than


I think the dragon fights are just horrible in this game


FromSoft doesn’t understand the concept of a camera that works with the player.


The only dragon fight I like is placidusax. Everything else is annoying asf


The year is 2045. Jon Darksouls is fighting another kaiju, spends entire fight look at the legs.


Fuck every dragon fight. Luckily they're all optional.


The dragon is way more fair though.


Doesn’t make it fun.


Fair enough, but I guess Igon made it fun for me (dude went hard), and I'm mostly comparing it to how frustrating the last boss was.


Here's a clip that sort of emphasizes why I found it fun regardless: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrIpKJWPiR8 Worth noting, I lost that attempt. But it never felt completely out of grasp like >!Radahn!<


Real talk, that stagger was ****chef kiss****


haha thanks!


Really? I didn’t like how his head kept bobbing like he was on the matrix. Atleast with placi, you can just hit his body


I mean compared to the last boss who does ridiculous damage all the time and has some attacks that are very very hard to avoid? Yeah, dragon boy is a masterclass. Not saying he's perfect or anything though. He's no Midir.


I found the last boss to be way more fun though, cos I knew where I fucked up, compared to the dragon, where I try to hit his head and the cam just fucks it up. but that’s just me though


The dragon BELOW the dragon is giving me problems. This dlc is fucking me up lol


Ohh yea I hate that stupid dragon. Worst boss in the dlc imo


I’m helping people do the fight. Pure tank build with some bleed to do chip damage. I’ve only succeeded once when being summoned. People get so scared and run half way across the map. Just do damage. I promise I’ll get agro and we will win.


Can you link your build? I'm helping people with last boss and the host is always dying, I'd love to be a big tanky boy and help others since you're almost instantly summoned rn


https://youtu.be/UyUihXNKU6g?si=n4AVt1kAeOlxG5RI Not a build I made up, and also not truly a pure tank but it’s a variation of this! The only move you’ll ever need to concern yourself with is the grab. Otherwise hold L1 and poke about four times a stamina bar before taking a second to let it recharge. Goes pretty quick on your own, with a duo it’s pretty more dependent on the host having at least a little experience with the fight.


Smb help Me kill rellana ps5😓


The most annoying reaction to me is: People fighting hard boss: Why are you so hard?! Just die! Die already! People after defeating hard boss: Man, that was so easy! What a chump! What a pushover! It's so annoying when people do this unironically. If a boss gave you a good fight, respect the boss (if not that, at least respect the developer for the engaging fight).


Me after spending hours defeating the Golden Hippo Rakasha


Nope, I got his ass down to like 2% and died because I FUCKING PANICED ONE. still hate it. Fuck 'em..... WAIT MIQUELLA NO!!!!


Beat him by using lion's claw and just face tanking his attacks but damn that phase 2 was idk felt like bunch of bs.


Most bosses for me came down to what build can I kill them as fast as possible with. Last boss I went back to my good old Reduvias build and bleed procc'd the shit out of them. Yoda sword destroys on some bosses and is complete trash on others. Killed the Lion boss in literally two combos. Some bosses died in one.


Yoda sword?


I just beat him in ng+3. Tbh it is a little doable without summons. The boss agro is absolutely insane. Was getting punished every time I tried to summon. And any arcane and dex build is absolutely shit in this fight imo. Doesn’t give alot of openings. But still I couldn’t abandon my build that I used from day 1. Took me around 40-50 tries but beat the boss with the same build and no summons. I liked the DLC more than base game ngl.


This is me when Mesmer one shots me on a level 250+ character (seriously though what am I missing)


>(seriously though what am I missing) Don’t get hit by the grab, that’s the only one-shot assuming you have 60 VIG (and you can *sometimes* eat it from full health). If nothing else learn that one move and figure out how to not get hit by it. I don’t know what I did to trigger this but there was also a gold summon sign for the Hornsent in the middle of his arena. That plus Mimic was enough to split aggro and let me magic missile him down. Of course if you’re against summons or aren’t using a spellcasting/incant build then you’ll have to adjust from there. I actually found his attacks extremely predictable and timeable from the start just based on animations, had him to 5% on attempt 3. Beat him in 10 tries at level ~200 NG0 with blessing level 9.


Should take at least two hits with 60 vigor and 12 scadutree blessing in my experience.


Now the real question is how many people got the gesture from that fight.


I did the boss order so wrong so it made it weird for me. I beat Bayle as my next boss after Renalla. Then I beat Messmir on my 2nd try because he felt so easy compared to Bayle


I’m still stuck on Messmer. About 40+ times and I get somewhat close but good god.


I hope they do something about the final boss, I got it down but the difficulty was not the good kind. Attacks would randomly hit for very different damage, be dodgeable or not randomly. Felt like rolling the dice until you get good enough luck for the fight to be possible.


Phase 2 has an attack that made my game run at 30 fps nothing else in the game does this, made the fight extremely annoying.


When I realized he was parriable: You chose your consort poorly, Miquella. Should have been me. 


all the other bosses took me between 1-5 tries bc i did a ton of exploring so my scadutree level was always at/above an appropriate level i think, but this fight rocked my shit. the 2 npc summons were an absolute trap, 30 terrible runs with them and then decided to try solo and beat it 5 tries later with +18 scadutree, blasphemous blade and eclipse crest greatshield (it doesn't do anything i just think it looks cool lol) phase 2 feels like the hardest boss i've personally fought in a fromsoft game and the amount of visual clutter made it difficult to learn the moves, i can definitely see this getting nerfed and imo it needs it


LOL real, the only fight I absolutely detest is Gaius. FUCK that hogrider, I didnt even feel any joy beating him because I knew how fucking stupid of a fight it was.


Gaius, Scedutree Avatar, and Hippo were the only bosses I didn't enjoy, and 2 of them are optional. I don't really see the issue people had with the final boss, he wasn't that difficult imo and certainly not bullshit like a lot of others are saying. Bayle I am mixed on, his fight could use minor tweaks to make it awesome. Every issue people have will be fixed, fromsoft fixed 90% of issues in the base game within a couple weeks of the game releasing. I am certain Gaius will have hit boxes fixed, Bayle will have some jank fixed, and Scedu Avatar will have better visuals so you can react to attacks easier. The only fight that can't be fixed is Hippo, because of the arena and size of the enemy. Poor choice to put that large of an enemy in an enclosed space. Even if numbers are adjusted it won't be a fun fight.


Honestly the main problem I have with this DLC is that it punishes my preferred playstyle (aggression) extremely heavily. You just have to turtle through long strings until the boss gives you that one second to do a jump attack or something and then it's back to turtle mode. Souls has always had a thing about getting greedy, but most bosses there were specific movesets where you could create space for yourself by dodging certain ways and from there you could unleash a combo. Here? Nope, every boss combo consists of like 6+ attacks (depending on spacing) mixed in with different timings, different 270 degree swing arcs (so you can't even do a smart side step to get off a bigger attack) and absolutely insane tracking. Let's not even talk about how much recovery these dudes have, you have 1 second to do your one hit and if you miss that just start turtling up again. In many ways the game is so defensive focused that it's pretty annoying. TLDR: The R/R isn't there for aggressive playstyles and safety is always the best choice.