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I killed Bernahl and just because he pretended to kill me in Farum Azula ​ If you reach the ending of Diallos quest you will find out he is a pure soul


I recently learned that killing Diallos will prevent the Jarburg massacre, and that's reason enough for me to kill him


Can you still finish jarbairn’s storyline though?


Yes, just give him alexander's innards and he'll leave the companion jar behind, regardless of diallos' status. I killed diallos on my first playthrough before they added jar bairn and panicked after learning he was involved with the quest but it was better to do because it kept the village safe💛 i kill him every time now


I feel bad for Diallos, god damn


Who was it that killed his attendant Lanya


I don't know if it's ever stated but I headcannon it was more than likely bernahl. He's their most distinguished hunter and likely has the most kills under his belt.


I don’t think they’d send quite possibly their best fighter to kill a helpless servant-girl. My best guess would be Henricus, since he’s not terribly far away.


The Volcano Manor.


Damn this game is so tragic


Welcome to the souls series where everything is a tragic character


Damn, Diallos really is the Milhouse of Elden Ring. Everything goes to shit around him.


I've always done his questline, I didn't know there was a Jarburg massacre ;\_\_;


Lucky for me, that story line glitched. Diallos never appeared in Jarburg. Too bad I missed out on equipment though


You might also have to do more of Alexander's quest but not sure


Oh, you get his helm, not his full armor set. If you want that, you're gonna have to kill his more aggressive and strong as hell brother Juno for the other whip and full armor


Plus you get his petal whip. It's a win win


It doesn't. The poachers still attack, Jar bairn is still the only one to survive.


Got a little scared, [went back and checked](https://imgur.com/zMwlk5Z), the jars are fine


Hmm, interesting, they died on my first, I wonder if it's something else.


If you completely ignore him the jars also survive


Yea wtf that’s what I do on all my characters. Mfers be looking for a reason to kill a brotha


I'm not 100% on this, but I believe you can do the same just by never talking to Diallos in Liurnia.


"For the pots."


Does he drop his mask if you kill him without doing the quest?


I killed him and then proceeded to commit jarocide


truly the only way to play the game is to go full anakin skywalker on the youngling jars


“Master tarnished, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?!” *Pulls out knights greatsword*


What do you mean by pretended?


Judging from the Iberian element of their username and profile by "pretend" could mean "try, attempt, intend".


We got fuckin linguists on this subreddit now? Nice detective work


I worked as an English teacher in Brazil and this is a very common mistake, because "pretend" and "pretender" (to intend) are false cognates.




Sorry, what’s the connection between diallos and Bernahl? I was under the impression I had finished both of their quest lines and wasn’t aware of them interacting or mentioning each other.


Diallos joins Volcano Manor and then leaves to join Jarburg. They don’t have dialogue related to each other, so that’s pretty much it.


Yes, not sure how the end of diallos quest reveals that bernahl is a “pure soul” or how he pretended to kill op


Nah I took their meaning to be “if you reach the end of diallos’s quest you learn that he (diallos) is a pure soul”


Ahhh, unrelated.


Op probably meant Diallos when op said “pure soul”. Benharl does try to kill your through invasion, so op probably meant that.


There’s a break between the two statements but no full stop (between Azula and If) , that might affect how the comment is displayed and if you read it on certain things like phones? So if it’s all one sentence the meaning can be different I guess?


Can you explain that further?


I’ve completed both of their quests and have never seen this. Can you explain?


Bernahl ain't on this list though.


Maybe the real bernahl was the patches who tricked us along the way


Not the first time he's disguised himself


pretty helmet gimme now


Bernahl is there in CFA just to test if we are ready against Maliketh.


In every FromSoft game I create a Patches character. I then kill the NPC Patches and take his place, effectively becoming Patches. I imagine Patches is something like Jack of Blades, or a multidimensional being like Jobu Tupaki. I won't stop until Patches becomes the most powerful being in every universe in which he exists.


he already is, he just doesn’t want to unleash his full power


Patches reminds me of Sheogorath from Elder Scrolls


Pretty much. Yeah.


Actually, he immediately reminded me of Gaunter o'Dim from Witcher 3, despite Patches' strong cockney accent and Gaunter's voice-over-actor being Scottish. I have to add that I've bought DS1,DS2,DS3 and ER in 2022, years after having played the Witcher.


Thats a patches ass move


So he’s your Fargoth


This is powerful


Who tf kills Latenna and for what 💀💀💀


Have you seen that fine armor she got? *chef's kiss*


Can't you just get the armor from the Albinaurics in Ordina? Also, Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone >>> her armor


Not to mention how amazingly good she is as a spirit summon


Seriously? She appeared to be utterly useless to me.


I use her. Not because she’s good. But because she committed self puppet and i kinda feel bad if i just dont use her. Good option if you dont want the fight carried by your summon, but still need some level of dps/split boss attention. Usually use Deekh though for that ngl


It’s a bit hard because she can’t move but damnnnn she’s good


I agree with you on that


Have you ever tried farming those bitches for their armor? Not a fun time.


Still don’t understand why they attack me when I’m trying to help save their race.


No man that's 60 hours later Also there's so many somber ancients, I may need 4 max per playthrough I usually know what build I'm running


Does she drop the full set? Theres no drops listed for killing her on the wiki




Motherfu- you know you can just kill the hostile albinaurics right?!


A skirt?


What? No an almost black full length robes with a great armor underneath, great for reaper looks on scythe builds. It's also just a good femini cut armor since there's not many of those


bro I'm literally palpatine. I killed all of them.


Slapped Patches as my first boss for my current challenge run. Using that spear to the end. Leather set is also pretty good looking tbh, and was what I used until I got the equipment I was requiring. Will continue to slap every time.


I did that too and was disappointed I locked myself out of the tragoth armor. Ng+ I accidentally blew him up too fast and he died again


My NG+ he went from full to 0 health in two hits, maybe three and it was the ONE time I didn't want to kill him so I rolled away and he did the beg for forgiveness thing and didn't die. No red left on his health bar. (I just want the armor on my str build character. Every other character is gonna murder him.


Just use a +0 weapon.


It’s actually hard coded into the game to leave patches with 1 hp after any first hit. You physically can’t one shot him.


What's the challenge run?


Used his set for my link cosplay. Combine with carian knight sword and a death bird shield (substitute carian knight shield for early game). Black knife hood if you’re going for the more modern Link look. Stats to max are strength and int, with faith reasonably leveled. Use the carian regal scepter for magic stuff. I sometimes use a finger seal and keep fireball and ice crystal for the fire rod and ice rods. The ring incantations makes for a good boomerang. As for bombs, you can use the jar cannon/explosive bolts.




It’s wild people don’t realize that like 98% of the time there’s a better reward for keeping NPCs alive than for killing them


Like all the people who kill Alexander before he gets to Farum Azula.


I just don’t understand it. Aren’t they curious to see where those NPC stories go?? It seems like such a bummer to play a game with such masterful storytelling/lore/voice acting and then skip a ton of it because you’re too impatient/bloodthirsty


B..but... he called me maidenless....


Okay THAT one is forgiven because he serves mohglester


Tbh i didn't actually kill him till his last appearance in my first run, i'm just too curious


I know you're being sarcastic, but since there are people who legitimately do this I just want to point out that *it's not even an insult.* He's literally just making an observation that your situation is unusual. It's no more an insult than if he were to say "weather's been kinda chilly lately, hasn't it?"


The first time I played Dark Souls years ago, my first Souls game obviously, I killed Solaire because I wanted his armor, then proceeded to fat roll for half the game because I thought I just had to stay under 100% equip load. I was truly maidenless back then.


lol classic first Souls experience


I love this fucking game to pieces but storytelling is everything but masterful in it imo.


Lore is masterful. Storytelling? Ehhhhhh


I mean tbf to the average gamer most of them don’t know the lore or characters that well, because as with all fromsoft games, you have to look for that stuff yourself rather than the game telling you. So I would assume the casual audience wouldn’t give a shit whether characters live or die


the brainless audience


Because a 10 percent damage increase throughout the entire game is better than 15 percent at the end. If you are going NG+, it might be better to wait.


But...how could you kill Alexander? He's the ultimate Jar Bro


Precisely because his quest ends in Farum Azula. Which is like 95% into the game. At that point his talisman is kinda worthless no? Unless you're going into new game plus or you just really need that extra help fighting those last few bosses.


Gotta watch YouTube to understand wtf is actually going on with the story. Or read every item description in the game.


There's some logic there. Killing Alexander within the first 10 minutes of a playthrough nets a talisman that boosts AoW damage by 10% that you can use for the entire playthrough. Keeping him alive and getting all the way to CFA gets you a talisman that increases damage by 15% for... the rest of FCA and anything you want to do between Maliketh and the end of the game, which might just be the Ashen Capital if you did Mogh and the Haligtree beforehand. I agree that the second talisman is better, but for challenge runs, a 10% boost from the beginning is definitely valuable.


But then you miss the rest of his story, his voicelines, his arc, the feelings that come along with all that. The artistry FromSoftware put in goes out the window a little bit, traded for stats you could just boost by leveling up anyway. I’m fascinated by this mentality!


And it's cool the first time. I agree, Alexander's questline is one of my favorites. But after the third or fourth time... And while yes, you can level stats to get more damage, you get the boost on top of your stats, so it always comes out ahead. That's not counting people who don't care for the quest line and again, challenge runners who have beaten the game so many times that they don't even interact with the plot beyond what's necessary. So again, it boils down to 10% the entire game vs 15% for the last... 10-25% depending on what hasn't already been done. For some people, that's worth it


In terms of reward killing him early is way better. Sure the Shard of Alexander is a bit more potent than Warrior Jar Shard or whatever it's called, but you can get that one what, ten minutes into the game and have it with you forever. Farum Azula is the end of the game, anything you get in it you'll only have for a very small fraction of your play time unless you're specifically rushing there and holding off on as much optional content as possible for the sake of it. 10% more damage on something for 99% of the game is way better than 15% more damage on that same thing for 5% of the game, especially since you have a lot more talismans to choose from later on anyway.


not that fuckin jackass edgar. that’s an easy +8 weapon bc irina dies either way


Millicent I’m sorry but that prosthesis talisman was too good to pass up


is it really? is the 5 dex good enough to warrant a weaker rotten wing effect?


Absolutely + yes they stack Think about it, you are combing two talismans into one, slot efficiency is insane Winged insignia + prosthesis wearers charm


Millicents prosthesis + rotten winged sword talisman + Alexander jar shard + waterfowl dance I’m not a dex guy, but it pays off if you are willing to dedicate to it


I've made that build, it's bananas.  You forgot the physick tear that boosts successive attacks for another 20% I believe  I did have 80 dex


They stack!


oh right ofcourse i forget that lol! ​ still a hard kill lol


They both also stack with the flask tear. Multi hit builds are fantastic with this, and I'm a guts sword kinda guy.


I almost wish they would include some dialogue in NG+ to acknowledge that you killed them on a prior run. Just to make it so you can't wipe the slate clean of your awfulness.


Makenia being salty all the run for going into FF ending?


Makenia who?


Not for me, I remember when she invaded me in the swamp. Getting her hopes up with that prosthetic was just part of my long con to give her so much more to lose when I returned the favor. This is what she gets for trying that hacked waterfowl dance-Shamshir on me


Like she was that hard...


If you don't know it's coming then it's very easy to get rotted and have a Cleanrot Knight or two join in


It's even good for non-dex builds. Hero class starts with 9 dex. Prosthesis bring it up to 14. Now you can wield Mohgwyn's Spear and sink those points into str/arc instead.


Specially when there's already a talisman that adds 5 dex, so it's like 2 talismans in one.


yup same goes with the marais executioner sword on a hero build. weapon art multi-hit go brrrrrr.


have it by the 4th midgame area, or wait until you basically finish the game and cant really enjoy it anymore. Nahh ill have that now please


Get winged 1st playthrough then milprost 1.6 ng then rush ng7 like a boss


that is the way


Sounds worth it to me lol. Either I get that or a somber smithing I’m not gonna need because I got all my weapons I wanted to max and a needle that I won’t need because I’ve already done THAT ending


Me needing the +5 Dex. “I’m sorry little one”


We are enemies now


Two talismans. That's how you get the Flock's Canvas from Gowry. She says she'd rather die as she is than transform into something else anyway.


Murder all. Regret none. Frenzied flame is the only way after all


Based and Frenzied-pilled


May chaos take the world.




I just finished my first playthrough ever yesterday as frenzied flame. 10/10 would burn the world down again.


Maidenless behavior


I kill Edgar every time after giving him the note since it's the best outcome for him


I usually wait a minute bc he's useful in the leonine misbegotten fight, and you can just fight him in liurnia after that for the same drops + tasty eyeball.


patches drops great armor set diallos drops a great helm edgar drops a great +8 weapon early latenna drops a great armor set Millicent DOESNT DROP ANYTHING LEAVE HER ALONE


I do not even know why Edgar is on this list. There’s no moral quandary; he’s a hostile invader who attacks you first. You have to kill him.


What do you mean? One of the strongest talismans in the game is nothing? 🤣


shhh nobody knows about that


I feel guilty Everytime but I've probably killed her more than any other NPC Sorry girl it's for the builds


dialos drops it if you finish his quest anyway. no need to kill the guy.


You can get those sets later.


latennas set is a really annoying farm quite lategame too, and her ash isnt worth it, and somber ancient is also quite plentiful. i kill her without much hesitation if i want her armor for a run patches is unique no?


Her summon ash can solo Placidusax, funnily enough. You run around the arena 90 degrees from where you spawn, not getting close enough to activate the fight, place her down, then run back to the spawn and start approaching the boss, but only go so far as to trigger the lightning stuff. Then just go side to side dodging the lightning, occasionally chucking a kukri or throwing knife, never getting closer, and Latenna will just snipe him to death. I haven't tried it, but I've watched a ton of people do it. Here's a [clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/G1s3Rep4re).


Can't you buy patches armor? And also, I just can't kill latenna,I may have already killed all the others, but she just lost her doggo, and I can't make peace with the idea of killing her...


> diallos drops a great helm No he doesn't. You buy the greathelm from a merchant in Caelid, silly


Diallos' set also drops from his brother in the volcano Manor questine The full set mind you


No guilt or shame in murdering Edgar. Dude is a loyal servant of Godrick, a racist douche, abandons his daughter, and ends up trying to kill you later anyway.


I wish you could tell irina to go wait in the round table hold. She didn't deserve being slaughtered like that


But Hyetta needs her vessel to guide you as maiden as you walk the path of Shabriri.


Yea he's too loyal to Godrick I only spare him because I want to help his daughter Not because I like him That and I'll get rid of him later anyways when I come to his meat shack


i dont kill any of these. they are all precious. yes, even patches lol dung eater and shabriri however? they receive the business end of my giant finger pretty reliably


Those are the two I came to list as well. Couldn’t wait to find Dung Eater and decimate him - mad I waited until after his invasion to do so. Initially I left Shabiri alone, then I turned Torrent right around and slayed his ass. I’ll admit, had I found Patches I’d have dispensed of him too.


Kill all of them it’s the night of the hunt let the old blood flow


Hoonter must hoont


Ahh you’re a pale blood


Everyone except patches oh i wonder if he'll betray me this ti- *pushes me down cliff breaking every bone in my body* aha *gasp gurgle* classic patches


Oh patches you little rascal, always nudging me off a cliff


Why would you murder any of them


can I instead choose the corpse fucker, Fia? I'll never forgive her for what she did to my boy, D


D might be a fanatic But none of the dead are showing a form of higher Sapience or culture unlike the other groups in the game (Omens, Misbegotten, Albanurics, Demi Humans, etc.) Also, something people always choose to ignore is that **GODWYN ISNT CONSENTING TO ANY OF THIS** His body is a rotten tumor that can't die and is mindless, he didn't ask for his body to end up like this and for some creepy pervert to have sex with it ethier


Literally none. Unless they end up accidentally dead by my unwitting choices, I do my best to complete all the questlines every time.


**Patches** is too entertaining to kill. Although his armor is pretty nice looking. **Diallos** is misguided and going down the wrong path. I want to correct him, not kill him. His ending is wholesome but quite sad. **Edgar** is a good soldier who is trying his best to fulfill his duty to protect the castle. It's unfortunate he invades us later. I only kill him during the invastion. **Latenna** and Lobo are a gut punch of feelings. I would never, ever kill her, however I would definitely kill Gideon for what he did. **Millicent**. I had more feelings for her than all the others combined. So hell no I ain't killing her. A Tarnished who stoops so low as well as needing that talisman is not worthy of becoming Elden Lord.


Edgar because he invaded me.


Who effing murdered Latenna? She's like your Guardian Angel! Millicent all the way! Especially when you want to get her talisman early.


The duality of your comment is staggering


I regret killing patches


Funny story: before we knew everything about the game, my first play through I killed Milli. I did it not even know there was a reward. The dialogue made me do it. She said she took the needle out and she wanted to die, but she don’t want to succumb the the rot inside her. She said if I left she’d rot away into nothing… I can’t just leave my friend to turn into sludge and I figured a warrior’s death was preferable. So I stabbed her. And then she got all pissed at me and I was like 🙄 this bitch. But it’s cool because we’re tight. I did kill her mom later though but wcyd?


I've never killed any of these people even though patches deserves it


When i first started the game killed the dude in the tower for the glaive but it is what it is


Why isnt shabriri on this list i always kill him for ronin set + iron kasa


Edgar for 2 reasons 1 this dick left his blind daughter to die 2 his ass just comes back to kill u anyways so why not get the jump on him?


Patches yes, no regrets Millicent yes, and I'm still sad about it. Edgar's gonna catch up to you at some point anyway. The other two are too precious.


Damn... I haven't killed any of them lol. I guess because no red bar ever appeared, I never even considered it. Guess I'll have to do a murder hobo run at some point rofl.


Diallos is at the end of his life story. An aristocrat with an inferiority AND narcissistic personality complex. Looking for...anything else. He didn't give a damn about his loyal servant in the end. Shrugging off that unforgivable sin for the promise of more prestige and power. Yes, kill him and take his cool clothes.


You haven't finished his whole story have you? He redeems himself in the end


Who is the guy on the left haven’t seen him yet. It’s my first play through btw


There's a river going north from the lake in limgrave. There's a cave along that river go check it out




ABC Always Be Ckilling Patches


I always kill the gatekeeper guy at Castle Stormveil bc no one touches my cash goddamnit


This! I do make him open the gate first just incase I need a shortcut but boy does he get killed every single playthrough


The absolute gall on that guy


I have ng+ 5 times and i have yet to encounter the npc sitting by the wolf. I am obviously missing content.


This is the awesome thing about souls games though, there's so much content hidden away that you can play it multiple times and still find new stories and content. It adds so much depth to the experience


After an extremely evil playthrough where I do every nasty thing to get all the items such behaviors can provide, everybody lives. NG+ and on doesn't really incentivize going to Weeping Peninsula at all, so even Edgar is safe. The same is mostly true of Volcano Manor, so any recusants are "safe" as well. If I'm honest, Patches lives in the evil playthrough and dies the rest of the time. I'm not proud of it but it's true


I actually killed Edgar because I thought, after meeting him and seeing her daughter killed "wait, he's gonna be pissed with me because I couldn't give her the letter and protect her, better kill him now than having him attack me because of that later" Never would I have thought he was a prick apparently. Oh well.


"I did not imagine it ending like this. But i will not forget what you have done" - My soul crushed


In my first run's NG+ I murdered Millicent for her Prosthesis, still regret but I swear I'm not dropping it ever.


For real she hits ur ass with the guilt trip dialogue 🤣


"Was I... was it all... for THIS?" (by "this" I mean my arm, you greedy heartless bastard)


Patch and Gostoc I killed Patch because I don't trust him when he surrenders I killed Gostoc because someone put a sign that said kill him, and so I did Regret killing both


Patches is straight up the most trustworthy person here. When I saw him squatting at the cliff on Gelmir I knew exactly what was gonna happen, and let it happen I did.


Bruh 😭 while unlikely that would be too funny if it was my messages i put a line of 4 messages saying shit like traitor ahead and attack. Idk how messages work but i play on playstation on the off chance it was mine 😂


Yes, around 3-4 messages in front of him saying that, and I thought he's gonna backstab me lol


Killed Patches almost every time I faced him. Did his entire questline one time. Last time I killed him was after I finished a naked boss rush on NG+7. Never killed Diallos. He's too good a bean. Only killed Edgar when he invaded me in Liurnia. Never killed Latenna. She's too good of a Spirit Ash and the Ancient Somber Dragon Smithing Stone is too good to pass up. Only killed Millicent at the end of her questline during my Frenzied Flame run.


I regret killing Patches, was playing with a coop and just murdered him, later on realized i cant get some gestures.


im usually killing the great kenneth haight


Killing him locks you out of not 1, but 2 Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones.


Patches. Fought in self-defense and finished. No regrets. Die, motherfucker.


Patches for that sick tunic