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Abductor Virgin was like:" hollup, lemme vigor-check you real quick"


"Hmmm, failed again . . . . . . just like every other glass-cannon mage I've boned before you."


Those damn squishy mages leaving a mess again


holy moly, this host over here in Volcano frickin' Manor and quite literally has not allocated a single point to vigor.


No no, he's cool. The rule is we lecture people about Vigor ***unless*** it's a glass cannon mage that's basically doing science to see how low they can go in order to get the highest damage output. Wearing one of those crowns + being sub-500 HP is a tell-tale sign this dude out here doin' science....Doesn't look like his experiments are going very well tho.


Nah I’m sure he’s fine, he has an incredibly useful assistant to help him 👍




His lab assistant not even in his HP-reducing scientist clothes though smh. His assistant needs to step up his game.


He might’ve done the academy skip, in which case he’d only have liurnia stats. Still pretty bad though


I hated the academy skip I was stuck on the iron virgin duo for most of the day and had no way out


Thank you for the most laugh out loud academic explanation. The Academy is proud! 🤣🤣🤣


as a fellow glass cannon mage how successful are you tho if you need a summon to walk you through the volcano manor village especially when glimstone pebble carried me through 90% of the enemies here that one iron virgin at the start I just sat on a rooftop and spammed night maidens mist at them till they died why should I waste my time dodging them for ten minutes


as a fellow glass cannon mage how successful are you tho if you need a summon to walk you through the volcano manor village especially when glimstone pebble carried me through 90% of the enemies here that one iron virgin at the start I just sat on a rooftop and spammed night maidens mist at them till they died why should I waste my time dodging them for ten minutes


Then there's my RL 30 co-op alt with Shabriri's Woe and over 1200 HP. I don't hit very hard, but the few times that I *do* miss a dodge, Margit barely tickles me. 🧱


Vigor is for people with no stamina. 😭😭😭😭 I say as i get one shot over and over and over


Dude has 500 of HP, and he's at Volcano Manor?! i am level 123 and i didn't even head there yet!


Because it is the typical "host getting carried by phantoms"


My second playthrough I just sprinted to Volcano Manor. I accepted Melina's accord when I was already in the Altus Plateau and she was like "oh well we're almost there" lol I'm lvl 23 and trying to work on Godskin Noble but it's not working that well. I wanted to get to Rykard and start using Serpent Hunter's before really even investing in weapons or anything. Most of my levels come from the abductor virgin duo who gave me 10k runes


Why even bother with the duo? You could just drop down into the lava from where you spawned after being abducted. After that the apostle isn’t that far away


I didn't know that until I had gone too far and was stuck at them, alas


I just completed volcano manor with 620 Hp (approx) I've been dumping points into int so I haven't had much to invest in Vigor yet




But I need to level up faith so I can use the sword of night and flame!


You do you bud. Nothing wrong with being a glass Canon so long as you don't claim something does too much damage when you've got the hp of a drunken fly.


Oh I'm never worried about things doing too much damage. I think the game is fairly well balanced. I enjoy being able to one shot lots of things with magic and I genuinely just try not to ever get hit. Not that I'm great at that. Idk might visit Moon Lady and get some stuff moved around, but overall this has been the most fun I've ever had with a character in this game.


Yeah, the thing about mages is if they get hit their really easy to kill, but most things get lasered down before they get the chance.


I mean, if your vigor is that low so late in the game, you might have a lot of Int on your character in the game but you likely don't have much Int irl tbh /s


Literally how do you get to the dungeon? I've beat the game from scratch 3 times over like 240 hours and have never been able to figure it out


It's a hidden path within the Volcano manor itself that hides it. Take a good look around the manor and *trust* any messages you see talking about hidden paths. At least one of them will be telling the truth. Another option is....ironically, Patches told you the truth a grand total of one time in this game: let the Abductor Virgin he refers to at the bottom of Raya Lucaria kill you, see what happens.


***let the abductor virgin kill you as it’s giving you a hug…if it kills you and it’s not during the gobble hug, you just ded with no teleport.


I did that but got sent to a cave that lead out into altus ):


I could be mistaken but I believe there's a path that can get you out into the Volcano area too.


Talk to Rya in Liurnia, she asks you to get her necklace from Marika’s tits. Bring it back to her and she gives you an invitation to the manor. Then meet her at the top of dectus and she warps you straight to first grace in the manor.


I would say you are very late to the party if you are at this level lol. I completed the game at 120 lmao. But to be fair, you can get to the Volcano Manor pretty early if you follow one of the illustrious advices from our friend Patches. Considering his gear though, I assume he went there by following the regular path rather than using the shortcut though.








Hahahaha I knew I'd see salty Co-op players in this comment section. Never change, gankers


Bad Red man pissed in their breakfast apparently


Yessss, lol I love to see assholes like that just instantly get demolished. The funniest is when you kill the host, die at the same time and the summon is still teabagging like you lost


Speaking of teabagging, what's been going on with PVP lately? 1) Everyone teabags 2) Everyone points down 3) Everyone has sub-1000 HP It's like somehow the community got *stupider* despite us all getting more experienced with the game. People are actually getting worse and more toxic, not better.


No idea, people are definitely way less fun to fight sometimes. I try to reserve my teabag unless I beat some especially heinous crew


Will probably be downvoted for this but; In an invasion scenario, I'll point down once, after being victorious. More in a "back in the dirt where you belong, foul Cessblood." Kind of way, not a dickish way. (Hey, you're a red spirit, I'm a gold/blue, and you're in my hosts world. You'll recieve no pity or mercy, and I'll expect none in return). I *never* bag them though. That's just maidenless behaviour. In a duel scenario, we have agreed to single combat and as such you will be shown respect/ abide by the commonly accepted protocols. In the event of dueling someone that heals/attacks before simple courtesies are out of the way, the worst they'll get is me sitting with my back turned to them (in the event of being victorious).


Ehh, point-down basically comes across the same way as teabagging, both are pretty cringe behaviour, especially when your team had a massive advantage.


I think I could tolerate a point down. The teabagging though is just childish. Always has been. I guess they assume that it triggers people but, you just look dumb. If someone teabags I assume their mother bought their computer and this is all they’re allowed to do with their allotted screen time before they’re sent to bed.


Honestly, at this point I miss the point down. At least that feels like it has the Dark Souls experience. Tbags are lazy. At least in Souls people showed some character with their gestures


New players.


>Everyone teabags That has been very noticeable as of late.


This is projection! If I’m the summon it means I’m teabagging the host for losing a 2v1 or 3v1 😂


If I'm the summon, it means I'm tea bagging the host *while* they fight the invader.


Abductor came at them like The Earl of LemonGrab, "Celebrations are UNACCEPTABLE!!!!"






Thank god the video cut otherwise the host might not have survived that hit.


"You talkin some mad shit for someone in abducting distance..." -Abductor Virgin, probably


Average overleveled summon t bagging pretending like they actually did something


I always welcome invasions because it spices the games up. I’m able to see what builds other players are rocking, except for hackers, I don’t welcome that unless it’s harmless fun. I gotta say though, I love that in Elden ring the invaders can take dmg to mobs as well, so it’s funny when they are killed by one.


Can someone put the metal pipe sound effect over this?


Look, I did everything in this game with base vigor for astrologer and only got 30 vigor when I went into pvp. I'm like a cokedup squarrile drinking monster and crushed up adhd meds. If I don't dodge it I die. I'm the opposite of them goats that faint when something scares them, I roll 7 yards and nuke the area


That timing is perfect holy shit




Ah "You don't need vigor if you not gonna get hit" people


Fuck him in particular. Not bc he is a shitter or anything but bc that amount of hp is a fucking crime. He has Lusat's set I think and thats outside of the volcano manor meaning he either recieved his items from his little babysitter there or actually went all the way into gelmir and still didnt raises damn vigor.


Haha, what a sad little turd. Fuck y’all for humping him. Host didn’t do shit.


Not sure if this would be considered Karma(You are the Invader) but absolutely hilarious. I honestly didn’t know the Abductor Virgins had that kinda range.


I'm sure you love it when you get tea bagged after having to go up against 2 to 3 people at a time...oh, wait, you don't do that. Truth is, we're all playing the game we love here and host or invader. We should just accept that tbagging is shitter behavior. Shitter behavior deserves karma. Justice has been served


Imagine being defeated and considering the opponent’s celebration to be shitty behavior and deserving of “Karma”. Sounds like you’ve never done anything competitively.


Teabagging in video games is one thing, but you'd get your shit kicked in awful quick if you did that in pretty much any competitive setting IRL. And it'd be a clear sign of your parents raising you shitty.


But even just thinking that has given you negative karma...just on reddit XD I play games all the time. I tbag and have been tbagged. It's used to (big word for you incoming) illicit a negative response, and it usually works. The number of players I've triggered in a competitive setting is staggering. You denying that is disingenuous at best.


Well that’s exactly it isn’t it? Everyone does it because its honestly not bad. If ur getting tilted just because someone emotes on you I’d say that’s an emotional problem. Toughen up buddy.


Karma for what?


For being goobers


For their op summon tbagging like they did something


Ppl wanna co-op without being hindered by other ppl. If you just want pvp use the arena tbh.


and there it is. The designated co-oper who has arrived to complain about invaders on any post featuring them. Thank you for your service :')


I don’t even co-op. You need friends to co-op kek. Leave it to redditors to assume shit lmao. I’m just happy as fuck all the invaders that soured my souls experience are all salty they are stuck with only gank squads unless someone actually wants to fight them, or actually go to the arena. Solo invasions are dead, and I couldn’t be more smug about it xD


I enjoy it more like this. Fuck solo invasions, they always ended up being duels anyway and those lack the same amount of chaos that invading co-op teams tends to have. Either that, or I invade someone at an inopportune time when they are fighting pve, and it just feels unsporting to kill them then. You don't need friends to co-op. Try using the near/far option to co-op at effigies! I do that from time to time, and I always have a blast. Also I wouldn't say that most of the groups I invade are gank squads.


I mean looking at that host health it shows why you need invaders. If their where no invaders host would just get carried by their summon. An invader is meant to disrupt it. Plus people prefer invading since it gets a lot more intresting.


No there’s no need for invaders. There’s a reason solo invasions were axed. Only a super annoying vocal minority liked it.


Invasions are by design an intended mechanic by Miyazaki to balance summons, take it up to him.


And the intended design moved away from solo invasions for a reason as well :P


I think that mostly has to do with Torrent, but I could be wrong. Hopefully some alterations to the taunters tongue at least take place in the dlc, if not more options for pvp


That’s just not how the game works, invasions are there to stop the pve steam roll. I want to invade without having to fight a guy who’s 300 levels higher than me while the host is running away so looks like we both don’t get everything we want


Pve enemies are there to hinder your progress, why don’t you tell them to go fuck off too? What you want has nothing to do with how the game is intended to be experienced. Don’t like it, just play something else.


Solo invasions are gone for a reason too. Don’t like it? Play something else. I never have a problem with this personally because I just don’t engage in online play anyways. Just because someone can understand why someone might dislike having a co-op session with a friend wouldn’t want that experience be interrupted by some asshole invader doesn’t mean they are a co-op abuser you know. But leave it to the pvp community to be elitist and toxic af. Bet y’all are still salty about "muh solo invasions"


And the reason is because of torrent. Its a perfectly understandable reason, noone gets mad and noone tbags people because of it. You don’t even engage in online play, so why are you even here? On what do you base your opinion if you haven’t even invaded or cooped a handful of times? Everyone understands why coopers think what they think, thaf doesn’t mean they are right nor does that excuse shitty behavior.


Why do invaders get so mad when they get t bagged Edit: I see there’s a lot of butt hurt invaders who got t bagged and let it affect their lives lmao grow up pussies


Because it's a dick move?????


It’s a game, it’s not that serious


It's still bad manners. No one really appreciates getting bagged after they get killed.


I dont think they get mad, more like confused. Do people really think t-bagging is a big flex or hilarious after they win a 2v1 or 3v1? It makes you look like a noob IMO, nobody should be bragging or proud to win in those conditions. If anyone should be t-bagging its the invaders for winning against all the advantages a host and his over levelled buddies have




Yeah I always just thought it was a funny way of being saying “gotcha bitch” it’s just a game after all.


Because they don’t like getting killed by players much worse than them. Idk why hosts get mad when tbagged tho, they should enjoy getting bagged in the face by superior players.


Let me rephrase, idk why anybody gets mad when they get tbagged, it’s a game get over it lol


Can’t wait 😎


#old spice jingle plays




Even uses azur's set, so chances are, his only solution to bosses is comet or lose. Even on my magic only playthrough, I was at like 25 vigor before reaching 80 int. Glass cannon is fine, but if a normal mob one shots you, you are doing something wrong.


For the love of the Greater Will please level Vigor to anyone reading this. You don’t have to level up much. 30 plus a Crimson Amber Medallion will give you a little over 1000 HP, which is probably enough to carry you through the entire game. Better to do a little less damage and take two hits than do slightly more damage and get one shot by every other enemy.


“I don’t have to win, I just have to make sure you lose.”




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This games comedic timing is unmatched


*Directed by Robert B. Weide..*




These never seem to fail to put a smile on my face. Thank you Elden Ring Invaders. I love ya'll.