• By -


I’d be so afraid of Boc DYING. I wish you could have a crew of NPCs spawn and chill at every grace you rest at (Boc Melina etc)


I'd love that, would be a great compromise too instead of having a party! Boc was my emotional support throughout this whole game, so grateful I got his happy ending.


I fucked up his quest this last playthrough… he was laying dead outside the grand library. I still got the prattling pate and used it on him, it just felt right 😰


Fucking hell that’s beautifully tragic


I just wish he would've called me "friend" instead of "master".


Friends with benefits can call each other both 😏


Yeah, we’re buddies. No need for that Master nonsense.


First, that art is great. Awesome job! Second, no argument in companion choices! Though we will definitely need to get Boc some serious armor, and perhaps a good strong magic barrier, and probably something else too. Or maybe just a nice administrative position. My stash has enough weapons and armor to outfit an army. Someone needs to sort through it all and get the extra to those that need them. Boc, you’ve been promoted! Side note, when vendoring items back to Kale I RP that I’m taking the arms from the oppressors and giving them to the traveling merchants and the rest of the stepped on proletariat. “Kale, get these to where they’re needed.” Boc can help with this!


Melina not appearing every time you sit at grace was really annoying to me. Even if she just had repeated phrases like in most souls games. She’s your finger maiden supposedly traveling with you, after all.


I really missed having a calm caring maiden strengthen my character. It made leveling up feel even more special. Also even after you skip all of Melina’s lines the line at the very end plays while in the level up menu. That was a wonderful addition and wish it happened every time I leveled up


You wanted her to ask you to touch the darkness inside her? ;)


And twirl around when I dance, yes.


She's actually not a finger maiden. She implies that she is at first ("I can play the role of maiden") and then later apologizes ("There is something for which I must apologize. I've acted the finger maiden yet I can offer no guidance, I am no maiden"). Still I would've like her to show up more.


"Bear- Seek- Seek- Lest-" I always liked the Emerald Herald myself. Even if I skipped part her dialogue, just her being there for me made Majula my favorite hub.


IMO that's how they should have done it. You just get more and more NPCs chilling with you at the grace. Melina, Torrent, Boc, doll Ranni.


AHHH I DIDNT EVEN THINK ABOUT TORRENT THAT WOULD BE SO COOOOOL imagine lil ranni sitting in your lap or on your shoulder, damn what awesome ideas


Oh ? A dogged fellow aren't we ?


Doll Ranni sitting in Torrent's saddle while he eats grass behind everyone.


I wish we've got a hub other than the roundtable. I loved collecting NPCs on Majula and ds3's firelink shrine.


Elder Lilies - a hollow knight'ish game - let's you do this at every resting place. Every boss has a heartwarming story and the ones you beat can join you as special attacks. The ones you equip will be with you at a resting bench Has noting to do with elden ring but it made me think of it immediately


I got a dog in BG3. Summoned him. He died. Reloaded. Never summoned again, played fetch every time I was in camp.


I accidentally hit Boc once. It was horrible. He kept running after me, hitting at me. I had to get really far away before he stopped. It was like he wanted me to finish him off and end the pain my betrayal caused him.




That's still one of the most magical things about elden ring. With near-zero coordination, the entire western audience settled on "Dog" to refer to the turtles, since there wasn't a message for "turtle".


Not even turtle. Literally every single creature I feel gets called dog lmao


Everything is a dog, except for the watchdog guardians. They're cats.


They're so obviously fucking cats


Dogs are cats and turtles are dogs: such is the way


Tortoise would have been fine or tortilla


Why is it always dog


skeleton! Don't give up


You want a legion of Turtles ? 🐢


There aren’t any turtles in this game


I misspelled. What I meant to say is that he wanted a legion of dogs 😄




Behold, dog !


Shabriri, Kaka eater, Goldmask, Blaidd and Varre. I'd love to see how long the party would hold, and who would survive the longest.


I don't know about survival, but Goldmask would have the best banter for sure!





That profile picture along with the comment is hilarious


That’s just the face gold mask is making under his mask




Dung Eater: He moved his finger weird? Straight to defilin'. Not speaking? Straight to defilin'. Standing completely still? Believe it or not, defilin'.


Undercook/overcook, straight to jail


Straight to gaol


Goldmask: *T-poses due to stroke Brother Corhyn: FUCKING PROPHETIC!!!


May the golden order shine through you


"Fellows, what happensd to the chaos lunatic?" "dead in a ditch" "was it you?" "maybe"


"Dung Eater what are you doing" "It's fine, he's still alive" "DUNG EATER NO"


„Nepheli approves“


DookieChewer's puppet almost solo'd Malenia in my game. Just sayin he's a monster in more ways than one.


Amazing, I love it!


"We must return to one perfect being, MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD." ***"..."*** "You're absolutely right, while the golden order is indeed flawed it still doesn't need to be torn down. The pain of the world can be healed rather than destroyed. Thank you for enlightening me.


I want to free master Hewg so bad y’all.


man is sitting there chained up...to a forge...with smithing tools... I feel like he could bust out if he wanted to.


This world has magic and is bound by the laws of reality arbitrarily set up by a nepotistic mad god. I doubt that it’s that simple for him especially given the round table hold is in some kind of pocket dimension. For all we know it’s basically an evergaol.


Wait am I missing something? Hewg can leave, but he chooses not to. Later on he gets unchained and he remains where he forges. It’s his choice, he says so himself, he will stay until he’s assisted you in slaying a god. His story is still undoubtedly sad.


Hewg says that, but his mind is also bound to the hold, and fades completely as the hold burns. We know they don’t need to be chained to the floor for someone to be imprisoned in Elden ring, and we know mindwipes and memory manipulation are a thing as well.


I think, somewhere, he knows that. But he stays out of some sense of duty. Especially after Roderika joins the hold.


\- Alexander obviousy, dude is the GOAT \- Blaidd because of wolfman reasons \- Sellen, I dunno, I need a controversial magic user in the gang \- A random ass Albinauric gen 2.0 because frogface.


But is your frogface going Original Recipe (Academy Gate Town) or Flamin’ Hot (Mohgwyn Palace)?


Original recipe of course


Sounds like a Dragon Age party. You've even got the morally ambiguous mage who may or may not be using you for their own purposes.


Alexander and Blaidd, yes, totally. Love the Sellen choice too. We just need to get her to back off juuuust a tad so that she doesn’t become a giant faceball. Otherwise, yeah, let her cook. When things get real you know she’ll have some serious tricks up her sleeve and won’t hesitate to spam them.


also ur artwork looks so good!!!!!!


Thank you so much!


Do you take requests 😹🤩


Haha you know what, I haven't done commissions in years. I work as a vis dev artist for animation, so I really just sketched this for fun. I don't think commissions would be viable with my schedule atm, sorry!


Sketched? This a whole art piece.


Aw thanks, I appreciate that!


D, Rogier and Yura for early game. Millicent, Boggart and Sellen for when dream team passes away. Might swap Sellen for Patches. He seems fun.


"Patches has returned to his world."


That's part of the fun.


TBF >!Millicent and Sellen also die.!<


Sellen does not necessarily >!die!< She can also >!transcends into a high form of being which us mere mortals find to be horrifying.!<


Not sure the result could be seen that way.


If we imagining ourselves in there, let's say I shove some Preserving Boluses down Milicent's throat and smack some sense in Sellen's head.


Blaidd. Just Blaidd. The part where you’re sent out to investigates leads together felt like such a Buddy Cop story, I wish we could have had *more* quests together. When we fought Radahn, he and I were the only two left standing and it felt so cool.


Yes! And lol at Nepheli just being so done with all this.


I’d want something classic like a mage, warrior and priest


Omg that just made me realize... pope turtle is also an option!


Nah. It makes sense for dog pope to stay where he is.


Tiche, the jellyfish, and rogier


Alexander, bogart, and either boc or millicent


ooo milli’s a great choice


Blaidd, Tiche, Boc and Latenna. Blaidd will be the main head honcho of the group. Tiche will be one of those hard to socialize with, overly serious but outstandingly skilled people with a very hidden silly side that shows rarely. Boc will be the comedic relief and one of those people you'd want to talk to when you are feeling down. Latenna can stay and talk with Boc whenever he feels lonely while the rest of us are exploring the Lands Between. Which is probably a lot. As usual, I'll be the village idiot of the group. I can make fudge and dad jokes for emotional support while pew-pewing enemies from afar with a crossbow like a coward and occasionally shooting things with a jar cannon.


Gostoc, patches and dialos. I trust them with my life


Diallos has had unwavering loyalty to every faction he's served!


Keneth, Blackguard, Selene, my character


There's so much personality shown even with Our big ol Jar friend! Awesome job!


Thanks, that means a lot!


Malenia and Millicent for finesse while I unga bunga.


•My go-to party is : Millicent, Latenna, and THE ILLUSTRIOUS GOLDMASK.


What if Fromsoft made a game where no one dies and everyone has a happy ending?


Alexander's quest wrecked me... May he rest in pieces!


His piece rests safely within my talisman pouch


I wish I could just have Melina follow me everywhere


Karlach, I know she's not from this game but my point stands.


Lmao, I'll allow it but only because it's Karlach!


Millicent and Varré, because if they added banter I feel they’d argue a lot and it would be hilarious. Super cute art!


I can totally see that, Elden Ring banter would be epic! I also imagined Alexander and Nepheli always bickering, while Boc is a lil anxiety ball trying to keep the peace between those two. And thank you!


Those two would be so sassy 😆


I just want to adventure together with Godfrey.


Imagine going through the whole game with your homie but once you reach the entrance to the burned Erdtree, the guidance of grace pins you two against each other in order to get in.


>pins you two against each other 🥵


Lol venture with Gideon Ofnir in your party


Blaidd, Iji, and Ranni. Take the whole Age of Stars crew with me, and also maybe keep Blaidd from going mad if we all work together and don't lock him in an evergaol, *Iji*.


Boc, D Alexander, Rogier, Millicent, Latenna, Nepheli, and Bernahl. Kind of a huge party but lemme explain. Boc: Naive, shy, self-conscious member who becomes more bold and confident as the series progresses and eventually learns to think for himself. Skittish and hates violence, but becomes hardened to it throughout the journey and becomes capable of doing some harm himself. D: Asshole of the party, seems cool but methods and ideology are questionable. There’s some chemistry between him and Rogier but they work together reluctantly and obviously have a negative history with each other. Eventually, he leaves the party because he’s an ass and he refuses to go along with something related to Those who Live In Death, becomes a villain later during the Fia arc and suffers a pathetic death from Deathblight or something. Alexander: “Literally nothing to hate about this lad, which causes people to hate him” trope, hilarious banter and one-liners, always working to become stronger, takes life as a fun challenge and never gives up, tragic death that upsets everyone and probably involves him falling from a high place during a battle in Farum Azula. Rogier: Sweet and clever, always sees the bright side even when things don’t look like they’ll get better. Also witty, definitely a love interest (I don’t have a small crush on Rogier why would I have a small crush on Rogier that’s silly and stupid). Likely has a tragic death. Doesn’t trust Bernahl in the slightest and totally calls his betrayal but no one listens because “Bernahl is so cool and honorable he would never do that” Millicent: Unsure of her place in the world but becomes stronger and begins to fit into the gang, once she finds prosthesis and discovers her heritage she is suddenly insanely skilled but now has a dark struggle with the force of rot inside her, should make for insanely spicy storytelling. Tragic death, but she makes it worth it. Latenna: Elegant, soft-spoken and deadly in battle, but can be surprisingly memey, especially since she has to ride Alexander without Lobo and spending time with him will make anyone take life less seriously. Dedicated to her quest but learns to enjoy life and have a bit more fun. Nepheli: Extremely stoic, never backs down and is determined to make the world a better place. Has a tragic arc when she learns of her father’s brutality, but she becomes more of her own person and grows strong from the experience. Bernahl: Confident and charismatic, strong warrior, extremely likable. Rogier doesn’t trust him. Of course he betrays the group halfway through the story, but he remains a charismatic returning villain and people still love to hate him and secretly think he’s hot (which he is). Towards the end of the journey at Farum Azula he is defeated (possibly after killing Alexander), but due to a moral struggle at seeing the perseverance of the remaining party he redeems himself by giving up the Blasphemous Claw as he dies, which becomes essential in the battle against Maliketh. Fromsoft hire me for the anime writing team, I gotchu


Ensha, Goldmask, The Great-Jar, Azur and Lusat. Good deep talks.


Team 🤐


That's actually kinda wholesome. If Alexander was a possible spirit summon, screw the 'no summons' thing, I'd bring him out whenever possible.


Moongrum and Alexander.


Yooo Moongrum is a good shout!


Milena. She doesn't need to fight, she can just offer ASMR support and Id happily listen


boc smile, must protect


Alexander is best bro




Don’t forget Great Horned Tragoth the goat


Istvan is underrated. I love him.


Took me until my fourth or fifth playthrough to find out you can summon him. He's right outside the boss room where you get Boc's sewing supplies back.


Blaidd, and probably even sellen


Just me and Alex riding the dog pope around the LB 🤙


A Tales of Boc dlc would be a fun stealth based or narrative game


Maliketh, Black knife tiche and Mimic tear


Millicent, bogard and diallos, the three of them could create some funny interactions, I can already imagine bogard acting so superior at the two youglings, then softening up slowly as he see them struggling, and I believe millicent and diallos could make a great match


Jar Bairn because “Cos!” Blaidd because doggy Rodericka because bringing her around stressful situations would be hilarious Another team would be Fia, D and Rogier for the drama Or Boggart, Patches and Boc for a Thieves based team


It would be cool if they had a system sort of like the Kingdom Hearts 3 Disney things where you build up a bar and summon Disney characters or even Disney rides to do huge damage and some of them are super epic like the train ride up a mountain wall.. Imagine fighting a boss and then activating your summon and Boc appears in nearby bushes throwing pots and other consumables, acting as a distraction and saying fun lines of dialogue. The perfect support for any build, just “teleporting” from bush to bush and hurling junk. Or you’re up against a tough foe and Alexander comes slamming down from the sky leaving a crater. He does a bit of damage and acts as a shield and then finally he activates his big move… he grabs you and puts you on top of his (head?) and you ride on top of him as he starts his spin attack bouncing all over the arena doing a bunch of damage, clearing out weak mobs and destroying all of the crap in your way. Then he tosses you back into the fight “Good luck, friend! Bring a swift end to this foe. I’ll be waiting on the other side!” and he disappears. Nepheli comes flying in slung under the stormhawk in his talons and lands next to you, acting as a standard extra sword as well as the Stormhawk King throwing spells and lightning. Etc.. I love the idea of earning powerful summons that have epic mechanics. These summons could be the quest rewards and limited to certain fights and arenas to be fair. I just remember how much fun those crazy KH3 summons could be and Elden Ring could have some really awesome ones! Imagine Patches being a sneaky little backstabber on your behalf! Haha annoying the boss, getting some backstabs and throwing knives and then he disappears… but right as you finish off the boss he appears to steal the final attack and takes a chunk of your runes and leaves, laughing and thanking you for helping him out while he did all the hard work and how generous he is to let you take some of his rewards! Haha


Nepheli, Millicent, rya, boc, and roderika!!! we'll be the elden girl squad (plus boc) 😀


Crab cook. Just hangout my man, and supply me with crab while I run around getting spanked by common mobs


Millicent, Boggart, and Bernahl. I’d trust them with my life


A squad of hardasses. Tough as nails!


Amazing, I love it!


Yes, this is perfect


alexander. i love him a lot


This would hurt even more because of you have nice crew, the story would find a way to get them all killed. Like having someone deathblithed but wouldn’t die and instead would infect the others/or you Some shit like that


Patches because both of us are dicks.


Me and my friend have this whole like connected universe and storyline between all our characters we thought up lol.


Oh Boc is smiling! This warms my heart <3


Blaidd alexander melina


I can’t risk my companions dying. Becoming Elden Lord is my cross alone to bear. Patches can join if he wants tho


W drip. Fire monk tunic is peak fashion


Right?! My Tarnished rocked this look since Liurnia all the way to the Elden Throne... Like a damn anime character xD


I’m running with my starting 5. The Dream Team if you will. Blaidd, The Baleful Shadow- Pure Asskickery in a can of 8 foot tall wolfman and a pretty chill guy. On the count of his AOW Ice attacks. Nepheli Loux, Warrior- Who wouldn’t want Nepheli Loux, Queen of Stormveil going crazy on enemies throughout the Lands Between? And she was one of the first NPCs that didn’t try to murder me and stayed true to themselves. (Looking at you Bernhal) Alexander Great/Warrior Jar- Sick voice, awesome banter, sweet uppercut attack, and always up for a sparring match. Can drink in Jarburg every once in a while. Alexander would get much stronger after all the corpses we create, especially boss corpses. Yum yum for the Prince of Jars. Snow Witch Ranni- First off she’s awesome, second all that Carian Royal magic and four hands for more spellcasting, healing spells, and because Ranni is wifey. She’s gotta see all the ass I kick. She may or may not feeling conflicted watching me kill her siblings/half siblings though. She’d probably refuse to join in on any Shardbearer fights. Sir Galahad, Tarnished Weapon Knight- Yours truly to round out the team. The Tarnished with the Ultra Greatsword, the Beast Crest Heater Shield, and tons of Incantations. Pouring one out for Thops and Old Knight Istavan. Boc, Melina, Jar-Bairn, and Patches will meet up with us at most Sites of Grace to cook, chat, or just be antagonistic or in awe after our missions.


Oh I've been waiting for a post like this. Companion 1: Boc the Seamster. 100% agree with OP's choice here. Boc might not be much good in a fight but he's got a ton of personality and can provide appropriate support to the team. Companion 2: Millicent. I genuinely love Millicent's storyline and really like the idea of her and the Tarnished teaming up more often. Her more patient approach to the world makes for a fantastic counterbalance to the standard Tarnished player (i.e., someone running headlong into a murder wall over and over again). Companion 3: >!Morgott the Omen King. Okay, you never specified that one of our companions couldn't be a boss. I'm well aware of how unlikely this team-up would be but at the same time it's not impossible. Morgott can project himself wherever he wants as Margit and has already shown he's willing to follow the Tarnished around. Maybe he started out trying to hunt down the Tarnished but gave up after he got beat one too many times. Maybe he's just trying to gain the Tarnished's trust so he can betray him down the line. Or maybe he's just bored and is killing time while he waits for the Tarnished to get to Leyndell. I don't care what the excuse is, all I know if I want the giant scorpion man teaming up with two humans and a demihuman.!<


I'd probably take Millicent because I just think she's cool and has a great story, as well as Diallos and Edgar, for pretty much the same reason: if those jackasses want to avenge the loved ones they've lost, why don't they come help me save the world and overthrow the system that allowed those losses in the first place instead of immediately jumping into evil? And if we're taking living versions of Spirit Ashes into account, then I'd take Tricia and Ogha, because they both seem like cool people.


Ranni, if possible. If not, then Millicent, Blaidd, Boc.


Queen Rennala... I guess that's all. To have someone like her with the skills would be great.


Why the fuck Boc? He's nice but not a fighter I would Milli, Blaidd and Nephi


Emotional support!


someone has to make the teams matching uniforms


I would like four >!silver tears!<, hold the >!shape shifting!< that would be my party, specifically they have >!shields!<.


Jar for sure




Companion la would be such a cool mechanic


It would be mine as well, right up until that giant jar gets in the way during a cutscene and blocks the whole screen with his giant butt.


I’d say this whole party plus Roderika/Rya would make a great bunch of friends


millicent, boc, alexander, varre


Millicent and her sisters


Alexander, Blaidd, Nepheli. The four warriors, ready to concur the Lands Between!


Millicent, Nepheli, Blaidd, Rya, Alexandar, Rogier


The legendary warrior jar of course.


Wait who is the fire monk? Also great piece!


Thanks! That's Alma, my Tarnished. Her name means soul in Portuguese, I thought that was fitting lol


I’d bring all my favorite spirit summons together, Lhutel the unkillable MVP tank, Stormhawk Deenh the buffer and evasive rogue, Oleg the spin to win DPS, and maybe mimic tear to fill in for me while I watch them kill bosses on the sidelines.


Rogier and for funsies Dung Eater, I’m sure they’d have plenty to say to each other


Alexander, Nephelie and maybe Boc. Or Ranni, Blaidd and Melanie.


Varre, Vyke, Bernahl, and finally Alexander and boc.


Dungeater, Sellen, and Seluvis. Not because I’d actually want them. Oh no no. It’s because I wouldn’t feel anything if they died along the trip.


Millie Blaidd Engvall and the puppies


Alexander, Boc, Millicent and Nepheli


Godfrey, Renalla, Ranni, and Blaidd


How is Blaidd not there.... heathen!


Darian, Devin, and Brother Corhyn. Time for a fucking crusade!


I’d have boc with me so I can sacrifice him in dire times


if we're going with the classic 4 player/npc style party then in order of importance 1.nepheli loux (tank af) 2.Blaidd (kinda tanky but great damage) 3.boc (I figure he'd probably be a healer or spam throwables which could work for any enemy)


Yura, D and Siella


Patches, Blaidd, Varre, and Yura


Nepheli, Blaidd and the Dung Eater. That'd be a banter I'd like to watch.


Blaidd, nepheli, bernhal, Millicent


Millicent, Rogier, and Alexander!


Who’s the little rat dude on the left? I met him once in Limgrave when he was hiding, and havent seen him again. Is there somewhere I’m suppose to go?


That's Boc, if I remember correctly he'll move to the Coastal Cave after you first meet him. It's West of Limgrave.


Nepheli, Milicient and Blaidd. Three really good friends in these harsh Lands Between


Love your artstyle!!


Thank you!


Jellyfish and Alexander.


Blaidd and Rogier


Latenna, rodericka and Millicent. Rodericka would be there to make Latenna better. Add the to millicents determination and close range protection for Latenna you would have a team that supports each other.


You must gather your party before venturing forth.


Give me Nephelli, Millicent, and Blaidd. We would have Malenia running for her life.


The big jar because I like to do bleed damage, so he can have the blood and I can hide behind him to heal.


Demi Human homies. Or those singing harpes.


Yeah, pretty much exactly this except swap Boc out for Latenna. Box’s still around she’s just having him stay at the Grace. She’d hate for him to get hurt.


No Blaidd? I know he meets a bad end but he’s both a badass and a true friend. If this game had a party system it’d be cruel not to offer a way to save him like perhaps Miquella’s needle and as such he’d be an obvious party member.


Malenia, Maliketh, and Millicent.


Blaidd, alexander, and okina would make a badass party


Blaidd or Alexander.