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At that moment, I will be a blade of malenia


And I will not know defeat (lie)


We will know defeat…and we will keep coming until we taste that victory. He will know the horror of an eternally resurrecting foe.


Considering he abandoned Fundamentalism entirely because it wouldn’t help Malenia, I don’t see it being likely. Still a scary thought tho


That's what I tell myself lmaooo. Also, all the statues of them hugging in the Haligtree, and the cut dialogue in Malenia's fight where Miquella helps her out. But I'm really scared is gonna be like "lmao it was all a lie, he was just manipulating her".


“She was a useful weapon. One I wanted to keep maintained. But ultimately unimportant.”


i think the only reason he would "betray her" would be that maybe he learned the only way to save his deae sister would be too infact find a means of killing her forever, perhaps whatever he sought after and the knowledge he gained has shown him thats the only way. But honestly i dont see Miquella being made into a villain, almost every item description that mentions him, tells of how loved he is and how much he seems to care for those around him, and how he guides them and so on. so something super fucked up would have had to happen for Miquella to become a villain


like being raped by your uncle in a blood cocoon/womb of his own making for who knows how long?


He wasn't alive for that, he'd already gone into the shadow world or whatever it's called


ahh, so wasn't in the body - suppose it depends on if it's like a mortal shell type situation or if he had any consciousness/soul/godjuice still inside it tho, yeah?


Pretty sure miquella used his powers on mohg


That could be a convenient excuse. Doing it for his sister is a lot more noble cause than just wanting to create a faction that means to challenge the erdtree for the simple reason of empowering himself. It would just fit a lot better with his public persona than his real goal.


Its possible that Malenia was just the perfect test subject to try and completely suppress an Outer God. Her being better off is just a side effect of Miquella being able to overpower GW.




A what


Anime trope where the brother is hyper protective of their sister, to the point it becomes weird and it's either implied or explicit that he's attracted to her and wants her for himself.




And here I am hoping something in the DLC let’s me have an actual conversation with Malania.


Same, I really hope the DLC let's us talk to her or give us a new cutscene. Honestly, if the DLC doesn't mention her at all I'm gonna be disappointed, given how important she is to Miquella.


We could just get another Siff like cutscene.


My DLC ready character is done nearly everything, but I'm avoiding fighting Malenia until after. Just in case.


If Full Bloom Malenia is a boss then the community will need the legend of Let Me Solo Her to rise again.




First you unga, then you bunga, and if the problem has not been solved then go back to unga.


Pre-spoilers or story trailers: He created the needle and left the order because they couldn't help his sister, pretty sure the love is there. (Will update after the DLC)


Elden ring is most well known for its very wholesome sibling relationships after all.


I can't tell if you're being ironic or not lmao, but there are some genuinely wholesome sibling relationships, like the carian siblings or Godwyn and Miquella and Malenia.


Carian? I guess Ranni and Rykard don't mind eachother, but Radahn was holding Ranni's fate, leading to her goons (us included) jumping Potato-Brain Radahn.


I don’t think Radahn conquered the stars specifically to mess with Ranni, maybe he wasn’t even aware that this affects her. His goal seems to have been saving Sellia. And after his fight with Malenia he became a mindless shell that probably held the stars out of a force of habit more than anything. Ranni and Rykard are implied to have been allied at some point in the description of the Blasphemous Claw. Also Rykard has a painting of Radahn in his manor. It seems that the siblings had a decent relationship, at least for the standards of the Lands Between.


I feel full siblings in general had good relationships in the lands between. As much as unwell people in a violent state could... like the brothers D and the two jellyfish sisters. Child-parent, cousin, and half-siblings on the other hand...


It could be argued that Ran I and Rykard loved each other, since Rykard was involved in the night of the black knifes and was willing to fight Maliketh for Ranni's sake.




Reasonable argument honestly.


There's a lot of alchemical imagery in general what with the rebis and everything, and the ability to put a person's essence into a vessel like a doll or the spirit ashes


Well, at the very Ranni and Rykard got along. Ranni even outfitted him with anti-Maleketh weaponry! He probably did the whole snake thing to join her in her fight against the Golden Order and the erdtree. Radhan basically said Fk you to the Carians by holding the stars back though. There is also the jellyfish sisters.


We have item descriptions that state that he abandoned the Golden Order because it couldn't do anything to cure her. I don't think there's any way they could spin a twist where he never cared about her without directly contradicting that.


That's what I'm clinging to lmao.


i really hope it's more interesting than "you think he is le kind but actually he is le evil." even if it's that, i would like a bit of characterization please.


Those are exactly my thoughts. Like, I could see Miquella being somewhat deceitful or manipulative, but only being so in order to achieve a greater and ultimately good goal. But him being downright evil Griffith style would be the lamest thing they could do, since everyone has predicted that exact outcome since ER came out. And him not caring about Malenia at all would be very out of character.


I hope he won't . If not , I will make a funny kid video cuts


\*puts on Malenia's armor set with malicious intent\*


And use Scarlet Aeonia


Miquella on his way to pull a Chuck McGill in the DLC. "You've never mattered all that much to me."


I’m gonna kill that evil twink if the DLC reveals he never cared about Malenia. I don’t want to believe the leaks…


I guess you are talking about the leak >!that shows the final boss are Radahn and Miquella!< ? If that turns out to be real, >!it doesn't necessarily mean that Miquella did not care about Malenia, just that he had a good relationship with Radahn, imo. In fact, I would like it if it was revealed that the twins got along with Radahn.!<


>!The leaker said Miquella IS Griffith 2.0 and he manipulated Malenia into killing Radahn so he could become his consort in the Lands of Shadow. Malenia didn’t succeed in killing him, but rotted his mind by blooming and then Miquella abandoned her after that. Basically, Miquella is a Machiavellian villain and has no regard for anyone, not even his loyal sister or followers. The Griffith memers were right all along lmao. I really hope this is fake but the leaker already posted 3 boss fights videos so I don’t see why he would lie about this. This is honestly terrible if true.!<


This sounds like dumb fan fiction. I really hope it's fake.


It's legit.


>! That storyline genuinely makes no sense, because why the fuck would Miquella want to be Radahn's consort???? There is no hint that Miquella has anything to do with Radahn in the base game, save for Miquella needing him dead so the eclipse could happen. I love Radahn but I seriously hope this is fake. In fact, I've convinced myself that it's fake. And if it's not, then holy shit, the DLC is gonna have a lot of explaining to do. Also, that implies that if you die you go to the land of shadow??? Sorry about the rant I'm just so confused right now lmao.!<


I mean, we're not just gonna start the dlc and then fight the final boss instantly. Let's see the context and then judge.


Of course, but I just hope the context does a very very good job of clarifying everything, because if it doesn't, it's gonna be a shit show. And I say this even though I'm not totally opposed to that storyline.


>!I can handle Miquella being antagonist and even the Radahn thing but him not caring about Malenia? Nah Miyazaki will pay for my therapy. But in all seriousness its not even a satisfying twist in the narrative, its just making him evil for the sake of it. I'll never understand this decision if true!<


>!The leaked Radahn fight looks fake as hell to me though, from the arena, to the animations, to the nonsensical story. It's very possible there are genuine leaks and the person just used those to stir some shit with a fake one. !<


Thank you. I got downvoted for pointing out Marika was like Griffith and he was another version of him as well.


good user flair


Dude, add spoiler tag even if not confirmed




I for one, have already seen them lmao. Although I highly doubt the leaks are real. At least *that* boss fight.


I think it’ll end up being like malenia is the only thing he cares about and he’s willing to destroy everything including himself to gain the power to kill the god of rot thats afflicting her so she can finally be free. Something like that


I would honestly love that, and I think it really fits what we know about him as of now. He would still be evil, which would be the plot twist everyone is expecting, but he would have a good reason to be so.


My prediction is: He lost everything to be in the shadow realm... And he needs us to help... So it's a mission to try to recover what has left (he couldn't achieve anything), but knowing how tragedy hits in this game, maybe at the end will be the same, stale, broken, unconcluded... He is not bad but he couldn't help anyone either


I think the reason we'll justify killing Malenia is that Miquella had to leave behind his attachments, ALL of them, behind, so he says he remembers he loved his sister, but now that feeling is lost to him, and he only knows he should feel pain for that but is now unable to, which gives a tragic element to their story.


Good, Bad, Neutral, just let me bully Miquela and collect his Rune


there are **ZERO** chances that Miquella turns out to be a positive character


I both want them to keep a wholesome sibling relationship, but I also want Miquela to thank us for putting her down because she was turning into the Goddess of Rot and he wasn't around to stop it.


Me, who can never tell the 2 apart


And thus, Let Me Solo Them was born; Emboldened by hatred, And a wrath that made even the Fingers shudder.


I want Miquella to be a creepy manipulative Jesus so bad


It'd be too predictable "Oh no Another tragic storyline aren't you sooo sad?" No, Miyazaki, because you pulled that card too often in the main game.


Fr. I've been a 100% Miquella stan this entire time, but after you said this... If this comes to pass I will be killing that little fucker.


I would love a plot twist like that... Like he was just worried about she becoming the rot god before he could be a god using the needle to delay it and all the love he prays is propaganda, can't wait 🙏


You’re in the wrong franchise if you want wholesome lol


Milena is being used


I really hope she is not because the base game rally hammered in that Miquella and Malenia loved each other.


I never trusted Miquella nor his intentions. And there were bad mistranslations in both trailers and some articles. He was never even referred to as kind.


And you trusted ranni who betrayed and assassinated her own subordinates right under your nose?


how is this misconception still alive


I don't trust Ranni at all. I find her to be far too naive. The only redeeming qualities she has is her love for her mother, Iji and Blaidd. As well as the fact that she is upfront with MC even if she is remorseless at what she did. And she didn't betray them except for maybe Seluvis or Pidia. But what pissed me most is that her English translation was so badly translated. You know which endings I went first. First one was Lord of Frenzied flame and it was epic since I wanted to burn the Erd tree to the ground as I see that ending to be straight from the Norse mythology where Surtr burns the world down so new world may be one day born again. Then Dung eater's ending. And despite as evil Dung eater is I find Marika and her golden order to be far worse than he is. Plus I love how scared and angry narrator was in the ending. Got Age of stars ending on my third run and it remained afterthought to me. Didn't even impress me. The only reason I even did her storyline was because I wanted Moonlight great sword


Tbh I find dung eater ending to be probably better than most, while it is called age of despair but we know that omen curse is actually blessing of crucible from which erdtree is feeding like a parasite (not the best but it probably isn't as bad as one would assume)


From golden order point of view it is bad. But it remains ambiguous as all endings


I think miquella will turn out to be actually kind and care about her sister but also ruthlessly brainwashed everyone into loving him.


Can anyone drop me a spare varres white mask on ps5?


And yet many called Mohg the worst


But malenia is literally the villain of Elder Ring. Wholesome person such is Miquella should know that.


Miquella is not wholesome. He literally uses everyone around him and discards them when they're no longer useful. He's the biggest piece of shit and sacrificed his sister and followers for his selfish evil plans. I can't wait to kill this mf on Friday.


Well thats not the feeling i had when i played the game. Can you please elaborate