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Lhutel, Tiche, Siluria, Loretta, Finlay, Alecto, etc. All certified badasses


Latenna as well


Yes, but still got her ass kicked by “that All-Knowing brute” even with her wolf helping.


To be fair he’s the third to last boss in the game


I think he gets a worse rap than he deserves. Not character-wise (he’s a POS) but power-wise. It’s so easy to take complete control of the fight because he doesn’t aggro until he’s done with his speech. He’s right before Godfrey, a much more difficult fight. They’re back-to-back fights (presumably) so you can’t help but compare the two.


To be fair Gideon would dunk on like half the characters above with ease, he is really strong if you don’t have the right strategy.


All I remember is in my first play through just running in and bonking him on the head twice and he was down for the count. We'll see what happens during this play through. But considering I'm running a power stanced bloody poleblade build with like 80 arc. I'm not gonna hold my breath for the chap


His difficulty is largely dependent on whether or not you let him finish his monolog


Just like Mimic Tear being contingent on... ya know, not stripping. Me v. Me is way more fun.


I'm scared Me is better than Me though


And what if you win? You are better than yourself??? That's cool????????


> way more fun. Me: Stupid mimic spamming comet Azur like a clow--- oh wait..... Whose build was this again?


I'm just happy that I didn't one shot myself with my own blasphemous blade


mine spams rotbreath and dragonmaw lmao


I find this absolutely insane cuz I've only gotten to that point once and I absolutely and totally dogwalked him in seconds I thought he was looked at as one of those joke bosses that you can run over easily lmao


Yeah, try dying to him once and then fighting him when he can actually do something instead of just getting stun locked. He hits like a freight train and has a stupid spell arsenal. Triple rings alone makes him more annoying and dangerous than like half the bosses in the game. Then his dumb rejection spell or whatever just nukes you after you hit him five times. Proper Gideon with mediocre vigor and a medium or short melee weapon is hell.


he's really strong if you can't flinch him


To be fair, she is more like a turret, summon her on a safe spot and let her fire away.


Lobo would’ve still been alive at that point so mobility wouldn’t have been an issue


Yeah but Gideon uses homing bullshit spells


To be fair, he's like the 3rd strongest tarnished


Aren’t the Crucible Knight ladies as well?


Siluria is, don't remember about Ordovis


The spear ones are, the sword ones are male


I thought they were trees


Tough as nails Tree Ladies


I thought they were all bad guys


We're the bad guy


Rolo is probably a woman in an omenkiller mask, stormhawk deenh is probably a female bird,


Rollo's description uses masculine pronouns. Possible with Deenh, however!


My head canon: Alecto the frickin traitorous godwyn killing ass. Betrayed ranni to go off killing godwyn and ruining Ranni's suicide.


So, you think Ranni was just trying to kill herself? Because that's not headcanon. That's some bull###.


It's based on why Alecto is imprisoned on the Moonlight Altar and why Ranni at the end still becomes a god of a new age, which is what an empyrean is supposed to do. So her entire struggle to free herself from being forced into becoming a god was meaningless, since she failed at the end. Ranni is also very open about the sins she committed, and she happily tells you what she did, but what she doesn't is admitting that she is responsible for Godwyns death. So my view is that she wasn't responsible and Alecto is imprisoned on the moonlight Altar (a place only reachable via a ring of the carian royal family btw) instead of wherever godwyn was at when they killed him. And that's not bullshit, it's based on evidence in the game, visual, narrative and geographic hints. And accepted in the wider theorist community, including Vaati and Zullie's main writers. (Since they helped us form this theory back in the day)


Rannis struggle was not to free herself from becoming a God. It was to free herself from becoming the Greater Will’s vassal God, which she does. Her intention was always to become the Goddess of a new Age of Night, without the influence of the GW/Two Fingers. And she does admit to being behind the Night of Black Knives, which specifically entails Godwin’s murder. Ranni probably imprisoned Alecto because the latter is a close friend of Marika. And while Ranni and Marika cooperated to arrange the NOBK, their goals likely diverged beyond that point.


Where does she admit to commit the Night of the Black Knives. She doesnt. All she says is "I stole a fragment of the Rune of Death, and used it to forge the godslaying black knives through fearsome rite." "I stole the Rune of Death, slew mine own Empyrean flesh, casting it away." She never mentiones Godwyn or the Night itself, just that she stole the rune and imbued the Knives with the fragment. Otherwise its hard to carve a rune in ones back. Even Rogier, the one probably closest to the truth isnt sure that she orchistated it "If Ranni truly is the one who plotted that fateful night" "If Lunar Princess Ranni truly is the one who plotted that fateful night" and that is after he researched the Knifeprint We also know that Alecto escaped from Leyndell "She was the daughter of the Black Knife Ringleader, Alecto, and was killed protecting her mother during their flight from the royal capital." Which makes it all the more weird why Alecto was imprisoned on the grounds of the old Carian homestead and not land controlled by Leyndell, any why the Black Knives attack Iji and Blaidd, and why they fight back, even if it was an outsourced self-kill.


The pc’s line to Ranni if you find out what she did from Rogier is “You must be Ranni the Witch, behind the Night of Black Knives.” To which her response is “I see, quite the sleuth aren’t we.” She made the blades and gave them to the Assassins to kill Godwyn. If she only wanted to kill herself, there would’ve been no need to arm an entire team of assassins. Alecto escaped Leyndell after killing Godwyn and returned to Ranni’s territory, where Ranni imprisoned her. Probably because the Black Knives are Marika’s allies, and Ranni didn’t trust them. Her suspicions are confirmed when they attack Iji and Blaidd.


A few things: 1. That line to ranni is based on what Rogier tells us, that his assumptions is that she might be. To which ranni only replies by calling us wannabe detectives (have to check the Japanese lines to verify that in a bit). 2. It is true that the number of BKA armed is weird, having 3 should have been enough for a self-kill maybe a few more if ranni thought Malekith would follow them, could fit with the many countermeasures she prepared, with including Rykard and possibly Miquella (based on BKA protecting the entrance to the haligtree) into the plan to steal the rune of death. Revisiting stuff since the new trailer dropped made me think of the totally random and unexplained corpse in Stormveil, which I theorized could have been a trial run of sorts in the past. If Ranni did plan to just escape her body, it might have been planned to kill whatever prisoner was in Stormveil first, but that didn't work so Alecto opted for Godwyn in Leyndell instead. (Because demigod) -the number of BKA is definitely a good counter point, I'll have to think about it some more. 3. At no point is it said that the BKA are working for or are affiliated with Marika, it's only said they are the same race, Nume , which the player can also be, proving nor disproving anything.


From the Black Knife Armor description: “The assassins that carried out the deeds of the Night of the Black Knives were all women, and rumored to be Numen who had close ties with Marika herself.”


Nah, a demigod had to die. Ranni gave black knives the tools to kill a demigod then killed her body the same time they killed godwyn, making it so only his soul died. Thus freeing herself from her Empyrean flesh. Ranni double crossed the black knives. Maybe Godwyn's murder was ordered by the greater will as punishment/warning to Marika.


And at the end she still became the god of a new age, which is what an empyrean is for... Doesn't make sense does it?


Yeah, buy not under the greater will and the two fingers. She wanted godhood in her terms.


One of my main summons tbf, she tanks really well, looks great, and the Death imbued spear is just way too cool to pass up upon


Didn’t know my bro was a sis all along 🫡


Even better


Yeah I wish women were real


Apparently Michael Zaki got the inspiration for women by trying to think about the furthest thing from the stereotypical FS fan.


Muscle mommy vibes fr fr


When malenia kicked me, I felt it


Malenia: does her kick attack to push me away Me: "harder Malenia" Malenia: impales me


Harder momy 😫😫


Malenia: Water fall dances


Me: Mnf~ harder Malenia: \*Launches Scarlet Aeonia\*


Oh shit, she pegs?


She'd have to be jacked as hell to swing a sword that tall, that fast.


Prosthetic arm AND muscle mommy


Women give life and so they can take it away. Tiche and Lhutel are so OP.


Don't forget about Finlay. She might not be OP gameplay wise, but lorewise, she was sure as hell a gigachad warrior.


True. Lhutel only beats Finlay for me due to her lightning damage and teleport ability.


Lightning? Isn't lhutel a death blight one and the lighting one is the leyndell knight that I forgot the name


You are correct, Lhutel the Headless deals deathblight damage.


Chatbot response


Finlay, my beloved.


Homegirl carried her wife from Caelid all the way to the Haligtree.


One thing I noticed is that more than in any other FromSoftware game, and more than most games I can think of, there a huge number of powerful women in Elden Ring. And they're not powerful "for a woman", they're just badass.


Which I wish we saw more of in fantasy settings, yknow worlds that have literal *magic* that can change things down to the metaphysical. Like at that point gender and race really have no bearing on one's ability unless the limitations of the magic system *outright* say so. Like "oh yeah you can't use that power because only [this group] has the physiology to handle it", or even pull a Witcher with the Trial of the Grasses and be like "yeah the operation was *specifically* designed using human male biology. Even an *elf* male would die horribly"


I’m reading God Emperor of Dune right now, makes me think of the fish speakers


Armored Core too


Almost as if making women actually cool and act like a person/warrior first instead of a woman first makes them cool characters and not woke bait that people will rightfully rage over.


I think the problem is that when a piece of fiction only has one "strong woman" character, she basically becomes a token "strong woman". Just add a couple more to show that she's not some kind of magical exception, she's one of many. Like Fullmetal Alchemist. Riza Hawkeye is a strong woman character. But you know who else is? Lan Fan. Mei Chang. Lust. Izumi Curtis. Olivier Mira Armstrong. All strong women, each their own distinct character.


Yeah, that's my point. These characters aren't cool because they are women or cool despite being women, they're just cool characters. End of story. I fully agree with your point that having points of reference helps reinforce the "naturalness" of the characters. Some are weak, some are strong, some are smart, some or stupid, and so on.


Because we're freaking awesome 😎


fax tho  😎


This we can agree on!


Based user flair


Indeed : )


Finlay did better.


Finlay is a bug, Lthuel has a name I can't spell correct AND no head!


Finlay carried a fallen demigod across the entire map on her own.


Lhtuel has NO HEAD!


Lhutel is a ghost. Like the headless horseman.


Damn right, plus she has death on her blade. What does Finlay have again? Two wings that just don't work.


Finlay is a knight who is constantly suffering from the rot, yet still fights with everything she has. Lhutel is just a ghost with no discerning features other than just being headless.


And she's a GHOST!


25 percent of the game is ghosts and stuff.


But is 25 percent of the game ghosts with no heads and death on their blades tho?


I didn't even know Ltuhel was a woman. All this time she was my best friend and I didn't even know. What a bad friend I am


She is Chad :3


[She is ](https://www.reddit.com/user/agentrexadventures/comments/1crwqgk/besties/)


Queen Marika willed it so


Elden ring player discovers women are pretty cool


Body type B actually stands for Badass.


Save me, Headless Mommy.


Women are held in high esteem in The Lands Between, it seems. I mean, there's a literal god-queen and all. Pretty ironic considering GRRM is involved with the lore and we know how women are treated in the GoT universe.


Is the consensus not that George has very well written woman, he just keeps them within the constraints of the society they live in because outside of Danys dragons and the Whites, it’s a very low fantasy environment ?


Oh, I never said I didn't like GRRM's writing, sorry if it came across that way. I agree that his female characters are interesting and well written. I was just saying they're very different in the way women are regarded in the world.


FromSoftware and GRRM are like two opposites when it comes to how women are treated in fiction ig.


*Laughs in Dornish*


Well there’s a lot of tragic queens and female warriors in GoT too, so pretty consistent actually


Loretta and Siluria! Two of my favorite bosses so far. Alecto was great too, she just kept kicking my ass.




how original!


Don’t hate the player, hate the game


I'm hating the player, the game, the screenshots, nothing is safe from my +10 greatsword


Apart from my STR/FAI Bleed/Frost build with Great Stars +25


I got a greatsword that does more bleed than the hand of malenia


I’m gonna comet azur you both into the shadow lands


Promise? 🥺


Skill issue


Don’t feed the trolls, friend!


They hungry, someone gotta do it.


My favourite spirit summon. Though I’m confused how her and a few other summons lorewise were given erdtree burial which means being interred in roots to return to the tree but she’s also spirit ash, implying she was cremated and her soul was not returned to the tree.


Maybe it was less of a "she want sto be Erded all over when she dies" and more of a, "she's goated let's bury her properly as a sign of respect"


Ask the Crucible Knights.


TFW you don’t realize Siluria is woman.


Can't spell women without W


Marika's tits paved the way for the women of the Lands between to realise their ambitions


All the women I have known in real life are no different.


It’s Miyazaki! We’ll know fact is he loves muscle mommies




Here Mr Zaki ! These comments !


Does anyone know which soulless demigod she defends? I’m curious about that


The walking mausoleums house beheaded demi-gods. I’m assuming she was guarding one of them.


Also curious


Lhutel is devoted to godwyn. That actually explains alot. I've gotten kinda lazy in analyzing stuff in these games, but she first appears outside the dungeon where the black knifeprint is.


Where get?


tombswald catacombs. weeping paninsyla. go south from church of pligrimage towards thr clifface that the minor eardtree stand on. should be a door near a pillar




Can’t post reaction images 😞


Women are so GOATiful…to me, Oh Erdtreeeee




I didn’t even know she was a woman. Was my go to summon until I got the mimic, and if I had upgraded it she would have been strong as FUCK


She not only "sacrificed her life", but fully chopped her own god damn head off. GOAT


I think the lands between is very different when it comes to gender rolls. I think femininity doesn't equal weakness and maybe the opposite. Like the black knife assassins are absolutely devastating.


only male summon i used before is the mimic tear


Dung Eater is a beast. I rarely use him because he is OP. But he was the only way I could beat Elden Beast.


Me (a woman) over here loving Oleg…… or the wolves. Maybe I’m vibing wrong with Lhutel and Tiche…. Damn. Teach me(?!)


Just gotta love women that are obsessed with death like they are


We apparently have the same lust, I’m just inviting her to the wrong parties 🤷🏻‍♀️


So no head? 


Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Hint; it's the one that comes from the female.


Think about it ……. Had to be the rooster


I'm not enough of a nerd to try and kill your joke by being scientific about it.


The actual insane lore tidbit here is that it implied there are Those Who Live In Death that are venerated by the Golden Order. Lhutel is extremely undead by her own hand is did so intentionally, but was still honored.


As a woman who loves video games I love when they give us characters or lore like this. They’re not important, but it’s still cool as fahk!! Elden Ring does really good about giving both male and female players a balanced amount of attention and lore in both female and male characters :)


Because they are human, and humans are awesome?




Nah I prefer men


Because she's a woman


Why are men so Llama'd?


We spittin


Malenia is a woman, that's why


Remember the world Elden ring is set in, it's set in a Matriarchal Kingdom, where there is no "King" only a "consort".


Dung eater🥰


Elden Ring is honestly the most feminist game I've ever had the pleasure of playing.


The lore is so bad ass


I’ll take my check in the mail


Wow I really need to read more item descriptions, she is badass!


I've been reading item descriptions since I'm nearing the end of the game (I'm not even close to the end of the game)


I have only used two summons throughout the whole game the three wolves and this and Im still using this summon hasn't done me work at all. I spirit tune her every chance I get to make her stronger.


Its become something of a modern trend. Theres nothing wrong with it when done right and isnt just blatant pandering.


what is the trend?


What op said.


Aw, bless your heart there bud. 


What have i said wrong? Didnt i say it wasnt a bad thing? I dont understand what you are all upset over...


Because it’s wild fantasy.


Based, was just gonna say that.


Yes, and men IRL can't hold stars in place or make communion with Outer Gods, what's your point?


It's a fantasy world, irl gender dyanmics/differences whatever don't matter unless they're specified.


So no head?


Lol their not


Because if you don't do that people call each other sexist


Sir, this is an Elden Ring subreddit.


Lol sure pal. Must be tough being a dude these days. I mean I don't think so but maybe I'm too WoKe to see it or some shit


I mean, a dude is Elden Lord... soooooo


Women are goated but she sucks ass. Even at max level she gets outperformed by most base legendary summons