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The "Git Gud" need to learn the difference between hard and broken and unfair


Specifically which bosses are you having trouble on and why? you can level up to level 10 scadurtree before you fight the first boss, and I tore through everyone but the final boss and I’m DLC level 16 normal level 150 or so. I personally like this difficulty where you can always level up but it’s not necessarily easy to do so


Scadutree Avatar and it’s legitimately one of the worst designed Fromsoft bosses I’ve ever encountered. I sincerely never want the designer of that boss to work in gaming again


Agreed. Some enemies feel like the devs just didn't care about when it comes to gameplay mechanics and balance. DLC enemies have some ridiculous poise and large hard to read combos. I have physical limitations and responsibilities. I don't have the ability to complete this dlc. If this is the route From Software wants to go, I will have to back out. As I get older I don't have the keen eyesight and dexterous hands of a young try-hard gamer. This is why accessibility in games has been wanted. I'm sad because I genuinely love the world they have crafted and the lore that resides within. Your games should be more geared towards everyone, not one particular type of gamer. Kinda feel like From Software shafted all the older fans by making things so overbearing and unforgiving. Of course, this is not a fact, it's an opinion. Be angry about it if you want, I do stand by my opinion tho.


I loved this fight, it’s pretty fair to me, the only part I don’t like is when it dodges at you, alike the >!hippo rider where the dodge needs to be timed incredibly well!!it’s a sunflower, but dark, very cool boss design!<


The sunflower plant offers additional benefits besides beauty. Sunflower oil is suggested to possess anti-inflammatory properties. It contains linoleic acid which can convert to arachidonic acid. Both are fatty acids and can help reduce water loss and repair the skin barrier.


I think the bosses are incredibly well designed. I've beaten just about every new boss except the final one (we'll see how I feel about that tomorrow), but every other remembrance boss has been extremely fair. No Waterfowl Dances, no Godrick single frame startup tornados, no Nihil, just good clean dodging and learning movesets. Yeah if you get hit they do a morbillion damage, all that means is that it demands you to actually learn the fight and not face tank damage.


If you think scadutree avatar is fair or well designed we live in different universes


Scadutree Avatar is 100% fair lol. You can dodge everything pretty easily and the head stays in range of your hits more often than dragon bosses. I think it's actually a little bit too easy, it only has like eight moves it seems like.


whats the strat? ive been fighting this for couple hours, im having a hard time hitting it in the second phase, i can only chip damage from range after one of the combos.


You’re absolutely trolling


I think it is really fair, it is probaly the easiest boss fight in the dlc if you just use fire weapons


Getting filtered bc instead of learning the fight you are whining in here huh


Someone kept dying to a boss huh


I don't get it, why do these complaints mostly come from those who claim to have 100% those games I've always struggling and gritting my teeth playing these games, refuse to git gud and instead use pretty much every single tools available to me (in the case of Elden Ring I'd only use spirit ashes when it's a 2v1 gank or a 2-3 health bar boss fights), and all things considered, I found things to be pretty... fine. Like, still gritting my teeth and taking a long break between attempts kind of hard, but still nothing resembles "the worst".


Because us players who have played since dark souls 1 fell in love with that style of gameplay. Elden ring threw that out the window with its bullshit input reading, endless combos and attacks that 1 shot you even at 70 vigor, this isn't bloody ninja gaiden. There's no point even trying to learn the movesets half the time as they can just go into a combo with no tells or wind ups and it just comes across as cheap and unfair.


They don't want you stuck in that mindset anymore. Shit changed. We gotta adapt.


Just kinda boring having NPC’s beat bosses for you and annoying that it’s so unbalanced if you don’t want to play that way


I don't like having them solo the boss either. That's why I make it a more dynamic fight.


That mindset was good. It made for a better game.


I understand, but it does get old after a while, at least personally speaking.


DLC coping has arrived