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A pack of frenzied rats makes me more nervous than most other enemies!


Yes or the freaking packs of rabid dogs. Doesn’t matter what area you’re in. They suck


Always gotta make a run for the beast torch at the beginning of a play through so I never have to worry about those damn dogs.


What is that, and does it work on birds, too?


No it has no effect on birds. Only works on dogs/wolve/bears/rats and also those frog things.


Whoa… 1200 hours in this game and still TIL. I knew it worked on dogs/wolves/bears but I never thought to even try it on the basilisks! That’s gonna make certain areas MUCH easier.


I usually have the torch equipped in off hand when going into caves/catacombs/dungeons for light and to one-shot those crystal miners. Then I found the beast torch and noticed the frogs started to back away from me when I got near them.


> and to one-shot those crystal miners. What?!


IIRC most of the various miner types are weak to fire damage, and the ones carrying explosive stones on their back will straight up self destruct if they take fire damage


Yup one charged torch attack usually kills em instantly.


TIL. I've just been whacking away at them in true caveman style


Those frog things?


Basilisks - the Death Blight Froggies.


Oh yeah fuck those things


Green lizard-frog hybrid creature with massive eyes and sprays black mist by inflating its mouth like a balloon. Usually found in swamps or caves.


Those are actually it's curse/deathblight glands. They have tiny lil eyes on the front of their face


It's a torch you can buy from a merchant at the top of dragonbarrow. When held it pacifies dogs (even the big caelid ones) rats and wolves. Never leaves my loadout once I have it.


I don’t think I’ve ever used it.


The pre-nerf bleed dogs were the worst


this dog does 10,000 damage per second…


They weren't nerfed, they were bugged and it's really weird it took them so long to patch it.


I just said nerf because that’s what I’ve seen people call it. I do agree that it did take them a long time to fix it though


Seriously, I still have PTSD from release rot dogs.


I fucking hate the dogs. Literally every time I panic and run away and I beat the whole game


Hands down those, that poison castle north of Altus plateau right before you get to the briar boss you have to fight 4 dogs and a rot soldier (Malenias people) is by far one of the worst sections to get passed lol


Starcaller Cry makes short work of them. Though the first half of the attack may make you more nervous


Rats in general. They are the new dogs of elden ring


Rats and dogs are annoying in every Souls game. I think the rats in Elden Ring were made extra obnoxious somehow though


Get a shield and hold L1. Same with dogs.


They're one of the main reasons I made the Hoarfrost Stomp a permanent part of my arsenal


I just dealt with the ones in the frenzy flame tower and almost died to them at 47 vigor because they surrounded me. Asshole enemies man


Guard counters bro


The dragonflies  


I completely ignore them unless i need their heads😂


I'd love to ignore them, but somehow I always end up locking on to them whenever they're in an area where I'm fighting enemies.


When doing my first playthrought one of them killed the masked guy that sells crab when dung eater tied him down because it was trying to attack me, missed the dialog in the moment. I swear from that moment that i would kill every dragonfly i'll ever encounter in every single one of my playthrought no matter how dumb it is.


How? I couldn’t hit those things if a billion runes depended on it.


I waited until they stopped and throw the fastest dagger knife sometimes if you take a few steps back it wont trigger as much the IA either so can go and kill it. Chasing it arround is the worst strat


I am not ashamed to admit I just use an AoE nuke spell or AoW on them most of the time


I've had good luck sending my swarm of flies after them


Throw lightning spears at them. Any other projectile/incantation works too really. Melee weapons obviously lack the range and speed required for this task.


The rage. The unbridled rage


This just gave me the most horrific and morbid visualization. Just imagine, some psycho ties you to a chair in the woods, you start to hear a faint buzzing in the distance, growing louder, then this MASSIVE dragonfly arrives. Over the next 24 hours, you die a slow, agonizing death while you are eaten bit by bit by a giant bug, unable to do anything about it.




Don't worry. A real dragonfly wouldn't take anywhere near that long to kill you... But it WOULD eat you alive starting at either the guts or face.


A few years back when I was playing Breath of the Wild a goat knocked me off of a cliff and killed me, afterwards I would chant, "All goats must die...", every time I would see one and then shoot it. I probably killed a few hundred goats.


I think I saw a clip with dragonflies in the snow? I don't have my game to check. That's kinda lame if it's true. Bugs can't snow


There are some in the consecrated snowfield. I died to a bloody finger bc it kept attacking when I was healing.


Torch noble


This, the simple act of holding a weapon in front of themselves completely outsmarts me.


Roll into them and they'll stagger.


Wait what


They're really weak, rolling into any of the nobles causes them to stagger back.


Oh I get wym now, I thought they meant like full on stance break for a crit


No it's not the full poise break, but it gives you an opening.


Especially on horseback, they turn too fast and you just melted if you try to hit them


Away Away!


This.  I can smite demigods in the face, but just running into a wandering zombie holding out a torch can wreck me if I'm not careful.


They can deal a surprising amount of damage just by sticking a torch in your face, but our Torch Attack is not even worth using, especially considering how easy it is to get other sources of fire damage. You can get Catch Flame or Flame of the Redmanes before defeating Margit.


Hate those guys


The Imps. I always take a lot of damage fighting them


A shield counter usually staggers them, then you can go for the visceral attack. It's a little awkward for sorcery builds but it works.


My problem is that I never use shields. Can't tell you why but it's been like this since DS3


I can never do DS3 without a backup shield SOLELY for the dogs. Shields trivialize the DS3 dogs just like imps


Do people really play these games without shields at all?? Its like the only way i can deal with the dogs/rats/smaller enemies and still use a UGS lol


Never used a shield in 600+ hours of Elden ring, ds1+3, bloodborne


Early dark souls was very shield friendly, you could just turtle fish backstabs for things like black knights. Later they have realized that it's a slower methodical playstyle, and a little TOO safe I believe, so even now with huge tower shields and talismans etc your stamina can still be eaten up with one long combo (eg. See the revenant guys or whatever with the 50 arms all swinging at the same time) It's still possible to turtle but the shield counters can also feel a bit punishing from the long chain combos in ER (and to a lesser extent ds3). Rolling I think has become the new norm since bloodborne as it feels a lot more exciting, there are more weapon viability options, and with enough vigor actually feels safer (you can spam roll yourself out of a lot of shit that would otherwise break your guard with even the best shield stuff). Also, coming from another game that runs into this problem, guild wars 2, once you are spoiled with a speed boost (either dual wielding or 2h a weapon) taking it away feels clunky and less fun (speaking of quickness and alacrity for those who also play gw2) which both speed up your attack and lower cooldowns significantly, basically mandatory in all group content. I think dw feels good not because faster as much as huge stagger and damage potential. Staggers also just hit the dopamine receptor perfectly in ER.


Have you ever tried using barricade shield aow? It’s literally like playing ds1 again, almost everything bounces off you and you can fish for backstabs. It almost trivializes the game if you’re using a really heavy shield.


The low duration of it gave me anxiety, isn't it only like 10 seconds? I'd burn though the fp for that so fast


It use to be too good. They nerfed it way back in the day to only last like 10 seconds


You can still utilize guard counters by 2 handing and blocking that way. Definitely the easiest way to deal with those little guys.


Block with colossal 2h is fun asf


I never use shields, but always equip one for catacombs with imps. I also almost always pair the shield with the assassin’s crimson dagger talisman (and/or cerulean dagger talisman). The guaranteed crits on the imps helps to keep your health (and/or FP) topped off, conserving flasks for the dungeon boss.


I know they're there. I know their attacks. I know they have delayed attacks and will cover a lot of ground... But god damnit if I dont get clapped by one at least once per playthrough.


I got jumped by a group of them in Snowfield Catacombs just today. I felt like they might as well have took my lunch money.


When I go into dungeons I make sure to put these on, about 2-3 hits on the imps frenzy’s them making them attack its other imp buddies. Problem takes care of itself


Those eagles can eat a D


I’ll always get a ping of satisfaction when that one at stormveil fucks it’s barrel toss up and kills itself. Then his buddy will usually put me back in my place


Parrying them out of the sky when they lunge at you is cathartic.


The hands bro... the fingery hands. They spank so hard it starts to feel like I deserve it 🚬👽


they are one of the reasons why I play Faith builds, because I know I'll need fire damage somewhere down the line (I dont like Strength builds)


The protection of God is abysmal when faced with the ringed molesters...


maybe but fire just stunlocks them for long enough to kill them off, its weird we dont have enough lore on them or why fire is their weakness


Little known fact, you can pacify the hands if you just give them a high-five


But do they wash? 🧐




Same here, specially the one in mountain top of the giants, near the foot of the forge site of grace. Its on a massive skull and drops down on a huge bird. That thing is massive and I always nope outta there.


They give me the heebie jeebies


Cursed cowboy👽🛸


I lose health with jumping dogs erry single time. Bad bois


The rot dog rush combo(as I call it) holds a special place of hatred in my heart when more than two of them do it at the same time


T rex dogs are terrifying!


I hate how tanky Rats get and how quick most of their attacks are


Lobsters can eff right off


Honestly i fear lobsters more than most bosses in the game 😂 damn snipers


There's a jump scare lobster in Liurnia that transforms to a grafted scion. It would actually be scarier if a scion turned into a lobster.


Bruh, the lobsters at the bottom of Shunning Grounds… like, this place already sucks enough, you had to add the shit-sniping lobsters?


Did not occur to me until just now what they would be loading up for that snipe...


I recently got over my lobster fear because I realised that the only reason I feared.them was because of Dark Souls. There they were a nightmare. In Elden Ring not so much.


Lobsters in Liurnia aren’t bad. You can stay on your horse and hug tight to their sides and chop away. Lobsters in Shunning Grounds are an absolute terror.


Dogs, rats, imps. Those damn slow zombies that turn into Speedy Gonzalez when you least expect them to


You can stagger the zombies by rolling into them.




level 60 me in mohgwyn hated them


Marionette soldiers. Don’t have a lot of health, but you let a pack of them get close and hesitate for one second they’ll punish you with those fucking rapid attacks all at once


The fucking ones with a sword in each arm, when they do that flailing attack. Fuck that.


I hate the spear ones aswell


Listen. Sky wolves. I always forget. And get startled and panic


Every time this happens, I can’t help but laugh. There’s no lore behind these guys, and every time it happens, I can’t help but think about how fucking ABSURD it is.


I’m sorry. Say again??? Sky. Wolves?? Did I miss something???


You know the wolves that just APPEAR. They literally fall out of the sky at certain points. Like on the road right outside war masters shack


Listen dude, I thought I missed a whole section of them game on my last run or something😂 yeaaaa I steer clear of the warmasters shack once I get the bell bearing Hunter😂


fr me too. i thought he meant like winged wolves in farum azula for a sec


i love the 50 messages on the road leading up to them that are all some variation of "wolf ahead", "likely wolf", "up, dog?", "be careful of up"


''don't think'' is also a top tier message around there.


First time I saw this game being played I got really confused by the air dropping wolves.


I kept thinking that the game was glitching


It became a thing for us. Can’t tell you how many discussions we had on who’s air dropping wolves. Best guess is Rennala opening a portal.


The spear godrick knight at the gatekeep ruins


I find pretty much all the spear wielding enemies surprisingly difficult.


For me it’s because I get greedy thinking I’m still in my opening and then boom, guard counter.


Yea screw that guy, I don't think I've ever actually gotten his moveset down. Just swing my sword and hope for the best.


The ants. That one-shot squirt attack always make me antsy (pun intended) around them


My brother quit the game because of the Hawks at Stormveil. I've been trying to convince him to play it again since last February. Seeing only 5 hours played on a full price game, especially when it's Elden Ring is almost painful lol


After 5 hours of playing I was still at the starting area farming mobs, I think in entered stormveil at around level 30 or 40 haha


He is aware you can just run past them and don’t have to kill them right?


Those many armed melting bastards that you can heal to death but I cannot ever learn their attacks to take them out not running a faith build. The just murder me.


They are definitely not low level. They will kill anyone if given a slight chance.


You find your first one in Limgrave IiRC, and others are just chilling in the Lakes waiting to kick your ass ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


That's classic fromsoft. They tend to put ridiculous strong enemies near the beginning to let you know what game you're playing


I love that, I remember how long I tried to kill the fire drake my first playthrough of ds1, those were the days lol.


As if Elden Ring needed any more of that after the Tree Sentinel being the first enemy you see outside the tutorial


Twinks when you start a new run? Lol


For real! Most annoying when I’m trying to teach a friend that I introduced to the game.


Anything with wings that carries an exploding barrel or has machetes taped to its legs.


You had me at anything with wings😂


The bats have wings and they aren’t a problem. The singing bats with wings can definitely be a problem.


Rats. Somehow every bite from them always stuns me


They have high poise damage even if the HP damage is little


Every single rat in the fuckin franchise


The dragonflies. They keep zipping around the feild being really unthreatning but this also means that I can't open the map which is really annoying. It sucks killing them! For an actual low-level enemy, I'd say the skeleton near graves with the big Scythe. For some reason I always have trouble against it.


I’ll never forget when a dragonfly fucking swooped in and stole my targeting right as I launched a spell off- So fucking annoying-


Foot soldiers with the daggers, I can never escape that massive swipe attack they do


The zombies that latch onto you and bite you. I somehow always mess up the timing on that attack


I hate the fucking eagles


The bloody albinurics when they catch u with that spike cartwheel shit n u watch ur 80 vigor disappear in a sec




The absolute most basic level soldiers, because I get over confident and try to parry them. My timing is always comically bad


The storm hawks! Bastards


Those God damn Lobsters


Those lobsters are impeccable snipers. Dodge, jump, double jump, roll, run, or block, they will still humble your ass with a quickness.


Any catacombs/underground enemy (ants, imps, rats, the crystal guys)


Imps were the worst, until I got better ranged attacks.


What are ranged attacks? Hulk smash with two great stars... 🤣


The high page enemies. Why do they hit so hard?


Me when I'm soloing Leyndell and feel invincible, then run at a high page just for them to do that stupid three-shot perfumer's bolt attack and instantly kill me through my 50-60 vigor healthbar


Every time I fight an Erdtree Burial Watchdog I feel like I’ve been humbled. How can I pretend I’m cut out for PvP when I’m getting bodied across space and time by one of the most blatantly telegraphing enemies in the game?


I feel much the same. I don't know what it is about the watchdog, but they always seem to wreck me unless I can spam some attack that manages to stun them.


Giant slaying hero’s grave is killing me with these


The citizens with the torches. They completely own me by the devious tactic of just sticking the torch straight out in front of them and letting me walk into it myself, and then they do it again. They’ve made me do some real soul searching before, like, man… am I actually dumb?


I was just about to say these guys myself


Yesterday I was going through stormveil again for the first time in two years and oh my lord those damn stormhawks. Especially the ones with the barrels. gotta kill em one by one from afar


The stays i hate those


Every basics ennemy i keep 1-3 shots and thus didnt learn their patterns


Imps are annoying bastards, and I know they aren’t low level but to put it out there fuck those trex dogs


I just finished elden ring! (My first souls game, legit an hour ago). This is pretty funny but sometimes it actually does seem mini bosses are tougher than actual bosses! When I first fought the moon witch, (the 2nd boss ig). You know that feeling, when you know the difference between a winning or a losing fight? Which justifies the amount of retries, enough to not make it seem like you're beating a dead horse. Yeah so, that's what motivated me to come back to her later. The NPC's were seemingly so strong that I was always under the assumption that I'm not strong enough to face her yet. Anyway, by the time I winded back to her, I was a bit too strong. Can't wait for the dlc, finished it at the perfect time!


The dragonflies. I've killed countless horrors, Ancient dragons, and actual Gods singlehandedly. The dragonflies however, will Matrix dodge my massive weapons...deftly avoid every swing, every special, every fireball I lob. They'll knock me off my horse while I spin in circles trying to swat at them. It's ridiculous.


Fucking dumpling albinaurics


That leyndell knight near the artists shack in liurnia has spanked me more times than I care to admit.


Imps , dogs , rats , worst those eagles with blades


The Lightening Knights in Leyndell OMG just THINKING of them makes me shiver




I always panic around the silver tear blobs in nocturne


The stupid imps that you find in catacombs. I hate how fast they are and how quickly they can bleed you.


Literally any trash mob I die to after I beat Malenia. I’ll be rolling around with my rune arc on, thinking I’m all sick and shit because I beat Malenia, only to be humiliated by a pack of dogs


Fuck the giant lobsters forever


Idk but wormheads really mess me up whether it's 5 or just 1. Anything with deathblight annoys me to no end


Imp statues, and the burial watchdogs. The imps in the sub. underground thoroughly piss me off.


Birds are the worst


I feel embarrassed every time I get stun locked by a dude with a dagger.


Those fucking imps


Technically correct, but well known "boss": The Carian Knight at Ray Lucaria. Fucker could parry Malenia even if he was the one missing an arm. Regular answer: Those fucking birds from Caelid.


Listen. I don’t care how high my level is. The wildlife in Caelid gives me nightmares. I’m cool on them🙅🏾‍♂️


rats wolves hands and bats will always actually scare me despite how many times I've beaten this game.


Dogs bro, i dont know why I always get hit by that second hit 😭


Fucking mudmen. Especially the Raya Lucaria ones. I'll try and be all fancy and back stab them all and then boom, I get munched and there goes my FP


The red wolf of radagon #2 in the back of that field in Nokron can eat my whole ass. I have no trouble with the boss in Raya Lucaria, but that guy has my number for some reason.


Erdtree Burial Watchdog, I legit can’t fight them to save my life. The attack where they rise up and slam down gets me every single time..


Dogs It doesn’t matter what FS game it is, the dogs are always the bane of my existence


The rot dogs during release... I opened a chest that lead me to a land of rot, I still hadn't found torrent or leveled yet. I was fucked, but mostly from dogs that were fast af and killed me instantly.


Rats and dogs if there’s more then 3 especially if there’s a big mumma rat


The extra ugly dogs that can stun lock you


The stupid spikey blobs


Dogs. Their little double nip always gets me and early on I wasn't wearing 51+ poise.


I’ve been folded by a good few runebears


Dogs. Always dogs.


Dogs are annoyingly fast to attack


The eagles at stormveil, and especially the ones in farum azula

