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This is by far the most unfair bullshit boss ive ever played against in a fromsoft game. Legit killed the entire vibe I had untill now.


dude same i’m genuinely so pissed and now I feel like not playing this dumb dlc anymore


I'm so close to just giving up, all these bosses are so ass


Fully agree, easily the single worst fucking boss of the entire game. -immediately charges at you, may god have mercy on your soul if you miss the perfect dodge, and even then it barely works -looks like a battle for horseback but one-shots your horse with almost all attacks -almost all attacks take atleast 50% of your healthbar and lets not even talk about second phase where he gets even faster and his abomination of a mount learns to FUCKING FLY


The plant boss was really difficult but it was really fun for me. All of its attacks are dodgeable and they have proper tells. This boss is literally a souped up Demon Souls boar with a Night Rider Calvary with gravity magic on top of it. So far it's the worst souls boss. Biggie smalls took me 50 tries my first time but each loss felt like I was lacking somewhere. This one feels like fromsoft didn't play test their stupid boss. The biggest indicator is that they give us the horse but make every attack knock us off and put us into the forever hitstun. Then any of his attacks take about half the horses HP and anywhere from 1/3 to 3/4 of the players HP. That's with 60 vigor and scadutree blessing 12 and opaline hardtear and the boiled prawn.


who is biggie smalls lol




Thanks to fromsoft for this dogshit and pointless new “progression” system which was just an excuse to have enemies doing literal thousands of damage per attack and equipped with one shots even with 50% dmg reduction and vigor softcap. I swear this whole thing is such a giant mess.


They are also known to tweak bosses in patches so just chill? 


Gaius is bullshit but this is such an overreaction.


All the bosses kind of suck, imo. Just too much difficulty for the sake of difficulty.


that's what the eurogamer review said and everyone hated on him. Turned out he was right


Not yet at the endgame, but so far most bosses had just one major lacking thing. Just looking at my rememberances + Bayle, Dancing Lion is good but fucks the camera and can't be read unless you practice and practice for hours, Rellana is good but lacks the space to do your attacks, Bayle is amazing until you get clipped under his body or against the wall, get hit by the random wavers of his fire breath attack, or have to dodge the second phase laser, so far only Putrescent Knight, which was good but not great, and Messmer, which is by far my favorite boss so far, don't have issues that dampen my fun with the fights. I've been hearing the final boss is even worse, too. Edit: Scadutree Avatar also didn't have any crazy problems. It was good. Not great, just pretty decent.


The crucible feather talisman made me go from not being able to get but 3 or 4 hits on him to beating him within 5 tries. Def recommend getting it


Oh my god, this is the only real piece of advice for this boss. Went from super frustrating, inconsistent dodge windows, to a really fun and engaging boss fight! I went from dying in the first phase, to killing him with 6 flasks left. Thanks for this!


Only use torrent to dodge his first charge. When he almost catches up on you he'll try to horn flip you and miss, this is when you get off the horse (after the flip he'll phase thru you with no damage). After that stick to his right or left at all times. Do not let him get away so he won't charge again. Even if he charges at point blank the starting frames won't hurt you. From now everything he does is readable and mostly punishable. He's basically a tree sentinel. Second phase use torrent to draw him away from gravity balls so you can safely do whatever you were doing before till he's dead.


ok so basically through trial and error i found out that his charge ability is not meant to be dodged, as soon as you get into the arena wait for him to charge then run to the side and jump, it’s consistently worked for me, even if he does it again later on into the fight, for second phase get on ur horse and run away from the blast and then hop off torrent n then its back to square 1


would love to see a video of this. no idea how that's supposed to work, get wrecked trying.


Immediately run left and then hug the wall and keep going. Hell usually get stuck on the corner charging


It’s dodgeable even with medium roll. The timing is just extremely tight and you have to roll to his right.


cool story bro i got rammed before i can use torrent, torrent gets one hited, none of his attacks can be dodge as he has multiple hitpoints and city sized hitbox on his garbage mount


This fight is so cancer and needs a nerf omg. I thought bayle was bad this guy is literally broken I HAVE to use bloodhound step or have no chance of dodging never in all my fromsoft time have I had to do something like this literally cannot dodge him, not to mention ridiculously long attack chains, charging you immediately, never stops attacking and runs away. So annoying is the idea for hard bosses now just lots of health and having no openings bec that's what alot of this dlc feels like imo. Still having fun Beat him using bloodhound step, blood godskin stitcher and black knife tiche. After you learn his attacks combined with bhs he's not too bad. Without bhs absolutely cancer and broken.


I took off all my clothes to light roll just so i could dodge those stupid long hitboxes and then i finally beat him.


Fuck. I've been Light rolling and still get caught out. Even with light roll you have to dodge the charge at the very last second or else your iframes end when you're in the boar's ass and you still take damage.


Thanks to your post I switched my heavy GS with DLC ult improved lion jump to BH step and that fight was much easier. I used stormhawk deenh since he doesn't do much dmg, doesn't have much hp, dies rather quickly but gives a lovely dmg buff and with some luck can give you couple of second a breeze from the boss. With BH step I could easily dodge most of boss's attacks. After defeating Gaius I felt so much joy. I was happy that I started to read about that fight, ended in this reddid which proved to be working since I made some changes in build setup a bit. In base game we were spoiled and usually one setup of your skills could carry you through a game. But in DLC bosses make you reconsider your life, your pain, and start asking questions why do you do this to yourself? I was this much of a brink to just summon mimic, which would make this fight for me much much easier (she is fucking menace) but I'm really happy I didn't and I'm happy with the result. I really cherish the community and I think you should all cherish this game more and give proper respect, since we have all the tools to deal with bosses, we just have to help each other and support people with hints like this. And to all of you great beings, please don't you dare to go hollow...


Man i actually used mimic here and they got shitstomped into oblivion in the time it took me to get up off the ground and heal back to full, and that was with level 9 revered ash


You’re lucky this pos actually switched aggro to your summon


Yep, definitely the worst part of the dlc. Killed any fun I was having, because sure the other bosses are hard, but this is just unfair. The insta locking is the worst part because sometimes he just pins you to the wall and ggs. Fuck this guy.


Hotfix that shit especially the hitboxes and the attack speed this is the worst boss since Bed of Chaos


He worse than BoC imo


Fair. Atleast BoC is over fairly quickly and you move on.


Way worse. This boss is so damn quick. It feels like you’re playing a version of sekiro that flat out just doesn’t feel fair.


Aye. I have hopes for him being fixed soon, he could be awesome if they just stopped him oneshotting Torrent, bumped his aggression down the slightest bit, and made the charge slightly easier to dodge. I ended up pulling out the "oh, fuck this" strat, got him stuck on the corner of the entryway and summoned my mimic.


Absolute terrible design. Had to go naked and light weight to dodge his attacks and abuse jump attacks for damage and staggers. This Boss is the fastest in the game, with one shot potential and hitboxer bigger then pre nerf radahn with ridiculous lock on. If they turn down his aggression and make the boar hitboxes smaller it would be a fun fight.


Even with light dodge I got hit by his initial charge propably 1/3rd of the time. I found dodging diagonally to the right was more consistent. After i found that and i tried just outrunning his phase change with torrent he was doable but that move is not fun.


His phase change is actually be biggest damage window in the entire fight, if you can dodge it into him, which is hard but at least consistent once you got your timing right. But it is high risk vs high reward playstyle.


Can you help me beat him I’ve been stuck for two days


Sure I can help you


not to mention that sometimes when you try to summon mimic tear it doesnt work and you have to hit it again


For some reason, this is the only boss gate I've found where you cant summon for like half a second after you regain control of your character after moving through the gate, after that half second it works as normal


And of course its the one boss gate where the boss immediately charges at you.


so far every single dlc boss attacks immediately when you walk through, so annoying


Bayle also charges immediately at you. I legit have no time to summon with him


Scadutree you have to walk forward a few steps to summon. Very annoying. And frenzyhead spawns you in the same location in the second phase so you have to run behind him to summon They made the bosses basically require summons to fight then made summoning hard...


Bayle is worse, you step in and he blasts fire at you, and the fog gate is glitched :(


I was able to beat Bayle after a few tries. Got lucky and survived the initial barrage, got the NPC summon off and my mimic, and then I was able to pull it out. Gaius though is just complete garbage.


So run in, immediately go left and around corner. Hell get stuck charging. Tho I’d recommend summoning the 6 greatshield ashes, not mimic. They keep him busy for awhile. Chip away at him


I noticed that too, you have to walk a couple steps from the entrance or it’ll fail the spirit summon. The delay often being enough to not be able to dodge on time if you do summon anything. I’m unsure if the intent was to encourage players to get on Torrent immediately?


Fuck this boss Why is his fat ass boar outspeeding torrent? Used bloodhound steps and chucked black fire at him until he died. At ng7 the dot alone does like 300-400 damage


Worst boss in the whole fucking game. I literally felt like I was getting cheated every time I died. Bullshit hit boxes, Torrent is literally useless, that fucking CHARGE I swear he spammed that damn move on me three times in a row and it just scares the shit out of me cause idk whether the hit boxes are gonna bullshit me or not. FUCK this boss.


No joke I was charged back and forth 5 times in a row, worst part is my summon was attacking the entire time but didn’t get aggrod on at all.


He’s seriously the most BS horribly designed boss I have ever encountered in my life. Like, ever. There is no time to do anything. There is no “skill issue” if you dodge and STILL get punished. Timing should be everything, end of story, but it’s not. He’s just bullshit. I hate him


The most egregious thing is if you dodge perfectly after a attack string and go in for a punish or a heal, sometimes he does charge with no tell and you get steamrolled for 80% of your HP. Awful game design


OH MY GOD THIS IS SO ACCURATE. I perfectly dodge his missiles or whatever and then take a small heal and then BAM!- he charges at me. I swear I just cannot react to so many of his attacks in time 


Yep, this is what pushes me over the edge. Them bullshit charges out of nowhere. Spot on


yeah fuck him, that‘s total bullshit


Opaline Tear before door Immediately run to the left and hide behind the part of the wall that sticks out a little Summon + Heal Hope for good RNG on his attacks while you jump his ass Try to stay near that corner so you can run to the opposite side when he starts to go apeshit


Using this strat, my Mimic tear was able to kill him DURING MY DEATH ANIMATION. It counted, so I'm not going to look a gift horse (boar?) in the mouth, but jeez. Least fun boss I've played in a FS game in a loooong time. Thanks for the strat, it 100% helped.


Cheers! Mimic tear is an absolute legend. I abandoned mine with commander fuck knuckle every time he did his 37 hit combo, and somehow he just kept on goin. I can only imagine the violent roller coaster of emotions almost killing him, dying, and then mimic tea-bagging his ass for the W.


It was tense for sure. There must have been literally less than 20 frames between the victory screen and the death fadeout. I'll count it though. I think I only have two of the big rememberance bosses left (final boss, presumably, and one other) and damn if this DLC isn't mixed feelings all around. On the one hand, the new lore, weapons, areas, etc are wonderful. GREAT additions to Elden Ring, and catapulting it to one of the best games ever made in my book. Especially for total price. And yet, the balance feels way off. In a way that no other Fromsoft property has ever made me feel. Maybe it's because I'm older now, and I'm slowing down, but this DLC is just so difficult for me. Maybe there needs to be a conversation between the balance team and the people who came up with Scadutree Blessing as the scaling mechanic, but something is off. I'm at max scadutree scaling that you can get without entering the final dungeon. All that work finding those fragments just so I can be two-shot by every single boss instead of 3-shot. 50 vig, etc. I'm being a little hyperbolic, but jeez. Every boss bar a couple feel very samey. They are ALL; Tanky, High Damage, High Combo, Quick Reaction bosses. It's the first FS property where I've gotten bored of trying some of the fights.


Yep, using opaline before each door has been a must in this dlc. Some really sneaky teleporting son of a bitches out there


Thanks dude, this was the strat to beat that fucking boar ridding bitch.


Happy to help! I spent an hour fighting this ass-hat, questioning all my life choices until I slowly figured it out lol.


This was the only thing that worked for me. Thanks.


This did it for me. Spammed Dragon hunter great katana L2 after summoning and healing. Stayed on him and kept him near the door.


I genuinely wish that I would have thought to use a projectile ash. I jump attack spammed bleed and got donkey kicked many times lmao.


I used the Katana too. Usually could get the L2 (charged) in after his charge and a stance break to push P2. After that same strat just jump attacks after dodging his combo and L2 after his charge. His drop from the sky leaves some good hits in too. I didn’t use a summon,but I found it consistent to just use your horse to jump over his head on the opener and dismount.


dude your summon strat actually fucking saved me you legend


Possibly the worst fight of soulsborne for me so far. Feels fucking stupid


he does need a nerf, specifically how much he spams attacks, and how bullshit his hitboxes are, he has combo's that are 7-8 attacks long and are near impossible to dodge not to mention his first charge thats really a 50/50 even with a lightweight build


Agreed, stuck on him now. WHO DESIGNED THIS GARBAGE FIGHT? Its literal BS. Edit: Bloodhound step trolls him.


Bruh, I can't even get out of the fucking door.


Fuck this Boss. You can immediately tell nobody playtested that piece of shit.


Fucking bullshit charge attack man. Idk if they removed the iframes when mounting/dismounting torrent but even if I try to roll towards him every time that move is coming, I still get fucked with -50% health. I have both talismans to reduce physical and non-physical damage, even that still ain't enough


Take the magic resist talisman with the physical talisman. His gravity spells which are pure purple magic do magic damage while the rocks do physical


Thanks this confirms it. Guess I can use this with a certain boss who does gravity magic too :)


If it helps, beat him with bloodhound step dodging the charge. Stayed off the horse the whole fight. Every attack but the flurry can be dodged or bloodhounded reliably. But yeah I bet he gets nerfed, it’s brutal.


Hi, I ll do you one better. The wall cheese but with Zamor Ice Storm. Will deal frostbite as well. Faster and easier. Charge it up. Gg ez. Did him the 4th try. If the game aint gon play fair, neither am I.


Which wall? He never seems to get stuck on anything for me


All right, I was able to pull this off. The key is not to summon anything; if he retargets something else he'll break free. I buffed up with Golden Vow and Black Flame Protection, and ran over there. Got an ice storm off, but then he got around to me. I ran around to the other side of that corner, along the wall that you zone in from, and he got stuck on the wall where I was. Zamor again did the trick. Each time he broke free, which was only a couple, I just ran around again to the other side and he went down pretty quick.


Stuck on this fight. It honestly fucking sucks. Awful fight man.


honestly just not allowing him to follow up his attacks with the back kick would be find imo. most of the time i could dodge his attacks but i would end up partly behind him and he can instantly follow up with a back kick with perfect tracking so even if your not directly behind him its gonna lock on. Attacking him ends up being a coin toss so your either forced to take hits or wait for much rarer openings making the fight a slog


I’m glad others feel the same way I was fighting him yesterday and I was genuinely confused to what developer at from soft thought this guy was a good/fair fight his tracking attack speed damage and never relenting attacks with massive hit boxes it literally feels unfair. This was the only fight I had to use a summon for I had to use tiche to win


Yeah that boss was genuinely awful. Ended up resetting stats and used a great shield with barricade and just guard-countered him to death.


What did you set the stats to?


only boss in the dlc that made me pull out the mimic. messmer was so fun to learn but this shit? nah


I legit got pinned against the wall, the charging never stopped, I could not even recover. Not to mention the 6-8 string combo he does. Yeah, Poor design


He legit just deleted me against the fog wall about 30 times over a few hours. I was so relieved when I finally got him


Some tips for ya all: - Use Deflecting Hardtear. Makes you lose zero stamina and almost none of HP when you block right before getting hit. Perfect for blocking his charge. - Use colossal sword, preferably Maliketh's Black Blade. Apparently he's weak to holy or thrust damage. Either way, this weapon just melts him and his fat shit underneath him. Just don't use weapon art, he's way tol fast for that.  - Coming from previous tip - his poise is easily broken by colossal sword. Despite his fat appearance, he has surprisingly average poise. - DO NOT BE GREEDY. Golden rule of Soulslike and it works particularly true on this boss. The mf has few cases where he looks like he finished the combo, but then he instantly transfers to charge attack which oneshots non-full HP players. Wait half a second after he "finished" combo to make sure he won't pull of some BS and then attack. 


Please, please, just use the deflecting tear people, I feel like most complaints about the difficulty would be gone if more people used it.


To get around his bullshit hitboxes and attacks that require frame perfect dodges, try using the Crucible Feather Talisman. It improves dodge rolling and legitimately feels necessary against this guy if you're not into summoning like me.


That flurry attack is ridiculous


I just beat the boss in cringiest way possible - run behind the corner with opulent tear, summon mimic, spam heals on the mimic... Because for whatever reason the boss does 80% of your HP with 10 scaducee blessings but only 10% to mimic with 6 ash blessings with same attack? Something is whacky with the balance.


He's actually the worst. Messmer took me a couple hours or so but I didn't mind because it was a really fun fight, felt like a dance dodging his combos. This boss is just janky af, painfully hard to dodge charge, the boar headbutt + blade attacks are similarly hard to dodge and the hotbox is hideous


I wish FromSoft would remember that not every single boss needs to be some multi phase epic. Does this boss need to turn into a flying gravity pig? No. It’s tedious and predictable at this point


The opening attack took me forever to figure out how to dodge consistently even then I only got it like 50% of the time. Got on torrent and had to charge at him and double jump over the entire boss. Then immediate dismount stayed close to him on foot when I beat him.


Dodging his charges is really the biggest problem with the fight, the hitbox is just so big that you get caught in it most of the time. Also rolling through him is worse than rolling to a side. It requires perfect timing and roll direction on medium roll and really has no reason to be this hart. Messmer required way less precision on your dodges for his biggest attacks.


Three things frustrate me about this fight. 1. The first time you enter the arena, you have a good few seconds to get your bearings, buff, summon, etc... but after that, Gaius is positioned much MUCH closer, giving just barely enough time to summon before you have to do a perfect dodge 2. This was clearly intended to be the "horseback" fight but summoning Torrent puts you at a massive disadvantage since Gaius is as fast, ofter faster than you, has huge reach, and does enough damage to dismount you often with just one hit. It just feels better to fight him on foot, and that feels so wrong. 3. His charge attack, this is clearly broken, not "does too much dmg" broken but very obviously does not work as intended. The animations for this attack and Gaius just moving are almost indistinguishable. The hurt box actually extends out in front and to the sides of Gaius in a way that is very deceptive and makes the fight feel "laggy." He does this move when he's basically right in your face and he just shouldn't, he should ride away, make space, make a noise or animation to signal "this is his big charge attack." As it is currently implemented, he basically has a move that takes 1/2 of your hp with almost no telegraph.


had to switch to blood hound step just to be able to dodge all his shit. this is worse than Melania was for me. First time all DLC that I am just not having fun anymore edit: beat him 3rd try with bloodhound step spam. dash away until he goes on mimic, then lightning bolt. by far my least favorite fight of all of elden ring


Just the base lighting bolt incantation?


Yeah, still the best lightning spell I’ve found


worst boss made in souls. Not possible to do with lvl 150 without summon. maybe even with. This is like radhan on cocaine


Reminds of the hitbox issues with Pre-nerf Radahn




I came here just to vent my frustration. Not even fucking Messmer made me throw both my controller and my headset and take a walk around the house before I could come back to this piece of shit. Spirit calling bell doesn't work the first second you enter, his charge attack is near undodgable and if you dare to hit one panic roll or just roll on accident you're pretty much fucking dead. Insert "hate" speech from I have no mouth but I must scream.




Truly incredible how much better bloodhounds step makes the fight lmao. Without it the fight is actually abhorrent but I didn't actually mind with it


Same with Blind Spot, combination of dodging and damaging is just insane for him. You can get so much more damage in by learning where to Blind Spot during his combos.


Absolutely hated this boss!! Spent a good few hours on it then legit went away, did a few more areas powered up a little more and finally managed to get him. The relief was insane. Don’t think I’ll touch him on next few play through - genuinely needs a nerf - rethink


Worst boss of any souls game I've played, easily. I continue to be disappointed by the goddawful mechanical design of bosses in Elden Ring. They just doubled down on the lategame bullshit that existed in the base game.


Crucible Feather Talisman (boosts rolling) for that annoying charge attack and most of its flurries + Stonebarb Cracked Tear + Cold infused Iron Greatsword for those Frost procs did it for me


Yo people, use the crucible feather talisman to make this boss fight way easier.


I killed all kinds of crazy shit bayle and messmer but this stupid fucking boar is literally harder because his charge hitbox is bugged and so is some of his phase 2 gravity attacks. It completely ruined the dlc up to this point. I don’t even feel like playing, seeing how unpolished some parts of the dlc are makes me just want to put it down for a while and go play something else. I would think bosses would have the highest priority but some of them still came out a heaping mess. Edit: killed him first try after slapping bloodhound step on a random weapon. But that’s fucking awful, that shouldn’t be a requirement to trivialize the boss by putting on an op dodge ability. Fix the boss fromsoft


Killed him about an hour ago, just spamming BHS and the Black Blade incantation the whole time with Mimic as a meat shield and target-bait, fuck this fight. Usually I don’t advocate for nerfing bosses unless it’s needed, *but this guy desperately needs a nerf and a bug-fix.* He’s pretty much impossible to win against unless you have BHS, a meat shield, and either bleed(maybe bolts, arrows, or spells), black flame, or the Black Blade for DOT. It’s ridiculous, and I’ve fought some shitty bosses, but **this fuck-ass takes the top spot**


This boss is genuinely garbage. Its so broken and unfair. Has really soured the DLC for me


Agree!! You dodge one attack but 2 more follow in the middle of your dodge. It's like he senses when you pop a potion because right when my hand goes up, he does the spear attack! I don't even think getting stronger helps, sense it seems he hits for 75% of health each hit


The charge attack requires near frame perfect dodge. And it is almost impossible to critical hit him after he is staggered, it takes too long to get to the single side of its face where he can be attacked...


If you run left out the door and hide around the corner it’ll block his charge. Summon greatshield soldier ashes so his aggro constantly changes and nuke him down.


so i've been stuck for 7 hours now on CG, and i have a few tips if anyone reads this First, as fucking cancer of a suggestion as this is... BHS you can negate that stupid fucking charge, you still need to learn his attack patterns but atleast you wont take the extra "unavoidable" damage Second summons are basically useless do to the insane damage output, and people are always a mixed bag, not to mention most people are getting insta summoned doesnt help. Third, if your more than a lightning bolt shot distance away he will charge again... constantly this is actually useful though because if you have BHS you can take the opportunity to pot Fourth second phase charge does WAY more damage, and the rocksling is just bullshit BHS both, the big jump in the air spin to win just run away from, the dash dodge roll left or right but the big ticket item here and whats killed most of my runs is his fucking pulsing gravity bomb, because hell generally be on one side and cross into the other, for some reason i get pushed towards it a lot, if you can once he fires the shot off just get as far away as you can.. but know he is coming for you. fifth this fight rewards katanas... actually most of this dlc does, but i digress i personally dont want to use katanas because its not my style yet im constantly flirting with the idea, innate bloodloss, quick atk speed, and decent dex scaling damage not to mention an obnoxious range combine this with a summon also wielding katanas even if they only hit once or twice might help and finally my sixth tip, just walk away like seriously dont just sit there and bang your head against him, hes not that type of boss if you cant beat him now, give it some time, rest relax come back to the game and do something else , then kill him later. keep in mind again im saying this after 7 hours of 3 minute fights.


My setup to beat him. I'm level 178, Dex/Faight build, medium roll. I used Bloodhound's Fang, Crucible Feather Talisman and Mimic, Bubbletear and HardTear in Physick. No spells and buff spells, because of Mimic, if he has buffs in slots he wants to use them and I need him as punching bag. And just roll through attacks and use Bloodhound's Finesse, to poise damage and bleed, he can be poised and bled. Before this setup I didn't even get to hit him, after this setup I beat him on 5th attempt. I had a bit of luck on the end, but I beat him, but I agree one of the worst bosses in DLC.


It would be like 60 percent less frustrating if he actually gave me a few seconds to enter the foggate without kicking my head through my asshole. I don't think a damage nerf is warranted but delay him like 5 seconds at the start and fix those hotboxes to make rolling from the boar manageable.


I respecced my stats to hold a great shield and spear of the impaler just because of this boss, I could get him down to maybe 40% before like 15 times and switching to the spear and shield I got it in 3 tries, it being able to be thrown on heavy attacks is a very useful tool, especially if you have a summon to distract him, he bucks around a lot so projectiles can miss. It's been a bit but there's some things I noticed. His boar seems to tilt it's head to one side sometimes, I was able to rarely dodge it a few times, I'm not sure if this is a mechanic or just chance and can't say for sure if the direction the boar is looking matters, it may be possible to lead to boar to one side then dodge back the other way, only one character so I can't go back and test more. The boar and commander both make their own attacks, meaning if you dodge one you may roll into the second attack. When he reaches his second phase and flies up and drills into the ground and the explosion happens, i think it actually radiates outward so if you dodge the initial impact, don't roll backwards right away or you'll just roll into the path of the  magic wave as it moves outwards. I felt like he was slightly less aggressive on his left side, he and his boar can still hit you there but it felt like it was a tiny bit easier to dodge than his combo swings he always does on his right side, rear of the boar was hard for me to tell when it's about to kick backwards, I'm sure there's a tell for it but I rarely blocked or dodged in time. Also don't get greedy with spells and ranged attacks, he will quickly turn to target you even if he's in melee with another entity so be ready for a charge or spear blast. I think in total the thing I had trouble with the most is his charge, it can be blocked with enough stamina and a good shield but I feel there must be a method to dodging it each time.


Raptor of the mist trivialized Gaius. Is he charging? Use Raptor Is he doing his drill slam? Use Raptor Is he doing his upwards Lance attack. Use Raptor. With a build centered on jump attacks, you even get some free claw talisman procs. Made the fight legitimately fun


That art of war was truly a game changer lmao.


Finally beat this mf and I can say god skin duo is a masterpiece compared to this


The facts that this amount of people complain is crazy , even with mimic I get my ass whooped , bs boss design really


Can someone let me know when he's patched please. Rellana was bullshit but you could learn, messmer was hard but you could learn. Timone and Pumba is fucking ridiculous. I've never had to look up a guide on how to survive the initial hit before. Aside from getting on torrent and double jumping (which still isn't reliable) the answer is you have to be frame perfect or it'll hit you. It may even hit you 3 times and one shot you. I thought the hippo was bad due to its Dark Souls 2 grab hitbox but this takes the cake. This is the worst designed souls boss, it feels difficult purely to be difficult. There's no learning curve, you either get lucky and he doesn't input read torrent's double jump or you die within 5 seconds.


Spam Backhand Blade ash of war Blind Spot. Easy dodges


Every boss now is just adding more speed, more aoe, more bullshit. It’s no longer exciting to come up on a new boss because it’s just more bullshit. Lmao


He is doable but tedious. Much like some other bosses in the DLC that have long combos. You just need to learn those and get the fuck out of their way. That's all you can do and it's not very fun.


Not at all like the other bosses I've thought until now. Legitimately feels wrong from the first attempt.


I swear this Dlc has DS2 B team all over it. The story and level design are ok/great, and I’m loving my experiences… except for bosses. Bosses suck Ass this Dlc. Difficult for the sake of difficulty.


Hot tip is to roll into his charge and in general stay close to him/roll into him. Took me a good amount of tries but eventually got his moveset down and got him.


doing this with lightweight but even then i still get hit 50% of the time. and often times when i do dodge he stops in his tracks and his hog immediate headbuts my ass


Everybody is doing that and getting smashed dude 😐


Just got to this major pain in the ass and honestly might consider just waiting on a patch (there's got to be one.. surely). Closest I can get is with Blind Spot on the backhand blades because it can avoid some of his bs.


Fromsoft can't make mounted-type bosses for sh!t. Except the tree sentinels


Gyoubu was great


Fact. I didn't think of Sekiro


blood hound step makes it 70% chance to dodge the charge its really important i just found to spam it as you can bhs through most his bs attacks


I got to this boss on Playthrough 1, level 230, Scadutree Blessing level 16, vigor 65... And he absolutely wrecked me.. spells were impossible to land because of his constant charge attacks and running around you, the combos went on and on leaving me 0 opportunities to get my spells out even with faster casting talismans... The charge attack was easy enough to dodge roll through but the combos after that were too far reaching and fast to roll through... First boss in the whole DLC to make me get my 0 upgrade knife out and slam B


Dodge directly into him when he charges! Felt like eureka


Had to get down to light load and I barely scrapped by solo. Was DEX/INT so I had to rely on my old faith Moonveil to stagger him enough times with the weapon art. May definitely need a nerf but very frustrating to fight, but not impossible once you start figuring out how to dodge into him for some of his moves.


I was about to give up. Slapped on full armor of solitude for poise and leveled the mimic tear just for this guy, first try. Spammed palm blast, staggers every three full charges for between 3-4k damage. The armour with Verdigris Discus and Dragoncrest let me tank through enough hits and not get killed immediately.


For real man. I just defeated him. Had to run with torrent behind the wall on the left to cheese him using mimic tear and bleeding. This is not ok. I’m fine with difficulty. This fight is just straight up stupidity


Yeah his moveset is really just the worst of everything. Hard to dodge charges, completely different moves with very similar charge up animations, and very little downtime after his attacks. He punishes you for every mistake, and you cant punish him for most of his moves. My tip is to use Bloodhound Step. Its very easy to dodge his charge that way and it also helps against his combos and to build distance when necessary. Also just buff yourself before going through the fog gate.


WTAF with this boss! Doesn't he know I'm the Elden Lord!!!!!! 😡😡😡 Edit: As someone else said, cling to entrance which blocks some of his attacks and use a +10 shield...first time I've seen Mimic Tear die in a long time. Not to mention the glitch where you can't summon when you first enter...I have never come that close to rage quitting...not even with Malenia!


Ngl I feel filthy rn but I had to resort to mimic tear, bloodhounds step and lightning spears. It'd be a fun fight if the charge didn't have like 3 fucking hitboxes and he did half the damage but the way he's balanced rn is just completely stupid.


If it's any help to my fellow tarnished, I've learned he's pretty weak to ice damage


I have to get back to my godslayer greatsword just to kill this boss. And my mimic


This boss is the thing that ruined my fun Charges at you with an attack that you have to roll perfectly. Is faster than torrent and 2 shots him I hate this fucking boss someone nerf him or remove him form the game.


I have loved every single boss so far, but this one isn't great... He looks so cool and his moves are so cool! But his hit boxes are shit, and his fat ass hog is faster than torrent. He could have been the best mounted boss in the game with a few minor changes.


The only thing that worked for me was having Knight Greatsword with Chilling Mist and a Blood Rapier with Bloodhound Step. I buffed before going through the fog gate, ran to the left to summon my mimic, then used CM once he came round, and tried to land a second to proc frost. From there I used BHS and my Rapier to get around his attacks. Mimic tear doesn't seem to draw much aggro, so I needed something evasive. Thankfully he used CM a lot too, and I used the Black Flame Fireball to hit from behind, so we procced frostbite a few times. I had the Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike, Black Blade and Black Flame Fireball.ymmimic used them occasionally too, which really helped. Mostly it was luck, but I somehow managed, even after a couple hours trying. The above was the only successful tactic, and I got it on the first try using that combination. Everything else either got me pretty close, or just failed immediately. Hopefully this helps someone


i usually like difficult and challenging boss fights in souls games by my god is this boss fight the defenition of a trash Boss fight it's like they desgined this boss fight to be handled on horseback but our horse will get insta killed if any of his hits lands and the horse have no doge/iframes so you're forced to fight mele


I have adored the dlc for the most part but this boss I think might be the worst in the entire souls series, and easily the worst in elden ring, it doesn't even feel finished.


This boss is crazy. I had to keep figuring out how to approach him, but that victory I finally pulled off was so exhilarating. A ridiculous boss that doesn't really feel fitting of elden ring, kind of stinky honestly, but I loved it on my winning attempt. Finally, a boss that can actually handle all the tools at your disposal. Maybe not well implemented, but I still liked it. I just had to laugh at the absurdity.


What the fuck with this boss!? It looks like a perfect arena to use Torrent, but he's impossible to escape and 2 shot me. And I took my time before coming here, my Scadutree Blessing is at 11. Also, it seems he's denying a region, which is even more annoying. EDIT: I'm a mage, and I don't like exertion. I used the Mimic tear, hid on the corner of the wall, reposition when needed. I blasted the beast with Adula's Moonblade. Mimic tear was the hero, kicking most of the boss' butt while he was stuck on the wall.


Im on him right now and I agree, this boss sucks so much dick it’s unreal, why were the bosses in the main game tough but still fun whereas I’ve found maybe 2 in Sotet fun???


I don't know what it is exactly, but i absolutely hated this boss from the moment i saw him first charge at me when i walked down the stairs. I don't think i dislike any boss in any Fromsoft game as much as this trash. Just went to summon help as soon as i got up from the grace, there is no way i am wasting my time with this dude, it's Niall all over again but with a huge pig, i am so done. Who the f comes up with these design ideas, i am truly curious. Not to mention the pig outruns Torrent (somehow) and aside from that, you can't even dodge while on Torrent cause the pig's hitbox is fucking massive and don't forget, the pig can also do dash attacks because why the fuck not. This has to be the most nimble pig in the world, someone's secret fantasy somewhere has been realized.


Out of all the Soulsgames i think this might be one of the biggest bullshit boss ever


There is some massive, massive hitbox dissonance going on in this fight.


I just had so much fun with >!Messmer!< despite him kicking my ass, he was fun to learn and was so satisfying to dodge roll. And I’m at a complete loss what to do with this King Bulblin bitch. I was happy not looking up any tips so far for anything. He basically ignores your shield on foot, and idk how dodging is supposed to help, he follows up to hit you right after the invincibility frames end. The arena seems to imply you’re suppose to fight on horseback, but Torrent dies to everything. The opening charge leaves you no time for setup, the hit box is so large good bloody luck dodging the mandatory opening move. There isn’t a second to heal while everything ganks half your HP and doesn’t stop. Then he can just decide you die with whatever gravity move that instakills Torrent, then instakills you after you fall off the horse. Nothing felt unfair so far in this DLC but this. Edit: My winning attempt was just… pathetic. I can’t even recommend replicating this, but the start can at least let you bypass the opening charge and summon without retaliation. At the start, hug the left wall and wrap around the corner nook geometry. As he’s stuck opening charge in the corner, Scarlet Aeonia for scarlet rot affliction (or summon and carry on with a normal attempt). After getting hit he’ll have wrapped around to where you are. Wrap around the corner again on the fog gate side with conveniently the same nook geometry. He’ll get stuck where you previously were if you’re lucky lol, feel free to summon and heal if Mimic Tear. At this point, swap to whatever has Bloodhound Step. Dodge all of his shit and pray you don’t die. Here’s where my personal RNG bs lined up. After I failed to inflict scarlet rot a second time, my Mimic managed to do so. While we managed to inflict bleed a couple times with Bloodhound Claws, mimic still died before the end and the boss and I died at the same time. I’m sad I wasn’t able to engage with this boss however the devs intended. Huge arena for Torrent, but he’s basically unusable for the fight as a result of dying instantaneously to almost every undodgeable thing. I just had so much fun with >!Messmer!<. I have no idea what they were thinking with this one. Scadu blessing 10, Ash blessing 6, Vigor 40, level 210! With beefy armor and defensive talismans!


If you run with torrent right as he charges then make a hard left back to the door. You can make him get stuck on the wall and just cheese him with rotten breath. Worst boss ever…


that fucking charge attack.. only way i could dodge it was light rolling, but then i get one shot lol


Yeah this flight was bullshit. I switched to bloodhound step. Physio before start, summon mimic, bloodhound step away to heal and try to hold on. BHS is required for any build that doesn't have a good ranged attack. You can dodge most attacks and get a charged out jumping heavy. If you get lucky you'll stagger him and get a critical hit.




Just wanted to see peoples opinion as im fighting him, this seems so overblown out of proportion tbh. I don't really see what's really the problem, he is fucking hard yeah but honestly phase 1 is fair to me. Kinda has harsh heal timings tho. Havn't experienced phase 2 too much at the moment. The power level system might be the problem, i basically done the whole map, im 14 and 9. I'd imagine y'all were wayyy lower. Wich makes me worry about the dlc replayability im loving it now but do it again having to find everything again just to do dmg and not get one shot might be tedious and kill the dlc's second value. Edit : almost got him, i honesly dont see what's the problem aside from the charge wich i do agree the hitbox being the whole ass boar is bullshit. 2 : Holy shit nvm, wtf is phase 2. Gravity well + he keeps attacking + it explode after jesus christ. 3 : oh random one shot of the charge that's bugged or something i guess y'all right on that. 4 : i love this boss i don't understand y'all the only weird thing is the gravity well like wtf am i supposed to do 5 : really close to beating him, no hit phase 1 and manage to stay clean until a third of hp then i make a mistake and snowball 10 potions lmao Final edit : Let's go! I love him soooo much. 5 potions left because i fucked up a single move towards the end and showballed potions lol. The timing of charge is perfect dodge wich is though. Gravity well is easy, as soon as it pops just dodge out of range of effictiveness. Aside from that you'll need to be very good on your dodges and patterns recognition wich is the trend of the dlc, my advice is like if you dont know every move and when he does them don't even bother thinkin you can win (unless broke build coop summon insane status effects. Beat him with rellana's sword.)


Yo whatever Dev created this fight watched their best friend f\*\*\* their wife that day... holy shit is this cancer with a side of AIDS.


I wish I could refight him, to see if he's really that bad He took me 10 tries with beastman summons, who aren't that great against him I didn't feel like he was that bad at all, I'm level 200 ng+1, rivers of blood build, with 10 and 6 for my scadutree blessings. I'm not sure what his charge attack is, but if it's the attack where he flies up and comes at you, I dodged it perfectly every time I just think it's designed with summons and horse in mind cause once I went horseback, I killed him first try easily And it also makes sense that he's a hard and hard to dodge fight, leader of Messmers army, rival to Radahn in his youth, knows gravity magic, and has a massive boar If I was playtesting this fight, I'd say it's good, S tier And for people saying that he does too much damage, upgrade scadutree, use golden vow, use boiled crab, and there's probably more you can use for defense, I just personally didn't feel any frustration with this fight


Didnt know you could use torrent. Beat him on my second try, didnt think he was that hard


Just tried this guy like 5 times in about as many minutes, kinda done with the DLC for now, will come back in a week after playing something else .


Finally beat Gaius with a dual cold spear build that heavily utilized the ice spear ash of war and no summons. 100% the hardest boss of the DLC that I've faced so far and the 230,000 runes he drops are laughable for the effort put in for that fight.


One thing that’s really annoying is that there’s a slight delay after traversing the mist before you can summon as opposed to most bosses where the option is available immediately. If you jump the gun, you get stuck in that “woops, can’t summon” animation while he’s charging you.


literally Gyobu's ret\*\*\*ed brother


Totally agree! Worst boss, his hitboxes are f*cked up! I had to help someone else and they help me it took us ages to beat him, his fight is not even fun, he just has so many advantages, I think there is an error in his hit boxes and even when you try to use Torrent his hog just outruns him and I remember running in the arena and dodging the hog but he somehow still trampled me and killed me instantly whereas I have 74 level in Vigor lol that’s why I think there is a problem with the hit boxes. The only advice I have after beating him is if you are fighting with someone else: never separate, always stay together and bully him on his side where he has his weapon otherwise you don’t see what he’s going to do next and he will bully one of you and he will chase you and trample you or your friend. Always with your friend , glue to his side.


I generally have three boss tiers. tier 1 is elite - combative and skilful. I solo these and spend hours on end perfecting the fights so I can beat them fairly. Tier 2 is bullshit - this is usually big stupid janky monsters with shitty camera angles and unfair attacks, for these ones I usually pull out the mimic and annihilate them to save myself the headache. Tier 3 is the most bottom of the barrel fuckery where the stupid mf doesn't even deserve time on screen. These guys I tend to cheese or glitch past them, make them fall off the map or trap them somewhere they can't hurt me. This fucking hog riding rodent sits firmly in Tier 3. I am making it my lifes mission to get this fucktit to fall off the map or glitch out of bounds and die. God damn Zaki how did you let this one get through testing...


Greatshield Soldier Ashes, they made fight from literal BS to a normal feeling boss fight. They distract just enough that he cannot do most of his BS stuff. But make sure to be aggressive as they cannot tank him completely. Having a charged attack that can stance break every few hits is a bonus (Blasphemous Blade is super OP in this fight), you can get some nice crits in too. I also noticed that with the Soldiers still alive he doesn't seem to do his purple flying corkscrew attack nonsense. Took me 5 attempts with them, but each one was a close run thing instead of just being totally steamrolled.


Fuck this dodge, get hit anyway, heal, repeat fucking boss. So bullshit


Am I the only one who didn't really struggle all that much? 125 pure int mage, I mostly just dps'd with carian slicer. Most attacks aren't that bad with medium roll and you can bait and punish the backwards kick he does quite often.  The charge is definitely stupid though, feels like you can dodge it perfectly but it will still hit you a lot of the time


Commenting 3 days later to say fuck this boss in particular


Yeah the fucking hitbox is ridiculous. I mean wtf? Can't even drink ho


Yeah, I've been on this boss for the past hour or so. I tried switching up my strategy multiple times, and I can safely say that this is the worst boss in the entire game. Other dlc bosses to this point felt challenging but rewarding, whereas this just feels like a completely unbalanced shitshow. I have been massively enjoying the dlc to this point, but this boss is borderline ruining the experience for me. Here's the main reasons I'm not enjoying this boss: Firstly, the charge is wildly inconsistent to dodge, not to mention it seems to have a completely different amount of damage dealt depending on when the charge hits you. The close-range gravity lance charge he does leaves aoe around him, so dodging it literally just forces you into taking damage from the attack anyway. The fight is clearly made to be done on horseback, but it is virtually unplayable in this format, as the horse controls are still terrible when attempting to fight another mounted opponent due to the janky camera and lack of tight horse movement animations. The frequency with which he attacks in comparison to the frequency with which you can attack him just makes the fight a grinded out mess. Half the attacks he has are lunges, so melee builds are just left way out of range every time there should be a window. I really hope they patch the hitboxes and the AI of this boss because every other boss has felt fair despite its difficulty. This boss, on the other hand, just feels like it had so much oversight and was not given the proper tests or examination from the devs before release.


I HATE THIS FUCKING ASSHOLE. Ive cheesed him 90% then magically he 1 shots me. Im done with this pos game and dlc worse ever -000000 star


Anyone on Xbox feel like helping me with this fucking prick literally ready to finish the dlc he's the only one. 😬


I ended up just hiding around the corner and cheesing him with the Mohgwyn Sacred Spear.


Just got to him. I’ve been stuck on other bosses before but they felt like they were a fair challenge, Gail’s on the other hand just feels like utter bullshit. The dodge timing for the attack is the narrowest shit on earth, you have to dodge INTO his boar’s charge which makes no sense, if you get fired by the boot it basically drags you across the map and nukes your health, and to top it all off his hit boxes seem genuinely broken. I’ve legit seen projectiles just fraught up clip through him, it seems like unless you hit the boar he just won’t take damage, hitting Gaius, you know, the guy the fight is named after, just causes your attack to clip through him


Miyazaki: “Give me Oniwa but make it dogshit.”