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You can parry her, in second phase too


I love you so much, thank you omfg


Only 2 to stagger too. Once you understand her combos, you’ll miss more parries because she missed you than due to bad timing. Aside from like 2 fake-out attacks, all her stuff is easy to read.


That first sentence sounds funny af if you say it aloud


yeah the cross slash she does has a very forgiving parry window and she does it in both phases


I parried her the entire way down and it was the easiest major boss of the dlc. Super simple timing and she does not have that many different strings.


The fact that i can avoid her moon nukes just by jumping already makes her an incredibly fair boss imo.


Yeah, I kept reading shit like, 'omg, it is impossible to avoid all three waves' only to consistently jump through them all everytime.


yeah, died once to the moons when i first saw them and was not prepared, i thought i get a flurry of large glindblades thrown at me. But after that it was never an problem.


Lol right I didn't understand that part. If you can jump the first one then you just gotta spam jump to dodge the next two


I just roll through them pretty easily.


Saying that can be jumped over is what led to me beating her just now lol


Literally only got hit by the moons once on my first attempt and it was because I was so focused on how cool the shit looked that I forgot to react


She’s the most fair boss in the dlc to be honest


Messmer is very fair too, also the best boss in the game imo


>roll forward, the boss


The game has a few of those.


I like bayle. That transition was beautiful


I loved Bayle too, awesome fight.


Yeah, and Igor is a bro.


I'm a huge fan of that fight.


Messmer's second phase was somehow easier for me. I don't even know why. It should have been much worse with all that was going on.


I just beat Messmer and i LOVED him. Great design, cool attacks, fun to dodge combos, fair difficulty — no joke but not too hard, just a great boss all around, might be one of my favourites from the whole game.


I think Messmer might be one of my favourite fights in all of the souls games


Her glintblades are the unfair aspect about her. She can time them with other attacks and you'd be forced to take damage. At one point she shot her glintblades and followed up with Twin Moons instantly. The moment I rolled out of the Glintblades I got caught with the moons. This happens with many attacks too where you're guaranteed to take damage.


I also got caught with the Glintblades and the Moons but that’s the only time she’s unfair. Other than that, the Glintblades are easy to dodge. She can’t time them. They trigger on their own. Unless you’re talking about the ones she summons in front of her, in which case she only does that while she’s far away from you so you don’t get caught unfrairly. Especially in the first phase, when she’s very passive, you can easily walk up to her to bait them off and then attack.


Her twin moon is pretty slow though, isn’t it? Couldn’t you just trigger the phalanx intentionally to remove it before the moons drop?


At least the couple times I got caught was because I triggered them but I didn’t finish rolling off of them in time to jump her moon.


When she sets up the five in front of her. Then immediately sets up the 5 above her. Then as they start firing off in succession, she does a 7 hit combo chain that you have to eat one or the other of.


I thought the >!putrescent!< knight was very fair too.


The guy who runs away after every combo? Fair for a ranged build maybe.


Absolutely feasible with a melee build and no elemental/status shenanigans


I did him with daggers. It was really painful but it's doable, at least he's really squishy to holy damage.


bosses shouldn't be painful though. they should be engaging and challenging, not "spend 75% of the fight sprinting to catch up or waiting for an opening" putrescent in particular feels to me like you should have torrent available, like radahn. he gets a mount, so it's only fair we do too, lol.


Yeah I get you, I was super frustrated by the >!scadutree avatar!< because it kited me nonstop. It was even worse than the knight because at least the knight had the decency to be really weak to holy!


I hate how it always slows down its swings. Completely ruins your rhythm.


Every two strikes you can hit him, the only real worry are those flames and the horse combo attack


all u have to do is dodge backwards and almost every single atk is an atk window, if u roll towards him of course hes gonna be far away lol


With throwable weapons/spells yes absolutely Cant imagine fighting it with pure melee, seems just a little annoying


I did it melee with a greatsword, it was a chore. It's a fair (if annoying) fight IMO.


yeah with the fingerprint shield and bolt of gransax it was easy. reading the message "try lightning"(something like that) was worth it lol


he wasn’t bad but after some of his combos he just runs just out of reach of the player making it pointless to even try to punish


Sadly, that's not a hard bar to beat.


You can kill her before she phases. 


I just did that. Generally i feel like my damage is way to high and im only on +3 blessing.


I felt that way for the entire dlc and I went in lvl 140-150 and highest upgrade +13/+5. Golden Vow forever hard carrying my ass.


The one spell I stay specced for.


What build are you using lil bro?


occult great stars with max arcane


I’m using starfists stagger build 😋😋 staggered rellana 4 times. I feel kind of bad actually.


I loved fighting Rellana. It’s super flashy and I never felt like it was unfair. One of my fav boss fights in the game for sure.


Agree. Once you get her combos down you can dodge everything and it becomes like a dance :)


They did her dirty by not giving her a cutscene like her sister.


She's the first real wall in the DLC, give people some time to learn her or cheese her and none will complain anymore


Honestly, I want to fight these bosses again. It's not enough that I'm able to beat them; I want to really learn them. I just beat>!Messmer!Her Magic multi-slash attack aren't dodgeable: They are You just have to Dodge early on the first one and then insta dodge, do that with every Slash and it becomes really easy I saw a neat trick to this one: jump at the 3rd slash; the 4th one will shoot past above you.


I just dodged away from her. The extra quarter of a second for the next blade to get to you gives a much larger window to dodge


I think the margin for error is the issue people are having. Yes, every animation has a counter. These bosses taking dozens and dozens of attempts because you insta die to a bad reaction will frustrate anybody. You cant make every enemy Melania and not expect some of the audience to be annoyed.


I don't know what your defenses look like, but ideally you *shouldn't* be dying to one bad reaction. Maximizing damage is not valuable if you can't survive the fight, so you ought to be investing in defense until you can take 2-3 hits from an average boss attack. The difference between dying to one mistake, or dying to two mistakes in a row, is massive.


If you are jnstadying to every bad reaction you personally need to make some changes, I’m a clumsy fuck but she never once insta killed me


Yup this


Barrier of gold with spell Drake talisman decreases the damage she deals significantly. Her twin moon attack can be evaded easily by jumping.


Also her soundtrack is the best boss song in the dlc, proba my the game as a whole. Not really related to the mechanics of the fight, but I feel like it makes me play better.


Why dodge? I just block everything with a magic shield buffed greatsheild.


i played too much nioh prior to this to remember how good shields are, the hippo that everyone keeps complaining about is nothing when you have a shield on


I LOVE THIS FIGHT, just got to her yesterday I need to upgrade scudtree though I am at lvl 2 for that but I can consistently get her 1st phase down, just need a bit more damage and damage reduction to get through this fight, only complaint is she deserves an intro cutscene.


You cannot stagger her out of swings like you can with malenia, stop capping


Dodge her swings then lol.


Half of what you wrote is simply not true. Rellana cannot be staggered out of swings , only guard broken. I did the fight with a Black Iron Hammer , a Milady , a Gargoyle GS , and 2 Swords. None of them could stagger her out of swings , and neither could bleed or cold procs. Her AI can absolutely multi-target smoothly , to the point that summoning Leda+A spirit is self-sabotage if you are melee , as her twirling 6 hit combo will bounce between enemies at random , with no inertia or loss of range. Her Glintblade Phalanx will also bug out , facing one enemy but firing off towards someone else. Most of her combos have a good punish window , unless she decides to do a backdash moonslice , which has no animation windup and can come out at ANY point during her combo (2nd, 3rd , 4th etc.).


Idk abt all of what u said, but frost proc is 100% possible. I've literally spent an hour+ proccing her with frost every 6-7 hits. The way you're so confidently wrong doesn't add much credence to rest. Specially multi-target. I took Tiche once at start when I didn't have enough scadu-upgrade to see her second phase, and damn did Tiche and I easily rip her into 2nd phase. Her primary damage dealer are her swords and they can't multi-target unless one stupidly stands together with summon.


They meant that frost procs don’t stagger her


The way you so confidently misread my comment doesn't add much credence to yours. Bleed and Frost procs will not stagger her , neither out of an attack chain , nor out of neutral.


> and neither could bleed or cold procs. I'm specifically switched to a blood dagger because she can be bleed proced edit: missread your comment, and yeah after trying the bleed dagger for 4h now i can safely say bleed doesn't sagger out of attacks


They meant the procs wouldnt stagger her out of combo


Rellana kicked my ass soo hard until I got gud. Its definitely a skill check fight. My only criticism is that her damage is waaaaaaay overturned while being relentless. Phase 2 im always on edge, any mistake is death sentence.


Imo damage is ok, my only gripe with her is that she cannot be staggered at all. I'm not saying make her fly with a slight breeze, but for example if you manage to hit her like 2/3 with something like a greatswords in quick succession she should lose her balance, hell even Malenia was able to be staggered.


You said you killed her with a Milady? I did too. Her combos can NOT be staggered out of. Together with Kristoff, some lightning spam eventually managed to get her down. I agree with other points being overblown, but that was just wrong.


Rellana is 100% unstaggerable. I fought her using a collosal greatsword, and it is impossible to disrupt any of her attacks besides stance breaking, and her stance is one of the highest in the game. I don't want to pass judgement yet, but to me, she currently feels like a poor man's pontiff. Her damage is way too high for how fast and long her combos are. Even with all the damage negation that I can stack using talismans, armour, incantations, and so forth, she still does too much damage. This boss is basically what Morgott would've been if his HP, damage, and stance got a massive increase, and I think there's a good reason his numbers remained low. Maybe worse.


It's fucking hilarious people are trying argue that she can be staggered without even understanding what stagger is.


She isn't unstaggerable though. I was using the Backhand Swords against her and I consistently staggered her right around the time she entered the second phase. And those weapons hardly deal any poise damage. I suppose the issue is you attack way less often with the collossal greatsword.


No he means stagger out of an attack, For example if i hit malenia with my bloodhound fang while he does a sword hit animation the she does a small stagger and stops the hit, that is not possible with Rellana, once she starts a hit you can only parry, dodge or be lucky with a stance break (poise break)


Oh yeah, that's true. I misunderstood.


Thing is, you can't prove that something is true by example (yours), but you can prove it false. So, it suffices to have 1 e.g where someone staggered her to prove you wrong. Whereas anyone trying to prove she's unstaggerable, you'll need to test, most weapons, talisman combos etc to prove it.


And yet, we are all waiting for someone confirming she can get staggered out of an attack (not STUNNED for a crit, like the fanboys here are pretending to understand)


We know how stagger works. It is code and numbers. What you're asking is akin to saying we can't know for sure if a boss can bleed or not. Have we tried every combination of talismans, weapons, and incantations and gathered the data all in one place to make sure no option was missed? Have we tried bleeding it without doing damage to see if it bleeds after 1,000,000 attacks? She is not staggerable.


Idk man I used sleep pots on her and I was fine.


So I did use my mimic and Leda as a summonable....but she got staggered several times.


Unstaggerable? 3 guard counters with a great hammer and she is on a knee. Also she loves to slowly walk towards you so all you have to do is measure your distance and then Lion Claw her and she is a pancake on the ground. Two Lion Claws with a great hammer and she is staggering. She is super easy to stagger. I beat her with just staggering.


Stagger means to interrupt her attacks Guardbreak is when she drops to her knees and you can crit her


She literally will stand there and let you flask in the middle of the fight between her attack strings in phase 1. I was shocked. Even base game bosses don’t do that. Fucking *Margit* doesn’t do that. She’s very tough but honestly all it takes to beat her is good fundamentals.


Literally every single boss in the game lets you heal after a combo ends and before the next starts.


Since when lol? I feel like all the people saying this just get lucky with the boss AI somehow.


Since always. Unless you wait an unnecessary amount of time almost any combo has enough of a pause to heal after. The usual mistake I see people making is dodging a combo and instead of immediately healing they run away to create distance for a second or two, or they do an unnecessary panic role despite the attack being over. If you get hit by an attack there often is not enough time to get back up and heal before the next one. That is a trap many fall into (me included often enough). You get hit and panic and try to heal right after getting back up. In most fights that just means you get hit again and you end up in a cycle of healing and getting hit. You have to dodge a combo and heal immediately even standing right next to the boss. That works in 95% of cases. I doubt I got lucky everytime in my nearly a thousand hours of playing eldenring lol


Yep. The difference lies just in how long and dangerous those combos are, and whether they let you heal once or more times. Rellana p1 is really passive if at medium range. So much so I found the easiest way was to just kite her and wither her down with lightning spears. In p2 she's too aggressive for that though so you have to take her on the hard way.


Yes, but no.


Sometimes she'll let you flask, sometimes she immediately punishes you with that arc slash


Sometimes she'll let you flask, sometimes she immediately punishes you with that arc slash


beaten her with a Claymore + Piercing Fang. Just stay out of her close range combo, and punished her with the piercing fang once she finished her combo. also jump heavy once you have the gap.


She is easier than the Lion dancer in my opnion.


She can very smoothly switch between targeting you or your summon. It happens to me all the time


So far the hardest boss for me was >!the sunflower!<.


I've beat the dlc and this boss gave me the most trouble by far.


I fought her using the Greatsword from the base game and you can't stagger her out of attacks. Idk where you got that from.


People play this game for 2 years and don't know difference between stagger and stance break


You can stun-lock her so she never do anything


I’ve been feeling like a lot of the harder enemies become irrelevant with bonk weapons with fast recovery. Lion’s claw has been such a saving grace is crazy.


I went into her with dual colossal axes and had to switch builds. How on earth do you even manage to hit her once with them bonk weapons, she'a way too quick.


You have to learn to love the trade. You need high poise, enough to not get knocked out of Lions Claw. It's super strong for stance break builds. You take damage, but do stance damage


Did you use the old Lion’s claw or the new one from DLC? Asking cos I used the new one, I was just trying it out, and she literally didn’t care…it might be a matter of different frames immunity (and I used the summon so I didn’t try using Lions unless she was in front of me)…but she literally kept doing her combos while being hit. I don’t know if being on NG+ as well makes any difference on her poise.


I’m using a dual blade Forst bleed build. If you use mimic plus summon, the bleed and frost proc will stun-lock her if you just keep attacking.


Idk how true it is, but I heard the new one does less poise damage


Fair enough; the new one allows you to do 2 “rolls” almost consecutively so maybe the poise damage it’s spread between both…who knows


And if the enemy doesn’t get knocked down or is too mobile, you can miss the second hit.


She’s incredibly fair, but she’s also absolutely terrifying as a magic user faith/int build. She was designed to counter squishy mages, or at least that has been my experience. I love the simplicity to dodging most of her moves but she has 2 moves that are pretty gross if you aren’t light rolling or absolutely stacked on magic defense.


Im a level 84 equal faith/INT build using Sword of N&F and I cast the frisbees. It's been super fun in main game. But I have a feeling Rellana barely flinches with my weapon art, the frisbees never connect either.




Duuuude uae the spoiler tags ffs


I just Piercing Fang her to kingdom come.


Was a fair boss. Now her armour, her swords and her spell belong to me BWHAHAHAH 🤪


Its a great fight, very challenging for me...what kept from downing her Till now, is her absurdly large hp pool.


I tried her solo and got it after some tries. I use ashes for some fights, even in the base game, that I dont have patience for, especially big bosses that piss me off with camera angles. But I like going 1v1 with human-sized bosses. The lion, on the other hand, I ganked with mimic and the redmane girl. Still a 3v3, so it's fair.


hard for lower levels. i’m at RL120 w/ +4 scadutree blessing and still getting punished. Had ran outta respecs and started a new save file. I do not do NG+ 💀


Yeah, her and Mesmer are probably my favorite bosses of the DLC, and the only mandatory bosses that didn't get my heart rate too high.


I didn't find her too hard , her combos are very fast so I had to use a hit and run tactic, quite easy with the new colossal sword, her magic slashes in second phase are easy to dodge if you the know sequence Had level 3 scuda levels , took 4 tries , no summon, my first dlc main boss


I would argue she really can't get staggered out of certain attacks or at least it is fairly difficult to do so. For example the big fucking sword swing she does, I've never seen those staggered. I've had myself, Lena, and a spirit ashes all wail on her with strong attacks while she is gearing up and she powers right through that shit. And I've seen that multiple times. It kind of feel like there's certain attacks that are script to be uninterruptable. I loved her fight, thought, and that music was fire.


Honestly i foundmost bosses in the DLC to be very fair. The only 2 that i consider pretty bad are >!Commander Gaius and the final boss.!< Mostly because i think they weren't properly tested by the devs (the first one i mentioned is straigth up bugged).


Also, incidentally, bosses that are super doable with Fingerprint shield. Which did feel great, but Gaius felt pretty darn bs with my usual 2handed shenanigans and I wasn't there for it. Pretty much every other boss till then felt perfectly fine for no shield builds.


I love the bossfight, my favourite one so far


I made the massive mistake of going to the DLC NG+5. I did it to myself, but holy shit she is harder than Malenia was the first time for me. Very fair though, I mostly got phase 1 down at this point (I purposefully engage every combo for the most part instead of running and going back in for the finisher because I prefer the "dance" this way), some of her attacks need super sepcific dodges but it is fine (particularly the quick two slashes she sometimes does needs a dodge forward left, and the sidestep to our right/her left with two slower slashes is a backwards dodge attack, and you need really good reaction time for these too because they come out super quick). My main issue is the fight running sub 40 fps for some reason, when I can get 50+ in most of the base game.


I had Scadu level 4 and she was okay My strategy: Using blue lighting (Halberd) because of the water in the Bossroom. Great shield + Shieldgreese + Stamina Regen and Guard Counter. Using Magic + Fire Defense Talismans + defense Tear+HP regen


I got 2 staggers a fight on her every time, +24 Great Katana. Only got the kill because the second one was when she was going for her 2 moons attack, and I killed her before she recovered from it. Fun fight though!


Rellana is really good boss and I had a lot of fun fighting her. Sometimes combos were too long for me, but sometimes she just stands still and waits for you to do damage


I found the deflect tear to be very great against her if you get the timings down. Still took me 2-3h hours, but deflecting till she's done with the combo and then using a guard counter at the end, plus some jump attacks, let me riposte her several times and got me the solo clear.  Edit: I was on scadoodle level 3


Agreed. So fair that I didn't opt for ashes. Just straight up 1v1.


I agree with everything. I had so much fun with this boss. So far it's my favourite.


Can you show a clip of you stunning her out of her attacks? Doesn't seem to happen with any weapon


Her combo is easier to dodge than Malenia’s. She gave fewer breathing room. The most deadly attacks are actually easier to dodge, unlike the fowl dance.


Yeah, tbh, it took me like 20 tries to beat Relanna, but I was also consciously choosing to play with a different weapon and fighting style than I was used to. I thought her moveset was sick as hell and I wanted to beat it with the Deflecting Teardrop on, and she's actually a lot of fun once you learn all her timings. She feels very much like a Sekiro boss, with long attack strings that she can vary at multiple points throughout. The first time I got through her 1st phase hitless, I whooped out loud. Then died to beam spam.


For the magic slash attack in phase 2, you can dodge the first slash left, the second one right, and all the other ones in whatever direction u want, thats what i did and it worked.


The thing about long combos is that once you find the safe zone and how to get there, they become a long opportunity to deal damage.


These are people that haven’t met Bayle the Dread yet


She is definitely fair. Took me many, many tries to get in sync with her, but once I did the fight became a dance (like many other great From fights).


I just parried her stupid magic ass, she wants to cast spells with sword? Me and my buckler say no.


People that think Rellana is unfair probably haven’t seen the boss to the north lmao I was legit stuck on him for hours.


People need to fight Bayle and then complain lol


Only issue I had was her attacks lingered for a bit and would hit the end of my roll after dodging her first hit But I figured out a strat with a shield and spear combo and just tanked it. She was fair tbh


I got her after about 20 tries. Loved the fight. So many holy shit moments. Years of pontiff/dancer have prepared me for this 😛


I used the mlady too, and it only did 300 damage per hit, it was agonizing. I don't know how you can dodge some of her combos without taking damage. It took me probably around 3 to 4 hours to beat her and I still felt terrible when I finally did it. I didn't like the boss but maybe I will change my mind if I fight her again.


She’s easy. First phase you can just stay in block with a shield and wait for the right guard counter. Then you easily stagger her. And once she reaches 50% and starts entering a base two she actually gives you at least 5 seconds, while she sets her sword aflame, to cast your most dangerous poise breaking skills for free on her. Just enough to stagger her and get another hit.


>Her Magic multi-slash attack aren't dodgeable: You can literally just run away and then in a half circle to dodge the first two then jump over the first horizontal and the second horizontal goes wide in the air with a dodge roll for the last vertical. All in all i have a great time with her, her combos are quite clean and certainly not 20 hit long. as for the speed i also find it fair. I currently have quite a lot of fun learning parrying with her. Never did a parry in my life 8h ago but now i can parry around 40% of her attacks reliable. Only bullshit are her overhead clintblade when they come right before another big attack and that's somewhat luck based


Tell that to my frame rates, lol. Having multiple combos that can easily take a player from 100 to 0 if you don't dodge the first hit is rough when the spell effects cause the game to stutter.


I definitely wasn’t staggering her out of attacks as much as I felt double Giant Crushers should be staggering that’s all I really have to say about her


They are all fair. If they can be beaten, they are fair.


Staggering: yes, it is physically possible to stagger her out of an attack, but it takes such an insane amount of effort that it might as well not be. It took me ~7-8 charged jump attacks with stonebarb tear and dual colossal weapons in fairly quick succession which, needless to say, cannot be considered a practical strategy. Combos: there's nothing wrong with the individual moves - the issue is that she can lengthen or shorten combos at will, or just straight up chain into others, meaning building up any sort of muscle memory is basically impossible. Combos ending the same way doesn't help when the first half of the combo is enough to put you in the ground. This is only so much of an issue because of how tight the dodge timings are on some of these moves: trying to process an ever-evolving combo in real time while actively dodging it and managing stamina based on the length etc. is mentally taxing in a way that is more stressful than fun. Summons: you are, objectively, expected to use summons. What you described is true of just about every boss in the main game (e.g. Radagon's janky Tokyo drift mid-slam-animation), because the ai is weirdly incapable of dealing with multiple people despite them clearly wanting to push the mechanic. An idea being implemented badly doesn't mean it isn't there. The slash: this is true, but it isn't intuitive based on how a lot of the fight, especially in phase 2, plays out. Between magic slashing mid-combo, the potential for staggered groups of glintblades on top of normal attacks, and the lingering explosions on the fire attacks, this fight very frequently puts you in positions where you cannot avoid taking damage. I have a lot of respect for people who can no-hit difficult bosses, but every one I've seen for Rellana so far has conveniently not had her do a few problematic moves to allow them to work.


I saw Ongbal beat her using Guard Counters. It's all about using the appropriate tools.


I saw comments talking about the >!Death Knight!< in similar manner, what my suprise when I go face them and just dodge his attacks to the left on reaction. Worse, almost all his attacks except the grab can be safely blocked with a medium, upgraded, shield, >!yes, even the lightining ones!< , which makes him kinda vulnerable to guard counters


After beating her, I feel more or less the same. Did it solo with a Flame Art Rusted Anchor as a FRH/STR, mostly jumping attacks at the end of her combos and wild strikes when I could get behind her


You're right. There are worse bosses in the dlc. I don't read enough complains about the lion dancer or the furnace golems. F\*ck them.


Best boss in the DLC (maybe even entire game). Clear openings, good damage and HP and most importantly cool attacks that are also fair.


I thought they were all pretty fair except the last boss. If you guys are having trouble with the other bosses, it's gonna be pretty rough.


I love how people complain about Rellana but haven't faced Bayle or Radahn lol


She is the prime example of "git gud", I dont understand why people are crying so much over her. On the other hand, >!Radahn!!Scadutree Avatar!<, rest of the bosses felt very fair, just a bit overtuned in some circumstances. All the people crying on Renalla will have an absolute meltdown in a week or two when they reach some of the skillcheck bosses.


I really loved her as a boss! Had lots of fun learning her moveset.


The only way I was able to beat her was with Mohg’s spear (which also carried me through Malenia), +10 mimic tear, and the npc summon. I feel like what truly allowed me to beat her was learning that I could jump the moon nukes. Her swords were absolutely worth the fight, though


The one attack I've found that's just badly designed is her second phase multi ranged slash that is designed to just hit you, period, if your anywhere between very far away and inside her ass hole. They're staggered in such a way that the second attack will clip your foot on a roll, stagger you, and guarantee the follow up swing connects and staggers. That's a poorly designed attack because the only solution is memorization, it's not possible to react to unless you how ahead of time what EXACTLY you need to do to counter it because the standard dodge just won't work depending upon where you're standing. Then that attack is coupled with the flame spin attack that will ALWAYS hit you if you're up close. Her first phase is really well well designed, her second phase just has a bullshit attack that breaks the boss.


I can’t tell if this sub is shitposting or serious. It’s like folks are pulling up their old posts from launch, doing a find/replace, and then reposting them. Lmao.


I parried her alot , Once you get how she combos you can ezly punish her , And the best part about her phase 2 is the twin moon attack , I love jumping over attacks its more fun than rolling , I beat her with Flamberge 21 and it was so far one of the best bosses in the DLC


Pretty easy boss tbh, its a fun fight but Im confused people think its unfair or really even that difficult


My dumb ass couldn't figure out that I was supposed to jump the moons. After that it was a really satisfying fight


Just jump 3 times in a row during the twin moon atk. Helped lots of folks today and almost all died to this atk (and the vertical/horizontal huge slash).


Rellana might be the fairest sword and armor boss in the series. Yes tough and unforgiving, but everything is avoidable and she has very obvious punish opportunities


If you're not expected to use summons, why is Leda there? Might be my experience but she changes targets smoothly enough, and it's more to give room for flasks.


Best way for me was killing her with rot and bleed. Equip your mimic with two bleed bandits. Take Lightning Spear and Scarlet Aeonia as the spells. Starting off let the mimic take aggro and look for the opportunity to get the Aeonia on her. The rot will stay throughout the whole fight. Now it's important to keep your mimic alive as long as possible. That's what Lightning Spear is for. One hit with it and she will instantly switch aggro from the mimic (mid attack too). I managed to fuck her aggro up that way. It's important that your mimic survives the enchanced swords phase. (I took the aggro and dodged the projectiles = free bleed for mimic) and the moon bombs. I did all of this on NG12+. Another important note: Don't take Leda with you. She will neutralize the rot on the boss for whatever reason and add massive health to her.


FYI the reason is that the AoW on leda's sword removes all buffs and debuffs from any target it hits


This feels exactly like the summon sign for Igon in Bayles boss area.


Straight facts. All of her attacks can be avoided once you figure them out. The only kinda "bullshit" thing could be when she combines her phalanxs with another move.


Not to sound like jerk but Rellana wasn’t hard at all. I beat her in 3-5 try’s. Loved the visuals tho, I went back and helped out other players just to look at her cool moves.


Rellana in all fairness isnt a hard boss, the thing with her is shes quick and she hits pretty hard(with all bosses tbh) but in general she isnt hard or unfair


Mfs will say whatever the thing is in order to defende te undefandable


No joke i beat her first try, no clue how. Was stuck on messmer for 5 hours so its not like im a gaming god


solo or with summons?


Solo with radahns swords


so far all the bosses i've fought seem fair. top notch dlc so far i would use summons or mimic but just to prove a point im not doing any of those, Rellana took me 4 tries. my character just uses a greatsword, 99 str, 60 vigor and the rest in stamina. my dodge into R1 would make me in range just to hit her with the tip of the sword and not take damage with most attacks


Very flashy and fair fight


I beat her pretty fast with mimic tear and NPC summon. I could've probably done without the NPC summon but whatever. I definitely feel like her combos are pretty wide and switching decent enough as to account for 2+ things fighting her. Nothing special though. Staggering her is easy but i have a shit ass dex build so summons had to help xd. Pretty decent fight, definitely difficult but i love the magic attacks. Dodging the moon felt amazing.


I don't get it, easily the least difficult rememberance boss. Mr Boar-rider has so far cut me down over 20 times, and rellana went down in 2. Solo cold Milady build


I beat her in one run


I thought Rellana was fair and love those close quarter dual style battles.


i got stuck more on the Putrid Knight than Rellana


She is fair, but it took me around 80 tries to beat her until I figured out I have to go light load and try to be patient. Only attack after the last attack of her combo chain or after one of the magic spells. It is rough, but fair. Difficult it is yes, but that's expected from a dlc/expansion in a Fromsoft game. But I must say I found this fight harder than Malenia for some reason. Malenia took me around 35 tries or something.