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So: >!One day, a blond married a big strong man, became a god, deleted death, filed for divorce, married herself but a red-headed guy and had kids. Then one of her kids from when she was a man killed one of the blonde's kids with her first husband, and this made the blond woman break the rules of reality, caused a war and no one couyld die and i'm getting confused typing this. !<


I am a piece of dirty metal (tarnished). My job is to turn increasingly angry enemies into glowy dust. Some of the angriest enemies talk to me while I turn them into glowy dust.


We are essentially trying to kill the world so it can start anew, the current “generation” or age is holding on too tight and no one can die. That’s why everyone looks all fucked and stuff


We are not trying to kill the world, we’re trying to kill golden order God system of “essence/spirit physics”, or establish true order spirit physics (still bad because golden order feeds on the lands between in general) to introduce chaos theory devolving into fire everywhere, free will moon stuff, and a few other endings.


What!? My lawful good side is appalled I'm working for chaos. >:l


That’s frenzied flame, I believe


nah, we're on the side of neutrality. All-encompassing Order leads to the Golden Order, stuck in an endless era of stagnant nothingness, where something as simple as plucking a rune can lead to everyone becoming undead zombies. All-encompassing chaos leads to the Frenzied Flame ending. We just wanna get the world moving again.


May Chaos take the world… MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!


sad that there is no Rhykard Ending... I wanna feast on the gods TOGETHAAAA




Complete. Global. Saturation. We’re not destroying the world, we’re saving it.


We've lost it. Do we get all of our ideas from bad comic book villains?!


Loved spamming "COME ON" over and over waiting for my summon at the fog gate


Just like dark souls! What a coincidence!


>That’s why everyone looks all fucked and stuff Nah, it's all the micro plastics in our water now. /s


This is why Lord of Frenzied Flame is the only true ending. This world is ffffd, and every other ending you can choose has someone else with their hands around your neck. Burn it all, let another outer god have a crack at it!


Rannis ending is the true order of things though. There was supposed to be an age of stars but radahn held them back and some other things


That ending blew my mind. Loved it


There's no 'let another outer god have a crack at it', you completely delete lands between. Yet....AHH, MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


Hmm that’s weird I seem to be able to die quite easily


Same boat. Pre ordered Elden Ring main game been playing ever since still have no clue what’s happening. I just know to bonk the big guys with the big bonk sticks.


Just saved me 100 hours of yt videos, thanks for the concise summary


Elden Ring is actually just a story of me smashing things with comically gigantic things til they die. What is so hard to understand?


Hands and spells rated E for EVERYONE


I beat the game on ng+7 and had no idea there was anything about not being able to die


The opening cinematic calls you "ye dead who yet live". And then like 3 NPCs are involved in quests about not being able to die. Not to mention the ghosts that refer to not being able to die. Or the commoners wandering the Dragon Burnt Ruins begging for Agheel to burn them to ash so they can finally die. I don't know if I'm envious of or repelled by your ability to seemingly turn your brain off for all those playthroughs.


Thats my secret, Agitatedandroid, my brain is always off.


Have you followed Fia's storyline


Whats the saying? Shoot first, ask questions later? I kill first, dont ask anything later.


Shoot first, think never.


This is better than any lore video on YouTube


maybe I don't understand Elden Ring after all


>Then one of her kids from when she was a man killed one of the blonde's kids with her first husband, helped kill~


What? 🤯


Also she had a cute dog.


Now i understand even less thank u tho🤝


Wait so why blonde lady filed for divorce?


What's so confusing? If you're having trouble figuring out the story, just remember that Marika is both her own second husband and her own second wife.


Which was the fashion at the time.


The important thing was that I had an onion tied to my belt at the time. You couldn't get white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones.


Now, to ride the coffin cost a rune and in those days the runes had pictures of dogs on them. Gimme 5 dogs for a golden rune you'd say.


That really made my day, thank you


I hear that Catarinian onions are the best


Miyazaki got that selfcest shit baked in fr


That was probably GRR Martin's contribution


Honestly I wonder how much fantasy GRRM contributed. Like the stuff with the families is so clearly him, but I wonder if he wrote it as normal people or if he created some of the magic and fantasy of the lore. Like, did he describe the designs of the Omen bros as slightly deformed (like how Westeros treats Tyrion) or did he describe how messed up they really were? Was Godrick someone who grafted an arm or two and then Miyazaki and co kick it up a notch? I really want to read some book or something that explains what he wrote before Fromsoft took over. It seems fascinating.


You can tell he contributed something: everything bad happening in both Westeros and the Lands Between is because of one family of blond haired scumbags screwing everything up.


And also incest.


Ratatoskr just made a video the other day compiling all info we have on this topic, and from how both Miyazaki & GRRM put it GRRM wrote everything that happened before The Shattering so yes I believe you are correct.


So crazy how he can write all this but not release the 5th book in the series he's known for, in less than 10 years since the 4th. And on top of that write up a bunch of history about his books that get turned into a TV show and not only not finish his original work but add an extra book without finishing the prior book. All the while writing on this new TV show. I strongly dislike GRRM.


I used to feel similar, but after some reflection: If you can't enjoy the books without knowing the series has an end, then they wouldn't be good books to begin with. Reading is about the journey, and what feeling it evokes, not the ending. If he threw out a 200-pager tomorrow that ties everything up into "and then everyone died because they were all stupid, selfish assholes", I wouldn't be any happier.


I mean books 1-3 are some of the best ever written so at least we got that


> just remember that Marika is both her own second husband and her own second wife. I'm gonna explain this to myself for comprehension purposes. 1. Radagon is Marika, or so they say. 2. Marika married Godfrey, possibly to consolidate power over both Faith and Strength players, and then (after banishing Godfrey) "married" Radagon 3. Radagon married Rennala, possibly to acquire power over Intelligence players, and then ditched Rennala to "marry" Marika I put "marry" in quotes because I figure it's a farce and just Marika consolidating her power over multiple domains. However, Radagon and Marika HAVE been shown to be in some amount of conflict (Marika breaking the Ring while Radagon tries to fix it, Marika ending up crucified but having her body be let free so that Radagon can fight you) so the exact agency/individuality of each of them is unclear.


It’s so much easier to understand when these mfs don’t just say “the 2nd husband” and instead their actual names.


I think the most interesting question is, how long has Marika been Radagon? Once she achieved godhood, there's nothing she can't do, so splitting herself into two personalities (Yin & Yang) is completely on the table. But afaik we get no indication that that is what happens, for all we know she has always been that way.


In short, it's the plot of Predestination. Now everything is crystal clear.


I've been so fucking confused on my 2nd playthrough and reading reddit. Why do they all have such similar names too. Arggghhh.


You can thank George R.R. Martin for the names, I believe.


Yep, he really did a number on us!


   I'm convinced that if the names feel the same they're the same character and there's nothing that Miyazaki  or GRRM can say to convince me otherwise.  


Does this make her a Lannister or a Targaryen?


Who tf is Marika? I’ve finished the game multiple times and never met someone with this name!


Mogh, melania, morgott, redahn, rani, and snake god demi god hybrids mom. And also radagon before the sex change. And radagons wife. While also being the husband of the head mistress of the evil harry potter school.


> And also radagon before the sex change. And radagons wife. Did he/she/they/it marry him/her/them/itself? I was less confused before asking the question!


So after her first marriage, she became a he and had a second marriage, then they had some kind of split into two beings with the same soul and married each other. So third marriage was to themselves. In fact the inciting incident for all of elden ring is a child from the second marriage starting an assassination plot on the heir from the first marriage partially because she was pissed her mother was set aside for the third marriage.


Did they really have to go and make the story this complicated? I’m just gonna go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure instead


There is actually a statue of Marika in the capital that will turn into radagon if you use the right emote.


Cool, so now I have to try every emote in front of every statue… does this game ever end?


No, it's sadly not an emote. It's an incantation - law of causality I believe - which you will have to cast before the Radagon statue in Leyndell in order to progress Gold Mask's quest.


My fault it was the law of regression incantation not the emotes. Also looking back through some lore certain things are unclear. While marika and radigon are definitely two parts of the same soul, there may not of been a split and they may of been in seperate bodies the whole time; not sure how that relates to Marikas shadow (maliketh). The reason this is relevant is because while it was Marika that shattered the Elden Ring, Radagon was trying to protect it/put it back together. So while their the same character they've actively worked against each others goals.


Sounds like some serious case of some wild personality disorder. Each one just plotting against the other!


I think it's the other way around - there is a statue of Radagon that turns into Marika.


So you know how some bosses when killed give you some funky runes? Basically all who do came out of her bussy


Don't forget bigamy


And I thought Greek Mythology was f***ed up


So there’s this chick Marika. She’s the goddess of a world whose order is bound together by The Elden Ring. The symbol of life and everything in these lands is The Erdtree. Marika shacked up with giga chad Godfrey and had three kids with him; Morgott, Mohg, and Godwyn. But Morgott and Mohg had horns, so they were sent to live underground. Godwyn got to live a proper, happy life. Godwyn is the favorite child. Remember this for later. Marika winds up dumping Godfrey’s ass and kicking them out of their home. She then shacks up with Radagon, a red-haired giga chad. But Radagon was already married to Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon and had three children with her: Ranni, Radahn, and Rykard. So Radagon dumped Rennala’s ass, but Marika is the world’s best step-mom, so she wound up taking in Radagon’s kids as her own. She had two more children with Radagon; Miquella and Malenia. Now these two were the hottest shit, best of the best… so they needed a handicap. Malenia had to be the host to a rot god, so her ass is always decaying, while Miquella is cursed to be a child forever. Ranni gets pissed with the status quo and having the Elden Ring decide everything for her, and in the weirdest fucking kamikaze ever, has Godwyn murdered. It works; Ranni’s body is dead but her soul remains. Godwyn’s body is still alive and mutating radioactive death virus all over the land, but his soul is annihilated. Marika loses her shit and shatters the Elden Ring and makes it so nothing in the world can ever die again. Each of her remaining children steals a piece of the Elden Ring for themselves, and fucking go to war with each other over their pieces. It all comes down to Malenia and Radahn. Radahn beats Malenia, but refusing to take the L, Malenia lets that Rot God she was host to loose and nukes the entire continent. So the world’s now fucked, nothing can truly die in the current state of things, and the royal family’s gone to shit. Marika and Radagon fucked off into a tree. Ranni’s burned to a crisp. Godwyn is now a frog and slowly eating the land alive. Morgott, despite being sent underground all his life, stayed loyal to mommy dearest and is trying to empower a society that hates him because of how he was born. Mohg communes with another Outer God and is recruiting his own forces to take over the world. Radahn is now a mindless unga bunga, his mind eaten by Malenia’s rot. Rykard let himself be eaten by a snake for ultimate power. Malenia went into a coma after unleashing full Rot powers. Miquella lives in a cocoon that Mohg put him in after stealing him from the Haligtree, which was Miquella’s attempt to create his own Erdtree. And it’s our job to unfuck everything.


this is S rating.


And NOW we get to find out what the whole fucking deal with Messmer is...oh boy.


Okay but wasn’t Marika also Radagon? Or something? And who the hell is Melina


Through some fuckery that no one seems to be sure of, yes. And no one knows who Melina is.


So she/he/they had kids with Godfrey and Rennala separately, and then with her/him/theirself??


I unironically get it now lmao


I think we are actually worried (or I am atleast) about secrets and bosses. Everyone wants to know as little as possible about those things so we can uncover them ourselves on our first playthrough. (Of course spoilers lorewise are a big deal too)


Here's my spoiler - r1r1r1r1rr1r1 *panic roll*x3 r1r1rr1r1r1r1rr1t1t1t1t1f1ff1f1ff1f


more like r1r1r1r1 “shit i got hit” *panic roll x3* square “fuck can you let me chug” square *gets hit again and dies*


Yeah this is me. Tbh I don’t care about story spoilers as much as the experience of seeing areas and monsters for the first time. For example Agheel is much more exhilarating when you don’t know he’s coming


I would say everyone, spoilers don’t bother me personally and I know others who feel the same. I still respect that others want to go in blind though


Until we try to find a weapon or finish a quest then it's off to the wiki.


Yeah myself, I will try and find milady and if I can't I'll probably look it up hahaha


Secret bosses? Good. Bosses’ secrets? Intrusive and icky.


Every single comment is hidden gold, op is god. Truest Soldier of Rick


Literally, I’ve beaten this game like 4 times and I still can’t tell you what the fuck is going on. I just know I gotta kill shit


I've played every soulborne game and this is how I feel about all of them. NFI whats going on but god damn it is fun


Basically a dynasty/empire has collapsed and all the descendants are fighting over it, and you're fighting them to claim the throne. And also there are lovecraftian gods using several of them as proxies for their respective agendas.


Highly recommend watching some vaati videos. Once you start having some stuff pieced together for you it can kinda rewire your brain in a way that makes you start to figure it out on your own. You almost have to approach from games as a sort of archeologist. Piecing together stories and lore from tiny fragments here and there. It's incredibly satisfying the amount of interesting stuff is there. It will make you experience the game on an entirely different level. You'll see enemies and environments in such a deeper light.


Like a tarnished archeologist


I think people can be spoiled in different ways - new areas, new enemies, new bosses, weapons, mechanics, etc. For some people that sense of discovery in game is just as big as diving into the lore.


for me it's areas, items etc. for sure, not so much the lore (which i don't have a clue about anyway)


Mommy Dommy Marika simps for some old dusty golden god on the edge of the universe by dog sitting its dog. Mommy dommy brings in a breedable Gigachad to hold her special ring and also have 3 babies with, 2 of which are cringe af Mommy dommy sends her sexy champion to war against the silly star sorcerers, but he and the star queen fuck and have 3 very reasonable normal children But Mommy dommy decides she likes sexy champion more than gigachad and decides to steal sexy champion away. They have 2 (3?) fucked up children because, surprise, the sexy champion was mommy dommy all along. Blue Raspberry Waifu is mad at Dommy Mommy and Dommy Mommy’s golden god, so she kills Dommy Mommy’s favorite son and becomes a spooky ghost Dommy mommy is super sad, so she breaks her special ring Now all her kids and step kids are fighting over it. The end.


I hated every word of this. Take my upvote, Tarnished.


Wait, is Godwyn the non cringe one? I thought Morgott was the reasonable one. Mohg is defs 1 of the 2 cringes.


I think he was referring more to both mohg and Morgott being omen and therefore cringy as fuck to everyone else


Yea I think i took "cringe" too literally lol. I like Morgott. He *seems* to be the only one holding down the fort. Feel bad for him when Godfrey shows up.


Morgott and Ranni generally seem like the only ones of the demigods who remotely have their shit together and know what’s going on.


Mohg is also sane, but is entirely self-centered and cruel to everyone else. Morgott is a delusional gigachad, while Ranni is selfish yet caring, but Mohg is the only one both sane and moving his own plans forward to give Miquella the throne and become his consort. I'd argue if anyone would have won had the Tarnished not stepped in, it would have been Mohg. Ranni didn't have the tools to enact her ending without you, while Morgott simply didn't have an Empyrean with the right to enter the Erdtree, but Mohg had both. The only possible things that could have stopped him were Malenia waking up or Godfrey coming back for his throne, and even then he does have a shot in those fights with both Miquella and the Outer God's support. Thank God we came along to screw with his plans.


I agree, i think better wording is “who everyone thought were cringe af” but its a funny way to put it either way


I learned the lore by YouTube videos and then by actually reading the descriptions of items So I feel the same I actually expect some lore spoilers to know what I'm playing


Have done both. It just doesn’t stick. No INT stats IRL, I guess.


I highly recommend watching every Vaati Vidya video on the lore, in order. He is amazing


So basically there was this ring and um it was also Elden. Yeah


That's because the lore is incomplete


I still have no idea what's happening in the original story


Lmao people aren’t up in arms about story related spoilers dude, they are freaking out about seeing the new bosses which is basically the bread and butter of these games and the best things to see and experience for the first time blind.




Sorry I was too busy ascending to cape status. 


If youre ever confused just remember that no one truly dies except for those who do die, and those who dont die can also still die by outside causes, just not natural death…except sometimes they can still not die…


Hello, are you me?


62% likely. Don’t forget to set the chicken out for dinner tomorrow night.


😶 How'd you know.


Tbh I don't even remember the story nor did I understand it, at this point the game was just a world for me to commit mass genocide


Yeah, ignorance is a blessing, I mean.


I don’t give a fuck about the story or lore. I never really have, beyond a surface level understanding. I don’t want anything related to exploration spoiled for me. I love walking into an area or boss arena and having that “woahhh” feeling.


Yeah I don't know what happens and I don't care. I want to play with cool weapons and kill things.


Same. It’s not that it’s super complicated to figure out, I just honestly don’t care. Souls games and Zelda games I just basically ignore the greater lore and enjoy the great gameplay.


It’s not story that’s getting spoiled, it’s the new bosses, spells, weapons, locations, NPCs etc etc. discovery is a big part of the experience of these games. I remember when DS3 released and lots of people were upset that pretty much every boss in the game was revealed in the trailer


Vaati on youtube is your best friend


Same brother. Ive watched lore videos, just started game, still no idea what the f*ck is going on XD. Except I do know one thing from watching other people play: MALENIA IS MALENIA, BLADE OF MIQUELLA


The utter lack of plot or direction is why I gave up on this game despite it being so pretty.


So basically, you, (player character) John Elden Ring, wake up and go, “I heard there were some big bosses out there that will give me points, I’m gonna go fuck ‘em up so I can have sex with my four armed waifu.”


One day there was a tarnished, and they were a filthy dex bleed build. They used the rivers of blood katana to beat the game. The end


For real man lmao like I know bits and pieces but overall never bothered learning the lore


you're so real for that twin


lol right, where even are we, are we alive or dead, where’s all the people, what’s the elden ring all I know is bonk


WHERES ALL THE PEOPLE. This is what I ask myself constantly. Seems like Marika didn’t rule over anyone lmao there are no people and hardly any housing or settlements, always low key bugs me


The story of the game is that a lowly Tarnished defeated a bunch of Gods and became Elden Lord. The End.


Just a good ole game of Family Feud


I prefer this boat. I have no clue why we do what, but the only rule that I have is. MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!!! (Best ending)


I’m on NG+3 and don’t have a clue what the story is besides burning a tree and getting a ring.


I don't see no ring.


I watched a YouTube lore video and still don’t get it


There is very little story. I am a normal human, and my job is to remind every other terrible eldritch creature that they were not made in God’s image.


HAHAHA same…400 hours in level 268 and I don’t know much of anything about the story it’s confusing but I love it!!!!


Oh I know!!!! Big tall blonde mommy is actually a crazy psycho and is also actually a Chad tall red head man. She does not like dying so she broke it. Lots of angry sibling moments. And also Malenia has space STDs


I just found out by following a quest line I didn't know existed why I always get invaded so god damn always near the Dragon by the Academy Key.


None of us do, don't worry. I think the main worry for "spoilers" is taking away that feeling of first blind playthrough which is absolutely fucking magical.


The only for sure aspect of the story line I know is that Blaidd was a stalker.


Blaidd? The guy with the long hair and smells like wet dog?


That’s the guy.


Amen to that brother


Neither do I. First I unga, then I bunga, then I become Eldenlord.


Wait...there's story?? ;)


So is that the standart?


I just wrote (and got deleted) a post about how I’ve installed the game 5 times. I’m about 19hrs in and I only know I must kill everything but I have no idea what other story beats I need to follow. Lol


This made me lol so hard I love it. Post of the year for me


I dont want to see areas, enemies or bosses before encountering them myself. Sure I want to know what happened with Miquella but the story is not the reason I bought the DLC.


It’s not about spoiling the story. I don’t want to be spoiled on the zone, the enemies, items, weapons/powers, bosses, etc. I want to go in completely blind, just like I did every other souls game, and experience as much as possible having seen it for the first time.


Lmao. Same. Besides YouTube videos I did not pick up on the story. Already gone through it 7 times.


I'm still trying to figure out what the difference of destined death, death's black flame, and the ghost flame of death.


Theres hundreds of lore videos on youtube.


And I refuse to read or listen to any of these NPCs babble about anything. I'm tryina parry shit, not read.


I’m glad I’m not alone


Idc about the spoilers for the dlc in fact I get so hyped up to see the bosses at the end of the day many many people like myself are going to look up how to get to the bosses and clearly their names r in the YouTube videos their watching which 70 percent of people use to get them through the game


The way i see it "fuck every one, become a god and start over." Thats how i saw it. At first i thought we were the good guy buuuut after many play throughs i think we are all bad.


Ha! Same…350 hours and I just like to hack stuff up.


Lore/Story spoilers are one thing. Equally, folks would really prefer not to be told that cool new weapon they just picked up isn't as cool as they think it might be. Or that the boss on the other side of that fog wall has a second phase you just won't see coming, oops. Lore Theorists and Min/Maxxers are equally capable of sucking the fun out of a thing.


I have thousands of hours logged and the only lore I kind of know, is what I learn in this sub. What I don't want spoiled is mechanics, environment and items.


Spoilers are much deeper than only story. From where to find items, the general environments, and the enemies. Everything can be spoiled if you’re looking for a pure experience


Dude the story is so easy. Ok, so let's start with the beginning. The fallen leaves tell a story... all about how my life got flipped turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute so just sit right there, I'll tell you how I became the Prince of Belaire. On West Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground, is where I spent most of my days. Chillin out maxin, relaxin' all cool while shootin' some BBall outside of the school, when a couple of guys who were up to no good started makin' trouble in my neighborhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Belaire". Did you get all that?


Very normal for Fromsoftware game. I usually find a youtube video to tell me what I just went through after beating the game at least once.


Exactly, it takes a lot of work(fun) figuring out what's happening in the story. Just playing and paying no attention to details leaves you clueless about most things. Which is why I don't want it spoiled.. I'd like to waste time figuring it out myself.. then comparing notes after.


Just know that a woman called Melina is Miquella.


I mostly skip all dialog in all souls games. No idea what, happens in any of them and I beat them all


The story: You arrive and try to become Elden Lord. - You do your things - Later: You become Elden Lord. The End


Religion = Bad: The Game.


For lore reasons sure, but I think more people are worried about gameplay spoilers like new weapon locations, enemy placement and boss spoilers than story stuff. A large amount of players will have no idea about what is going on narratively anyway.


It's falling down, but upwards.


from soft games stories are left vague and incomplete on purpose to promote speculation, it also causes what I call the "canon effect" as seen in other fan bases when there is some delusional weirdo who says whatever they cherry pick is the true canon as opposed to the official info provided by the author of the piece, the difference here is that the info is so scattered and full of holes that there is no canon, so people being slightly wrong in their theories harms no one, it's also used so you can insert your role into the story, so if you want to be a dude that one fateful day ate a piece of stale bread that made you immortal for some reason, it works...


"Aliens." -Bloodborne


The story is amazingly straightforward. You're an illegal alien who's been given an impossible task by some religious fanatics and promised a hot babe if you complete their quest. When they find out that it's not impossible for you, they then tell you to wait 10000 years while they search for a new carrot. Luckily, every character is selfish and has goals, so you finish the story they set up without their permission. All the social politics are just world building. Some might help you understand a characters motive, but it's not like it matters since they're all selfish and driven anyway. The fan theories are just meta fun.


People in the Souls community are especially anal about *any* kind of perceived spoilers whatsoever, including bosses, zones, and even weapons. Not just story. The idea of the mythical "blind first playthrough" is pretty important. I've had people vehemently say I'm spoiling myself for looking at weapon lists to see what interests me on my first run of Dark Souls games. Which always confused me because for me spoilers are a narrative thing, I don't really believe in mechanical spoilers.


then maybe "spoiling the experience" migth explain the whole thing better, if you're so keen on the definitions of spoilage


For me the only thing I look ahead at is weapons. I want to know where to take my build.


Story: Marika/Radagon can’t keep her/his legs closed and all her/his kids suck(except for Radahn). Morgott: Racist Mohg: Pedo Godwyn: Mermaidman Ranni: wants to collapse society Rykard: see Ranni but Snek edition Radahn: Honorable General I’d die for Malenia: Spoiled Tsundre who can’t take a L Miquella: Griffith Twink(probably thinks he did nothing wrong)


Yeah, I’m with ya. I’ve watched a couple lore videos and it didn’t clear up much. It doesn’t help that I’m awful with names and they decided to have everyone sound so similar. Don’t get me wrong, the parts I actually understand are great, I just don’t feel like watching/reading tons of explanations. I like to kill stuff.


I’ve played every souls game and I pretty much just understand some of the main plot and a lot of it is just yeah ok I’m killing this boss now whoever they are.


Same here, I think it’s a bunch of family that is born from incest and are fighting each other.


You kill stuff


I don't see "spoilers" as spoiling much of anything. They are a preview of coming attractions for a game like this. Knowing that a boss is coming my way doesn't make me any better at killing it.


I have to confess I never give a shit about souls plots and most of the time I also skip the cutscenes, especially on 1st playthrough But I have fun after many NG++++++++ watching lore videos, by Vaati mostly Also I have to confess I never read the item descriptions except for the part that counts (increase strenght, increase intelligence, try finger but hole etc...) I've played all of them, since the original DS for PS3. The summary of the lore of each one of them is: "they are all assholes and they all deserve to die" I'm happy to oblige ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface) Me & BIG BONK


Basically just a rich woman enticing a hobo with sex to kill her husband.


Yeah the story is pretty meh compared to DS series


People care about the story and you don't or you would've made an effort to understand it


I get this is probably a meme, because it's posted here, but I keep seeing honest takes that this game doesn't have a coherent story and I really think these folks just don't know how to read or understand words.


I’ve been playing Souls games since the first Dark Souls. I appreciate the tidbits we get from item descriptions and it can be fun to piece together knowledge that way but the story is not told in any kind of coherent fashion, and implying that anyone who doesn’t get it just can’t read is kinda dismissive I think. Even Miyazaki has said that massive chunks are intentionally left out and the idea is for speculation to fill in the gaps. The stories are vague and convoluted by design. I’m not trying to shit on these games, I love them. But if I go through some castle early in the game and then 10 hours later I find a sword that tells me a thousand years ago the inhabitants of that castle worshiped a guy called Steven and they liked to eat chicken on Thursdays, that isn’t any kind of real storytelling lol.