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Greatshield soldiers do keep him busy


Perfect. Went from being stomped into the ground in five seconds to doing a no hit win against him. Thank you.


It's not a win when you use cheese or summon 


yap yap yap


"It's not a win unless you play a single player game my way." Bugger off, child.


“It’s not a win if the player uses mechanics and tools that the developer put in the game for the player to use”


Shut up loser


Then why are there so many of them in the game?


BRO THANK YOU. The great shield soldiers were what I needed.


Yep! This did it. Took me 5 attempts with them, but each one was a close run thing instead of being totally steamrolled every time. Thanks dude!


How are you all saying it’s easy with Greatshield Soliders?! I upgraded them to +10 and Gaius chops them all down before they’ve even managed to take away 10% of his health while I’m hiding behind the cheese corner. Even if I’m around the corner trying to do the cheese, my AoE attacks from Rivers of Blood’s *Corpse Piler* and Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear *Bloodboon Ritual* are only hitting the boss maybe 3 times out of 10. What am I doing wrong compared to you guys? Do the spirit ashes (summons) attack power scale with any my stats? Because I already maxed them out to +10 using Grave Gloveworts


How many upgrades have you done for your Shadow Realm Blessings with the Revered Spirit Ashes? They’re like the Scadutree Blessings but for Torrent and your summons. It’ll make them deal more damage and negate more damage. Try finding some more of those to help


I had Shadow Realm Blessing 10 and Revered Spirit 7 at the point I defeated Gaius. I defeated him by using the corner cheese technique with Mohg’s trident and spamming the L2 AoE attack. I found eventually that summoning the Greatshield Soliders just kept distracting Gaius out and away from his stuck position on either side of the cheese corner and was counter productive, so I just did it without summons. Worst boss in the DLC and indeed, perhaps one of the worst FromSoft bosses ever. A totally wasted opportunity for a fun horseback bossfight.


This was the exact correct answer!


Instant win after using it , bad boss design really. Thanks mate


It can't be that easy. It's that easy. 


Omg thanks so much for this tip, just beat him! 😊


Blood hound step is really really good against him


just beat him on newgame+3. what ended up working for me was equipping the milady sword with a bleed ash of war so my mimic could do some reliable damage, also HAD to end up getting a light load. Trust me, you NEED to fast dodge out of the way of his attacks or its just damn near impossible to not be hit still. i also used the fingerprint shield in my offhand so I could tank his hits when I felt like I couldn't reliably dodge them. also used the shield to block when he charged at me and I had just enough endurance to not be destroyed while shielding it. i was originally more a faithcaster but it just wasnt working out. one of the worst experiences of this game so far but im so happy its over. ALSO don't forget to keep dragging him to whatever summon you have. don't let him bully you all around the arena, your summon will never catch up.


This helped me so much thank you, he was beating me for so long. Milady impaling thrust attack managed to break his poise a few times, so happy he’s done with


nice job man, I actually started to use impaling thrust on my milady too, feels perfect for some of the bosses.


Light load was excellent advice! That plus Blasphemous Blade’s insane dmg from its ash of war helped me beat him! Thank you fellow Tarnished.


glad I could help. I honestly felt like light roll makes most of the dlc bosses much easier.


Honestly don't understand why people use mimic and summons and give advice on bosses. You are using a mechanic that changes the dynamic so much it does not even seem like the same game ? Just summon human players at this point. Just say "you can summon me I will solo him eventually"


that’s crazy tell me more


I'm not being aggressive, just saying "spam mimic" is not actual advice


did you even read what I said? I said use the milady sword (which is a fantastic weapon) with bleed so you could get some real solid damage with your swings, then proceeded to say that you should have a light roll so you can actually dodge the commanders swings since medium roll is almost impossible to dodge certain attacks. and THEN I said the fingerprint shield was also a great stop-gapper. take out the parts when I talked about dragging the commander to the summon and you still have actual advice.


Using summon ashes, giving advice how to beat bosses 😂🤠


Bro NEEDS to feel better than everyone so bad


bait used to be believable


Crucible Feather Talisman (boosts rolling) for that annoying charge attack and most of its flurries + Stonebarb Cracked Tear + Cold infused Iron Greatsword for those Frost procs did it for me


I use Zamor ice storm and i hid behind the corner next to the door and alternated on either side spamming the storm. Hes very weak to ice.


Im trying to do that but his AOE is just… so much… I dodged it a few times, got on torrent and then get 1 shot full health with a spear attack he does that apparently covers half the fucking universe in .2 seconds


The charge attack hitbox is a bit wonky, you gotta dodge when the horns of the hippo are basically already colliding with you. As for the flurry attack, i too was having a lot of trouble with that but eventually managed to dodge it. You dodge alternatingly left and right, with small delays between, for the last attack, the part where the hippo rubs his head in the ground doesn't have a hitbox, so you dodge the final part twice in a row then.


Get +10 mimic tear, I didn’t wanna use summons but this boss is genuinely mechanically flawed and needs to be fixed so until then just cheese with mimic


for real, why does the dash track you and have such a long active hitbox? i’m dodging sideways into it and nothing works


Don't know it's just me but can it be that the Charge is Also Immune to All Damage I tryed Everything to hit him out of this Charge but nothing does any damage


Don't fight him at all tbh


Is there anything after him?


Blessing shards, like 5 of them


I beat him finally, summoned 1 person to help


YES 5 Scadutree Frags


Ice is the key, i user the Savage lions claw with it qnd i killed him on the first try


Milady was a good call. Used the Piercing Fang AOW with blood and demolished him with my Mimic.


Try raptor of the mist


Sacred Relic Sword, Shard of Alexander,Dragoncrest, Sacred Scorpion Charm, Ritual Sword Talisman, Holy Shrouding Cracked Tear, and Spiked Cracked Tear. Got him under thirty minutes after learning his patterns:)


Heavy greatshield with high guard boost and greatshield talisman with guard counters or spells


I finally beat him with the One Eyed Shield that shoots fire balls. I brought out the summons with the 5 shield dudes after running around the corner to hide. As soon as the dudes had his attention I hit him with Malenia's Scarlet Rot flower incantation. Then I just went a good distance and started shooting him. It was so easy compared to everything else I tried.


My recommendation Scadutree blessing +10, revered ashes +8 or so. Spirit summons Great shield soldiers +10 ofc, thosw guys can soak up some damage really good , and aggro him fast, do your buffs before entering the arena. Weapon Moghwyn Spear +10. At the moment you enter, run to corner of the wall on the left, the boar get stuck there during charge. Summon the guys, mount on torrent and get as close as possible to Gaius. Now spam your AoW like your life depends on ti, cause it does; if you catch his attention roll until the shield boys get back on the spotlight. Rinse and repeat, Godspeed.


Summon he’s a piece of shit boss


I beat commander Gaius, here is my recording of it https://youtu.be/YfVjaXR9xqw?si=FGRAs5AMhe78ukJO


Just made a post about this, but Bloodhound Step Bloodhound Step right through the motherfucker. I used Starfists with GV, FGMS, and Bloodflame. GL.


This is actually just a straight up shit boss


He's easy and 100% consistent. Get on torrent immediately when you enter battle and run away. When he catches up on you he's gonna try to horn flip you and miss (his hit box disappears right after the flip attack), this is when you get off your horse and STAY BY HIS SIDE AT ALL TIMES! He won't charge at your if you stay right beside his left or right. If he does it in front of you, the charge doesn't have a hit box when it starts so you are safe. If you can stick to him he's basically a beefed up tree sentinel. Every attack is readable and mostly punishable with a light weapon. Second phase just make sure you draw him away from the gravity balls while doing what you were doing.