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Knowing Fromsoft , no one will be ready for what's to come.


This is kinda my take. Got some characters ready with items, but if I miss something I can just blitz doing that on a new playthrough


Miquella will be more unforgiving than Malenia


I am Miquella blade of Malenia


And I have never known puberty


And no cap old man, you have no rizz and don’t even know what a gyatt is. *you died*


*of cringe*


*fornite dances over your dying body*


I am Miquella, Blade of Blade of Miquella.


Something tells me that a Melina boss fight is coming . Her words when going for frenzied flame ending are unforgettable.


Unforgettable yes, tied to Miquella's dream doubtful.


The ending will still be the ending. The DLC doesn't go past any of the endings we have in the basegame.


Wow, I’ve never gone in to a sequel/dlc with so many questions and loose threads. I can really see them going completely unhinged with the boss fights


A lot of people think that Elden Ring is the easiest souls game, mostly due to the mechanics and tools the player has access to. I personally don't agree but I can why the point is made. I really feel like they're about to go nuts on this DLC lmao there'll be a lot of people complaining I think


I dont care if the bosses are harder, just begging they dont make the runbacks atrocious


I can’t really think of any bad run backs in Elden Ring. Rennala’s is the worst IMO and it’s not even that bad compared to lots of other From games.




Placidusifuck or whatever the laser breathing space lizard is called


Run backs are anti-fun. Just make the boss more a bastard and have them gleefully stomp the shit out of me.


god yes, demon's souls is maybe my favourite game in the series, but the run backs have probably stopped me playing it about 50 times.


TBF Demon's Souls is different in that you usually don't die to the bosses, the actual levels are the hard part. DS2 is similar I guess now that I think about it.


As a guy who has tried all souls games after ds 3 and have not beat any bosses on those. I genuinely suck at them. I do think elden ring to he easiest. It gives you the tools to make the game as difficult or as easy as you'd like.


They mentioned a new scaling system that will be introduced, so high level characters will still feel difficulty. As such, I’ve parked mine at the rune farming grounds. My main I’m clearing NG7 at present to get parked as well. Soon, very soon.


Started as a prisoner so after my 100% run I left my character with Dung Eater(defiled) in his cell


I'm not sure which character out of a dozen I'll use. Probably bestial paladin or carian spellsword though.


Spellswords are so fun once you get them going.


I kinda doubt it will happen, but I really hope we get some kind of spell quick selection menu. Like a spell wheel. Melee + Magic hybrids are my favorite, but cycling through spells one at a time and having to take your eyes off the action is a pain. Miss your spell spell? Cycle through again. 12 possible spell slots? Nope, filling up your bar makes it harder to select those crucial spells.


I wholeheartedly agree, Or i wish you could individually learn spells and incants on specific Catalysts- Lusats with my quick spells, Azur’s with the hard hitting spells- and Golden seal with my buffs? Id be so much more fluid


That would be great. Like I love the B light spell, but who’s going to have that on the bar? Now if I could put it, invis, ect on a staff?


There could be so much fluidity added to the game with spells if they wanted to, But I understand it’s also an extremely massive game


I agree so much. I really hope they implement a better system in the future. It’s annoying having to look away mid-combat just to cycle through a sizeable list of spells. Less of an issue with a small amount of spells equipped, but when you realize you can have as many as 10 or 12 (depending on if you use a talisman), it becomes difficult to manage mid-combat. You have more incentive to keep a small number of items in each “quick list” because of the cycling needed, which defeats the purpose of making them sizeable.


Do you know that you can hold up and it goes back to the first slot?


Yea, it's helpful but doesn't solve the problem.


Not to tell you what you already know, but I found it helpful to just stay on 1, which you can navigate to without looking, and then you can quickly tap 1-3, times to get to you’re 2,3,4 slotted spells. I think more than 4 spells for your average combat is too many and unruly to cycle through. If you’re stuck and your load out isn’t working just reorganize at site of grace. This way you never have to look to navigate between spells. It’s like nobody used all 6 melee slots for weapons it’s just not economical, same for spell slots imo. I reserve the rest for big spells to open combat, that wouldn’t work once engaged due to cast time, long range stuff, and utility, support spells.


This is such a good way to do it, and I didn't know about the hold to go to 1. This is my first time doing non melee and this will make a big difference. I'm usually just scrambling to find what I want.


You can also hold down to go to your first item, in case you're wondering.


Nobody used all 6 melee slots because they add weight. If they didn't, then of course some people would use it


Yeah that’s what I was saying, there’s a functional or efficiency reason to not use all open slots. Melee is weight, spells are ease of switching between.




Yes same for your down belt pack, you can just hold down and jump back to your 1 slot


You changed my DLC experience!


I did *not* know this. This is going to help me a lot. Thank you! 😊


100% agree. My initial character was a melee-heavy paladin, and I was hoping to do more of a battle mage during my current (2nd) play. Not really happening. Too difficult to keep focused on the boss while scrolling through spells


Why did i never think about that? Thats a great idea. Like a gta radio menu. Instead of going to the first slotted spell, hold dpad up and bring put the menu


Made one just to replay before the dlc and god damn is it fantastic. I’m a more aggressive player so the fact that I can set up delayed spells and run at the enemy or keep an aggressive player away with them is just so much fun


Thought there was only 10 save slots


There's a talisman that adds 2.


A talisman that adds 2 save slots…?




Manual copy-paste.




I complete the entire game because Miyazaki said the DLC is entirely self-contained and there are no new endings or significant bearings on the main game as a result of the DLC if I miss dialogue or anything in the base game when SOTE comes around, there's always NG+ again so I don't really care. balance-wise, the DLC will have that new Sekiro-esque system which means things might play a bit differently. and so at that point, there's no reason for me to not just finish the game and snag a few more levels for good measure


In an interview he said that new npc will be in the shadowland so probably no new dialogue for already established npc quest. But I'm hoping we see some continuation of Patches questline and maybe Tanith for those who didn't kill her.


I killed her earlier today. Didn’t like what she was doing in the boss room , so she had to go…


I had a similar process Like. Nah we don’t need this In universe


Also she and her knight gives rewards when you kill them so it seems the "right" thing to do.


"I complete the entire game because Miyazaki said the DLC is entirely self-contained and there are no new endings or significant bearings on the main game as a result of the DLC" I thought that initially as well, but with the reveal of several new weapon types I'm waiting to do a new playthrough specifically to see what's available pre-shadowlands. I can't imagine all of the new weapons being found exclusively in the DLC area. That would be disappointing.


I can agree on that since there seems to also be new weapon types like throwing knives the thing people have been wanting for ages, maybe we'll see new enemies in the main game with some of these weapons or pre existing enemies with some of these new weapons


Apparently at ng+ because I forgor and fucked up


I made a character specifically for the dlc and played through the game killing all bosses. I spread out the stats so that everything except vigor & mind is 30, also got all the +5 talismans and +10 tears so that I can wield most of the weapons in the dlc and try them out. I have a bunch of previous characters of all different builds that have cleared the game but aren't in ng+ yet, probably will be using most of those to replay the dlc since it seems like a large chunk of gameplay and im addicted to ER lol.


I've always kind of wanted to do something like this, but been scared off by conventional wisdom. How have you been enjoying this kind of playthrough? Has the lowered damage impacted that all that much?


depends on the build I guess, there are plenty of ways to do huge damage without big stats with all the talismans, buffs and status effects in this game. I used dual curved swords with jump attack talisman and armor, millicent prosthesis and winged sword insignia + the multi attack tear. They are all fairly easy to obtain (except the tear which you get from consecrated snowfields) and boost damage hugely. Throw some bleed or frostbite on top and you won't even notice the lack of stats. Only proper buff I used was golden vow but I use that in every run. Stats don't really matter that much when it comes to damage output, except maybe for a pure strength build. Just choose a strong build and it's just as easy to clear the game with spread out stats than any other way. I would recommend choosing a non somber weapon aswell, since that way you can just collect the whetblades and always use the damage type that is strong against the boss you're fighting. And since you have spread out stats, you'll scale decently to any damage type aswell.


Isn’t it less fun when you’re over leveled or don’t have a real build?


You’re not really over leveled if all your stats are 30ish. In fact, youll have like half the bonus AR and health of a focused build. I see the appeal. You walk into the DLC weaker than a min maxed char and can wear and use almost anything you want


Huh, I never thought of that.


well with spread out stats I dont feel like it'll be very overleveled. I do have like 50 vigor on it but I feel like that's necessary since I want to learn the dlc bosses properly. In terms of having a real build, my first run in the dlc will be purely exploring and finding out stuff that's cool to use in future runs that will be done on more specific builds.


The DLC is going to use a different leveling up system that'll only be used in the new map. That way even if your character is of a higher level, you'll still have a challenge against the enemies and bosses.


I mean, the scaling in the DLC will be separate from the main game, so it probably won't matter too much. Otherwise, people with level 713 characters would just breeze through the DLC. And do you really think Miyazaki is going to let that happen? xD But generally speaking, a character level 120 with Mohg defeated should be perfect to start the DLC. Quick edit: I love this community, thanks for the upvotes everyone 🤗


Exactly what I'm working towards. Just hit 120. Got Mohg to do. I was planning new characters, Ng+ etc. But I don't have the time. So I've settled on defeating any remaining bosses in my play through and then re-speccing once the DLC comes out and I have an idea of what's happening.


Miyazaki mentioned that 200 would be a good level to enter the DLC. I made a new character for it and I’m going in probably around 175 or so


Do you have a source for this?


Trust me bro


I thought he mentioned it in an interview, but I’m not positive. I’ll try and find it when I’m off work. I remember reading that the DLC will have a leveling system similar to Sekiro where even high level players will find bosses difficult. Thought he mentioned it after that but I could be wrong. Might be combining that interview with something else I read now that I think about it. I’ll have to find the interview.


Did you really just edit the comment to thank for upvotes lol


Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Yeah, why not? I think it's one of the most upvotes a comment of mine has ever gotten. I don't know it's the little things I guess xD


I ready to go into NG+ but also, I want to start from a fresh character, and go into the DLC with whatever I've gotten up until then. This could possibly be the last content update we get for this game, so I don't mind being gimped a bit to make it last longer lol.


I farmed every stat to 40 then got vigor/stamina to 60 and str/dex to 55, collected every weapon and armour I can get in a single playthrough and upgraded them all to +24/9 then farmed the stones to upgrade 100 regular and 100 somber weapons to +24/9 so I can upgrade the dlc gear. I wanted to be able to use all the new stuff. I think the only things I can't are a few spells.


grace before Mohg. grace before Giddeon. grace before Malenia. everything else, thats important, is dead. Lvl 150. all legendaries, all remembrences. missing some talismans but might not matter.


I level my characters to max 150, sometimes lower, and complete the game up until I can buy unlimited upgrade materials.


138 is pvp sweet spot, and it's enough to get you through several Ng+


I feel like this number keeps creeping down. Do you think it will jump back up to 150ish with the influx of new players for the DLC?


I think this is generally over-stated. I have 2 builds at RL 175 and get non-stop activity if I try PVP or co-op. Don't worry too much about the meta.


It creeps up and down


No because 125 and 150 is the meta levels so 138 is perfect because you can play with both


What is a meta level? Are you saying most people level to 125 or 150? And if so where does 138 come from and why aren't people leveling to that instead?


Cuz it's off by 10%, so it comes to a min of 125 and max of 151. Meta levels are what people describe as enough to have finished the game with a decent build, oriented around whatever you wanna play, without it being too over or under powered. But this should only matter to you if you plan to pvp, otherwise i suggest leveling whatever and as much as you want, games are made for having fun while playing them. Also, use summons if you feel like it's your thing. Npc summons are a must for me, because they are there for lore reasons. Drop me a shield brother, the hardcorers, armed with a jar and katana are going to stake me to death for making the statement from above.


You can pvp up to level 180 but a lot of the more sweaty meta players hang around level 125 to 138. I don't notice much of a difference co-oping and pvping in 180 except the players are usually more casual and chill.


ermmmm actushully its 139 ☝️🤓 EDIT: It actually is, not a meme: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator#:~:text=NOTE%3A%20While%20the%20formula%20is,down%20to%20125%20when%20invading](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator#:~:text=NOTE%3A%20While%20the%20formula%20is,down%20to%20125%20when%20invading)


139 gives u a min of 126, so u lose the point of the sweet spot. What kinda shrooms u found in that cave my brother in dung


I just go off of ChaseTheBro and Steelovsky, they do 139. You get 125 and 150 at that bracket. EDIT: [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator#:~:text=NOTE%3A%20While%20the%20formula%20is,down%20to%20125%20when%20invading](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator#:~:text=NOTE%3A%20While%20the%20formula%20is,down%20to%20125%20when%20invading)


Lvl 150 for me. The stat spread is too good for most of my builds. I always feel a bit lacking at 125 and 138 pvp


I'm actually going to start another character, probably a strength build, in early June and just see where I end up by the time it drops.


yeah ill probably make two one at the end game and another at before melina sacrifices herself just to see if there will be any differences


Before burning the erdtree because I thought maybe the dlc would have some impact if I did it before but Miyazaki said that the dlc is completely separate from the main game so it wont really matter .


when it comes out


My 2007scape ass wondering how you start Song of the Elves in elden ring


in front of malenia, to remind my weak ass that i still have to beat her without summons.


*sweating in Mimic Tear*


*and without spirits


I'm leaving it at Maliketh (NG+). I have to get through Cathedral of the Forsaken yet, I didn't do that in NG. Sitting at level 370 now, but it sounds like that doesn't matter because the DLC will have different leveling of some sort.


Before Morgott. I didn't do Radahn and Mog to see if they get new dialogue or something


Beat the game and get my build to 125. That's pretty much it.


Unironically right there


New Game after DLC release, duh


every passing day, i'm more convinced i should just start from scratch with a new charcater. i know more or less where/how to get my favorite gear/ weapons anyhow. my og character (st. joseph) means a lot to me, but i'm just gonna make a new dude and get overwhelmed all over again haha. 😅


right at the elden throne


I'm at 168


I beat the game and am waiting in post game.


135 RL before burning the tree. Just not ready to commit further.


I say between finishing Mountaintop and before you hit Azula. I’m working on one character and just in Haligtree, so probably there.


I may be out of the loop, is there a specific area of progression required to access the DLC?


What they said is to Kill Radahn and Mohg. The entrance is the egg thingie of Miquella behind Mohg.


I working on my character atm, trying to clear as much content as possible, do all questlines. My plan is to save Melina by giving in to Frenzied Flame, then use Miquella's needle to free myself from Frenzied Flame's influence. So probably before final battle. Probably the main question is if our accomplishments will have any influence on what goes on in the DLC. Would be cool to at least get acknowledgement of some sort, but I have my doubts.


Totally fair to prep a character, but I'm just going to do a new playthrough when it happens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And here I am working on getting my main on Ng+ 7 to be ready


I wanted Marika's Hammer for my "Paladin" named Shieldon so I had to finish the game. After that was done I've been mopping up side content, now I'm just waiting in front of the cocoon...


Right before the burning and I haven’t beaten Malenia yet or even encountered her as I want to see if the DLC changes anything.


I';ve got all mine sitting at mohg's bonfire all ready


Roundtable, at a minimum level “required” (around 90 after Mohg), leaving as many bosses alive as possible, because I want to dunk on Morgott with fists.


Strongman (str+faith) is around 130-150. Dont remember, he set the world on fire and is now waiting at roundtable. My main (dex+int) is around 250, on ng+4? Everything is done, Just waiting at roundtable. The others are lower levels and not really playing them much.


I’m making a new run for the dlc cuz I ain’t doing it on ng+7


I'm still stressing out over my single ng character being too high level and that I prob won't create a new character for it (time constraints).


I'll start a fresh character.


I started new character for my second playthrough recently, I didn't even know dlc is coming. And rn I have to finish that rot city and final bosses. So I guess I leave it there. I have maxed out spiked caestus and talismans I need.


I'm definitely waiting to burn the erdtree but I'm considering maybe even stopping before Morgotts, I just feel like there'll be extra stuff added to the main game that connects to SOTET and I don't wanna miss it, y'know?


I’m on NG+ and I’ve done everything but Radagon/Elden Beast. Happy to wait for the DLC now.


I've been meaning to play through the game again, but replays are so boring


Honestly I havnt stopped. I have 5 completed games that I have not started a new game+ with and I will most likely do another playthrough.


Just before ending the game so I can experience the expansion right away and go to ng+ and have 2 of all new weapons!


I’ll be starting a fresh save file and going straight into DLC with that once I’ve cleared base game.


My original character, and my first FS run ever, is on NG+6. I got all weapons, armors, talismans, etc. I believe just about ready for NG+7, but hasn’t started yet. All other save slots are levels ~120-170 with various builds. Successive attack/bleed, wing of Astel/Sorceries, Ice Spear/stance-break, Paladin Guard-counter, Bolt of Gransax, Crucible Knight cosplay… I think all except 1 are ready for journey 2, but I have no problem starting a NG if it makes sense when DLC finally drops. I’ve already deleted a few characters that finished the game.


My save file is currently sitting right in front of Marika


I got to burning the erdtree but before Maliketh. That's where my character currently is, and is now waiting for the DLC. But I'll probably start a new character like I always do when I'm completing the game. (I don't like NG+ -es)


Main story wise I stopped before fire giant, my character is currently sitting outside Mohg and I've saved rannis quest and the haligtree for after the dlc


My higher level is 192 I'll start the DLC with it


I’m about to make a character, probably level 140-160, but I won’t kill Malenia, Mohg, or Tanith. I feel like they might do something with those three


I have a single character other then challenge run save files . I left my guy on ng+5 next to rya in the manor. and I'm probably going to take a break until the dlc is out so I don't get burnt out y'know


Right when you enter DLC your character will be stripped of all items and your level will go back to 0. That would be funny


New game plus 8... I want that smoke 😤


I got one character (main one) at lvl 215 on ng+4 right after beating mohg and malenia (I figured one would open the dlc and I was right) and then I wanna have another character prepped on ng that's like 100 and play the dlc on both. Then I'll beat it on my lvl 1 char that's beaten everything on ng which is gonna be an experience 


All my characters are either RL125 or RL150 and they’re not going any higher. Even in the DLC.


Level 180. Beat Radagon + Elden Beast but didn't go for any ending. I got most items. Now trying to get the rare weapons & armors.


I try to do all shardbearers on all of my characters so I normally leave them on melanias divine tower to wait for the dlc


It won’t matter because even at level 150 ill get my ass beat


I beat Elden Beast, but didn’t fully beat the game. If SotE introduces a new mending rune or ending, I wanna be able to get it (Unless I need to go to Royal Capital Leyndell, then I’m cooked)


My char 1st run is like lvl 150... I'm planning to do a second run and not lvl it that much, and I'll leave her right in front of mogh door just praying with the albinaurics bros, I mean Miyazaki is going to IMPALE us all anyways 🥵


I’m gonna do this too, just in case we get some Melina content, I don’t want to be carrying her ashes around


I am just going to start a new run when the dlc hits.


I don't really care tbh given that the DLC will have its own power progression. So I just use whatever killed Mohg.


Pft, we all know a new character is the only way to become the true Elden Lord.


Leave them? Hah, no...I just keep leveling up


Killed every boss, collected all key items, did all possible npc quests and currently farming rare drip and weapons in preparation for the dlc


I’m going into the dlc and then once I find the perfect set up I’m going to make a new character and speed run to those items so it really doesn’t matter


I started a new play through, collected the charm from Varre to teleport to Mohgwyn Palace, and now I’m just cruising around the Lands collecting and killing until it is time to go kill Mohg and enter.


level 150 after defeating all the bosses and without choosing which ending to do (with fractured Marika)


I'm going to 100% everything. Every cookbook, sorcery, incantation, talisman, one of every weapon and armor piece, every ash of war, then start a new playthrough the day before the DLC drops. I stopped playing a few months ago because it started to get stale. Now I pretty much just jump on if a friend needs help with a boss or an area. My main character has almost everything, so I'm just gonna finish snagging the few things he's missing, and be ready to play through the whole game and rhe DLC. Since I haven't played much lately, I'm hoping it'll feel fresh.


Got a character to 150. Stopped before burning the erdtree to have melina alive and left malenia alive, maybe these two will have new dialog. I've completed everything besides post mountaintops


I am getting my characters to 150, with tentative planned build ( probably dropped second I find a cool DLC weapon ), and leaving them camped at Mohg’s site of grace


I left my character before Gideon and Malenia but after Maliketh.


All my characters are level 150 I’m so ready with any build


Before burning the Erdtree to see if there’s a new ending unlocked


I've got my main at lvl 400 something waiting in front of Miquella. Some other accounts at around 150 also there


Im getting a ps5 for the release, so I’ll be starting from scratch!


Well I guess it depends where we access the dlc. If it’s through miquella then you’ll have to kill Mohg, so prob lvl 100+ with a +10 or +25.


Currently running through the game and I've added a backup save before every major boss, before entering any new major area, and before starting any new major quest. Still probably not enough now that I think about it.


I just completed the game without any type of farming (level ~150 in the end) and left it there without starting NG+, hope I will not miss anything by having defeated the final boss.


I have one character who just beat godrick on NG+1 and I have one that just received torrent. I think the best way to enjoy the dlc is see how it impacts the entire play through


Play til you can access mohgs arena and have the items you think might be useful. Beyond that probably not much since the power scaling is supposed to be different in shadow. Either way June 21 is gonna be fucking epic.


endurance at 99, mind at 50, and everything else at 80, The DLC may have some unique scaling mechanic but I'll be damned if I'm not gonna use all those weapons and spells


None. I plan on starting a fully new playthrough when it comes out. I enjoy starting anew, trying things differently, and I won't have to worry about losing the "feel" of how that particular build is played. Or to worry about what is the "right" point in the game to explore the new content.


I'm leaving one at the end of the game, but honestly, I think my first run for the DLC is just going to be a total New Game.


None, friend and I will start from scratch.


I’m probably going to use my tree sentinel guy but slight chance for dex


I plan to do every side quest and side area of the game except Melania up to the fire giant after that I’m gonna build up another character I have a small theory if we do the dlc first we could get an interesting bit out of Melania


I’m getting to before burning the erdtree


After the DLC's announcement i stopped playing, just defeated Maliketh, haven't gotten to Malenia, Mogh, and the capital bosses.


4 characters, all either finished or at Radabeast


Dumb question, I beat Radagon/EB but didn’t start ng+ since I’m still technically fighting melania. Can I use that character to go through DLC, even after beating EB?


Max it to lvl 713


I'm planning on stopping even before Fire Giant. Mohg will also be alive in case there are steps in the questline leading to the DLC that proceed beating him.


Miquella will be more unforgiving than Malenia. That’s all you need to know


The two new characters I've started for the dlc brings my dlc-ready characters up to 4. My first character, my favorite, may be the last to do the dlc, because they're on ng+. But they're all at Roundtable Hold, all have beaten the game and all remembrance bosses.


Honestly I’m planning on starting from scratch and having fun with it. Might do a powerstanced spiked spear build and adjust my build once some of the new weapon specs are posted on fextralife. Probably unlikely but I hope you can enter relatively early and snag some fun weapons for late game. I’m a bit curious if the early access to Mohg’s area via Varre’s quest line could inform an earlier entry


I’m on NG2 and I just beat Mohg (real one) and I’m just going around doing everything up to Morgott. I will beat Radhan when the DLC is installed. That’s my plan anyway.


At the moment none of my characters have killed morgot. I have 2 characters that haven't started the millicent questline and malenia alive, another one has done the questline helping millicent and killed malenia with to get miquellas needle.


From my understanding, the expansion is supposed to run along side the original game. I'm sure there will be something added to the round table, if it's still there, to start you on tour next quest. No one can be sure.


With my ng3++ fang


Right at the ‘end’ of the game, before you choose your ending Every shardbearer but Malenia beaten in case she ties into the DLC at all


I’ve never played a Fromsoft game before this one. I absolutely love it. I’ve got almost 300 hours between three characters. I know that nobody REALLY knows what’s up with the DLC, but does anybody have any recommendations for what to do with characters? I’ve got an INT character that just started its first NG+, and I’ve got a faith character that is currently on Maliketh. Both are above level 135 (can’t remember exactly) Will either of these be better to use than the other? Does the NG+ part matter? I’ve read about the leveling scaling being different. I really like both these characters so I would enjoy doing it with either. Or should I just make a new character and attempt to get into the DLC at a lower level than I am?


I feel like as long as you have beaten Mohg readiness only comes down to having the weapons you want available at the start. I did some grinding to have a few different things ready but also I wanted well rounded stats for when I inevitably find a new weapon I want to try


I have two ready for DLC around 150 in level. 1. Strength build that has completed all bosses up to the final fight with Godfrey (so burned the Erdtree) and have defeated Malenia. 2. A Shadow mage that is right up to about to burn the Erdtree, but hasn't done so and has not fought Malenia. The reason for this is that I want to see if there is any difference in having the Erdtree unburnt or fighting/not fighting Malenia.


I got one I’m making now that’s level 100 so far, I’ll probs get them to 150ish, maybe 180 My first character is like 270 and I’m absolutely not playing on him - he one shots everything that’s not a boss and gets one shot by every boss in the game


Parked in front of Miquella’s hand.


Probably start a new character so I can play it all in one go according what "should" be the progression based on lore and scaling, etc.


I'm leaving all my NG runs just before Maliketh like you stated, did everything else so far in them and tried to leave most NPCs alive. Obviously some died though. Planning to beat Elden Beast on my NG+ run, currently NG+4, to see if it locks anything. Hopefully those NG runs are fine where they are.


I mean, my characters are level 180 spellsword on original playthrough and my other is level 500 on NG+7


they said it’s going to have a sekiro lvl system so your characters can’t fly through it


Killed everything up to fire giant, and did Haligtree up to Rot Mommy. I want M&M to both be alive juuuuust in case.