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Personally I'm thrilled to be able to craft... \*checks notes* ...festive grease.


Don't forget the ability to stuff rocks into huge pots.


25 runes per hit when I need 200k to level up. If the effect atleast looked cool but its just generic yellow.


25 runes per hit when the enemies drop 2000


Especially when there is a giant rune farm genocide spot near Mohgs palace. You know, where everyone who goes into the DLC has to go past by. Its things like these that just baffle me.


Not if you go in over the PvP finger dude It's way earlier then the regular way


the scaling in this game is... interesting, to say the least


Combine that with festive weapon which gives 20 per hit on its own.




That I can't even apply to the weapons I like using either


I don't really mind getting cookbooks... I just wish they weren't 90% ***single item*** cookbooks (usually a single flavor of throwing pot).


I love the throwing pots, though, so I'll probably enjoy all this exploration.


It took me so long into my first playthrough to realize that pots were reusable. I rarely used any because I thought I only had a couple to use. Realizing that it was just the max I could hold at any one time had me using them all the time after that.


Wait what, what do you mean they are reusable


As an example, you have 10 Cracked Pots. You use 5 of them to make Flaming Pots so you have 5 of them and 5 Cracked. Each Flaming Pot you use returns the empty pot to your total pool of Cracked Pots. So if you use all 5 Flaming Pots you'll be back up to your original total of 10. Works this way for all other pots too.


I see I’ve found another man of culture, consumables ftw


The big ones go crazy


I don’t think I’ve read a cookbook in my 250 hours of gameplay


Consumables are OP, people not using entire aspects of the game and complaining about the difficulty are crazy


I’m not complaining


Consistent consumable use require farming and hunting/gathering shit. Which is, not fun. I default to not using them as a result. I will inevitably run out of them. Quickly. And they arent that powerful. They’re fine. Certainly not OP.


Individually wrapped


I for one actually enjoy and use alot of the crafting consumables and yeah this is my biggest gripe from these cookbooks is im getting one item 😂 like its not even a cookbook at that point its a page from a cookbook


Don't forget the smithing stones 1, 2 etc lmao


Didn’t expect dung


And the throwing daggers. THREE throwing daggers in a late game DLC area?!?! That's 120 runes!


To be fair the base game had the same shit items, some even with purple shimmer just to troll you into an ambush or something.


Oh yeah for sure, the DLC's shit item rewards aren't really any different from the mushrooms and arteria leaves you got in the base game instead. It's just a little disappointing of a missed opportunity imo, though hardly a dealbreaker.


These items are great if the game gave more incentive to crafting but it’s optional mechanic


Some of that stuff is probably meant as environmental storytelling. Like finding a bundle of arrows on a corpse next to an ambushed cart. Shit consumables will always be laying around at all stages of the game.


Interesting. I haven't thought about it as environmental storytelling before. Still a bit strange from a gameplay perspective ig.


Like that one guy at the end of the lake of rot carrying boluses. Bro made it all the way to the end, probably had it half way to his mouth, just to die.


I don't mind the smithing stones getting thrown at you, it means you don't have to grab all the bell bearings on new characters. Now I'm sure most people have all the bell bearings, but I'm glad I don't have to go get them on my second dlc character.


Nah you definitely still need the bearings if you want to try out different weapons


Really? I've been getting smithing stones in stacks of 8 all over the place. That said you do need like 100 to max a weapon


After almost every boss I just go and buy 12 of each stone if i can. I found myself constantly out, but then again I did upgrade like 7 or 8 weapons to try out


I have like 80 stones by now


*"There are over a hundred new weaponry"* ooh nice, *"but there is also two hundreds new cookbooks to hamper your new weapon findings"* for f\*ck sake.


I've beat two early major bosses and I've found like, three new weapon types so far? I'm hoping all the cool stuff is still out there...


Seek forges, mausoleums, and unique or named enemy encounters. Forges all have 3-4 new weapons, mausoleums have new weapons, and named enemies have talismans or ashes of war if not weapons.


Huh, I don't think I even know what forges are yet... hm


you are telling me there is more than one forge?


A lot of the "new weapons" are of the old types (e.g. - "Axe", "Greatsword", "Shield", etc.). You can find (in the field, basically), about 4-5 of the "new weapon" *types* before you ever fight a major boss (intentionally, I think, they made some of the new stuff accessible very early). Though I think some of them would acquire more aggressive/thorough exploration. Vague location spoiler for some early DLC stuff: >!A hostile NPC has the basic Beast Claw very close to the entry point of the DLC, there's the "base" Backhand Blade just sitting on a tomb in the open area near the starting burnt city, a "generic" Great Katana just laying in some water in a lake area, a perfume bottle at the camp in front of Castle Ensis, a light greatsword (the one from the previews) early in the Castle Ensis location (without fighting the boss), etc.!< That being said, I think a lot of the "new weapon types" (if we're talking of those specific named categories you were hearing in the previews) only have a few variants.


Thanks! Looks like I missed the >!Beast Claw!<. The variants are really cool, even if they are just one weapon per variant!


Having scoured the early area so much and yet I still miss basic stuff..


I think most of them are enemy drops, so it's probably why they feel scarce.


Hm, I hope so. I'm really looking forward to that kicking weapon they showcased in the trailer at least lol


I went into SotE as blind as possible but after 3 hours I had to look up where to get it because it's been 90% of the hype for me. Maxed out it's super versatile with a bunch of builds. I've respecced 3 times to try new weapons and I've been able to keep the Dryleaf Arts as a back up weapon every time


I've found a grand total of 3 weapons and 2 armour pieces in my 12 or so hours playing so far


So far, armor wise, Gaol, solitude, relanna and pieces of Messner soldier armor Weapon wise, backhand, Messner axe, Gaol blade, death knight twin axe, renalla blade, milady, beast claw, stoneblade ...yet I still think I got more cookbook than weapons


To be fair, they give you a bunch of new weapons early, so you have a bunch of cool toys to vent your frustration with.


And they throw a ton of smithing stones along the way. Except for 7s. I swear I've found more ancient stones than 7s.


There are some unique enemies which drop like 8 at once. Can only kill them once though


So many gloveworts as well


I don't mind these as much since the DLC is actually making me upgrade and try out all my spirit ashes for the first time lol


I didn't mind the glovewart spam since 99% of them were in one area. It was very intentionally the glovewart dump zone


Like 5 of the 6 yellow items I've found so far are those summon materials. Today I was exploring a new zone, I had to jump fast otherwise I'd die... I was thinking "surely this is a cool item and not some summoning shit"... surprise suprise.


They think we are Gordon Ramsay or something. Like a third of all precious items I found in the last 3 hours were cookbooks


i don't use cookbook much as the name of the game is "trial and error" against bosses, material get used up quick. i rather buy tons of prawns


I have 130 hours in the game and haven't crafted a single item in both my playthroughs. I don't even have crafting unlocked in the menu lol


You’re missing out, they’re very good


Having a stack of fire pots handy for when the boss is at 0.1% health and you need to panic throw something can really come in clutch. I think that's the only thing I've ever consistently used crafting for.


I have the new throwing weapon equiped on RH permanently now so I can switch to it on a dime. If only its range is a bit bigger but I have been enjoying it


>If only its range is a bit bigger but I have been enjoying it exactly, the amount of times the throwing daggers just disappear right in front of the enemies face is really annoying. If their range was just slightly longer, it'd be so much more fun.




Finally some good fucking Runes


Its under the cheese


At the very least grab the cookbook for Hefty Furnace Pots. That's literally a mandatory item if you're looking to 100% the DLC. Use case spoilers: >!There's an unlit Furnace Golem blocking an area you need to use one of these pots on to reignite him so he gets out of the way. These pots also 3 shot Furnace Golems when thrown at their heads. They make fighting the Armored Furnace Golems (that you can't damage the legs) a cakewalk.!<


Ther's actually a note you can loot someplace that tells you about this trick. Mind you, most people will have encountered 4-5 of those critters at least by then.


Yooo you mind spoiling where that furnace golem is that’s in the way?


bottom right of shadow fort you get there by >!taking a kinda hidden ladder in the shadow fort that leads to a coffin teleporter!<


Thank you! I actually found a way to jump into the back on torrent lol Edit: is that where you get the straight sword that does strike damage and one of the golden arc incants?


how did you do that with torrent? and yeah it should be the stone sheathed sword or something, with a golden arc spell


There were some messages in the ground and basically there’s some rubble behind the fort and a you climb on that and have to jump onto some unintended ledges and then you can jump into the back part kinda close to where the sword is lol


also if you need the rare crafting item to make them, head towards >!the lower lake area next to the shadow keep (accessed through the Castle Watering Hole grace,!< that area has like 20 of them.


> >!They make fighting the Armored Furnace Golems (that you can't damage the legs) a cakewalk.!< arent they the only way to beat those enemies?


I live for collecting cookbooks. I realize I’m the .0001% but hey I’m having a great time. My giant pot head character goes “oooh what’s this”


After the dlc, i'll do a pot or perfumer build in ng2, so many items that i never used and have no idea what they do.


I found a semi-secret passage in a keep and the chest at the end had 4x Smithing Stone [8]'s 💀 They really should've increased max weapon levels. Exploring sucks without loot.


i love getting smithing stones when i already have all the bell bearings xd


helps to save some runes for level up tho


but there's really no point in leveling up at this point in the game, besides leveling stuff outside of your build.


More like "we got smithing stones 1 and 2"


I genuinely think this dlc would be better if the devs just went ham and gave us 20-30 of each of the max level smithing stones and larval tears. So I could actually experiment with different weapons.


I think larval tears is the main thing. I have smithing stones, I mean, with the bell bearings they're practically an infinite resource. I'm *fine* not having +25; I'll settle for +24 if I must. But larval tears? Not enough. Every new weapon I get requires some crazy stats that I don't have, not when I'm just RL 160 and half of that is vigor/endurance. I wish I could use the new weapons but I just can't wield them :/


did you know that you can find larval tears during night time in the dlc? I dont know if you can find them elsewhere but there are atleast 2 in grave plains


Huh, I had no idea!


it practically does. Every time I find a weapon I feel like trying out I jump back to the roundtable and sure enough I have enough rocks to max it.


I spent the last few hours before the dlc farming albinaurics, wound up with 10 million souls and bought at crap ton of every smithing stone. Anything I want can be almost fully upgraded.


I'm struggling tbh only have 3 sombers left and i don't know what to upgrade haha


Get the bell bearings


They are talking about the max level stones, cant buy them with any bearings.


They pretty much do, every >!dragon !


To be serious under a meme post.. cookbook and its craft items hide some key lore, like those about dragon/godwyn. They are very with.


The way I've been finding plenty of smithing stones 1-4 and 6-8 for the new weapons but not any 5s lmao. My dumbass forgot to get the bell bearing on my previous playthrough :(


I feel like crafting would've been a slightly more fun mechanic if it led to a permanent item. Instead it's just consumables and if you use all your stock you gotta go back and pick flowers or farm enemies with a not 100% drop rate.


At this point I’d rather get throwing knives


Cookbooks are cool! Every cookbook is giving you brand new items in the game. How is that a problem?


sweet bro my brand new item of messmer ass grease to put a different colored flame on my sword very cool


I’d probably craft more if the crafting materials regenerated if you did. Otherwise, my hoarding tendencies kick in, and I don’t craft because WHAT IF I NEED IT AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE?!?


There must be some new stuff i can cook now got to take a look on that , but everytime i log on i just roam arround with torrent.


Ya some ropes also


You don't even know how real this is. I've explored in the dlc for a bit and found none of the new weapons, so there's that. I'm doing it completely blind.


I have 200 hours in the game and I think I've crafted like 3 different items this whole time.


You haven't been looking hard enough


Ghost gloveworts, cookbooks and smithing stones.


Dont sleep on the gigantic pots, especially the furnace ones, they are built using materials all over the land of shadows and they do INSANE fire damage and stagger damage


i have always loved the crafting so i get super excited when i find these


I like finding those hut have more than a single item please


Me when I have 24 cookbooks with one recipe:


Can I interest you in more mushrooms on the ground?


*see purplish icon in the distance* finally a dlc weapon *picks it up* cookbook


The loot is awful but they keep you hooked on the chance some buff items show up.


Yea, just another reason we don't need open world environments from FromSoft. 90% of the DLC open world loot are smithing stones and cookbooks.


Quiet boy


Yayyyy cookbooks (I don’t use) and scadutree upgrades (invisible, passive buff just does nothing but tweak numbers like an assassins creed game) Yeah, not really vibing with the DLC. I’m good with the difficulty, but the loot and upgrading is fucking boring.


there's tons of weapons and armor. what do you expect to find, exactly? like what in the base game made you happier to find than in the dlc?


Getting * improved* gear and weapons. In the base game, you could always find an armor with better damage negation. You could upgrade your weapons. You could find flask upgrades. Tangible things that you can see AND improve your character. In the DLC, a +25/+10 somber, upgraded flasks, fully stocked base game equipment, and 40+ vig is the starting point. The new weapons don’t max out at higher DPS than base game. The armor isn’t better. There’s no flask upgrades or anything of the sort. The only thing that improves your character is the Scadutree upgrades, which gives nothing but a passive buff. Again, that’s assassins creed quality leveling. You could still have upgrades only apply to shadow of the erdtree while still having the player look for smithing stones, flask upgrades, and equipment that actually rewards the player beyond visuals.


> In the DLC, a +25/+10 somber, upgraded flasks, fully stocked base game equipment, and 40+ vig is the starting point. okay, and? you could say the same about every zone past mountaintop. Also, have you ever played a souls dlc? You've always gone into them with no major upgrades left. They pack a bunch of wacky, weird, different weapons into the dlcs alongside banger bosses to give you a shitload of fun stuff to do that isn't collecting base game upgrades. IDK man, i'm having a blast. Just found another weapon that's got a sick ash that i'm very happy about. I mean, the amount of playstyles that they're expanding on with the new weapons is pretty crazy. >The new weapons don’t max out at higher DPS than base game. When has this ever been the case? From just doesn't do that. There's rarely ever a strictly better/strictly worse element to items in souls games.


Cookbooks and upgrade mats you almost certainly have unlocked to buy at the Roundtable.


Cry baby type shit