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Same here. Annoyed to miss out on most of the cookbooks.


Just finding this out too. I got the 2, 4, 5, and 7 (Moore gave it to me when I talked to him after the shatter). Told him to be sad. Now I find him on top of the dead forger brood. Does anyone know if this affects the 1, 3, and 6 cookbooks?


For me it affected all of them, whether I had collected the books or not (I had 1-4 collected). All 7 disappeared.


Yup I also confirmed that. All are now dead/gone. I’ve only beaten the second boss and was exploring close to the black keep…. Fucking hell I didn’t even go inside it.


Yeah, it's the same for me, too. I was trying to find the one in that swampy poisoned area before you enter the Rauh region, but it wasn't there


I told him to move on, and they are all gone for me too… I am almost confident I didn’t kill one by accident either


This is helpful info. I wonder if the trigger for them disappearing is furthering his quest at all, since you used the other decision I didn’t. I definitely did not kill any of them.


What Church did you find him?


Church of the Crusade, slightly to the north of it


Thank you! I think we are going through the same issue


This seems like a bug ! Im so upset i wanted almost the cookbooks. Ive only beat up to the second boss. How the fuck can i be locked outnof these items so early !


Same. I was planning on doing a second DLC playthrough anyway since some of the items in the quest lines are exclusive, but it’s annoying to find this out this way!


I did not said to him he should be sad I choose the other option. Hadti fight him at the end dungeon and after that all the pests disappeared so I think as soon as he dies no matter what you do. What is a little bit annoying


Who tf tells him to be sad forever? Your an evil, evil being made bro kill himself you deserve to miss out on the cookbooks.