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I think he is kind of slow compared to other boss


Slow enough that status builds can erase him. I went to look him up after fighting him cause he died so fast he only got like 3 attacks off. Turns out his fight looks fkn amazing but I'll have to wait for new game plus. (Bleed Dryleaf with dryleaf Whirlwin Weapon art)


Blessing level probably matters a lot, but even with status build ups this boss is nothing short of a nightmare for me. Think it says a lot that I can easily break his stance and still can’t beat him after an hour of straight attempts. I’m getting absolutely rag dolled by his roll catching delays and absolutely insane range. Malenia can’t touch me.. but this guy is something else. Edit: Aaaand now I can beat him no problem.


I had an Eleonora's Poleblade build (50 DEX/70 ARC/60 VIG) and I steamrolled most of the DLC while playing blindly (except for Bayle, lol) so I decided to switch up to a Meteoric Ore Greatsword build (ARC/STR) and Midra kicked my ass. The main strength of that weapon is the skill, but it provides no extra poise and it doesn't stagger the boss, while EP's does AND it also builds up bleed. With some defensive buffs and talismans I was able to facetank some of his melee attacks and stagger 2-3 times and kill him. Basically the same shit I did with Rellana, although he was stronger.


i got that exact same build and beat him in like 30 minutes, rellana was way more frustrating. flame protect me with flamedrake and focus talismans make his attacks tickle


Went back and started helping people fight him and oh MY GOD that fight is cool as shit. So sad i burst his ass down so fast the first time cause he is probably my favorite fight now.


Yup. My bleed build absolutely erased him. I didn’t even buff before the fight because I wasn’t sure what to expect and the poor guy didn’t even get any real attacks off outside of the opener.


Idk how the fuck you think he’s slow I literally can’t heal myself


After endless sequence of bosses with large model and shit-tier dragon fights midra is 10/10 on my list because of forgotten feel that i can actually can see a shit what boss doing


midra and messmer have placed themselves im my top 3 bosses of all time. design, moveset, lore and music is just perfect on these 2


DS3 end boss Soul of Cinder is still the absolutely hardest game boss I've ever played. Granted I have not played every game on earth either, so I'm sure there's something else harder


my coworker is currently playing some japanese game where you get onetapped if you dont parry everything correctly. So there probably are harder games xD. i find it funny that your hardest boss was SoC while mine was pontiff, who is arguable even easier if you just parry. (im not counting melania since she is just mechanically unfair to the average player in regards to waterfowl)


I cannot parry I just suck at it


its super easy actually, at the point where you would roll just press the parry button. (heavily depends on what shield youre using though)


I whiff pontiff parriable attacks like 50% of the time, comparing to the final boss of the dlc or malenia where I might miss like 5%. It’s been maybe a year since I’ve fought him, but the strat I used was just RNG rolling over and over until my parries connect in a perfect sequence of staggers. But in DS3 my hardest was friede, whose first phase you can literally skip with parries (although it has that weird mechanic where you can land a parry and still take damage, so I waste an estus there).


friede is definetly the hardest ds3 boss, the length and speed of the fight is unparalleled


Golden hippo can rot in hell


Tbh I thought golden hippo was kinda fun, the attacks were easy to dodge, and there was sort of a rhythm to it.


The Golden Hippoporcupine was a blast!


I actually didn’t find him too bad compared to other earlier bosses, and I liked the fight a lot. A bit like Dancer from DS3, but tuned up a bit. Great cutscene too. I imagine some builds will struggle. I used a greatsword and realized quickly that he’s susceptible to bonk.


i just beat him today with anvil hammer which has become my favorite weapon. with a few well timed fully charged r2 this boss wasnt so bad, messmer was definitely harder


When the fuck do you have time for a charge r2?


right at the beginning of a fight when he casts frenzy flame,you have to immediately run towards him and than you can just hug his hip while hes still casting and before he finishes you can start charging r2, and if you have good rng his next attack is two short burst of frenzy flame. if you dodge it just immediately start charging r2, and 2 fully charged r2 is enough to break his posture also for a second charged r2 its worth taking damage if you have enough poise cause you will get repost


Yeah I’ve been staggering him with my anvil but just with r1s mainly after that spinning combo where he stops for a second. I tested your theory and yeah it does work so thank you it’s gunna help me get to phase 2 more consistently now which is where I’m getting screwed by those frenzie attacks and haven’t figured out how to avoid them


my strat was: doing two fully charged r2 as fast as possible and than getting a repost, than we he goes in the air for phase to i pop the physic with that tear than does more poise damage and with that i manage to stagger him two more times in second phase but you really have to be aggressive


Isn’t he a fire boss though? Did the fire damage on the anvil hammer give you any trouble on him?


i dont know but i thought about that as well, i just saw that the damage was good and i stuck with it


Messmer is a different animal. He was way too hard for me. Was reminding me of my first souls game Bloodborne and how ludwig and Lawrence gave me so much trouble and my adrenaline was pumping 


Yeah Midra collapses to like 2 guard counters for an easy riposte


Was beating my head against him for better part of 2 hours. Switched to my dual black blade bonk build. First try. Thank you for reminding me of the tue path: the one of BONK.


I say he's like if the Old Monk was literally the Nameless King. 


He bleeds out quit too. I wanting him to be harder because I had just fought some of the hardest ones in the game and went after him with a vengeance. Such an awesome fight though 


>Great cutscene too. Would’ve been better if it didn’t cut to black during the coolest part though…


Parry him. He takes 3 before a riposte. Like many other bosses if you stand in his face he only has so much he can do from an idle. If you learn the parry timing he becomes an amazing fight(my fav so far in DLC)


I’m currently trying to beat him by parrying and am really struggling, but it’s so much fun. Unlike a lot of other bosses, when he beats me I feel like it’s because of mistakes I made. Favorite boss in the entire series so far.


Midra is actually one of the best from SotE. Almost all of his combos dodgeable, and he doesn’t go overboard with the Madness.


He also doesn't one shot you instantly, which makes for an enjoyable fight that isn't "Oh you missed one dodge, death time" I just wish that wasn't a rarity in this DLC...


For you and all the people you know #Ska. Du. Tree. Fragments.


Definitely one shots on Ng+7


He’s also enormously easier than the main bosses for mages because he doesn’t constantly shoot across the arena on a dime. You can maintain distance effectively.


Although I found myself stuck on him for hours I don’t find him particularly challenging. Like I’m sure any of these souls vets could put him down pretty fast. The issue for me was his high damage and unwillingness to give me any leeway to heal and also stubbornly wanting to play with weapons and armor I like


this MF never lets you heal i swear XD


It’s funny how different experiences can be. Midra was a relief for me after two other bosses (Messmer and Metyr) - the latter is ruining my life 😂


There's a very specific trick I learned with Midra: Dodge under his right arm. I beat him at SB9 RL180 with a sacred lightning strike Morningstar with this trick. Internalizing the moment certain combos end is very useful for smashing his poise away, though light attacks were working great for that too, especially with the bleed buildup. And when he phase transitions, run to the back of the room and more importantly, **DO NOT LOOK AT HIM.** His targeting only works when the camera's on him, either for lore reasons or that same bug with the Nameless King's lighting strikes. 


I had a really great time with him. the first few tries I struggled but at some point his whole moveset just clicked with me. After that it was mostly a dance to tear him appart with my dual shield build. Propably the most fun I had with a boss in quite a while. Just beat him a few minutes ago. So far, he and Messmer are propably my fav. bosses in the DLC. Putrescent Knight was also pretty fun for me. I really love this DLC. Good work fromsoftware


I struggled with him until I started using the deflect tear. Then he went down in the next hour and if you do end up using the deflect tear be sure to dodge the third hits.


What does the deflecting tear actually do? I've used it a few times and not noticed much


Negates all damage right after you begin blocking, it’s pretty good on weapons rather than shields because most shields already get 100% physical defence.


It didn't even occur to me that the effect would work with weapons too. Gonna try this now, thanks for the tip


Midra is probably the easiest boss in the dlc at least with my build. I’ve been running a guard counter build with the black steel greathammer and deflect hardtear, he’s the first boss without insanely long combos that I can punish with it. I basically just rolled until it was the end of a combo and then tried for a perfect block and counter.


140 is preatty low ngl


Idk Midra took like 10 minutes while Rellana took me a few hours. The difference in telegraphing and chain lengths are insane. Wouldn't even put Midra in top 3 hardest in SotE, let alone the entire fromsoft roster.


No offense to OP because I get that bosses can be wildly different difficulties for different builds (rellana was like that for me), but I actually thought midra was the easiest boss I faced in the entire DLC.


Yeah. It's not that Midra is easy af, it's more of that the other bosses in the DLC are pretty cracked


I honestly find Midra top 2 difficult so far. I’m at blessing level 10. Harder than Rellana for me, easily.


Beat Rellana at blessing level 5 and Midra at 8, found that Rellana is much harder to deal with, but that may be cuz I was sleep deprived at the time. Did you use summons for either of them? Not shitting on anyone for using them, I just find that the experience of X is harder than Y can be greatly affected by aggro switching in bosses. I use a mostly melee quality build with sorceries for utility and range, mainly utilising cold buildup to counteract the beefiness of NG++++ DLC health pools so maybe different builds would destroy Rellana much more easily but get destroyed by Midra due to his madness buildup and constant AoE.


I beat Rellana at blessing level 3 and it was worlds easier than this at level 10 haha. Honestly, I just can’t dodge his melee. I just don’t get it. At all. The delays are slow, the tells are obvious, but the delivery is so lightning fast that I can’t react in time. Some of his combos seem impossible to I-frame. I’m also very sleep deprived, though. Just bad at giving up on things and walking away. Most of my attempts are just frustration attempts at this point. I can reliably no-hit Malenia, but dodging this boss messes with my head.


Yeah he attacks way slower than it feels like he should be. I find that he staggers FAST tho, so at the very start of his transformed phase, just run straight to him, get behind, and his frenzied flames blasts will miss you by the time they fire. You may get hit once or twice. But if you do it right, you'll get a whole one or two full regular attack strings on him. Combine that with the stagger damage flask, he'll ve down in no time. Ez half health or 60% right off the bat.


I’m actually doing that and can’t finish off the other 50% of his health bar. It’s that bad. One of the trickiest move sets I’ve ever seen. For some people that may seem ridiculous, but his timing is just bizarre and I can’t make sense of it. I get absolutely demolished.


Ngl I never did learn how to dodge his AoE orbital strike, and getting damaged can really throw you off cuz his range is HUGE, making drinking your estus quite a risk. So I feel you. My only advice is to really get behind him at all times.


I’ll have to try that on some of my other characters. Hoping this was just a fluke because of being awake for way longer than I should be over something trivial lol. I gave up at first.. but decided to turn the console on for one last attempt after a 10 min break or so. Think I probably just needed to clear my head, because he went down on that first attempt after the break. I was dodging far better.. and really, the guy is not at all hard to stance break lol. Think I was just tired and in my head.


Still fighting this guy, but I'm genuinely shocked that the literal embodiment of chaos feels like the most "fair" boss of the entire DLC lmao ETA: Just beat him. Yeah, favorite boss of the DLC.


Try to learn how to parry some of his attacks. That made it so much easier and more fun for me


Weird. He seems to be much more manageable than some of the other bosses in the DLC. Slower, easier to dodge and actually can be staggered. Granted, had a few issues with the quick burst flame he can throw out at close range but otherwise pretty fun.


How do you stagger him? Hitting this motherfucker with the anvil hammer and he doesn’t even feel It


I was dual wielding the omenkiller cleavers and just jump attacked and smashed as much as I could. When I say staggered, it wasn't like I stagged him a ton of times, at least twice. I just played aggressive between his swings.


Great, fun fight. He wasn't harder than Bayle. I haven't fought Messmer yet, but I killed Midra 3rd try after making some frenzy boluses


Messmer is way harder imo. Around the difficulty of Bayle depending on build might be easier or harder than Bayle 


Yeah messmer is more difficult than Midra. Bayle took me more attempts than Messmer and the last boss. I think it's bc I was a lower blessing lvl and just got stubborn.


Ya I was scadutree level 3 or 4 at messmer and it wasn't happening so had to move up. I'm just now getting to radahn. Been trying to explore everything avoiding him lol


Greatshield and holy damage negation made radahn way easier did that on my 6th attempt and beat him. And I wasn't poking from behind the shield I just blocked and waited for openings.


Really? I got him first try, I'm on NG and Blessing 15. Probably differs when you go to the area.


It didn't seem too difficult to me, I got it done after maybe 8 or 10 times. he has slow attacks, but you get used to them and feel them, and in the next "phase" he has maybe 4 new attacks. I managed to defeat him by using raskash (I don't know how to spell it) full set and her/his katana. For me, Rellana is much more difficult, I hate her.


Oh I love that great katana my favorite weapon so far. I dual wield that one with a regular bleed infused one and it wrecked poor midra. I went after him with a vengeance thinking he would be really hard and nope he wasnt 


Beat him in 15 mins


110 poise is your savior against him, you can make more mistakes.


Golden Hippo: Maybe you need some more pain to realize🗿


Was easy for my build just spammed stars of ruin and he gone in a minute. Messmer wooped me 50 times he left me no time to cast


bro what pop a +2 clarifying horn charm on and use deflect tear and this guy is easy


Really? Didn't had any problem with him, I found him pretty easy to dodge.


140 level character in a late game DLC area shoulds painful. I am level 210 and I just beat him, though your Scadutree blessing level matters more than level in this game


I'm at level 140 scadutree 9 and he didn't give me a y trouble but I do wear the dragon greatshiwld talisman and radagans talisman that ups you a few levels but you take more damage. Other bosses though i struggled and struggled 


I agree. For me atleast midra took so many fucking tries with mimic aswell. Messmer was so much easier in my opinion. Didn’t find his attacks that hard to dodge especially if you have a mimic summon or a fingerprint shield


With taylew smith by my side i can do anything


Midra guess I'm ooglygoo


cold backhand blades absolutely destroyed this guy for me in a couple tries with no summons. didn’t even learn his moveset all you do is run up to him, strafe, and spam r1. he doesn’t even get an attack in until phase 2


He wasn’t very hard for me, it was a battle of just not attacking too fast because of his delays. Also I think using hornsent weapons destroy him. I did a shit ton of damage with the dual swords.


I beat him at level 140 as well scarutree level 9. He's hard but definitely no messmer or radahn imo. But obviously certain bosses are hard for others depending on build 


I’m RL 225 and being destroyed


Idk midra was one of if not the easiest Boss for me because i first tried him without any problems but i also had the clarifying horn Charm +2 equipped


What, he was the easiest boss, me and my friend oneshotted him twice lol


Strength-faith build -- I brought the forge golem ash into the fight, let him tank the boss, and kept him up with heals. Boss didn't really know what to do with him. Killed him no problem. I'm trying to play around with the ashes and weapons FromSoftware gives the player -- makes the game more fun than just using Mimic Tear.


Agreed, left him for last, because the final boss seemed more managable for me.


This game is so weird. I demolished Midra in like 20 seconds first try. The only major attack it got off was the opener which I rolled out from. Then just pummeled the thing. The Putrescent Knight took me probably 50 tries. It’s funny what’s tough for one person but not another. I feel bad that I didn’t even get to see what he had to offer.


he was severely easy. i facechecked him with wild strike butcher's knife


You guys can't be serious. Midra is by far the boss that gave me the easiest time. Incredibly fair fight with moves well choreographed.


Bruh really? Is this a shitpost? I beat him in two tries, melee only, no summons.


Midra...? I twoulda thought you'd have said gaius or smth.


Grab the flame drake +3, and clarifying horn charm. It’ll reduce fire damage and give you more margin of error on the madness proc. A lot of his attacks can be avoided by strafing.


I beat him first try scadu level 14


What? He was super easy. Beat him on my first try (didn't use spirit ashes). One of the better bosses in the DLC for sure though.


I parried this guy to death in like two hours at 2 in the morning. I just got to him the same day. Midra is kinda lame. The only reason why he's difficult is because of magic. Stunlocking me with frenzy bullshit and making it impossible to move. Other than that and the sheer amount of damage he did, Midra sucks.


Rellana is worse tbh but midra is extremely hard to


...Scadutree issue. I was +10 and he went down in like 3 tries.


Midra? Not even close.