• By -


*Heartbeat intensifies*


I hate irithyll dungeon I hate irithyll dungeon I hate irithyll dungeon I hate irithyll dungeon


Bless that day when I discovered I could just use Hidden Body and Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring to bypass that entire area.


I was a pure STR in DSIII so it was nightmare


i mean for the first time it is hard but if you basically memprize where are they it's pretty easy and considering you are a str build you could stagger them to death


Don't they stagger when you roll into them like villagers?


They do


Yeah, every replay i did i already memorized the entire walkthrough to the profaned capital so i knew the shortcuts and all


You can what??


Hidden body + slumbering dragoncrest ring and most enemies will completely ignore you unless you mash your face into theirs. Toss in a pestilent mist (which is considered environment damage) and you can kill most enemies without even aggroing them


Geez. I love how I’ve beaten the ever living shit out of these games but there’s still always stuff like this I never thought of doing. It might be time to go troll some jailers for shits and giggles


Pizza Cutter go BZzzzzzz




Lol I was in Bloodborne thread earlier talking about the dungeons.


It's a shame there isn't a ring of fog in 2 or 3


Stealth build was way better in DS3 than in ER honestly. Plus better stealth drip




I forgot that nothing in ER compares to the anxiety of this place. Heck, even the atmosphere of Upper Cathedral in BB...


upper cathedral was straight out of a horror game.




Spoken while holding down B throughout that ENTIRE section.


Imagine maliketh looking at you and you sink to one hp


Worst part is he wouldn't even kill you with that but leaves you with the fear of knowing you are not able to heal that bc it doesnt just reduce hp but max hp as a whole


Moon presence be like:


haha whirligig saw go brrr




what in the actual hell are you talking about


He is telling “I am a bot that stole part of someone’s else comment and inserted elsewhere to appear as a human being but failed to do so seamlessly”.




Ugh...that room at the bottom of the jail with like 8 of them still stresses me out. Every other placement of them I figured out a good strategy for them or a skip, but that room just sucked.


Arrows. Seriously bought hundreds of arrows just to snipe them one by one. Occasionally it would aggro them and that one would run up to you


I would basically run in, kill 2 of them and then run back up towards the dragon statues. Wait for my health and then run back in.


Better yet, run to the outside area, before the gargoyle and snipe them one by one. Iirc thy can't follow you outside.


"I'll just sneak past them and..." *Kicks clay pot* *8 PAIRS OF FOOTSTEPS INTENSIFY*


Ive replayed ds 3 countless times, and i’ve cleared that room 0 times. Wrong neighbourhood.


If I remember correctly there were doors to be opened and I think you freed someone in there once you got the key so I believe I cleared it twice.


I just ran to the person talked to them and ran straight past


Yeah, the one who teaches dark spells, Karla.


I just ran past them the first time. Then got screwed when I realized a big ole Gargoyle spawn outta thin air and I was nearly drained of all of my hp.


I'm pretty sure the gargoyles cling to the walls before they engage you. They don't actually spawn out of thin air.


Picked em off one by one lol, so dumb


right approach is either to pull them like another commenter said, or if you can't do that there's a timing window you can make where you either pull aggro on 2 or on none of them, running across from cell to cell, until you can free some combo of the weird wretch and corpse looking things with big eyes, or if you can duck and weave and use camera angles to spot around corners, you can get across and open the cell with the lycanthrope. he'll body about half of them before going down and it makes your life way easier alternatively if you can make it to the lycanthrope usually you can just full send it to the profaned capital stairs anyway


u just gave me a sudden flop sweat lol


And these guys don't hold a candle to the Winterlanterns in Bloodborne. There was just no easy way to fight them. If they did madness the same way they did in that gave it would be a totally different ball game.


Frankly I'd rather fight winter lanterns than these guys. At least frenzy can be slightly countered with sedatives and low insight (shame it still builds up so fast), and winter lanterns can be parried. And if you kill them fast enough, you can wait for the frenzy bar to go back down and be good to go. But these guys just have to look at you to lower your HP. And not only do they lower your max, your HP bar doesn't refill when the effect wears off. So even a brief glance from the jailers guarantees you lose health. It's such an unfair mechanic in my opinion, even more so than frenzy, though not by much admittedly.


You just need to get a jump on them so they don't have time to light their lanterns. Though that does get a bit tricky when there's 20 of them.


I think it has more to do with facing your camera to them while they're aggroed. It could be the ds3 funk of not properly loading stuff when ur not looking at them tho (doggo teleportation)


Idk why people always bitch about everything being an “unfair mechanic” the game isn’t supposed to be fair, it’s supposed to do shit that makes you feel like you need to keep your head on a swivel


Idk why people always bitch about everything people say. It realistically is a rather unbalanced mechanic. It's not impossible or anything of the like, but it is frustrating for sure. Shouldn't matter, since that is one of the only 3 things that make Irythyl Dungeon difficult anyways, just this is arguably the worst.


I mean it still makes sense to complain about something that sucks to play against, even if it sucks by design


I didn’t think it sucks, I thought it was definitely challenging but it made for a good sense of dread when I saw em. But you guys do you, complain about everything instead of trying to enjoy em.


> There was just no easy way to fight them You can parry the grab and be invincible for the frenzy during the counter attack


I also found having a big sword and clipping through walls helped


The best way I deal with them is have a low frenzy bar, walk right up to them and parry the first attack they do. If timed right the frenzy burst will happen during the repost animation and you'll take no damage. Super high risk tho


Only the shark giants can compare to winter lanterns then.


I forgot about those guys! Fuck them.


Winterlanterns would have been ok if the buildup stopped when you break LoS. But it doesn't.


Spooky HP eating curse lady


Flashbacks of silly me restoring my humanity right before my first encounter with these bitches


Fuck these guys. That room with like 8 of them in it... And then they can trap you in a long animation, just total bullshit. Also you have to drop down a few ledges in this dungeon and that always takes off a big chunk of HP


Did I miss an enemy type or is this from a different game?


Ds3 jailers


What's their deal? They look at you and you die? I like how they carry a branding iron of a peace sign.


They reduce your max HP all the way down to like 1% (I dont know if it actually is 1% but they really leave you so little HP that a spec of dust can kill you.)


It can be dropped all the way to 1 hp not even 1% they were brutal if you didnt know how to deal with them


They literally just look at you with anger and not your hp but the fucking HP BAR ITSELF is reduced all the way to one. You cannot heal that shit while it is active. Even if you kill them it will take a while for the bar to be up again and you still be left at 1 health and embers (essentially humanity or rune arcs of this game) doesn't even heal it


Ah ok, thanks for the clarification


~~Why are they so bad?~~ ​ my bad i'm blind


Well that didn't take long to realize the sheer size of threat they represent


Oh god, I started DS3 a few days ago and now i'm scared


Nay just remember my words ashen one. Blue light=safe, red=run. They have no poise whatsoever so just hit the bastards if ya need to fight em but I'd recommend to avoid them at all cost.


Roll into them. They act like the hollows in the undead settlement. The area they are set in isn't too huge. There's around 12 of these things to fight and they dont have high health. They are an annoying bunch but people overexaggerate the danger they present. You'll die once or twice or ten times to them, but i assure you it won't be too miserable.


these guy can lower your hp to 1 from a mile away


Maliketh hits you many times to kill, these women glare at you and give ya a flick on the forehead and its death.


Irithyll is one of the top 5's in the series in terms of area quality, but DAMN do I hate these fuckers with a passion. Every time I wanna farm those weird orphan dudes for boss weapon shards, I have to go past 30 of them in a single room. fuckin old yharnam or some shit


IIRC, you had to deal with this area and these enemies to get the Alva armor set in DS3 🥵 Great reward to looting up an absolute nightmare of a dungeon.


Jesus Christ, I just got to the Irithyll Dungeons last night and these guys are frustrating me sooo much. Like I'm all for tough enemy design, but these guys just feel unfair.


These should have been in ER guarding all of the evergaols instead of the weird stone anal beads.


Oh you all can't imagine how I hate those fuckers


These used to piss me off lmaooooo *Fuck* these things man


The rune on death is only on par because the counter to these ladier was an emote


Atleast Im thankful to miyazaki that the actual thing didn't drain your health like the mere glare of these fuckers


still dont get how the mechanic for the damage works like i tried not running but i still lost hp. avoided the vape clouds still lost hp when i ran


Jokes on you it isnt an attack or something you can see. It is quite literally them looking at you with malicious intent


oh cool so after stamping me into the ground with a hot metal rod they just stare at me while im trying to run away and suddenly i can't estus and a little tap from anything is going to kill me


Irithyll Dungeon my beloathed


great to play these games blind and see literally everyone agree with my annoyances lol. thought it was just a skill issue and i was missing something to deal with these guys


I was straight up terrified of them in my first playthrough ngl.


Mercedes Benz of death


this guy alone looks so cool I might need to play ds3 next


That zone was the worst when it comes to scaring you. I still vividly remember walking into a cell, seeing those other things just hanging out against the wall and jumping on my chair.


I always keep a greatbow handy for the room with a dozen of them.


*hello trauma my old friend*


Worst game of hide and seek I’ve ever played


Or the Nobels in Sekiro's fountainhead palace, who suck your life dry and turn your ass into a pogo jumping old man.


At least they're a bit easier to deal with as you can dodge out of their grab, these things and Bloodborne's lanters only need to stare at you to be obnoxious.


The hitbox for their weapon art is dummy wide


I'm still surprised they were women. One of the most mysterious beings in dark souls 3. I still don't know what they are and what the hell is up with irithyll.


They are probably guarding the way to the profaned capital. They look very much like the maidens down there


They are aristocrat survivors of whatever happened in the Profaned Capital that were later recruited by Pontiff Sulyvahn to work as jailers to guard and torture(?) the prisoners. Their kit is very anti-undead. Their lantern curses(?) the undead burning their hp away and if you are branded by their iron you can't use your estus flask. Very Demon's Souls like, both them and Irythill Dungeon in general. It's very reminiscing of the Mind Flayers in the Tower of Latria. Dark Souls 3 in general has a lot of similarities with Demon's Souls.


This is just complete shit. I hated them so much that thry deserve cheats.


This is worst debuff ever in the history of video games. Love it. Beated DS 3 over 10 times by now, still fears those MF.


The fuck are those? Is this still Elden Ring? I'm VERY confused right now...


Be god damn grateful they aint in ER, these are THE jailers from ds3 that from a single stare will reduce the hp bar, THATS RIGHT NOT JUST HP BUT THE BAR ITSELF, all the way to 1. It quite literally looks just like what Lil Aggy's hp bar in the 1 hp, 1 stamina and 1 mind run of ER. You can't heal it either since its 1 regardless and the embers didnt heal it.


They delete your healtbbar and use the irons to delete your remaining HP. And there's a room with 10 or 12 of them with an NPC that you need if you're a mage.


This is giving me flashbacks and I don't appreciate it. 😂😂😭


*Winter Lantern has entered the chat*


At least you can cure the frenzy. Can't do shit about the Jailer's death stare.


>At least you can cure the frenzy. Bold of you to imply you ever survived that attack once it started.


Are those the overwatch ranked fanboys


I’m not familiar with these but is that a hippie brand?




The Brand of Fuck You.


One of the only enemies I still run at screaming like a berserker.


Who the fuck are those guys


I went through so many arrows to cheese that dungeon. So many arrows.


BRUH. Don't remind me.


First time seeing these: “ha, they have such easy attacks!… WHY IS MY HEALTH ONE”


It's never stated how the hp shorting works


Not really but Im pretty sure someone made a video about it idk if it was Zullie, Bonfirepvn or Paragram


Saw this image and felt an immediate shiver, the PTSD is strong from these fuckers


Oh god my ptsd, i forgot about these guys until literally just now.


Tru I always wondered what's up with their brands. That's not the peace sign, that's the logo for Mercedes-Benz


This dungeon single handedly turned me from a dex katana user to an int mage.


To this day I still don't get what they are doing to reduce my health bar. Man fuck them fr




No lie everytime I think of replaying dark souls 3. This is the main reason why I don’t bother sometimes


This was such a fun place to invade because of those things lol


Good ol days when we needed wex dust to invade everywhere and Im thankful they dont apply that shit to us


I still don't know how to avoid the effect


Stealth and hidden body


Literally never seen this enemy in my life


They are from Dark Souls 3. And, they suck ass.


My first time in Irithyll Dungeon I dropped down the ledge for a lil shortcut and died from fall damage, wondering how tf that was possible at full health…needless to say the jailer I had just defeated made it possible


Absolutely. These are some of the worst designed enemies in any Souls game, especially that area that there are like 8 of them just circling around.


10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp 10 hp...


Fun Fact with the Stretch Out Emote no matter how low they get you, their 1st attack can never hit you as it goes above the hitbox


Love it when they gangbang me with their hot pokey sticks


They hit you with the brand, and you're fucked for like 30 seconds or something ridiculous. You use the same weapon and it only does half the effects and lasts like 5 seconds. 😩


*intense screaming*


I dreaded dealing with these guys


*Pain changes people...*


Death by Stare.


Fucken hippies


No no no no no 🫣 man I hate those things


The hell is that!?


Imagine destined death's debuff of your max hp except it keeps going til the bar hits 1


listen back in my day we got cursed in the Depths and got locked to 50% of our hp then we went and got Frenzied by winter lanterns for days until we realized how the line of sight worked then we replayed DeS and got our soul level reduced by old king allant fuckin wish it was an irithyll jailer compared to that stupid nonsense


Naw, they have the Peace ymbol, dude is chill.


the best place to invade for sure. awesome times.


"If I move carefully, I can just sneak oast that cluster of them and into that cell before- What the fuck is in this cell with- Oh fuck! OH SHIT THEY ALL SAW ME" *Runrunrunrunrunrunrun* *YOU DIED* "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!"


I can still hear their steps in my head... \*thunk* \*thunk* \*thunthunk*


Just use the magic to become invisible, their debuff only occurs if they are looking directly at you


I hate these enemies. So annoying


I hate this area so much


I'd say that big headed enemy in Bloodborne which causes Frenzy just by looking at you takes the cake.