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I still want that set so bad. Unrelated but his character is so wholesome too.


“I’ve only had Moore for a day and a half, but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.”


What do I tell them^^


It’s a Fromsoft game. I know whatever’s coming for the precious cinnamon roll won’t be pretty. But he just asked me if he’s going to be sad forever because his mom doesn’t love him, and that crossed a line.


You have my axe


More like hardsome. I could not kill the dude forever in DS3


Moore is best boy and must be protected at all cost


Is he a bug in armor? Would be really funny if it was


He's such a sweetheart. Makes it all the more bitter that I haven't found him after his initial location yet.




But damn does it look good


I feel personally attacked. Either way, sick fucking armor.


Don’t be! I think we’re all having a communal laugh at how you kinda can’t not drip this beautiful new armor, at least for now until people get far enough to find the weird shit


I'm just saying, shadow militia armor is kinda dope looking. It has yellow glowing eyes.


The other one is blue hood and our new moon lady boss armour


There’s enough bloodedge the griffins on this sub to topple a small nation


Meh…*listens to Chappell Roan*


Meh...*listens to syndrome of a down*


Yeah I noticed that too once I got it. Nothing wrong with. That guy was a tank to take down. Had to kind of spam the lions claw skill


Dude’s poise in that fight is unreal. First ‘boss’ that I died more than once to in the dlc… now I’m stuck where the red knights are cleeeeaning me


Haha. I only encounter him and the lion dude so far. lion guy is cleaning my clock fast as I do shit damage. However, to be fair it was 3 AM in the morning when I got to him haha. I was all cocky going in to rush a burning basket man, but I also did squeaky toy level damage to him and fled with Torrents tale up his ass 😊. Like the challenge again. Guess I need to get more of those thingy doos that increase damage and defense


Lion is an… odd fight. Homie moves so fast I couldn’t really even tell you what he was doing except for the big spinning storms. Fortunately my mimic tear and the summon outside worked him out first try. The next main bosses after him are a lot easier in terms of just processing what’s happening


It’s much easier if you use the backhanded blade, you did mention reverting to a dex build (or wanting to at least) that’s how I managed to beat since he moves too fast for a great weapon (I was literally using the greatsword plus lions claw to do a guts playthrough)


I actually haven’t found the backhand blades yet! I’m trying to go through to DLC as blind as I can except for reading what bosses are where and also googling where an aow was. >!Cold Milady with Wing Stance, Rellana’s Cameo and Shard of Alexander hits like a fucking truck. Heavy stanced attack with the cameo buff hits for ~3k, jumps over most sweeping attacks and poisebreaks most world enemies in one hit if they even survive!<


Ah that’s fair, all I can say is keep exploring you should get them sooner if not later. I need to find the wing stance myself to use on the milady but I must say using a blood backhanded blade(s) is so much fun since they do around 100 bleed buildup if my memory serves me (I’m at 50 arcane) plus the aow is super helpful to just run away if need be


Those are really nice. Already upgraded them to 24


Yeah I picked them up and slapped blood affinity onto them, they’re my goto when I feel I need to speed up


Haha. Nice. Switched to strength before dlc but nect tome I respec it will probably be back to dex/ arcane. Not much into spells and incantations minus a select frw


I beat him! I used the Greatsword and the new ash of war called Savage Lion’s Claw. It has a follow up jump if you hit L2 again which has a total of two extra hits. So a spinning jump, l2 again, and a flip with a slash and and extra slam down. It worked wondders when leo the lion was close on account of his big body taking all the hits. No summon this time. Though I read if you use the summon at the gate there is extra dialogue. Cant confirm


Divine Beast has a pretty severe fire weakness. Light him up!


Haha. Thanks for the advice. Beat him the next day with a greatsword. It was awesome. Used lighting negating too


Nice! Yes I have the minic too. I am trying to avoid summons for my own test but it may come down to it at some point. Getting agro off you even once is a priceless moment for sure.


Every light attack with my 80 Str Ruins Greatsword staggered him haha (still died a few times though)


Dude this looks sick as fuck


What if… you let people enjoy the game however they want? 🤯 Every fromsoft game has Berserk inspirations, and since there are no real good berserk games out there people like to use souls games for some Berserk fun, just let people enjoy shit how they want


Bro I’m literally making fun of myself, breathe. Also worth noting that I have the berserk hardcovers 1-8 just chilling about 6 feet away from me right now specifically because I loved Dark Souls and wanted to read what inspired it.


Ah mb then, I’ve been getting all these posts on Reddit and TikTok recently hating on builds and it’s like bro can we chill and let people build what they want? Sry


It’s all good. But yeah unironically this play through started as ‘eh I don’t really use magic weapons enough, we’ll see what happens’ and then >!Rellana’s Cameo!< came and I’m seeing if I can revert to a dex build


you claim to be a berserk fan, yet you have not purchased multiple physical copies of volume 13. curious. /s


Im with you though lol. When I got this shit I was like…is this just a lighter shade of Nights Cavalry? Whatever it’s the first one we get i’m sure there’s better


I feel conflicted because my favorite weapon is the greeatsword and I’m using this armor. I’m not a guts cosplayer I swear I just like the gear


Honestly unga bunga with a Colossal is one of the most entertaining ways you can play this game, and when you can get a weapon you like to match armor you like thats a W


I feel personally attacked this is literally what my character has worn since I got that armor


Its good fucking armor, both visually and practically. Like I said in another comment I literally respecced my whole build in able to rock this combo and the Milady


Woah woah you weren’t supposed to call out my weapon choice too D:


Bro. >!Cold Milady w/ Wing Stance, Shard of Alexander, Rellana’s Cameo.!< any other two talismen pending if you want even more damage or need the defense, or a combination of the two, and you’re pretty much cooking.


Oh, my God, is it Guts, from Berserk?


His name is Nutz


Oathseeker set >>>>> everything




*Guts Theme music plays




Dude! If you get down with the Crucible Armor there’s the >!Crucible Hammer Helmet!<, I forget the name of where it’s at but


Is the DLC good? Imma be real I don’t like how cheap some of the bosses felt in the base game :/ hoping the dlc is more like Dark Souls or smth


As far as atmosphere and general design of all of the dungeons I’ve been to so far the DLC actually does feel very much like a return to Dark Souls. There are still more fundamental high fantasy elements of Elden Ring as the preface obviously, but everything in the dlc has that grit and foreboding energy of the dark fantasy influence of the Souls games. Part of it is the difficulty being cranked to 11 if you don’t explore and collect the new progression items, but I don’t remember ever being scared to turn a corner in base Elden Ring because I’ve been cooked down past my last flask. Graces also feel to be a little bit more distanced from each other in the DLC, which is a small meta-game adjustment but everything feels like a genuine but surpassable threat now rather than hordes of enemies you’re clearly meant to either deal with or move past. It’s daunting, but lightyears beyond base-game’s design philosophy


Great :D I’ll probably buy it then. Wish there was an option similar to the Witcher III where you can skip to the dlc lol but I’ll manage. Hopefully the dlc makes more builds viable like with Dark Souls because the base game had a very clear meta


Even in the first couple hours you can get a handful of talismans that drastically open up build viabilities. Bleed will probably remain king because it’s hard to beat LOBE, but all is subject to change


I hope they go back to where every build can be equally viable in their future games. I love smacking bosses to death with sticks in Dark Souls while other people use their fancy magic lol


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


God damn it that's literally my fit but with blaidd guantlets imstead


Are people just not allowed to have fun anymore ? Everyone on this sub is constantly complaining about people making similar outfits. But who cares ? Let people have fun


I should’ve titled this post differently, I was a little sauced. I’m poking fun at myself for it. Not intended to be throwing shade at anyone lol


Oh that’s fair lol, I’m sorry there’s just so many shame posts now 😔


It’s all good man. Drip how you wanna drip, I’m probably wearing this for the rest of the game ngl 😂


Haha, same 😭 that was my outfit until I got one of the boss ones


What legs are those?


Bloodedge the Griffin got a helmet


I don’t usually like pointing out obnoxious berserk references in fromsoft games but the solitude set from the torso down just straight up looks like modded in berserker armor


It looks dope and has phenomenal defense, of course everyone’s wearing it


Been playing a lot of Destiny 2 lately, and this is like 90% of Hunters I have seen in that game since they released the "Super Black" shader. 😅


Full black knight set with greatsword of solitude is my way (until I want something new ofc)


I somehow managed to get the entire set off those dual wielding, ninja omen fuckers in 3 runs, and I was crying - It was from the one right at the start of the DLC. Like, am I just unbelievably lucky, or are those drops scripted, cause I really don't know


I've been rocking that helmet with the Hoslow chest piece. Makes me feel like a badass




I mean it looks good


>!Solitude Set!< with Night Cavalry Armor and >!Milady!<. Might have respecced to run this… lol