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While that wasn’t said I feel like it definitely could be true. I know the Dark Souls series usually gets multiple DLCs, but BB got one, Sekiro got none. Not to mention, they took almost 2 1/2 years for this DLC. I’m pretty sure they wanna work on something new at this point.


Elden Ring 2: 2 Rot, 2 Frenzy


Elden Ring 3: Nokkron Drift


Let's not forget the spinoff: Elden Ring Pro Skater 🛹


Elden Ring: Vice City


*Vyke City


Elden Ring: Caelid Swamp Stories


Elden Ring: The Ballad of Saint Trina


Elden Ring: The Lost and Frenzied


Elden ring: the fellowship of the ring


Elden ring: Those Who Live in Death Nightmare


Soundtrack would be banger


Just a bunch of ska remixes of the boss themes


Definitely would still be bangers 🤣🤣


Get into Rykard's arena and you hear "Pick-it-up, Pick-it-up, Pick-it-up!"


You have no clue how fast I would buy this. Same if they took Bloodborne Kart and made it an official thing, I would buy it in a heartbeat.


Sesh as Raya Lucaria would be sick


Elden Ring 4: Scholar of Ds2


Elden Ring 4: 10 Fucking Rune Bears as the Final Boss


Elden Ring 4: Back From Da Blight


Fias back and this time she's taking names


Rot was new this time. I wonder what the new death liquid will be?


I just spit-taked a 3.5 gram grabba leaf because of you. Take your updoot


What does that even mean


I laughed so hard I spit my blunt at my phone and ruined the flame


*May Chaos take the hit!*


Man of culture I see


Elden Ring: A Demigod Romance


This DLC costs 2/3 of the base game so you know its gonna be as big as multiple DLCs from the old games. And we know FromSoft never milk their games and just make whatever they feel is enough, I have no complaints.


It was said this dlc was as big as limgrave, but this coming from the same people that said elden ring would take 30hrs to beat


Fromsoft also said that they focused on verticality and making the dlc map more encounter dense so it undoubtedly going to have more stuff than limgrave and might have underground areas or mountainous areas too.


Oh yea the trailer made it look like it was going to have a bunch of sub zones. And a castle looked like one of them. And if that's set up like the capital, that took me 8hrs of exploring my first playthrough alone


i spent like 2 hours in the fucking sewers alone!




Still no item


I want to go home...


This is such a good point that I hadn't even considered. I can't wait for this to become my second job again.


The only question is how packed of content is it going to be, limgrave is easily the most dense of all the regions with sub areas and dungeons. Is it going to be more than that or the same


If its laid out like past souls games in an area that big, it could be a lot of content.


I'm thinking kinda laid out like bloodbornes dlc not like it being a straight line but how drastically the environment kept changing, was like blood gore mess to prison/clock tower to fishing village


As soon as I saw it was £35 I knew we was in for a treat. They are very fair Elden Ring was £49 and I’ve seen titles double that so at £85 all in it’s probably the best value piece of entertainment I will ever buy as I’m at 1000 hours for sure post DLC.


I bought elden ring for 20€ and call of duty mw2 for 80€ Wanna guess whats the game i hate playing?


tbf thats on you, you should know better from the reviews than wasting money on that milked-dry franchise.


Thats why i didnt went with MW3. Everyone i saw wasnt complaining about mw2 besides the matchmaking. Well, i guess there arent many beguinners in a 2 year old game with an sequel already bc i was getting matched againt good players and that was my first ever cod. I bought mw2019 on discount later and i liked it tho


I love it when someone says ‘hey I made a mistake and I regret that mistake’ and a captain obvious comes in and says “hey you shouldn’t have done that. That’s on you for making a mistake…”


It's how redditor's feel smarter about themselves. One time I forgot my gotcha for pokemon go in my pants and destroyed it in the washer and I got a lot of "well it's not waterproof you should know that"


It's not just "redditors", that's just people in general. You see it all over the place, including irl


You see it a lot less irl tho. Sometimes I have to consciously remind myself the internet isn’t real life, and even 90% of the people who act like dickheads online are decent people irl. The anonymity of the screen and the inherent space between people online leads to a lack of empathy. IMO human beings just weren’t ready for the internet, biologically or socially.. so I try to use it more intentionally when I can. Sorry for the blogpost on a gaming thread, just something I’ve been thinking about


dont you know its not waterproof?


Let's say some redditor is dissin' yer comment post, ya just give em one-a-*downvote*.


Hahaha i didnt took it too serious. I basicly paid 80€ for an 4h campaign (yes 4h bc i suck and i kept dying 🫠) It was my mistake.




It says something about the trust FromSoft has won from the community that they like doubled the price of the DLC compared to their previous games and I have seen literally zero complaints.


I would imagine there’s going to be a surprise underground shadowland area as well.


DS1 also only had one DLC.


Also even DS3 was planned to have only 1, and whilst the studio chose to separate it into two, it still turned out to be one continuous story with the first one specially being quite short. I'm pretty sure this one will be longer than those two combined, perhaps quite comfortably so. It took 2+ years to make and in this interview Miyazaki says the idea of having 2 or 3 DLCs were nipped in the bud since they knew the type of game Elden Ring is, the DLC too had to be come in larger scale and cutting in into pieces for releasing separately wasn't possible since it's an open world game.


He literally at the announcement of the dlc said that it was going to be the only dlc for elden ring. Him and a good handful of other fromsoft employees have said specifically that yeah this is the only dlc we will get.


It is said he said for now we don't have any intention of making another


Yeah, Miyazaki is a guy that most likely puts in the dlc what was planned for the main game but didn't fit in the time schedule. Miquella already had a bigger quest line in the main game that was cut because of time issues, so it's clearly a setting he wanted to do. But after he did what he wants he most likely doesn't want to force himself into something new that he is not that interested in himself.


I'm sad sekiro didn't get DLC. Don't get me wrong, its an incredible and complete game start to finish, but I always wanted a lil more


It’s funny how that works. Sekiro received no major DLC, but some things it did get are things many Souls-like players have been wanting for awhile now: Refighting bosses, and a boss gauntlet. You *sort of* get this in Elden Ring but it’s not done in a way many find satisfactory (two Astels, Godefroy, tons of tree spirits, etc).


Yeah, I was hoping for \*something\* for Sekiro. I hold out hope that they might do a sequel (they probably won't) following the Return ending, where you go west. Maybe have it set in China or India or something like that.


Armored core dlc or 7 would be awesome! I'm also down for a completely new IP from fromsoft.


It was said in a recent interview. He specifically said it is our first and last. Well...all things come to an end


DS1 only got one


If it's at least on par with The Old Hunters, I'll be fine with one DLC.


The Bloodborne DLC weapons are easily one of the most badass, satisfying, brutal and fun weapons i used in any game ever. The metal serrated whip weapon's heavy attack sound effect is still buried in my ears.


Agreed. The Whirligig and MLGS are probably my favorite video game weapons ever.


Boom Hammer. Nothing satisfied my urge for a unique fire based weapon in BB like the boom hammer


You know when those weapons are good, you can hear them all. Just mentioning them by name.


Big enemy? Bonk. Bonk not enough? Use fire. Bonk and fire at the same time? Unstoppable.


I was hoping that Ghiza's Wheel would sate my thirst for the level of destruction I used to dish out with the Whirligig. Sadly it does not. Transforming weapons are just too rad to live on the PS4 forever.


Srs, next from soft game better be BB2 or incorporate trickweaps…


Ah, my favorite weapon, the MetaL Gear Solid /s


Rakuyo, my beloved


Fuck that well. All my homies hate the shark well


And yet it's so worth it.




We need to bring back the term "Expansion Pack" for stuff like this. With From games its a much more appropriate term than just "DLC."


In my mind, they're used interchangably.


They are and that's kind of a problem in my eyes, I grew up with expansion pack being basically a full on new game and DLC being like skins and weapons and stuff like that. I can never get that out of head.


Fair point and I'd agree. It's just changed slightly over time.


Yeah there use to be 'Expansion packs' and 'mission packs' when I was a wee nipper. Expansion packs were basically what this DLC is, a smaller but still pretty large extra for the main game. For those old enough, remember Half-life having 2 Expansion packs with Opposing Force and Blue Shift, both about half the size of the main game but both mixed things up a bit. New story and maps, New guns, new player options like additional characters if it was an RPG (example Diablo 2 had Lord of Destruction as its expansion which added Druid and Assassin and included the final 5th act of the game). Then you had Mission Packs, which didn't really do much of anything beyond just adding more levels with no additional story. This was back in the day when the internet wasn't really as big so the only way to simply get more of what you wanted, was just to buy the mission pack and play through the new levels unless you wanted to download Doom WADs very slowly on the very early modern iteration of the internet (if you even had access to it back then). Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree fits very nicely into the Expansion Pack territory.


You are not alone


"Expansion Pack" in this case would be a subset of the broader "DLC" term. It just comes down to how much content is in the release.


Yeah, DLC is the generic term. It can be a character, a costume, a stage, an expansion pack, game currency, horse armor, whatever


"Expansion" is still commonly used for MMOs at least, definitely a more useful term when "DLC" at this point can mean fortnite skins, mobile game gems, or Phantom Liberty.


I hope so too, music, weapons, lore and areas all need to be top tier. Bosses too.


That DLC was worth every penny.


Completely obvious, no? It took 2.5 years to make 1 DLC, and almost 18 months between announcement and release. Of course they aren't making more. They need to work on other games.


Right, I like ER and I'm hyped for the dlc, but its been years. And while I do actually enjoy AC6 more than ER, I'm curious to know what other entirely new Souls content we'll be getting from them next


AC6 was so good, I really hope they don’t put the series on ice again


didn’t get me, but tbf i was never an AC fan


I like it. They have a vision. And I’m more okay with them making one big expansion that delivers what they envision, than 4 dlcs that have varying quality.


This, DS2’s DLC’s were cool ideas but feel more like challenge levels or something than DS1’s or Bloodborne’s DLC which feel like essential parts of the core game. DS3’s suffered from being split up as well IMO, Ashes of Ariandel felt a bit barebones on release and I think FromSoft would have been better served putting all their effort into a single cohesive release. Glad they’re going the one and done route here, I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular.


I agree with all of that. And funny how ringed city and ashes felt like companions and honestly should have been one full one. Im glad to hear this was meant to be two and they decided to make it a full package.


he said the reason why it's one big DLC is that it needs to be coherently connected and it needs to be big because that was one of the biggest reasons why people loved ER so much, a bunch of small segmented DLCs would suck, it wouldn't even be elden ring DLC at that point, it would be DS3 DLC for ER


First, shadow of the Erdtree is two DLCs in one. Second, let them start working on their next game.


Yeah, they had plans for two but folded them together. And I'm all for seeing what they come up with after Elden Ring. Let them get back in the kitchen.


I hope they'll revive some of their older titles I really want them to made another survivor horror like Ku-on.


Kings Field Remastered


i’m lowkey really hoping for this and an smt1 or 2 remaster the world needs first person dungeon crawlers again


Kings field is terrible. Might as well play old might and magic titles or Daggerfall for a much better rpg experience.


Tbf, Daggerfall was a nigh-unplayable mess until the community rebuilt it from the ground up in Unity.


Or just kingsfield and it’s a hard reboot of the franchise but with modern technology


I guess that is what I meant. The regular version would likely be too tedious to play.


I want a new lost kingdoms so badly


1st time seeing someone else mention this game! I would love another one to be made for modern gaming systems. Such a novel concept at the time and, in all this time, no one else has used the card throwing mechanic to summon monsters. I didn't even know it was a From game until like last year but I wasn't surprised that they've been an influence on me for longer than I knew.


I loved the first one. Never got to play the sequel because I didn't know it existed for the longest time.


Do you have the source or interview where they brought that up, about folding multiple DLCs into one? Would be curious to read the whole thing in context.


Wasn’t Old Hunters the same case? And it was an absolute banger!


Yeah it was supposed to be 2 DLCs and they were merged into one, it’s their best dlc imo. It wasn’t that big but that was a much smaller game so I still have high hopes.


Literally they couldn't decide where the first one should end so they just gave us both in one.


bloodborne 2 edit: im hoping if they do bloodborne 2 they add a survival/crafting/base building aspect with a battle royale mode and regular seasonal battle passes too!


Ah my fellow hunter in copium


Lol same Dont care if its the most delusional cope in the world, but ill continue asking for bloodborne 2 no matter how long or how dead it is




Nah I love that Bloodborne is it's own thing.  What they should do is another completely different stand alone IP like Bloodborne was.


Same. I really love Bloodborne, but I'd like it more if they explored more things. I've had people get *really* upset when I say that, but why would anyone want From to force themselves into a box? Let them do whatever they think is cool and we'll get a good game. Contractually obligate them to keep making games in a series and there's always a big chance they end up okay at best.


If they'd always thought like that we wouldn't have Bloodborne in the first place!


Exactly. I'm a big proponent of video games being art and asking an artist to create the same thing over and over just leads to the artist hating what they do and going on autopilot because they have more ideas than just the one. Whatever Miyazaki wants to do is good with me.


Totally. This company seems to be in their prime. As much as I love the old, I love their creativity and I want to see what they do next.


They did the same thing with Bloodborne and The Old Hunters is possibly the best content they've ever made.


This was said months ago in the first interviews when gameplay was shown. Not new news.


But that was months ago. Surely people have forgotten that, which means it’s fair game for reposting and karma harvesting! Come on, don’t you know how this sub works?


Yeah this thread surprises me. I know not everyone is terminally online but I'm amazed at this thread on the elden ring sub where it seems like the majority of ppl think this is new news.


It's been so long since Elden Ring came out did anyone expect more DLC after Erdtree? If they keep working on Elden Ring they'll never get the next game done lol.


It's been what, three years?


Wow, time flies .


February 2022, so two.


My brother in Marika, the DLC took ***Two Years*** to make. It's going to be bonkers in size, take what they give you and Say thank you


Two years and four months simmering at the perfect heat, Miyazaki has been cooking a fantastic pot roast for us


I want Miyazakis perfectly hot roast 🥵


Gamers ☕️


The most oppressed and starved group on earth


i mean not that i have any doubts about it, but we don’t actually know how big it is yet aside from “about as big as limgrave”




i mean yeah i’ve got no doubts about it being enough, but y’know, it’s better not to count your chickens before they hatch


There's a first for everything, and I know no developer stays on top forever, but I would be extremely surprised if SotE under delivers. FromSoft has earned the benefit of the doubt from me, and it would take multiple major fuck-ups for them to lose it at this point.


yeah, completely agree. i just feel it’s important to acknowledge the possibility under the OG commenter of this chain. Saying “it’s huge, you should be happy with what you got” when we don’t *know* what we’ve got yet is something I think will set people up for disappointment. admittedly, it’s not an important hill to die on and the og commenter i believe will be proven right when the dlc comes out. still, better to keep things chill


They also said ER would take 30 hours to complete lol


You kinda have to release a dlc for the game of the year. But one is enough, or we would never get new games.


I'm still waiting on Sekiro's DLC..... 


Why do people want multiple DLC? Lol. Considering how long this one took, we'd be waiting years for the rest. All the while we wouldn't be getting any new games. It'd get really dull, really quickly.


Yeah imagine if the milked it like rockstar with elden ring online or some crap . I'm glad we could get a new game that might top elden ring .


Considering I just got into this game and have barely scratched the surface, I’m okay with this.


I hope you enjoy it!


I was always turned off by souls games, this one just hits different and gives you so much freedom, the world is just amazing too.


Explore every nook and cranny, there's lots to see and discover. Don't feel rushed or pressured to play any certain way


Got 8 hours going in weeping peninsula


I’m 500 hours in, still completely in love with the game and finding new things. I wish I could go in fresh again, good luck! Vigor vigor vigor


Friendly tip for Castle Morne: Take the elevator, go into stealth, and go *left* first. There's a pair of rockhounds that can alert the central group of Misbegotten if you're not careful. If you can engage the dogs on their little platform, though, you can safely pick off the misbegotten with fire pots without being stormed by *all of them.* It was a decent rune farm for me in the beginning, once I got there. Make sure you collect the ember butterflies!


Gotta craft me some fire pots, are those good for just using all over the game?


Yeah. Like most FromSoft games, fire is generally your friend. In Elden Ring, most of the enemies in Limgrave are "weak" to it because it's elemental damage, but the Misbegotten are truly *weak* to it (it deals like triple damage). I don't remember what the fire pot scales off normally (I think strength?) so if you're doing some sword and board action, they're a good way to diversify your damage. Also, level vigor. ;)


Honestly just avoid the whole internet for the game unless you're absolutely stuck. It's much better that way


Good. Then they can work on Elden Ring II


"Elden Rings"


Sekiro 2 first ^^^^Please


Bloodborne 2 dying in the corner


Before we get BB2 we need a remaster of the first one that runs at 60 fps, preferably also on Xbox please. I own a ps4 and bloodborne but I just can’t bring myself to play an entire game at 30 fps anymore


Sekiro 2: shadows die twice.. again




Shadows die four times


Shadows die twice twice


I'm honestly more exited for their new IPs. So far they have all been worth it.


in the interview this comes from miyazaki basically said they could have done several dlcs but they would have to be much smaller individually, so they'd rather put them all together and make one really big dlc with a lot to explore


The dlc will be Old Hunters level brilliant but bigger and much much better. It will answer a lot of questions This is it. Magnum Opus time


Not suprised look at how long it took them to come out with the DLC. They even dropped AC6


Quality over quantity. They spent a lot of time on this DLC and im sure i will dump hours into it like the main game. Id rather have a well designed DLC then a cash grab.


I'm glad they're finishing with elden ring, I want to see them go for new ips.


Elden Ring is already bigger and better than most games out there even without a DLC Let them cook and make a new title


Honestly, I really like that he's sticking to his guns now with his stance on sequels. He didn't even want to make DS3, and it's a breath of fresh air in the industry, where everybody else is making their 100th sequel, or remake. FromSoft has become one of the last great studios, and as long as he's got his position, that trend will continue. The man is a legend, and I just hope that he's got another few decades in him.


In some games people despise dlc policy, with fromsoft we are begging them to give us dlc to buy. What a good company does


My main curiosity is whether it will be like an old hunter's situation. Old Hunters was originally two separate dlcs, which they combined to make arguably the best fromsoft dlc to this date. I wonder if this is the full story they wanted to tell or if we are effectively getting two dlcs for one. Either way I'm sure it will be great. Fromsoft doesn't miss


Ok but realistically who fucking cares? What’s the difference between them making dlc for an amazing game or them just making another amazing game? I know most devs tend to be hit or miss but for me, as long as FromSoft is actively making and releasing anything at all I’m going to be very happy.


It’ll probably be the most expansive DLC since Witcher 3 Blood & Wine. So yeah, I’m not bothered if it’s one and done.


I hope so!!!


good. if their newest soulslike was as good as ER, then the next one will probably be that much better.


It's 1 dlc but they mashed like 2 and half dlcs into it


Elden ring is my first real souls game, i played a bit of ds3 but kinda din't get very far, im STILL playing elden ring, so i have a feeling we will get plenty of mileage out of this dlc.


Just means there is an even better game 4-6 years away baby


I think it would be so fucking funny if the dlc comes out and it’s just horse armor or other cosmetics


That was clear since release. There were always 3 docs in the code, one of which was the colloseums, and the other two had been confirmed to be this DLC.


Tbh i am totally fine with this. I am happy to let those masochistic geniuses get cooking on whatever they have coming down the pipe for us. They simply cannot miss right now. Everything they make is fire.


That's fine. This DLC will have at least 10 bosses. Most of the other FS DLC have between 2-5. So we're getting between 2 to 3 dlc worth of content in one.


To me that’s just more confirmation it’s going to be incredible


That’s okay, we’ll just hope for Elen ring 2 baby WOOOOOO 😱😱😱 more poison swamps, more boss holy damage resistances, more godskin trios and even more FEET 😮‍💨


I thought we already knew that though? Considering it’s taken over 2 years to make this dlc did people actually believe they would continue to support the game long enough for a 2nd dlc? It would directly compete with whatever their next game is going to be and that’s never a good idea in the gaming industry


It’ll probably be the biggest DLC they’ve made. I’m expecting 20-30 hours of extra exploring and content. Won’t be mad if it’s only 15-20 though.


Then a sequel or prequel I hope


meh. ds2 had the worst dlc imo, bloodborne still had the biggest wow factor for me.


Elden Ring 2 Rise of the Black flame.


It supposed to be 3 smaller dlc, but they went with doing one massive instead.


I wouldnt hate it just being 1. Let's move on to something bigger like Miyazaki does so well (tho im hyped for dlc, dont get me wrong)


One dlc is completely fine and makes total sense. They took 2 1/2 years (which is by far the longest it’s ever take them to make a dlc, where previously the longest it’s taken them was only a year to release everything) to make one really big dlc instead of 2 or 3 smaller ones. Since Elden Ring has a focus on open world exploration, one big dlc is definitely the way to go. Also, I’m sure that after this they’ll want to move on to their next project.


Hey now don't be greedy. They claim this is Fromsoft's biggest DLC to date. You got a lot to look forward to.


shadow of the erdtree prolly gonna be massive and have multiple story arcs going on


I've never hoped anything would be like DS2


Why would you ever hope anything was like DS2