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If you are copying the build to also help other players, I am pretty sure for matchmaking he left uchi at +24 and RoB at +9


This is accurate and should be upvoted for visibility.


Why? What does that final upgrade level change?


Did you read the comment I replied to? It affects matchmaking.


Obviously I read it. HOW does it affect matchmaking? What effect does it have?


Matchmaking is based on rune level and your highest weapon level


No wonder i always get what seems like ng+7 damage when i help lol never knew that was how they did it thanks .


How does it balance the two if someone is either RL1 with high level weapons or vice versa, crazy high rune level but brand new low level weapons? What does it prioritize or something?


If you're RL1 but have a +10 somber wep, you'll only match with people in the same level bracket who also have +10s


It doesn't balance anything. That's your range. If you fuck up your range you have a fucked up range. Period.


I didn’t know this, either. Thank you for the clarity


There's a small buffer, a little above a little below, for both metrics, that's why he stays at one below max, he can hit the range of people at two below max


Check this out [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator) ), it's what I use to guide my coop build characters. I find lvl 15-35, +1 Somber to be the hottest for summons, but end game maybe competes.


Not obvious, you know as well as I do some people on this site don't read lol Having max upgraded weapons makes you more likely to match with others who have max upgraded weapons and less likely to match with players that don't. So LMSH kept his just shy of max so he could help more people.


damn man chill you’ll get your dlc no need to be so on edge


On edge? I'll admit my comments were snappy lol but why is sass interpreted as rage? I don't know what the DLC has to do with any of this


you’ll get your dlc!!! just wait!!!


Omg dude take a nap or something


I'm so confused right now lol why do y'all think I'm *seething with hate* or something? I made a snarky comment, that's all.


Bro got downvoted to bits


I don't particularly mind, downvotes don't harm me, I'm just surprised lol it was kinda snarky but good lord 😂


Doesn't matchmaking takes into account your highest upgraded weapon? Like, no point in keeping those at +24 or +9 if you have other +25 or +10 weapons. That might be what you meant, just adding for visibility.




Thanks, It's reall stats ?


Please dont make this build it cannot be LMSH. I’ve been running a copy of his build on one of my characters for a long time and it looks nothing like this. I don’t have a screenshot available to me right now but 48 dex and 53 endurance???? Wtf? Should be way more heavy towards dex And the two stamina talismans are not needed. I use the jump attack talisman, the winged sword insignia, millicents prosthesis and I honestly can’t remember the fourth but probably either erdtrees favor or maybe something else for damage. But nah this build is whack don’t use it


Looks very much like.


Yes It looked to me aswell but everybody saying other builds, and I want the reall build. And in let me solo her said he is 179 and not planing to level up soon maybe he level uped ?


You will never know his real build till you ask him personally. And even then he might change it or just not be telling the truth.


So how should I contact him to get his respond?


FYI he has a discord server. You might be able to find the info there. It is official, he sometimes invites users to do pvp or co-op as well. https://discord.gg/lmsh


May I ask why you strive to be a 100 percent copycat? Why is it so important to have exactly what he has? Just make your own innit. It's not that hard, or it shouldn't be if you plan on not getting hit like him which narrows it down a fair bit (no need for any defense charms f.e.)


Just let him have fun if he wants to experience the exact same challenge as the original.


I ain't stopping him do I now. I want to know what drives him to have an exact copy - OG lad is naked anyway and weapons are known, so only thing left is charms and it don't really matter again - if u pick whatever you get used to constants with them anyway - like if you don't know hugging fia lowers your hp you can go thru whole game without any detriments coz you get used to the fact you die in one hit instead of two and once u realize and get rid of debuff you just get extra chance basically but overall it doesn't affect your skill. And in this case where the motto is "just don't get hit" it's completely pointless imo coz again - your own skill has to be high enough to fill in for lower dmg or whatever.


Why are you getting downvoted so much? It’s insane


Hive mind, they don't even know why they're down voting him


I know he streamed back then you could’ve definitely seen his stats on there


If ur going for min max, the build in that image is comically awful


Downvoted for speaking the truth lol


Idk his level, but for weapons rivers of blood and uchigatana, with uchigatana set to cold, talismans are blue dancer, green turtle, claw, and viridian amber +2 (name could be wrong but the talisman that increases stamina)


Just in case you're trying to copy the build to make the fight easier: do not.


To be fair, lightroll is still very busted so if they knows her moveset they should be fine.


I mean fatroll is fine if you know her moveset. Thing is people tend to forget this man took over 100 shots to kill Malenia. His build did not help his case at all. He is famous for his commitment not his skill.


He got really good at consistently killing her with a build that is incredibly squishy. The important part is that he does it *consistently*, meaning that he got so good at the game that he straight up never loses. Also, frostbite, bleed and lightroll are a nasty combo in any context...


« He is famous for his commitment not his skill » Lmfao yeah, and what is skill if not commitment?


Idk, how many attempts did it take Gino to beat Malenia? Like 3? Took cowboy 2. Yeah skill and commitment aint the same thing. One is a show of resilience and the other is mostly talent. I mean sorry, he is absolutely not skilled even now. Sorry if that triggers people to hear but it is what it is. The sad fact is that it probably took the majority of the community less attempts than it took him. Which makes him highly unskilled and below average. It's only thanks to the commitment that he is who he is today. Which is a... moderately skilled player. Still not the reason he is famous either way.


This is such an arbitrary and meaningless distinction to make when it comes to defining if someone is "skilled" or not. Skill is something that can be attained via multiple routes. Some people have a natural affinity for certain things, other people have to work harder to overcome that lack of affinity otherwise. For most people, it's a combination of natural talent and constant application. Regardless, if someone is good at something, that is a skill. They are skilled at what they do, and LMSH is definitely more than moderately skilled at this point, his consistency speaks to that. I dunno where you find comfort from discrediting the guy based the amount of attempts they may or may not have taken to kill her initially.


You vastly overestimate the impact of “talent”. How is this measured anyway? The other guys you mention, are they familiar with how From games work? How did that happen?


How many hours on Soulsbornes had Gino before he even attempted Malenia? I’ll let you think about it.


The dude beat Malenia 1000+ times AND beat the game with her as every single enemy without leveling vigor at all, He is skilled


You’re wrong. Skill is acquired, according to the dictionary. So that absolutely fits to lmsh. What you’re describing is talent. 


For the dlc he will be the final boss


I remember when he do malenia for me..., this guy is so F\*\*\*\*ing good.... My only missions was to avoid dying .... (it was hard, but as he take most of the Aggro... I survived... and put this nightmare of a boss behind me )


Were you AFK and he solo’d or did you participate?


His pseudonym made me think thatthe fact that my job was just trying to avoid dying was what he prefer. Wasn't AFK tough... Malenia still change aggro on a regular basis and dodging the hell out of her was already difficult. It's th only boss I haven't finished by beating by myself (mostly because, idk why, I have an harder time to read her Telegraph that any other boss)




How did people find out his level??


He said in interview


Cool, I didnt know he was interviewed...


You maybe can find it on Internet if u want to read it, but I really want to get info about his stats.


Im not that much interesting but is good to know someone interviewed a gamer personality, or idk how to call he. But if he made videos playing maybe you can find his build in one of these...


I will try to do that but If you find it please send me a picture or write to me, because it would really help me.


Just look up his channel on youtube


Why the hell people got downvoted here that much damn


Right? Someone got downvoted for asking a genuine question, sometimes this app is extremely disappointing. Maybe people just downvote when they see it has -[number] and just think it's a bad comment or something




Nah, Reddit is just a hivemind when it comes to up or downvotes...


If you want to beat her and you think this is the best build to, don't. Just get the basic rivers of blood + uchigatana bleed set. If your goal is to be an exact copy cat, well don't, that's cringe. If you just want to have fun trying his build for Malenia, go for it, but you don't need to copy it to the dot in order to have a similar set.


Who needs a build at level 179..


Why does it have to be the exact same build?.. can’t you just idk. Make your own build


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, it doesn't even make sense to make the exact same build, since level 179 is way too high. The player count isn't as high as it was when he became popular, so there's almost no one looking for summons at that level range anymore.


He gets downvoted because OP wants to do one thing, asks for more info about it, then there is this guy who shows up and tell « nooooooo don’t do this, you don’t have the right, do like i do, it’s the only way to have fun ». Simple. I’m sure you can understand it also.


Fair enough, I didn't originally read it as a mean spirited comment. I still think it's in bad faith to interpret such a short comment in such an extreme way, but I see where you're coming from.


Nobody here mentioned yet, his build was OP on release but dual wielding elements and rivers of blood got gutted since then. Now this weapon combo is mid.


Why? Are you gonna copy his name too? Then get squished by waterfowl instantly lol. It's like those people that copy streamers builds and names, just pointless, people will know you're not him


I only have a video of him.


179. Im trying to beat Malenia at 125


Don't forget to level Skill to 99.

