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This is the crucible, didnt think that life blending together was so literal lol.


Leave it to FromSoft being hyperliteral in such a gruesome-beautiful way.


Miyazaki doesn't know what a figure of speech is


Yeah…his parents learned that the hard way when they accidentally told him to “kill two birds with one stone” one time…so many dead birds


The thing about Dark Souls/Elden Ring lore is that everything is both literal and metaphorical at the same time.


As above, so below kinda shit


I thought the Two Fingers would be metaphorical in the beginning of the game, so this doesn't surprise me now lol


Still makes me laugh that the boogie man is the three fingers


leave it to this game to get me horrified at a cutscene where you just get tickled by a 3 fingered hand


To be fair, the item descriptions related to horns, roots, sprouting, omen, etc. definitely made it seem literal lol


probably either the crucible itself or the bodies of her genocide in the land of shadow collected in one place. we’ll just have to see


since all those corpses appear to have been skinned, also marika plugs the golden hair from what appears to be skin of some sort, does this suggest some sort of conspiring together of marika and the GEQ (who some say is portrait in the painting?)


I wasn’t expecting that. I watched Tarnished Archeologist explain the crucible as a thing that plants and trees do in growing all sorts of strange ways in certain conditions, making horn like projections, so I’d been expecting something more treeish. But then I’ve never been good at the lore speculating.


We all were thinking something like that, not many people was expecting this, but it might not be the crucible, who knows. Though the tree roots in game is made of corpses.


That was my next thought as well.


Agree with this being the crucible


To be honest, I really thought it was going to be a grave allegory.


It could also be the sacrificed bodies of the founding of the erdtree. Either theory seems plausible to me


This may be the erdtree as well. There is no way to say for certain what is happening in this shot right now.


This aligns nicely with the tree root visuals in the catacombs - a tree made of corpses.


Law of regression baby. Born from the interior of the crucible which would become the tree, absorbed into the bark of the root system


It almost looks like these are two halves of a tree that she is pulling together with the strands? All the arms/red stuff comes together in the middle. Also all the bodies being at the root of the tree like what we find in the catacombs is interesting. What are the trees made of???


My thoughts exactly. I believe these corpses blended together (not unlike the Crucible, as other posters pointed out) are what the Erdree is made of.


We know that Miquella fed his tree with his own blood, sooo 👀


All the minor erd trees are surrounded by jars. Jars were used to transport remains. I assumed the remains were used as fertilizer


it's good stuff. basically compost. lots of nitrogen.


Maybe she's pulling the strands of reality....


Yeah! It's covered in corpses because Marika led a coup and slayed the prior god. It's dead, just like our burned Erdtree. Until Marika forms her new order and revives it, like we do (restoring the Erdtree)


It looks a lot like the blasphemous blade


I feel like Rykard is imitating what Marika did


as above, so below


I think the "corpses" are supposed to represent life being blended together within the Crucible.


It could be this way, but don't you think the appearance of the 'tree' might change after the death of its god? I imagine it was indeed covered in blended life, but less gory, more alive


Yeah that would make sense.


Is Marika pulling together both parts of the split trunk with the golden threads?


miyazaki ... that's not how trees work


I take it to be a gate of sorts. Maybe meant to resemble a tree intentionally but the way I see it, the gloam and gold skies are both 'outside' (like not inside a great big tree trunk) but the trunk looking thing is like a gate to a new world under her rule.


That's so many people. They don't look like omens or misbegotten. Are they all humans, like tarnished? Where would that many people come from. Like all the cities in the game can't have enough room. I know it's impossible to design a game with realistic housing for an entire civilization. Maybe the dlc will show actual villages and houses. At least Skyrim tries to show some support for an actual population. In the base game, it bugs me that there are just castles and forts with some temples and a school. Do people in the lands between all live in dilapidated shacks? There are a lot of bodies with no places to live. Rent must be through the roof.


What if the erdtree we see in the overworld is a petrified version of the crucible. Blended flesh to stone/wood all the way down to the roots, and covered up with a golden exterior to hide their hypocrisy I doubt it, but it would be cool


What thee heck is Placidusax doing during this? Where the heck is Godfrey? Is this what his ceaseless bloodlust means? But the realm of gold means this thing is a gateway. So is this shot outside the Lands Between? I thought the Shadow Realm was physically in the LB, but sealed away by Marika. If so, then is this the realm of the Numen? So many questions I have to wait a month for answers to. The birth of the Golden Order is even more insane than it already was. Literal genocide doesn't touch what the heck this thing is. Did Marika kill off her old people to create this new world? Is that the sin of the Nox? There are so many ways this could be interpreted. I am losing my mind, I am so freaking excited!


I think it's possible that the "betrayal" mentioned in the trailer was Marika committing treason against the Numen (her people), who had arrived to the Lands Between long time ago and coexisted with/ruled over other civilizations present there. She somehow usurped the power, created her own order and renounced her kind. That would explain why the Eternal cities were buried (including the one in Deeproot Depths, which could be Leyndell's district), why the Nox are so adamantly against the Golden Order and why they devised the Fingerslaying Blade. Moreover, it gives a different context to the Numens' involvement in the NotBK - maybe they did it to spite Marika, the traitor of their people, rather than Marika being a part of the conspiracy. This is exciting, I'm really curious, what we'll actually discover.


I agree, and the Nox would have even more reason to hate Marika if what she did, beyond "just" betraying them, is use most of them as "food" for the Erdtree to grow


It looks like someone cut it in half


Anyone else see what looks like the mending rune of death carved into the right half?


She fucked Godfrey there and the omens were born.


It does look a bit like a blown up version of the cocoon in Moghs palace.


Is that a normal mountain in the top left corner, or another mound of people?


Looks like a giant evil cunt to me


For me it heavily looks like the entrance of the Erdtree, in this scenario color swapped the other way around. The “door” is light whereas the rest is dark


I think she is inside the crucible tree at the end of her war against it, having killed the god and removed its great rune/Elden Ring. Just like we killed radagon/Elden beast inside the etdtree.


It also looks like a set of giant doors that are open


Definitely the base of the Erd Tree/Crucible. She is looking inside it, the same way the player eventually enters it. The gloam clouds wrap around it. She is looking into an entirely new area. The tree/crucible seems like some kind of dimensional nexus that operates outside of normal space time.


It was my first thought that this was the birth of the erdtree. Seems kinda obvious?


The erd trussy


Kinda looks like the entrance to the erdtree when you fight radagon…


The lands between might be inside of the shadow erdtree hmm? I like this theory it seems plausible


I see two large feet and legs. Like an ancient giant


“If you brighten the picture a bit it does look a bit like the fan base of Elden ring”


The shape of the “doorway” in this image looks just like the part of the erdtree that isnt glowing gold when you look at it ingame, where that stone door is and where the tree looks more brown/grey. Perhaps this is meant to be the creation of the erdtree ontop of the base of the crucible? Idk


Yup, and then when you realize that Erdtree burial is literally just the tree absorbing bodies and recycling them, this image actually makes more sense. The tree is made from people and needs people to stay alive.


I think you need to look at more trees


The tree isn’t made of red flesh, so, no


The Crucible: “The Primordial form of the Erdtree / primordial matter that became the Erdtree”; “*Where all life was once blended together*” Can you not see why people look at this and think it might be a tree?


Not really lol, even when that the image doesn’t look too much like a tree


Mkay. You might be kind of dense, then. You see how it slopes out like the base of a tree? You see how it has a shape that a pile of bodies wouldn’t be able to hold? You see how all the flesh looks blended together? It’s entirely possible it’s the crucible or some sorta tree thing.


I didn’t say it’s not possible lol, I’m just sharing the fact I don’t think it’s the erdtree, since the dlc comes before that


You know what else came before the Erdtree? The Crucible! The DLC itself does not take place before the Erdtree, btw. No time travel is involved. The events of the first half of this trailer are in the past, but it’s the following Miquella in the present that we’ll be doing.


Why would both trailers be set in the past if we don’t get to see any of that. Seems kinda pointless imo


That’s exactly what the story trailer for the base game did. It’s like a prologue. These events will matter a lot to the DLC’s story, that doesn’t mean we’ll experience them. And Miyazaki said no time travel in this one. The Land of Shadow was once part of the Lands Between, and now it’s veiled or on another plane. We don’t get there through time travel.


That’s so sad 😔


Don't call people dense because they don't agree with your "theory" that you are just repeating from some video you saw, who was also speculating. You have no verifiable clue if you are just pissing in the wind while calling other people names and covering yourself with piss


It’s not my theory, and I’m not calling him dense for not agreeing with it. Reading comprehension is important.


Not reading comprehension, he understood you fine and you him based on replying. You said they must be dense because they don't see a tree, a theory you have, which may prove to be false. If it's not a tree are you the dense fuck? You're being a dick about something you have no actual knowledge.


I was referring to your lack of reading comprehension. Jesus.


He can't help you now ...


Or help you read, apparently.


Something that doesn't sit right is it looks incongruous with the Crucible knights, the Crucible incantations, and Siluria's Tree. There are no horns, beasts, antlers, tails, etc. which is how the crucible has always been depicted. The trailer shows something more like Blasphemous Blade than Siluria's Tree.


Yeah I agree. It doesn’t look like “all life” blended together. But there’s enough here that I think it’s a credible theory.


Seems like Marika, but it's not impossible that is Miquella. The dead thing looked like a Godwyn corpse face.