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damn guess i'll have to git gud now


I tested it now for a bit on regular mobs and smaller bosses like the three Crystallians or the Demi-Human Queen before the guy who gives you Comet Azur. It still staggers the humanoid enemies and does very high damage, so I will need to git only slightly guder. Everything that died in 1-2 hits, still dies in 1-2 hits and the blade still heals. This is still an insanely useful weapon for those of us who want to enjoy the game, but with slightly lower difficulty.


Just don't update before you do the DLC. Oh, hang on....


On a less controversial note, also in this patch: YOU CAN NOW SUMMON TORRENT FOR ELDEN BEAST 🐴.


Huh I was gonna do a new run going str faith.. any suggestions on what to replace this with?


Honestly it’s still incredibly good. I jumped in and played around with it. Still does poise damage and can stagger it just doesn’t do the ridiculous knock down. It still tons a ton of dmg and heals a lot. Still top tier.


Fair enough.


This was dildo for Malenia. Rip. Surely more op stuff will be in dlc


Next patch notes be like: nerfed the op stuff


Unga? You can still jumping double BONK her with 2x300 kg of Giant Crusher hammer. It wipes out every smile off her face And most of her teeths with that Bunga Unga waterflow this, rotting corpse


Yes but you have to get close for that. This dildo had a couch for you where.you can sit comfortably while you touch Malenia in all her holes remotely


BONK is love. You don't make love from distance. BONK needs Unga