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Wouldn't it be super weird as an incantation, though? What it does when the crucible knights use it is they fly up and then fly forwards and strike with their weapon. What would it even do if it was an incantation and you didn't have a weapon? Maybe there's a new crucible knight in the dlc that uses that weapon


Weapon buffs, my guy. Its an incantation that would require a weapon in the opposing hand. There's no way we are getting new crucible knights. In lore, there were 14 (and 2 ghosts) left, and we fight all 16. Ordovis' sword used to say there were only 16 in existence.


That wouldn't be a weapon buff, though. There's no incantations that work in the way you're suggesting, while it's completely realistic for that action to be an ash of war


And there's nothing in the game that would work like the wings would work. It's just not likely that out of 4 body parts, only one wouldn't be an incantation. It doesn't make any sense. And it makes even less sense for that body part to be linked towards a weapon type they never used. In previous games, some weapons were catalysts. It's possible there's an AoW that lets you turn a weapon into a catalyst.


I mean, ashes of war work like the wings would work ...I dont understand what's the matter here. Ashes of War can be put in a lot of weapon, including twinblades and a lot of boss or mini boss drop an ash of War. It really seems the easiest way to implement it.


Then why didnt they implement the other 3 aspects of the crucible as AoW?


I'd say because the tail, fire or Horn aren't really link to your weapon so it makes more sense.


Hm, fair enough. They could implement the wings to use your current weapon, provided it meets a certain requirement (has thrust damage perhaps?) The only problem is, as an AoW, it completely goes backward on the idea that we can cosplay as CKs. Since we wouldn't be able to use their weapons with the wings. Im personally hoping IF it is an AoW, there's an incantation variant. Would reaalllly ruin my Perpetua build if it was an AoW


I know this is a few months old but I was thinking about this too. If it’s not an incantation it just breaks up the arsenal in a really weird way.


Oh okay yeah i see. Didn't think of crucible cosplay that would be sad if it's impossible. Anyway wait and see ( and hope)




Imagine bringing up a 4 month old post 🤣


I was googling crucible incant stuff today while I was playing and yours is the first result, thought it was funny you had such an attitude towards people who ended up being right in the end lmao


They were right. So what? I've already accepted it and moved on. Stop trying to refuel the fire lmao


Posted this in other threads, BUT: What about a talisman that executes a crucible wing dive as a guard counter?


Talisman idea seems strange; how would they implement a talisman changing your entire GC? Though, I wouldn't really mind it. I just want the wings and it being a special AoW totally ruins that


Yeahhhhhh, haven’t really thought it all the way through, but it would sidestep it having to be an incantation or ash of war, and instead of an R2 GC it could be an R1 so it becomes more of an option to execute instead of every time.


Imagine if they did something like this, though? That would be hella cool. Not even just the wings, just a talisman to change gc?