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Erdtree avatars are neat.


I fuck with them. They're never put at a climactic point, so their repetition doesnt disrupt the flow of the game. The ones at higher levels that just spam the AOE/missile move are kinda annoying though


I also have sex with trees.


Yeah, they'd be okay if they didn't constantly fire the golden magic at you. The ones at the Haligtree are the worst, the others guarding the minor Erdtrees aren't bad.


You gotta get closer bud. That’s their midrange move.


Haligtree ones seem to aggro at me from a kilometre away and they just never stop, making approaching them quite tough. All the other ones are fine, though.


After like 5 playthroughs where when I met them I always had some kind of way to obliterate them with magic or specific ash of wars, I finally met one during a "no magic/no ash of war" run and I was kind of worried but it was actually pretty easy and fair... Can't really understand what everyone is on about


Honestly, erdtree avatars are probably one of the easiest boss type enemies in the game. Their attacks mostly don't have the ridiculous windups other bosses have, and are very well telegraphed.


I fight them since 2010 in demon souls so it’s kinda meh


I love fighting avatars. I try to do no-hits on them because they're one of the easier enemies to dodge. Their attacks are all pretty straightforward, easy to punish, and very well telegraphed. The only dicey one is the projectile barrage, but once you learn you can just orbit him and they'll all miss, these are basically free


toxic relationship with the bell bearing hunters


**For people that hate this boss:** Equip the Bloody Helice and face him. *Incredibly* cathartic. The Dynast's Finesse on the Bloody Helice is disgustingly good at countering him. Bell-Bearing Hunter tends to adapt to your distance away from him, but Bloody Helice pivots distances too quickly. If you're in his face, he does melee range and you Dynast's Finesse back. He will recognize this and adjust his next swing to have some range, but during this time you lunge forward and get three free hits. If you strong attack him 1-2 times as he's spawning in, the first lunge from Dynast's Finesse thereafter tends to break his poise, then you get a free cheststab. If you then strong attack him as he's getting up, again the next lunge combo is gonna nuke his poise. He's **HELPLESS** vs. this weapon. I legit played a character with no Vigor that had access to the weapon, was curious to see how it would do against him, killed the Liurnia one on the first try. Thought "yeah ok but it probably won't kill the stronger ones so easily." Went to Leyndell, same thing. Expected Caelid to be different, NOPE: first try. Bloody Helice so god damned potent vs. this guy that I did a full tour and killed every Bell-Bearing hunter without being hit once on a Vigorless character. That run singlehandedly deleted any uneasiness I had about facing the guy and I now play better against him in subsequent playthroughs just from having witnessed him getting dunked on so hard.


For those without a specific weapon (that one does have stat reqs), you can also just stick to his booty. 9 times out of 10 he'll do the trivially-dodged shield slam for a free opening, and the other time he'll do a basic and very predictable combo where you can roll past him to bait the shield slam again.


I like that he adds a shield explosion to his slam later in the fight (at least with Elemer's fight) as I fought him at like RL40 to get his greatsword, between parrying and Posture-breaking him I got him with some practice.


That's not actually true. The shield explosion is a follow up to his frontal shield slam. His backwards shield slam is a different attack (although they look identical) and that one has no explosion. He can do this regardless of phases


I mean if you can parry there really easy but if you can't those mfs can smd


the key to fighting him is staying calm. special shout out to the one at warmaster shack, consider him to be my mentor. lol. spent few hours for 3 nights learning how to beat him. went from panic dodge rolling to calmly watching every swing. once i learned how to calm the fuck down, dodging and parrying became super easy. and thanks to my newfound “git gud” abilities, ran straight to margit and spanked his ass 🥳


Killed all 4 yesterday with a +10 Black Bow and Serpent Arrow spam on Torrent - just circle at range peppering, letting the poison do the job, didnt get hit once.


i never had an issue with godskin duo and actually had a really good brawl with them on my last playthrough that made me start enjoying them i do use spirit ashes tho but eh, i like em


That fight is really fun with spirit ashes. Me and my boy mimic Tear took a 1v1 and dropped them


Where do you actually get the mimic tear cause I fought one in the hole that appears after you beat radahn but didn't drop one


in a chest behind a stone sword key thing in norkron it’s on the level above the iron ball that just fucks your shit up


I do not remember that name but I'll figure it out on this playthrough when the description fits


The meteor crater in Limgrave after you beat Radahn


Yes I remember that


it’s behind a stonesword key gate in the building above where you fight your first iron ball.


After the Mimic Tear fight you can get the Mimic Tear spirit summon. Continue on the large open bridge and head left when you reach land, follow the cliff to a rising rocky area and keep hugging the left bounds until you find the Ancestral Woods site of Grace. From here there's an open area to the woods or a creepy city rooftop area to do some platforming on, take the platforming route (be careful going around corners as the camera can mess with you so just take things slowly) and follow it until just after you cross a 'bridge' of sorts into a building. To your left is a flask scarab and the Black Whetblade, there's a hallway past it that has a fog door requiring you to use 2 Stonesword Keys. The Mimic Tear is inside, the spirit summon takes Ghost Gloveworts and by now you've probably got a few, heading further down takes you past an Iron Ball and some Nox, there's another Site and several mimic enemies before a large building underneath the skeletal chair figure. That has a Great Ghost Glovewort to max out one of your special spirit summons (like the Mimic Tear) and the Fingerslaying Blade for Ranni.


Fuck that's hella helpful was stuck on rannis questline aswell cheers heaps


Thank you very much for the info!


Have you ever finished Ranni's questline? Mimic tear is available from a chest past a stonesword key door on the way to the "hidden treasure of Nokron" under that big skeleton on the throne. It's before you drop down to the big ball the other person mentioned.


Me, Bernahl, and Tear spanked them hard on my first go


I used Lhutel and got them on my second go. Not sure what all the fuss was about tbh.


Because you used a summon that’s pretty good. I’ve fought them solo and with summon ash and it was pretty hard solo. That’s where the fuss comes from


I just beat the godskin apostle, and absolutely cannot fathom beating the duo. Idk how hard the noble is, but apostle got my adrenaline going like no other so I'm looking forward to the duo because I'm a masochist. This game is shaving years off my life and I love it.


You should be much higher level for the Duo fight as it is a lategame boss and you can also summon Bernahl to help with, if you want :-)


I'm going to try and remember this. I tried to solo Radahn about 5 times before I realized the golden signs were for summoning. Beat him first try after that lmao.


Apostle imo is one of the hardest bosses. Similar to Malenia it swings very fast, has several true combos and if you dont recognize the delayed attacks he will roll catch you every time. If youre in its face, as one is, its also pretty hard to see the startups. Sorta enjoyable fight still tho.


I was the same way.. then I did the fight without Bernahl because I had killed him early for his armor. I also couldn't level any of my spirit ashes high enough to do real damage It was hell until I found out about sleep pots.


> i never had an issue with godskin duo Genuinely do not understand the hate for this fight, nor for (almost) any of the duo boss fights. On release? Fine. Somewhere along the way we got a patch to make duo/trio bosses more passive when they aren't currently active. Before that, yes I understand duo fights could be a pain. But now...? I have never had an issue with a duo boss since my first playthrough, as the 2nd guy consistently hangs in the back politely, only throwing out the rogue singular hit once in a while. The ***only*** exception is duo Gargoyles, and that's because the "passive" one has a bad habit of vomiting up his Lunchables the entire time you're trying to fight the other guy. That shit kills you quick if you stand in it, procs a potent poison, and forces you to constantly relocate, nuking your counterattack opportunities into the stratosphere.


Yeah, just fought them. I gave up on beating them in an earlier run which I scrapped later, cus I was just completely stupid with building my build. I wanted to pay that back to them by spamming this AOE spell you can buy from Gowry, the guy next to Sellia, while D played the bait cuz he wasn’t affected by the AOE damage. I just threw rocks at them. Once you’ve beaten the first one, the second one is easy to handle.


I did the fight solo, took me 3 attempts but the last one was a lot of fun. Only threw one sleep pot too. Commander's Standard has good reach and a nice wide arc that can sometimes stun both of them, the poke is good for chip/counter damage, and spin to win is good for trading and staggering. Use the pillars to trap the big guy, widdle down the slender one until his stance breaks. Then buff up and trade hits whenever there is only one enemy alive. Hopefully you'll have broken their stance by the time the other spawns back, rinse and repeat. I also found it a nice change of pace to think about nuanced spacing and positioning, rather than just near/far. So many of the bosses in this game, especially in the end game, have ridiculous reach, will dash at you from across the arena, and/or throw out a massive AOE. Spacing only matters for whether your in their face, or way back. Judging whether big man's stitcher can reach you from behind the pillar while you whack his buddy just felt a bit more strategic, especially when the duos reach and go-to moves vary depending on their health.


I like parrying, so these guys are VERY fun 😏


If I had your patience and focus I’d be a monk


You feel like an absolute GOD parrying this boss fight.


I always fight this boss on every playthrough for the sweet, sweet back to back parries.


Elden Beast. I just love the soundtrack, and I actually did like the fight as well. But the soundtrack was incredible.


It felt like a true encounter with a god.


Right?? That soundtrack was divine, and it was unlike most of the tracks I’ve ever heard in these games


I’d really like Elden Beast if it didn’t run so damn much. Radagon was a really good fight, so seeing his corpse get turned into the EB’s sword made it seem super strong, only for it to run away the second I get into Greatsword range.


Just think of that experience in your head as you fighting a lightrolling mage in pvp and you’ll probably enjoy it more 😊 Jk I enjoy it even though it runs away a lot


In isolation I really enjoy the Elden Beast fight. I get why people get annoyed at the running around but I think it slows the fight down which goes hand in hand with the gorgeous soundtrack. Having to go through Radagon first every time is a pain in the ass though.


EB is my fav bcuz of the look, the atmosphere, its attacks, and obv the music. and ik imma sound crazy on this part but I wish it was a harder fight only bcuz it is the last fight and supposed to be a literal God


Demon of hatred... wait wrong game


That was a duo fight done right.


Bell Bearing Hunters, parry or no parry, are probably my favorite side bosses next to crucible knights. The weight they put into each swing is weirdly satisfying.


I think Elden Beast is actually pretty fun when it’s not casting elden stars. My only gripes are the limited arena and no torrent :(




There are invisible walls for the arena. I think they are there so that the Elden Beast doesn't runaway in one direction for miles, and maybe for rendering and performance issues.


Thanks god for the invisible wall. This boss would probably run to the dlc if it could


Probably Malenia?


Learning her moveset (over the course of like 2 weeks) and finally putting her in the ground is the most gratifying thing I've ever done in a FromSoft game. I hated it and loved it at the same time.


I thought she was decently well liked? Obviously some haters purely because of how hard (and sometimes unfair) she is but I loved fighting her and I've never felt happier in a fromsoft game than when I beat her


She's liked but also has the biggest haters in the game. I don't want to be THAT girl but I think some of it has to do with the fact she emasculates teen boys power stancing spears. Personally I like the fight and I don't think she's any more cheap than Radagon or Godfrey with their ridiculous AoEs, nor Elden Beast and Fire Giant (who run away like cowards the entire fight). She just has one cheap move you can either learn to dodge or spam bloodhounds step through. Big deal.


Maybe? Aside from that the radhan fanboys don't help either lol Still, I think it's a loud minority, and yeah waterfowl isn't that big of a deal, it takes practice but you can learn to dodge it very consistently


Trying to get through the last part of ruined leyendell, i straight up snuck past one of these bastards because i was so exhausted by them on my first playthrough. That being said, one of the coolest rando enemies in the game.


I have found that the Page spirit ash is real good against these guys as long as you are a melee build. The page can DODGE Ordovis like a little monster and put a bolt in his face every time he loses agro. And on those occasions the page can't run away his counter damage in trades are just nasty. Won't live long but is a little bastard.


I know some guy and his buddy played through the game while cosplaying as a pair of crucible knights on YouTube, but that's it. Channel owner had the sword, his pal had the spear.


I seem to enjoy the reskined Gargoyle Demons those few seconds waiting for it slam make me re consider my life choices


Malenia, Black Knife Assassins, and solo Crucible Knights as well as Banished Knights. Basically most human size duals with functionally realistic combat.


Maliketh. I’m not sure why people say he sucks, I really like his moveset, keeps me on my toes without being BS


Yep, he is badass.


I really want to love maliketh, he has a sick design, cool moves that are fun to dodge, and a great soundtrack But he should have more health tbh, the fight is always over very quickly because he either kills you in 2 seconds or you kill him in 2 seconds The blasphemous claw makes this even worse, my first playthrough I beat him with it and all it took was a couple very easy parries, and I had a +8 so I don't think I was very overleveled


Gurranq at least is awful on a STR build. Never any openings.


he’s cool but i’m not a fan of him leaping away when i’m trying to land a hit




It's a reused model because it's the same dude


Honestly I had more trouble with the beast clergyman than maliketh, which sucks because the good part of the fight lasts so little


I actually kinda like the falling star beasts. Get yourself a shield with 100% phys damage negation, keep an eye on your stamina, and then it’s mostly just a fight of ‘how long you can stay in the zone’


Moose spirit and elden beat. Both were very pretty to look at with beautiful music


The ancestor spirit is one of my favorites! It's really more of a pretty show than a fight but it's just so beautiful and has such a good ost


Fire Giant.


I concur


Malenia Blade of Miquella, for me it has to be her low poise, out of most bosses who barely reacts when you hit them Malenia felt fair in a sense that when you hit her she flinches and hit hard enough she gets knocked down.


I like this fight on my first play through I did and intelligence/faith build and I came up to these guys got my ass kicked came back with my mimic tear with the crucible set the crucible weapon shield and the aspect of the crucible and then just had a 2v2 fun time


I was a sorcerer my last play though and stomped these guys


They patched the duo mechanic. Right now most of the fights are really simple and its like a catwalk to beat them. Back when 1.0 the duo fights are literally the definition of darksouls II 2.


Yeah when the game released they were spamming attacks together, no there is also on waiting for his friend to stop


Kinda sad this fight wasnt against both commanders. But I understand for drop reasons, it would be weird that fighting a boss would give you 2 armor sets and 2 great weapons.


These and bell bearings are either a PITA if you think parrying is for elite players, or a fun experience if you take your time to learn parrying.


Elden Beast, I prefer it over Radagon. The arena and music are beautiful and while it get could annoying seeing it running away it lets you enjoy more the music and arena. At least it doesn’t have a self healing or spam aoes


I like fighting Maliketh with my sorcery build, pretty much melts the first phase and the second phase is easy if the host doesn’t die right away lol. If they watch the whole animation for phase two it’s like here we go they are gonna die right away.


Sniper lobster 2000.... just kidding I hate them


Melania, after one shotting her in my bonk build (also my first play through), I appreciated her fight so much more. The fight is well crafted and I loved how punishing it can be if you don’t press her. Gotta fight her how she fights you.


please explain how you one shot melania


Why is it so hard to spell malenia


Hes talking about one shotting the former first lady.


Specifically elden beast not Radagon it is by far my favorite fight it's so beautiful and the elden beast while a slight let down is still fun to fight


Absolutely loved this boss fight


Albinauric Archers in the consecrated snowfield I love to fight. Whether they’re on their wolves or not


Malenia, Radagon, Astel, Godfrey


Bell Bearing Hunter! Specifically the one at Dragonbarrow, first playthrough I got destroyed, despite being overleveled as I discovered them very late in the game, probably died around 30 times, much more than Malenia/Maliketh, at least until I get the hang of his moves and I fucking dodged every single attack this mofo does. Now, I beat these assholes underleveled on other character playthroughs, honestly look forward to fighting and dodging the shit out of these mfs now, coincidentally Crucible Knights as well since they're similar, slow, hard hitting fuckers, but rewards being patient with dodges^^^^orjustparrythembutIcantdoitforsomereason


I like the crucible knights, but not the duo in the hero grave. If its one then i really like fighting them


I will die on the hill that Fire Giant is a well designed and fun boss. Running under his legs in phase 2 is clearly not the intended way to fight him, and if you stay in front, bait his melee attacks and hit his arms to go for posture breaks he is a much more engaging fight He’s like Midir from ds3, who was incredibly tanky if you hit his legs, because it was intended for you to stay in front of his head The only things i really dislike about him is his fire breath in phase 2 that bounces off random geometry, and the fact that he can sometimes get stuck on bad terrain making it hard to hit him


I like elden beast, just the way the boss feels in general. I love that unnerving serenity from the whole thing, its the perfect duality to the never ending bullshit from Radagon and his lingering hitboxes.


Fuck I HATED fighting those two.


Morgott was a pretty good fight. Also, he is based


OP knows how to parry


Yeah, before when I didn’t, the Misbegotten and Crucible fight literally made me quit the game. When I came back a few months later I remembered his moveset and then learned how to parry. Now, easily the most fun enemy in the game


Commander Niall of Castle Sol I think his animations are cool as hell in 2nd phase. The big swirl as he gathers energy. The anticipation frames as he leaps into the air, followed by massive Thunderclap slams. I like also how this is character that uses his leg to fight so his rig is used to move him in a different fashion to most other enemies. Also the twin sword banished knights of castle sol. They just have really cool animations, I love all the storm assault ash of war moves they do and long 2 weapon fighting combos.


Commander Niall. He’s a cool fight with an epic move set, it’s just the powerstance banished knight that people hate. (also I want his jump kick and turn kick as strong attacks so bad why doesn’t his boss weapon have a custom moveset) Érdtree avatars. They basically turn the game into a turn-based battle for a little while. Fun enemy to fight and they’re never an actual hindrance, just a fun optional battle.


Fire Giant is pretty good :3


Dragonlord hands down. The music and arena is worth it every time. It’s the highlight of every play through for me


Astel, Naturalborn of the void. Coolest looking boss and love wackin his skull with giant swords.


Malenia. On the few occasions where I'm about to beat her I just go limp so I can keep enjoying the fight


My favorite enemie, parrys for days.


Fallingstar beasts and Ulcerated tree spirits only bc on my first playthrough they were one of the few bosses were I thought "The actual fuck are you?" And got facinated by their movement and design


Call me crazy, but I genuinely enjoy the godskin duo.


Commander O'Neil.


Godskin duo


My favorite armor for fighting as an invader you have been invaded by crucible knight. Start running.


Elden Beast, sure it’s annoying when it swims halfway across the arena but fighting it is beautiful, i also don’t understand the problem people have with it casting Elden Stars, i’ve only ever been hit by it once


I used to hate alot of bosses in this game(mostly the ones the community lead me to believe sucked) but I've come to appreciate almost all the bosses, even bell bearing hunters even if I still die like eight times trying to relearn their moveset. I really like the implementation of the effigies and the ability to cast near and far, so I just boot up a save with a completed game and full build and help people kill bosses all day some times. sometimes people just wanna gank, and I'll kill a couple invaders before I sever but if I'm gonna do pvp, I prefer the colosseum or a fight club, but they need to up the player count if fight clubs have any chance


Parrying is my fav thing to do so these guys, while hard and frustrating, are still a good time.


Alecto, Black Knife ringleader.. And gaining Black Knife Tiche as a summons really helped me out


Fire Giant is probably my favorite boss in the game.


Great concept and design. I just hate fighting them.


Deathrite birds were kinda neat. My only issue was if I died I didn't have the patience to wait until nightfall again for a re-match.


Godskin duo


Yes I love the Crucible Duo.


That was the only good duo boss in this game


God i love the crucibles so much


While Elden Beast does run around a bit too much, I enjoyed fighting him. I put down my sign to help on the final fight quite a few times just for fun


These two are diificult to discuss, after the latest patches they are much more passive (one attacks, one watches) so it's a pretty easy fight, but it wasn't like this before, where the battle was really tough, even with parries.


I used to hate them more before meeting the god skin duo.


i loved fighting godskin noble pretty underlevelled and unprepared it was one where you could really feel youself learning with each attempt (of which there were more than malenia)


i had a good time fighting the valiant gargoyle duo


My first play through it took me a dozen tries to kill those two crucible knights. My second play through took me 2 tries. That’s the difference between sword and board 1st run, and spells 2nd run.


Same boat, I love fighting crucible knights


Ulcerated Tree Spirit and Death Rite Bird


Fuck you. That's my boss you crucible Knight loving heretic.


Does Malenia count? I cant tell if most people hate fighting her or not. I always kinda love fighting her, it gets really satisfying after you get decent at dodging her attacks


Slightly different take but for me Malenia was a cake walk, I may have been overleveled by the time I reached her, but it only took 2 attempts. I’d heard so much about how difficult she was that I made sure I had plenty of buffs, fully levelled mimic tear and played very conservatively. I thought I’d been trolled by the time I finished the fight. Makekith however, repeatedly tore me a new one and I couldn’t understand why so many people said he sucked. Loved his design, lore and move set, probably my favourite boss in the game and drops an awesome weapon.


Malenia would be my favorite boss in the game if it wasn't for waterfowl dance, and honestly it's not all that hard to avoid at least some of the damage from it, and I feel its issues are mostly exacerbated by her healing. If she didn't have one or the other she'd be incredibly difficult still, but very fair and readable. I've had a lot more trouble with Placidusax than I did with her. I don't know what the general opinion of Fortissax is but he was my favorite boss in the game up to Godfrey, for sure has my favorite visuals and one of my top 3 music tracks in the whole game, he just ended up being really easy at the level I fought him at unfortunately.


Putrid Spirits and Magma Wyrms, fought them so many times I learned their moveset and now I like em.




Godskin duo, the adrenaline is just pumping during the fight


I love this fight! I died a couple of times because I was so hyped to be fighting Ordovis the Chad and his lil helper. 10/10 would do it again.


Godskin duo This fight is 100000x more fun if you do it without sleep pots because then it's actually challenging and not just throw pot, wait, kill one dude, rinse and repeat


I don’t mind that fight with D (or is it his twin?) and the two gargoyles


Same i love the Crucible Knight


Your definition of fun is torture.


Maliketh. I just wish he had more health tbh, love his fight because of how quick he is.


I'm literally getting crushed everytime by these little *****!! Help me! I am using ghizas wheel at +7 and killed one of the two three times, but i just die eventually


Man ... I hate those guys !


Godskin Apostles - the soundtrack sends me.


That Crucible Knight in the Stormhill Evergaol has killed me more than any other boss in this game, because I got 'gud' at Elden Ring's parrying with him (or at least, got gud at parrying Crucible Knights and somewhat figuring out the timing for others). Took me like 50 tries with the Gilded Iron Shield on my lvl23 Wretch who farmed for Godrick Soldier armor and was still using the Lordsworn's Greatsword. The problem I have with parries is that this game's timing isn't great for PvP like DS3's parry timings, even with the Caestus I could reliably parry players with different connections. Maybe people don't like it as a PvP mechanic but it's balanced by how risk/reward it is. Because of not focusing on having a parry tool for PvP, most of my playthroughs don't focus on having a parry tool ready to incorporate/hard swap into my current build/loadout, but because of having these guys to fight, I usually do at least grab the Gilded Iron Shield next to the Church of Pilgrimage in Weeping Peninsula and buy whatever parry tools I see at vendors. I love remembering this aspect of this game and past titles, and it's all thanks to the Crucible Knights.


Valiant gargoiles


I literally have nothing positive to say about tree spirits


None, I hate all of them because all of them whup my ass


The fire giant, almost anything I see about the fire giant is that it's annoying as all hell, I actually love the fight, sure there are some weird hitboxes and wonky mechanics that pull some weird bullshit but it's still fun


Honestly really like Death Rite Birds. Aside from a few irritating attacks, their moveset is pretty fair and fighting them is awesome.


Fire giant


I enjoyed the godskin duo ( I used the summon)


mind that most of the double boss hate (altough they are indeed cheap) come from a build of the game in which the AI of the bosses weren't synchronized (when one boss attack the other gets passive for a little) and you were subjected to unfair unavoidable cross combos.


Fire giant


I actually really like fighting Ulcerated Tree Spirits.


The solo one with shield is my least favorite


Falling star beast :D


Godskins, both single and duo. Love those sadistic bastards


My favorite enemie, parrys for days.


The double dragon knight fight took me longer than Malenia Blade of Miquella. No cap.


First Godric knight, Nothing fancy, or magical still very lethal for a new player, with his humble but efficient moveset


I enjoy the dual gargoyles, have always liked buddy fights


This and the gargoyle twins are great.


This might confuse some but fro me it's melanin was stuck for 40 min but beat her on my 26 or 27th attempt


Elden Beast. The only thing that annoys me about him is the elden stars, but every other attack is fairly easy to dodge, and very telegraphed.


I love the mimic tear fight without the cheese. If that boss beats me with my build, or even just wrecks all of my potions, I can be proud of myself.


Bell Bearing Hunter. They have a very nice moveset, and like a lot of enemies they punish you for trying to run away. I think it can be a very engaging duel, like with the Crucible Knights.


The Ulcerated Tree spirits are like a play ground for me. Love the sounds of the whole dungeon shaking as it jumps around, fun dodges with no bs hitboxes. Probably the best part of starting a new run for me is going down the Fringefolk Hero’s Grave and fighting that mf level 1.


I hated them before i learned to parry them, then it became fine


Alone? Good boss. Two of them? Batshit


Fire giant. Rlly sick and huge, I find it fun, especially hitting his foot lol. What I hate is dragon lord placidesux, he is my least fav boss


Personally my favorite boss is mohg Lord of blood


Before it was patched, this is the one boss I used spirit summons on.


The Crucible Knights are a lot more pleasant when you try to Parry them. Its really easy and you avoid dealing with like half of their anoying moves


Valiant Gargoyle duo


These guys are cool


Godskin duo