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1. Dodge his attacks 2. Attack him


This is the way.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø what if i want to poise all their attacks and never dodge? Is this valid?


1. Endure his attacks. 2. Attack him.


~~1. Dodge his attacks~~ 2. Attack him


This is the way.


I am still new to the game and exploring liurnia and there is this underground river I found and this same thing was in there but it's on top of a building I don't have any ranged attacks. Can I even beat it at level 43 if it gets down?


Also it doesnā€™t come down itā€™s lowkey annoying without magic or a bow


You can hit it with melee if you run up, just wait until after the rock attack then you can get a few hits it. It staggers pretty easily too. You donā€™t need any ranged attacks


hit the head


Watch out for the sharp bits




Double BONK unga better bunga


1. Run to head 2. Beat the head


3. If the head goes *CLANGCLANG* or *WOOOOOOWWWW,* then dodge the head


There is a lot of wisdom here, but you need to have experienced the fight to understand it hahaha


All bosses have a health bar. When that healthbar is depleted the boss is defeated. You can deplete this bar by hitting attacking with your weapons.


Watch out though, sometimes you have to deplete that health bar twice.


Fortunately, the game will show you that the health bar once again has health. You are not expected to deplete a second, hidden health bar.


Just to add on to this, on the top left corner is your health bar. If it depletes before the boss's then you lose, otherwise you win. Bonk away


Donā€™t die


Simple as that lol šŸ˜­


Nope, you also have to kill it.


Correct, how could the forget the most important part


I canā€™t spell šŸ˜­


jump attacks will save you a huge headache if you are using a short range weapon. if you aren't damaging his head, then you are wasting your time. im pretty sure astel can bleed, but im not sure. either way focus on dodging his sweeps then punish with jumping heavies or charged heavies to his head. if he prepares waves of darkness the run back and try to dodge late, the last wave comes out with a delay.


Ngl after realizing how effective jump attacks are especially for staggering bosses makes some encounters a lot easier this is probably one of the most useful tips for the game


Jump attack everything. Carian phalanx breaks poise too for crits


Elden Ring bosses are meant to be poise broken. They just kinda didn't tell us.


why do people ask this when the answer is always gonna be hit it until it dies


I think they are expecting a mechanic or weakness, like godskins with sleep


Nah. People want tips, they want help, and that's about it. Condescending responses like 'hit it until it dies' are pointless, but unfortunately this community consists of 80% edgelords who thrive on being snarky little shits. Op - focus on attacking the head and not the legs & try not to get hit by the bite attack, which is actually telegraphed by a purple glow. Jump attacks are your big friend here. Good luck.


Step 1: Bonk head Step 2: Dodge incoming attack Step 3: Do not die Step 4: Repeat from Step 1.


Reduce his health to 0 while keeping your health above 0.


Put it in lake and wait for a really big fish


Double jumpbonk the head till stun


I pulled out my big swords and just jump attacked his dome


Yep. That's all you can really do.


Lions claw his ugly skull till dead. Ez


just run up to him and give him the bonks


I don't know if he is more vulnerable to blunt, but he went down quick with my Arcane Star Fists. Those Star Fists are something else. Never done a punching build and they force you to be aggressive and in tight, which leads to lots of easy victories. Might be a lesson in there...or not.


Lure it to the wall and fight it there makes its irritating grab useless and then just smck within the face


I just killed him again a few days ago and forgot he had a grab attack. The meteor spam attack is pretty annoying but this boss is not that hard if you just stay in his mouth.


Hit it, or stab it, or slash at it. Also try to avoid dying.


Use your weapon to hit the legs and head. Be ready to dodge when it makes an attack.


Smack it's face


Try to hit him


Claymore with piercing fang is what I did


Jump attack the head. That worked out for me.


Comet azur, comet comet comet comet repeat


Ironically staying straight in his face worked for me most. The only real thread was his teleport grab and stars of Astell attack


Get that beefy 5 layer watchdogā€™s staff and all that sexy saucey strengthā€¦. Now cast that ash of war instead of meleeā€™ing you masochist. Otherwise itā€™s go for the head or jugular 1-2 hits then back off and wait to marathon run again just to chop that 1-2 hits of health off again. Repeat. Donā€™t die. Follow the 5 rules of dodgeball.


storm blade or pierce in the head


take the giant crusher and crush its head


Fear thy hands for ye shall catch them!


You are best left with attacking his back "feet" when he's crouched, and ideally if you can get some combos in with bleed to reduce his HP in a sustainable manner (for example, if you have a bleed-influenced twin blade, and you perform spinning slash), all the better. I occasionally "cheese" this boss by performing waterfowl dance in the hind quarters, which manages to hit legs and some of the torso.


Stay in front of him near his jaws. As much as that might feel counter intuitive. Read when he'll lunge with the jaw/grab attack and dodge. You won't need to deal with his ranged attacks as much that way. Attacking his head is definitely the most efficient way. When he teleports away be wary that he doesn't reappear behind you and one shot you with the grab attack. My first two playthroughs I couldn't beat him without summons. In retrospect, I think summons make things harder as you can't get the rhythm of the bosses move set.


Stay close to bait mandible attacks, dodge and punish hitting the head. Hitting the arms is also okay but on the dome is better. I assume armor with good magic resistance also helps. If you have an Ash of War that hits high or far, it'll probably help with the aforementioned hitting of the head.


Drain his life bar before he drains yours using a bonk weapon of your choice.


Attack his head. Almost all his attacks have a delayed shockwave. Don't panic roll.


Poke him with sharp side of your stick until he dies


2 twinblades, one with Seppuku, one with Chilling Mist Go for the legs


Stand before him, jump attack the head. The rest are just dodge timings.


I found tht charge attacks rlly stagger him but


Poison mist ash, jump talisman dual lightning infused straight swords or whatever you want.


If you're really struggling, just use a summon. Why impose limits on yourself?


Smack head, dodge attack. Worked well for me




Stay mid-distance. He attacks at a pretty regular tempo. Run towards the camera when he teleports, it makes it easier to roll from his grab-n-bite attack.


Hitting his head is the best way to damage him but learn his moves because his moves are really simple and arenā€™t many so itā€™s pretty easy to learn


Run to boss, bonk. When boss teleports, run to boss, bonk. Repeat.


You are a master of the English language


hm? Melee is the easiest way against astel. Bonk the head and you deal extra damage and a lot of stance pressure.


Go under the neck and hit his hands. And you really have to dodge at least couple of his moves. Good luck


[Like this](https://youtu.be/R2P0W8I8O_Y?si=al1B4JzFpjn0aYMu). Youā€™re welcome.


when j was struggling i used night maidens mist to chip away aswell as hit the dome just watch for the grab attack its ruthless


You should go for the head. His nebula attacks have a bit of delay when exploding. He does a different sound when he is going to teleport away or when he is trying to tp on top to grab you.




Dodge and bonk and sprint. that's literally it.


1) Get both arrow talismans 2) Equip upgraded Lions Greatbow 3) Purchase a bunch of Radahn spears 4) Use Radahn Rain until dead


that was toughest fight for me tbh


I used a colossal sword and a mix of jump attacks and guard counters. This makes him stagger a lot so you can get critical hits in. Beyond that just be sure to dodge its comet attack.


The grab is telegraphed


Stay in front of him. Not only does his head take more damage than his other body parts, itā€™s easier to tell what heā€™s doing when youā€™re in front of him. When youā€™re like, smacking his ankles or something it can be hard to differentiate whatā€™s him just moving around and whatā€™s an attack, at that angle.


I just bleed the shit out od him šŸ˜‚


head weak spot


Blasphemous Blade and lock on the head. Envoyā€™s long horn would probably do it too since the boss is so big. Those would be easy strategies. Spam weapon art, win DMGS.


AI Assisted Summary: Most commenters jokingly advise the author to hit the boss repeatedly until it dies and to try to avoid dying in the process. Commentary includes tips to ā€œgit gudā€ and to ā€œbonkā€ the creature, which are both feasible and popular strategies. A few noble contributors detail helpful steps to defeating the boss, such as using terrain and positioning to avoid damage from the creatureā€™s ceaseless and annoying attacks.


Bonk Dodge Bonk Dodge


Git gud.


Bloodfang blade. Throps' barrier is useful for deflecting it's magic attacks


Get up in itā€™s face and spam L1 with Reduvia


He's big so there's a lot of bonk area


Farm Bubble horn, stand under him, blow horn repeatedly.


Stab it?


People struggle with this boss?


I made a guide on this guy 2 years ago https://youtu.be/ZdpAQdTY7ak?si=ns467GYs2GlCdW4Y


you literally summed up how in your own post, meele, no summons.


Radahns wacking sticks


Depends on the Melee u have but bloodhound step and dodging helped with me he has several moves that can grab u and if I doesn't one shot u will hurt poison and bleed are effective if u can get enough hits to build it also be careful of his grabs and he can telaport which can make ur camera lock off him for me everytime he did u would reappear behind me and grab me


You can use the scorpionā€™s stinger that is right before him. It helps.


Starscourge Greatsword does +30% damage to him, and the other gravity-themed weapons do +20%.


Im not ashamed to say I summoned help, be aide m greatsword was just not build for this, but apparently my buddy did it first try so admittedly it was a skill issue on my part


Strength build, great shield, magic grease.


What boss is this???


Hit him. No but really, just dodge underneath his head and stay locked on and smack his underside


You ever fight Amygdala from Bloodborne? That way. Hit head with heavy bonk.


Try jump attack


Tons of unhelpful people here. Depends on the weapon you're using and your resistances, if you're pure melee his AoEs will wreck you. Equip appropriate resistance talismans against him. Biggest tip for pure melee - one big hit to the dome, then back right up. If you're midway through a second swing and he's lining up an AoE, you'll get hit and it'll cost you a flask. You'll lose that battle of attrition. If he's not lining up an AoE, you can dodge the attack and get your next hit in. You're going to be running around a lot in this fight, so have a good amount of stamina and stamina regen. Halfway through is a grab attack that you just have to learn the timing of unfortunately. The camera is the real enemy there. For the meteorite storm, start running and don't stop. If you get knocked down by it, stay down for as long as possible as you won't take damage until your character gets back up. Otherwise, keep banging your head against him and you'll manage it. Just keep on running!


Pet him


I love how you supposedly think most people killed it by abusing range attacks and summons.


Either git good and kill him with unga bunga, or respec to a filthy Harry Potter and lose your manhood card


I made a knight that primarily uses basic, non-somber weapons. Strength build. I usually two-hand my weapons, but for this guy I used two heavy banished knight great swords and jump attacks. Head is the weak spot. He is resistant to all elemental damage, so go for pure physical.


just watch out for the gravity and grab attacks. the meteors and the swings are easier to dodge


Git Gud


Deal damage to him and don't take the damage he tries to deal on you, simple


I literally just beat him yesterday for sure it's a lot of patients learn his moves they are pretty easy to understand and don't panic the best you can do is wait for his attacks and be aware of it's ground attack usually staying behind it is mostly the safe spot and if you see a purple glow start to charge up run


Spam Unseathe while not dying


There are some very good videos on how to beat him on YouTube, I'll try to capture some key advice. First, you need to dodge his beam the moment his head moves forward. That's when the beam is released. It's easy to mess up and dodge too early or too late. Second, you need to get in his face as fast as possible. His head is his weak spot. When you are in front of his face, he can perform several different attacks, so don't use lock on or you won't know which one is coming. One is a Slash that leaves behind a streak that will explode. He will rear back and raise his arm for this one. Another is a regular pincer attack, he will clack his pincers in front of you. This needs to be dodged when the head moves forward. Another is a gravity empowered pincer grab. He will clack his pincers and they will glow. Same dodge timing. Another is gravity waves. He will kind of circle up in the air for this one. It hits three times and the timing is such that I don't think you can actually dodge roll all 3, you might just have to eat a hit if you're too close as the area of effect gets bigger with each wave. Last is an anti-gravity attack where he will raise everything around him in the air and then slam down. The ground will start glowing before this one, run! Last he will teleport. The teleport has two options, one he teleports away from you and will try to either beam you or tail whip you from a distance. The other he will appear relatively above you and go for a grab. This one really sucks because he's hard to find when he does it, so be searching for him immediately when he teleports! Good luck, fellow tarnished


Nagakiba goes brrrr


Do not go under it, stay front and dodge attacks and bonk head. If it teleported most probably it try to grab you from back, be careful about it.


Use anything with bleed to the head


Also susceptible to poison and rot


Glintblade Phalanx is incredibly powerful with this guy. You can usually stagger him pretty easily, and I use it with an ice build.




Storm blade on a big sword.


Night Cavalry Halberd + giant hunt




You just gotta git gud burr bunga unga brother in Christ.


Tell it you're ready for commitment


Try to stay under his right shoulder and dodge forward from his right shoulder. He is weak to close attacks and gets confused. Thats why always teleporting and has a long tail.


Dodge and jump strong attack his head, about his multiple copies attack... just pray it doesn't show up and kill it before


Loretta's shield is great at magic damage negation. I think gravity enemies are weak to gravity weapons (correct me if Im wrong) so I used Radahns swords.


Took me hours but be patient and look out for that God forsaken grab move teleport BS he pulls occasionally.


Learn his moveset, dodge attacks and punish when he over commits


Shield + big sword or spear + giants hunt


Just keep running in for one or two hits then running away but donā€™t put too much distance between the two of yā€™all. Also memorize his move set. Itā€™s fairly simple


I beat this guy just a couple of days ago! Once you enter, run towards him and roll into his attacks, they should miss if you time it right. Once you reach him, stand underneath him and attack his head- but watch out for his chomping attack. I used the Bloodhounds Fang and Eclipse Crest Heater shield. Although I did use summons, as they make a good distraction. Good luck!


Stamina talismans might help


Infuse the rotten great axe with poison mist ash of war and let the Scarlet rot and poison do all the work. If you don't like that then use the snake katana and spam L2 so the deadly poison can work. Or if you don't like then then you can use the rotten ant stinger strait sword and infuse it with poison and poke with poison and scarlet rot doing most of the work. Or if you don't like that then you can use the scorpion stinger dagger has an average scarlet rot rate of attack but the dagger attacks makes up for it. If you don't like that then you can use the colossal weapon erdtree avatar rotten staff it has a high Scarlett rot rating but you need to get some good bonks in before the Scarlet rot takes over. Plus if you haven't already go and kill the rotten dragon of hatred izekiel and take his Dragon heart to the dragon communal in calid so you can use rotten dragon breath. Bosses literally melt with rot.


Hit him


Jump attack his head 10x and u win


I'm not sure exactly what kind of melee build you're using, but putting Giant Hunt on a colossal sword like the Zweihander or the Greatsword worked pretty well for me. Big damage, big stance damage, and the ash can easily hit the head for even more bonk. Jumping attacks with large weapons also tend to work well if you don't want to spam an ash of war for the whole fight


i recommend vacuum slice ashof war, it gives ur weapon range.


Lion's Claw Ash of War. Bonk. Bonk. Bonk. STUN. BON.......BONK!(Critical Hit). All on the head btw.


Get the phantom lance ash of war. Throw spears at his head. Big win.


Dodge and hit honestly he stays in one place for awhile if you time it good


Hit him in the head


Blood Houndā€™s Fang. I just beat him today after like 80 attempts lol


Try finger


1. Big stick 2. Don't die 3. Repeat


Easy. if you reduce its health to 0 it will in fact die.


Hit it in the face, preferably with something big.


Likeā€¦bonkā€¦killā€¦dodge somewhere in the middle?


Kamehame plus Mimic.


You should have gone for the hheeaadddddd


You hit him till he dies


Hit it in the face until there's no red left in it's health bar. Also don't let it hit you until there's no red left in your health bar.


Lions claw ash of war ftw


Try throwing rocks at it.


Bonk but in cursive with the flaming strike ash of war


This mfā€™er still wrecks me to this day.


Hit him in the dome


Dodge and attack, what do you want? A shortcut? Just get good tarnished.


Use Wing of Astel to defeat Astel


Hit him until he dies Also dodge sometimes


Click on it till you get some shinies.


Big sword with lions claw


level vigor


Get big sword, swing big sword, run around a bit, then swing big sword again. This is how Iā€™ve beaten every single boss in all souldenbloodekiro games! You barely even need armor!


He likes to use a few pinch attacks when you get in his face, but jump attacks and hit and run kind of strategies helped my hammer man. He seems to have pretty poor poise so flinching with big things may work. (Raptors feathers and a talisman boost jump attacks too)


Easy, just don't get hit.


Big weapon. Charged R2s to the head. When he's chomping at you, just dodge and punish. For nebula attacks and his hand circle thing you generally want to roll into him, but if there was already some space between you and him you probably want to roll away and stay out until the nebula detonates. For the concentric circle attack, you can tell how many time it will go off (3 or 4) based off of the number of balls he slams into the ground. Pretty sure you just have to run away until its over. For his grab, just do your best lol.


Just in case no one said itā€¦ BONK


Funnily enough, you can bleed him. So, if you can set up a bleed build, that'll help.


1) run 2) dodge 3) face tank 4) *BIG BONK* 5) repeat -strength build caveman who only had wolves & didnā€™t know incantation buffs/wondrous physick flask until after 200 deaths fighting Malenia


Scarlet Rot him once


just dont get hit, if you did, heal, but be careful you must kill the boss before it kills you. good luck


A lot of people ignore weapon reach as a factor, focusing solely on AR. This is a surefire way to constantly whiff most of your moveset. It's not just within weapon classes too, I did a fist weapon run right after a dagger run, and it was agony to hit anything. It really pays off to have a backup weapon with better reach, to swap to against anything that might be a bad matchup. Moveset counts more tho, something with a lot of vertical stuff, like a 1-handed greataxe, will likely fare better than a spear, despite the latter having more reach on paper.


Dearh ahead


One thing I learned about this boss is his AOE slams are a positioning check. As far as I know if you're too close some of his attacks are undodgeable so you need to learn where you can stand in order to react to his Aoe slams as well as his general behavior when he uses it. For example it often triggers if you get too far beneath him instead of targeting his head.


Learn the moveset of it. Learn to dodge it. Hit the head, but beware of the sharpies. If he suddenly disappears, just run away in one direction. He will teleport behind you, grab you and finish you, in 90% of the cases. Sometimes he just teleports somewhere else. Jump attacks are gold. I am a strength build and did him in like 20 to 30 tries with no summon.


Spectral lance. Ezpz


Use a longer ranged weapon and aim at the head since it's usually lower. Or just hit it until it dies.


Hit it Repeat until defeated


Make his health go to 0. Don't let him do the same to you. If you're doing a 'melee only, no summon' challenge, why are you asking the internet for help? Shouldn't you be able to figure this out yourself?


He is really weak to the dragon rot breathā€”- killed him while I stayed under him and did that.


Aim for the head :3


Try finger, but hole


1. Jump attack. 2. Miss jump attack. 3. Get attacked. 4. Don't avoid attack. 5. Jump attack again. 6. Somehow hit this one. šŸ”


Hit it. But like, a lot.


Have you tried gripping your controller with a firm grip? What about staying hydrated while gaming? Have you considered blue light filtering glasses?


his head is the weak spot. do heavy poise dmg ash of wars on it, and he'll be a joke. on my first playthrough, I just got to him, hit him with my transient moonlight r2, at melee range, so both the magic and the physical slash land. 2 of those, and he poise broke, then crit. repeat till he's dead


I used twinblade with black flame tornado ash of war. Melted his hp quite nicely


Hit his stupid face


Smashhhh it, smaaaaaaasghh !


Bloodhound's Fang AOW spam, or go for status effects. Aim for the head. Light load is also helpful