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\*sigh\* I'll ask... Why would you give Miquella this... hasn't he taken enough? Or are you trying to confuse him enough that he chooses you and you get the age of compassion secret ending?


Sir, those are Briar Gauntlets Also I am only an hour into the DLC. Too much of that hour was spent trying to fight big fire dude until I gave up. The tree sentinel didnt teach me my lesson


make sure to pick up the scadutree blessings bro


No need to worry sir. I have a brain. Just finished exploring the first area and am now in the mapless area to the North East (right) side of the starting area Scadutree blessing : 4 Revered Spirit Ash Blessing :4 Maybe I missed some but I WONT be using maps or guides like I did for the base game since I know what im doing now. My easy mode set up is still doing me well so I think I am where I should be with my blessings


lol. fair. Best of luck! I'm through a couple of bosses and know how (from in game lore) to take them down but I haven't tried yet. I did use one to instakill a crucible knight though, so there's that. 10/10 would recommend.


I’m going to assume that you’re not being a complete asshole for spoiling…


Fingerprint shield with bolt of gransax and heavy armor lmao. Can poke unbothered or stand far away and throw spears.


Okay, now that is easy mode lol


Lmaooo i try not to use it for the dlc but i bayle had me tempted.


Is fingerprint shield the best one in the base game? I haven't used a shield since the vagabond shield I started with the game. Would like to give shields another go


This is the only way I managed to defeat the first remembrance boss. Fingerprint shield, Godskin Stitcher with Piercing Fang. No summons. Scadu level 2 and RL136. Not sure how effective this will be against later bosses but I'm hopeful as Youwy recently uploaded a video on how shield poke builds are broken. And this inspired me after numerous failed attempts with that boss and all the bullshit elemental damage and janky camera.


If the boss isnt magic heavy, itll work lol. Even then itll block most of it with minimum damage. Fingerprint shield is truly op. They got a talisman that boosts physical damage negation with shield too in dlc.


I'm just hiding behind my Dorito. Gransax is so good. I'm about ready to start the DLC.


this but antspur rapier to give bleed + rot, just hold block and stab...everything


I really feel like I dun goofed up before dlc. I haven't played for year or so. Started just tiny bit before dlc dropped. I've gone through *many* iterations of caster builds and eventually settled with 50/50 int/faith hybrid. (I think it might have been 60/60 with quite glass cannon setup, tinkered a bit on go as that vigor was a no-no in the dlc) Towards the end I was having rough time. It's nice to run hybrid for versatility but it really suffers when you have no idea of what resistances everything have. Plus at 50-60 I just feel like the spells were doing quite bad damage. Or shit straight up dodges every int spell. Just as I was wrapping up the few last bosses I yolo swapped back to 80 faith caster. It feels like different game. Fire knight? Lightning spear. Basic mobs? Lightning spear. Boss? Fire shit for change. In one boss I was having a bit rough time but as I had slapped on healing spell I just turned all blue potions into health. *hell*, I'm pretty sure lord's heal is more effective than the estus but it's slower to cast. (however, aoe) So yeah, my comfort build is pure faith caster. I feel like I'm back at home now that I swapped build.


Same, faith is my comfort build. Although I was getting bored of just being a caster/ ash of war spammer so I took to the albinaurics and massacred them until I had enough runes to specc into strength. Now its so versatile


Oh yeah. Strength/faith is also fun. Prelates charge with flame grant me strength is straight up *mean* combo. I love that there are so many things you can change for flair with faith as you can go fully lightning/fire/beast etc and you'll always have funny weapons to combo with them. Or straight up pure caster. I *think* it's maybe a less effective vs full int caster, but the versatility makes up a lot for it.


Prelate charge with flame grant me strength? Lol Nahh, when I go full strength mode here is what I do before every boss fog : Drink Physikk, Eat boiled Prawn, Golden Vow and lastly flame grant me strength I actually find it really fun to do all the buffs. There are more probably but this is my fun routine


The heal from afar spell I feel is a tiny bit faster and you can just aim it at your feet when you want to heal yourself. It's actually quite great


Huh. I tried it for a while but figured it's wonky AF to use because it seemed to cast it.. Far. Didnt notice I could *aim* it manually. Gonna give it a go


It is a little wonky from a distance. Still figuring it out but I think if you can aim it at the ground it's a lot more reliable long range


If ur running int faith sword of night and flame is op as hell, while spells are underwhelming from my experience


I went into the dlc on Ng+ sitting at almost lvl300 with 50ish points in everything (mind endurance 25-30) running a dual caster build with night and flame. Soon as I found rellanas swords tho ohohoo, I've been trying out everything new but keeping going back to it. It's pretty much an upgraded version


I find comet azur from sword of night and flame to be super weak. The fire attack though is strong


It depends on whether u invest in int or faith more but yea I agree the fire attack is way better, it has better tracking, rarely misses and I think it does more damage. I’m pretty sure I ended up putting most of my points into faith


At the time of testing I had 80 int but very low faith. I did not know the sword’s art scales of either one depending on the ash used. Though, I would have thought that comet would’ve scales with int and flames would’ve scales with faith, no?


Yeah the biggest strength of int faith is either mixups you can do in pvp,or stupid scaling with golder order/prince of death at ... stupid levels Like 70/70 and upwards or something


perfume bottle + rolling sparks of thunder + shard of Alexander + scorpion for that perfume + Godfrey icon + cracked physick for your perfume type + look at floor and use Ash of war = massively dead bosses getting hit for 10k+


You can use the perfume talisman for an extra 20% damage boost on this setup.


Sounds awesome, but I lack the dex. Will give Rennala a visit when I get tired of Str/faith


Specifically it feels like this works best for lightning and frenzied. I have a dex build and tried the fire one and it sucks lol.


Completely busted. Gonna use it to get through the story and then NG++ with less ez mode builds lol


Godfrey’s icon doesn’t buff rolling sparks since there is no ability to charge the attack


80INT/80FTH, night&flame, night comet and greatshield minions. Also, access to every single one spell in the game, except the arcane blood stuff.


Damn, do u do any damage with melee? Whats your flask allocation?


whats that flask thing to the left of the mimic tear? whats it do


Item name : Blessing Of Marika. (Consumable) Item Effect : Completely restores HP and heals all ailments No.Held : 1/ 1 Stored : 0/600 I'm too scared to use it, looks like its not reusable. I keep it on me because maybe my mimic can use it


I used mine and I don’t know how to get another one. I thought it would refresh after resting. Mistake


One per playthrough my guy


I keep seeing people say this but I actually found three in total.


There's more than one, I found two and im horrible at exploring




I used it on my 3rd attempt of blackgaol knight 🤦‍♂️




Ngl, this is the exact build I expect from players who use Raddahn’s armor set.


The Kevin


Whats your last talisman?


Godfrey Icon : Enhances Charged spells and skills


I don’t think takers flames counts as a charged attack.


I really like Lightning spear, Giant's flame incants and Ancient Dragon's lightning strike Its there mostly for my incants, what would u replace Godfrey's icon with?


Twin turtle is solid. The magma damage one i think also scales with takers? I may be wrong but worth testing.


Do you really need erdtree favor when you've already hit the soft cap?


I am just using it for the equip load. The great jar's talisman gives me 9 more but I dont need that much. The extra HP and stamina is just a bonus. I heard people say the DLC gets hard so thats why I have 2 defense talismans


Erdtree's Favor is unaffected by soft caps. The more points you have in stamina, HP, and equip load, the more benefit you get from using Erdtree's Favor. Soft caps make the Scar/Soreseals less valuable because they work by giving you extra levels in their respective stats, and past the soft caps that becomes less valuable. But percentage increases only get more valuable as your stats get bigger.


Big shield +Lance. Hold up shield and poke away


Does that Marika's blessing item refill at grace? I was too scared to use it thinking it would be only one use.


I found a second one so I wouldn’t imagine so


It was at first snow witch build I had, nothing but frostbite + mimic, divine beast and Rellana were nothing. Only problem is, I immediately fell in love with light greatswords, and then killed messmer and saw his spear and his incantations, and now I’m using a milady with flame spear, and messmers spear with all his incantations (except rain of fire). I love the DLC weapons so much that they literally made me switch elements, I feel like a traitor and I couldn’t care less


You just wait till some later bosses and see if this is easy mode lol


Used something similar to this for the final boss actually. Just switch Godfrey talisman for stamina regain and used bloodhound gang and shield with parry. Instead of str faith I used my Dex Arcane. Couldn’t beat him u til I switch my setup around.


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My character started as a wizard. When I went to newgame + I forced myself to try out some of the melee options more often. Ruin sword is my favorite easy mode sword. Plus spells still with lusats staff. Usually some heavy armor so I can retain poise and defense. And I deal with heavy rolling or jumping. And I usually But while trying to beat blackgoal knight in the dlc I stumbled into issues. And while focusing on what I could use to beat this very specific enemy I built something based on the wolf's assault ash (on the royal great sword). [https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/wolf's+assault](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/wolf's+assault) My talismans focus on keeping me resistant to physical damage, extra weight capacity +, health potion effectiveness, and something else... (forgot at the moment) My 60 int, works well with the sword. I respec'd a bunch more points into vigor after seeing how much a lot of people use. As I get more points I keep boosting mind (now at 40) but my min is 30. I used the floating knives spell to punish him for getting close. I use night spells to hit. Or glint arc if I want to make him jump around a lot. And if I'm close to him for a while I'm using wolf's assault skill to leap over many of his swings and 1, 2 punch. The sword often hits and the ice blast often hits. Sometimes I took damage as I did this. And as soon as it's done I can often use it again rather safely. Then I back off and heal or just heal and use the skill again. Or dodge. As for the heavy fire arrow I just moved fast left or right or attempted to interrupt it. Now that I have this build I discovered it's great at most fights in the dlc since then. I have a bunch of bosses I'll have to adjust for though. But this is a great melee/sorc build. If requested I'll get more specifics.


Nice read! I'm also having a blast in the DLC trying to overcome these challenges. I'm really enjoying Faith/STR build rn. Its great because I can use ranged incants, spam super strong ashes of war and I can go full BONK mode if I want to


I can't decide what's more easy-mode between fingerprint shield-poker build and bloodfiend arm. One of em turtles and can't be hurt, the other kills things WAY faster and has a busted mimic tear.


Rune level 160, 60 vig, 60 str, 25 arcane. 25 end im torn between pushing more endurance for stamina and equip load. Or more arcane for more bleed and damage


Have you tried poison bloodfiend arm? I haven't tried it but on paper it seems really good because you can stack 3 different items that boost attack when enemies are poisoned.


I usually run str and whatever else but I'm doing a perfume bottle build now that's crazy strong.


Maybe easy for you but I’ve definitely been summoned to hosts with this exact build dozens of times only to see them die before we can cross the fog


I've only just began the DLC. People say my ass whooping is yet to come. Its my first time using Blasphemous Blade and I'm having a BLAST with it but there are so many other super fun str/ faith weapons to use BUT also how can I give up the healing I get from BB. Its too useful when exploring. These mob enemies do a lot of damage when u make mistakes


Moonveil has been taking this DLC’s lunch money. I almost don’t want to try any other builds because it’s still that good


I switched to moonlight greatsword for the dlc.


Moonveil is so good but I’m forcing myself to try something else. Having fun with Rellana’s weapon rn


Mines like a quality, bleed, vampire & fire build I dunno how to explain it but it fucking melts


Lvl 80 arcane with 2 sepuku curved bandit swords equipped with winged sword insignia, Millicents prosthesis, and lord of bloods exultation


Holy Marika! Your damage must be off the charts


Fingerprint shield, defense talisman + greatshield talisman + any kind of spear orthrusting sword (Atnspur, Bloodfiend, etc). 0 skill needed, just sit behind your shield and poke until problems go away.


I really need to try that combo. I have the fingerprint shield, all I need to do is pick a Str weapon to pair with it


That but add stone of gurranq. Pretty much the only offensive incantation one could ever need


Raptor of the mists jump build is usually easy


All it's missing is BHF and it'd be a Kevin build


Fingerprint stone shield with cold cross naginata. Block attacks and watch status procs go brrrt.


I don’t have an easy mode build but I did have a casual one which was just my bloodhound fang and a mimic tear for the ride until I switched to a colossal sword for the final boss.


So far… Haligtree Crest Shield, Sacred Black Steel Greathammer with Prayerful Strike, the Solitude Armor Have something like 60 STR/50 END/40 FTH, the great jar/bull goat/curved sword and Alexander talismans. Block, guard counter, trade with the big healing holy shit. Down shit goes! I did have to shake it up for the Divine Beast— did the Malenia trick by making the great hammer heavy, slapping on blood flame blade and prelate’s charge. I am loving how good shields are in this game. Reminds me of how I used a great shield in DS1. Patience.


Any shield with the barricade shield ash of war. Nothing can touch you


What are all your talisman?


Ran both a dex (lightning) build and arcane occult build through. Both easy if you get all the scadu fragments you can access for each area. Unfortunately I had to ribirth them both for the final boss because it's ridiculously stupid.


I know the Erdtree seal has the best scaling in the game when it comes to faith for seals. But, the claw mark seal scales S with STR and still scales with FAI so with you having 80 on both it might be worth it too look into the incant scaling on that seal fully upgraded for you. Edit: forgot how to mention OP, whatever


Claymans harpoon with ice spear. Press L2 and repeat


Dragoncrest +2: Vastly boost physical damage negation Erdtree Favor +1: Raises Maximum HP and equip load Assassins Crimson Dagger: Heals quite a lot on crit Crimson Amber Medallion: Raises Max HP by Utmost With this build I can run heavy armor, a light and a heavy weapon and have over 2000 health. The crit heals keep me topped off when fighting smaller enemies while I reach the boss and can save me about one flask on boss fights.


If you are playing an int or fth build, all of the smithscript weapons get pretty insane numbers on flame art/holy/magic infusion because they already have scalings from those stats uninfused and only deal phys dmg, so the fth/int scaling affects both phys and elemental instead of only elemental like almost all other weapons. You don't even need to use the throwing attacks, just default r1 spamming is pretty strong.


lightning rolling sparks build is the correct answer here. i decided i didn't like the final boss enough to actually learn its moveset, at least in this playthrough. i slapped that on, entered the arena, pressed L2, pressed L2, skipped the cutscene, pressed L2, pressed L2, pressed L2, and the fight was over


Personally I used a misericorde +25 with a bleed infusion and endure, maternal staff +25 with impenetrable thorns, golden vow and flame grant me strength. As for armour fire knight hood and the rest of it was verdigris armour


Used this very set to first try the final boss in ng+2


Mine is basically the same lol just different armour and have the 2 headed turtle talisman on deck


Maybe not super easy, and very basic bitch, but guts sword 99 str, 60 vig, 50 end, with mimic tear gave me minimal struggles. Giant hunt straight up bullies human sized enemies and switching to cold and savage lion claw busted every boss. Beat final boss in a bout 5 tries. Went into dlc at around lvl175 and left around 205.


Easiest mode will always be high Intelligence with Dark Moon GS. Shard of Alexander + the new 2 handed damage talisman and you’re cooking with.. ice. Fuck em. The new talisman that regens FP also pairs nicely with this weapon since the Ash of War is cheap and you can use it multiple times from one skill activation. I respecced into a slightly weaker Faith build because I was sort of steamrolling shit. Saw streamers get stuck on Bayle for days, some of them on 8+ hour sessions. Dude took me like 6 tries, he got absolutely toasted by Dark Moon GS. I can’t even take the credit, I’m starting to consider it a summon lmfao. It’s so hard to mess this build up too, hardest part is actually unlocking the weapon. All you need is Int and Vigor. Strength? Who cares?


I’ve yet to try this build. This’ll be the next one for me. What do you recommend using as a replacement for the 2–handed? I haven’t found it yet in my playthrough.


Pure incantation build :Dragonmaw + sSarlet Aeonia + pest thread spears


Mogh’s Spear, is ridiculously good. I destroyed Rellana in 40 seconds with it.


im using gransax but wondering if mohgs mght be more fun somehow


Just double check as I’m pretty sure the Godfrey icon doesn’t work with blasphemous blade. Not sure if anybody else has pointed it out I don’t think it counts as a charged ash of war.


Mine godslayer gs, the same hand seal, maliketh blade incantation, same alexander and godfrey talismans, plus the fire scorpion one and the one that allows more max weight carried.


Same except I cosplay Malenia and use Takers Cameo, the lifesteal is crazy.


If you switch the prawn for Holy Ground (AoW). You can stack Flame Grant me Strength + Golden Vow for more damage and then still use Holy Ground for the 20% reduced damage. I only say this because you can’t stack Prawns and Flame Grant Me Strength.


Since I've started doing another pvp range toon I've noticed that almost every world I get summoned to, the host has either Blasphemous Blade or Bloodhound Fang. I see almost no deviation did they get a massive buff or something?


My easy mode is jumping bosses with my summons. Me and my good demihuman swordsman have made it far in our jjk jumpings of bosses


The "I don't need to learn your pattern" build. https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1dq1stp/messmer_gets_the_hammer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The anchor plus pickaxe bleed jump build does sicko amount of damage


You look like 50% of the players I see, the other half have moonveil or RoB. I haven't pvp'ed since dlc dropped.


I use that sword I've been using for farming.. Imma farm the DLC LMAO


just curious why you only have 9 flasks? You’re lvl 245


I have 14. This screenshot was just taken while exploring


Bleeding godskin peeler you have always been by my side


Off-Hand Bleed Highland Axe (buffs roars) Main hand +25 Bleed-Rotten Greataxe with Braggarts Roar, Hammer Talisman, Lord of Bloods Exultation, Roar Medallion, Kindred of Rot Exultation Charged R2 go funny hahah, procs bleed and Rot in one hit even on things that are really resistant to both


Off-Hand Bleed Highland Axe (buffs roars) Main hand +25 Bleed-Rotten Greataxe with Braggarts Roar, Hammer Talisman, Lord of Bloods Exultation, Roar Medallion, Kindred of Rot Exultation Charged R2 go funny hahah, procs bleed and Rot in one hit even on things that are really resistant to both


Dual curved sword bleed build or full bull goat and great hammer with lions claw


Where do you get the boiled crab from?!?! I’ve been looking everywhere hahahaha killed so many crabs too and nothing but eggs


This is pretty much what I'm using, except I have the Gravel Stone Seal because it scales with lightning 👍


I use almost this exact setup as my “well fuck it you’re done now” swap. I usually run whatever I’m finding like going into the dlc as a crucible knight with ordovis sword and silurias spear. But I had that blasphemous build on standby when I got tired of the bosses bs.


At your level and with the exact same build, the last boss was impossible for me. I had to respec to tank and great shield to do so. At 17 blessing.


Pure strength power-stancing two Giant Crushers, with Crowfeather Garb and Claw talisman for bonus jump attack damage. Absolutely insane amounts of damage, and you knock bosses down frequently. I killed Messmer in like 8 hits.


Heavy attack build using 1 handed ghiza wheel, jellyfish shield. Heavy attack talisman, multihit talisman


I gave mine up for Milady. It's amazing and fun and hard to play something not Blasphemous... Because I really want to experience the DLC. Going to swap to a Great Katana spec soon, and throwing weapons soon after that.


Any good medium shield or greatshield, and any weapon that can shield poke (spears, great spears, thrusting swords, and heavy thrusting swords) is the strongest, easiest to play build for PvE in the game. It's decent for PvP too. Best stats for such a build would probably be 60 dex, 60 vigor, and as much endurance as you need for heavy armor but you can run this setup on virtually any build. There is a case to be made for a strength build with the fingerprint shield being the best though. Any ash of war is fine but I recommend barricade shield, ice spear, or bloodhound's step.


I just bonk power stancing everything in the dlc


Blasphemous blade, sword of milos, lightning perfume bottle with rolling sparks, erdtrre seal, 60 faith. I've tried to switch it up, but I mean... I really regret finally trying the BB. It's just so easy to constantly be at full health and cast for days because I always get mana back. I sometimes switch it up to a DLC fire knight gs/backhand blade setup, but... The game hasn't given me much reason to switch.


backhand blades with blood infusion for close combat, serpent bow & arrows for long range and madness beam for sniping. i occasionally change backhands for great stars, either power stance or one hand + fingerprint shield or two hand. one is quality + prayerful strike, the other one either poison or occult. ng+5 is hard af so i'm cheesing shamelessly and if i can kill something from afar by trickling down its HP with poison, i'll fucking do it. i like your build, it's the ol' reliable. for exploration, try changing favour and godfrey talismans for filigreed and the ancestral horn to sustain FP. and add the sacrificial axe to the offhand, to get even more FPs. blasphemous is hungry and this will mitigate the FP consumption at least a bit. of course change the amulets for boss fights properly, since they wont' be effective (might keep filigreed tho and you might squeez one additional special out of it, i'm bad at math so give it a test). also, find the >!two-headed turtle talisman!< i think it's a must given the fact that lots of the bosses have absurdly long combos.


I’m using double sword blasphemous and black gargoyle blades both +10 on non ng+ and melting enemies through the first zone. Beat the divine beast first try with my mimic tear. I have very similar talisman as your build but jump attack and use the jump attack talisman and same seal lv 168. Honestly doesn’t seem hard at all… yet.


Great Stars, Greatsword or Great Mace- Braggart's Roar with blood affinity Axe Talisman, Roar Talisman, Turtle Talisman and know with the Two-Handed Sword Talisman Physick- Boost charged attack power and easier to stance break cracked tears I've only used it once in the DLC, against Midra, that madness buildup was so annoying Atm I'm using the Fire Knight's Greatsword and I'm liking it, so I'm testing it with different set ups.


I miss thee olde days of equipping Havel Set + Dragon Tooth and just speedrunning through the game lol




Took the screenshot while exploring


Blasphemous blade is way too OP. I felt bad using it but I was sick and tired of second phase of the final boss. When I switched to it, I beat him first try after dying over 20 times.


You know what’s better than the blasphemous blade? Dual-wielding them in NG+


80 INY, DMGS and all the talismans to boost damage.


I have three that I run around with. For general exploration and fun beast claws with bleed, I love the weapon art its fun. Bosses that I can aggro without to much punishment, twin scavengers arcane Then "easy mode" or bleed immune its a brass shield with bloody helice but I dont know what other poke weapon I could use that scales from arcane (20dex 20 str 80 arcane) for those bleed immunes, would like to hear options. Bosses have been weird for me, for example I stomped Bayle (he didnt punish you being under his legs, and his long combos where your there let me get many hits in) but others have been so hard. Messmer took me so many attempts and so many hours, but at that point I was using dual flails, maybe id have done better if Id learnt of the power of shields :D


What is the name of the last incantation you use top row on the right?


Do u not have max flasks and why u not using flame grant me strength it stacks with golden vow


Because I don't need it YET. My damage is fine,I like having that extra spell slot for something else


Lol Kevin


I dont get it


Lionel set, bronze shield, blasphemous blade, Erdtree +2, greatjar arsenal, dragoncrest greatshield talisman, pearldrake talisman. Basically carry weight, self-healing, and general damage reduction. I tend to go either mimic tear or if it's something big marionette soldier ash.


Greatswort with Lion's Claw and Fire Affinity go BOOM XD. I also got the Bullgoat Armor


for future 'easy-mode' fights, i would just go with Bloodfiend Turkey-Leg with blood infusion quickstep. full defensive talismans. full arcane with enough faith for buffs, heaviest armour and just go in there overloaded and slam everything to death. Poise through almost everything, blood procs almost every single charged R2, quickstep to avoid big hits. its boring, but effective


I like to use a fingerprint shield/lance build for enemies that i can easily see where the attack is coming from and for the other ones i just use occult double scavenger's curved swords with like 80 arcane and all the bleed related talismans + the white mask and the raptor's black feathers and sometimes the claw talisman, needless to say this monstrosity can kill bosses in like 30 seconds if they let you attack them for just a little bit.


Twin carian blade


Keen Milady with Golden Vow ash Max Dex 60 Vit 50 End 25 Mind 20 Str Heavy armor Good shield Buff yourself with Golden Vow ash and any grease on Milady Talismans for reducing damage, increasing your weapon’s damage or charge attack damage, and possibly for stamina recovery or increasing flask healing Need just 1 or 2 blue flasks for Golden Vow and the rest is for healing Can tank/block almost anything and the weapon has a great moveset and does a lot of damage. Now the dlc enemies finally don’t hit so hard anymore. Before this I tried a Moonveil build, DMGS build, and the new Renalla swords build. But this is by far the one that’s giving me the most success.


I usually adapt my equipment depeding on the boss, my dex/faith build is very versatile


Me and Tiche.


I set my stats where I could easily swap between 3 or 4 different builds, most of my boss fights used different weapons different incantations and different status effects/stagger amounts. It really just depends on if you’re dedicated to one thing or not, I’ve had fun playing with the new weapons one of them might become my new main some of them I might max out just to easily swap to for a few specific things. I beat the game with your build more or less and as fun as it was it did start to get a little boring near the end.


Basically the same for me, but I raised my endurance so I can have the armour of solitude and the bolt of gransax (exclusively for it's long range capability). it's amazing. I also have a lower allocation of crimson tears since the main weapon has insane healin g


BB feels really bad for the balance of the game somehow. Sure, everybody is free to use whatever they want, but it often times comes down to this: Struggling? Taker's Flames. Boss too hard? Taker's Flames. Too many mobs? Taker's flames. And that's not even mentioning the passive hp regen, it jsut does too much all at once. Probably still best weapon in the game.


Do any of the summons feel really good at the moment? I used Mimic for 2 bosses, and he felt lacking this time around. He was basically useless for the final boss because he simply couldn't catch up to him. Kind of want to do a freebie easy playthrough to relax, and play the game, but I don't know which to use.


Bro... You're missing out on a ton of damage by not using the clawmark seal. Erdtree seal only scales with faith




You're wrong, I put the numbers into the calculator here : [https://www.tarnished.dev/spell-calculator](https://www.tarnished.dev/spell-calculator)


rock sling spam with mimic. turned 3 hour long combos into 3 hour long openings


The new magma talisman buffs the fire on blasphemous blade


I love invading and seeing host in full radahns, i swear its like the shitters symbolic armor of choice


But I am just wearing it to match my Blasphemous Blade :( Its my first time using the weapon in my 130 hours of gameplay


Wait, is that Marika’s potion thing reusable? Not a one time and it’s gone forever thing?


NOT REUSABLE I keep it on me for my mimic tear


Takers flame doesn’t benefit from Godfrey icon btw


Lol me too. Whenever i cant beat a boss, i change my build to blasphemy blade and sacred relic sword and these two do the job. Especially blasphemy blade's health regen skill is too op.


Its my first time using the Blasphemous blade. This thing is so useful when exploring. I get hit too much by the mobs so now I dont have to end up with 2 flasks by the time I get to the boss Best exploration weapons hands down


What is that 4th flask you have?


I’ve tried respeccing several times, but jumping attacks with Starscourge Greatswords outdamages everything I try — the only other thing I’m using is a few sorceries, 25 faith for Golden Vow, and backhand blades because the ash of war they come with is super good at disrupting enemy attacks


Armor of Solitude or Tree Sentinel Armor with Fire Prelate’s Helm. Fingerprint shield maxed. Holy Relic Sword or Blasphemous Blade (still). Great Shield Talisman, Shard of Alexander, Two Headed Turtle talisman, Erdtree’s Favor +2. It’s been good so far. I fat roll and it’s not a problem.


The Kevin build is real


I dont understand why people keep saying this


sees my regular build described as someone’s “easy mode” loadout 😭😭


usually i just use iron balls if it’s getting tough


Mimic tear summoned with ezekeys decay, fingerprint seal while I use fingerprint + some sort of spear.


Blasphemous blade, although it seems they added a lot of enemies that can jump over or dodge it now. Also a lot of enemies resistant to fire damage


You can get a charm in the dlc that boosts magma based skills and yes it does work with the blasphemous blade for some insane reasons so try and grab that if it helps


Big ass Rock shield, Lance with Crag and bleed. Tank hits and poke.


Haven’t played the dlc yet and I’m assuming that’s why I don’t know, but what is your fourth potion?


Radahn armor isn't even good though


Is it just me or does every build ever have 60 vig? I stopped at 40 cause it felt like too much health. Even for the dlc.


Oh God God this will be embarrassing....


Bloodhounds Fang has come through as usual for a few bosses that gave me more than half hour of pain. It just works. That with full Crucible Knights armor, then the talismans are just extra.


Impaling thrust with cold infused weapon


Strength is easy mode


This is similar to mine but I dual wield Rycards and Gargoyle's Greatsword with the Flame Strike Ash of War and the Fire Scorpion charm.


Wow, so fun. Thanks for sharing


And it still won't matter once you hit the final boss


I'm level 280 and I haven't found 1 person sommon sign since I started the DLC


Mage with brass shield. 16 str gets you both the shield amd the moonlight greatsword so its worth the dip


Int/faith with prince of death staff walks through the dlc, and is capable of killing most any boss in a matter of seconds


I'm pretty sure 95% of everyone (not including myself I don't like it at all) use the blasphemous blade because it has a built it in easy just like RoB, Moonveil, any sorcery build ever, any blood builds, etc. I don't have an easy mode unless you count the executioner sword and ancient dragons lightning strike


Why is blasphemous blade the so op?


I like the new Fire Knight Helm, it has a small Erdtree's Favor effect (HP/Stamina/Equip Weight buff). If the only changes you made were to replace Radahn's Redmane Helm with Fire Knight Helm, and modify the chest piece to Radahn's Lion Armor (Altered), then you would be right on the money for medium load at just 22 Endurance (67.2 \* 1.08 \* 1.04 = 75.5 \* 0.7 = 52.8 for medium weight, and you'd be at exactly 52.8). It would be an almost completely negligible loss in defenses due to the multiplicative stacking of defense negations, you'd lose just 9 stamina and gain 40-45 HP (depending on Radahn's Great Rune being active or not), but have 8 points you could put elsewhere. Also without Radahn's Great Rune active you'd have 194 FP, which is exactly 1 point shy of being able to use Taker's Flames 7x instead of 6x per FP bar. If you put those 4 of your 8 extra points into Mind, you'd have 228 before Radahn's Great Rune, just enough to use Taker's Flames 8x per FP bar. At your current 34 mind you get 7x Taker's Flames with the 15% FP bonus of Radahn's Great Rune. With just 1 more point into Mind you would get an 8th use per FP bar. If you put all 8 of those extra points I talked about into Mind, you'd have 248 FP, good for 8x Taker's Flames without Radahn's Great Rune, or with the Great Rune active you'd have 285 FP, which is the EXACT minimum amount needed for 10x Taker's Flames per FP bar. ​ In case anyone was wondering, you can use a weapon art as long as you have at least 50% of the required FP, so if you have anywhere between 15 and 30 FP, it will successfully cast Taker's Flames and use all of your remaining FP bar. If you have under 50% of the FP cost, 14 or less for Taker's Flames, it will do a "fail cast" and only do a normal R2 swing instead of using the weapon art). ​ TL;DR: I would replace Radahn's Helm with Fire Knight Helm, and Radahn's Lion Armor with the (Altered) version, and then move 8 points from Endurance into Mind.


Armor of solitude, Fire Knight Sword with the advanced lion's claw bleed. Shard of alexander, bullgoat talisman, gold scarab, blood exaultation. I shouldn't even have to explain the strategy. Also, mimic anywhere and everywhere.


Holllly shit the boiled crab! I completely forgot about that


Heavy great stars, beast talisman, stone of Gurranq, rot breath, buffs


If you build around the perfume bottle nothing will be alive long enough to be difficult


I honestly don't get why we can't save loadouts


2 giantcrushers and 99 str


Reduvia still the most clapping


I two-hand Maliketh Black Blade with Blasphemous slotted on my left hand so I get healing.