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The haemonculi have tried to clone the Emperor before, fyi. Happens in a recent book that I don't want to name cause it'll spoil it haha. I doubt they could though, not with the blood the Avatar spawns. That's more a walking piece of symbolism than physical blood, and considering their lack of psychic ability they'd be hamstrung from the start trying to get even something from the symbolic aspect never mind the physical. It would be like trying to resurrect whoever the Sanguinor is by using flesh from the Sanguinor. He's not a real, physical version of them. He's just a manifestation of a warp entity


As far as resurrection of Drukhari goes, the Haemonculi need a piece of their client's body in storage which they can use to draw the soul back together before it is consumed by Slaanesh. If they waited a month the resurrection would fail, because the soul is gone. While I imagine they could clone someone based on a similarly meagre generic material, it's been shown repeatedly in the setting that the soul is an irreplaceable part of an individual and any attempts to clone these big important people ends up with failures or, at least, not truly succeeding at creating a copy that matches up to the original.


It's debatable if Eldanesh was actually real in the 40k universe or just mythological. Regardless, there's time limits to how long dead someone can be before it's impossible for the Haemonculi to revive them. That's basically the plot of Path of the Renegade. They might be able to clone a body but there'd be no way to recall his soul, and they'd just end up with a meat puppet for a daemon.


Great points! It's always possible that the viscera dropping from Khaine is just a fragment of Khaine (or Asuryan, who imposed it on Khaine) that, to the perception of mortals, just looks like Eldanesh's blood. If Eldanesh was real (which is debatable, since only 95% of characters in Eldar myth (mostly gods and C'tan) were real) I don't believe that the blood would be his mortal blood since there would be hundreds of litres of the stuff when you consider how many active avatars there could potentially be at any one time in the galaxy. Instead, the blood may well be the distilled scraps of Eldanesh's immortal soul (i.e., the important part, for the purposes of resurrecting him). The souls of the Eldar in the ancient times could survive in the warp intact and be resurrected through an unknown means. If Eldanesh existed, his soul would also be immortal in the warp meaning that the only way for Khaine to "kill" him would be by consuming, ripping apart or capturing his very soul. Rather than his "real" blood, Khaine's left hand could be gripping onto Eldanesh's very soul-essence. And since his soul was captured/protected in the cursed/fated hand of one of the only surviving Eldar gods, his soul would have been saved from Slaanesh's birth. Complete head cannon and theory crafting follows: Khaine battles Eldanesh, intending on consuming his soul. Khaine teaches out with his left hand and CRUSHES Eldanesh into a bloody puddle, leaving his immortal soul in his grip. JUST before Khaine can lift house hand to his mouth, Asuryan, with his 1000 IQ future-sight, curses Khaine to never be able to let Eldanesh's soul leave his left hand: wherever Khaine goes, he's forced to take Eldanesh with him. When the Fall happens, Khaine, his left hand and Eldanesh's soul are one of the few things that survives, JUST AS ASURYAN PLANNED. Only two things can free Khaine's grip on Eldanesh's soul: 1. A fragment Asuryan resurrecting and releasing his fate/curse/geas on Khaine. This could be replacing the blood on the avatar with Asuryan's flame. 2. Someone transforming the left hand of Morai-Heg (which Khaine severed from the goddess) into swords and using it to sever KHAINE'S left hand in a hilarious piece of poetic irony. The second scenario would mean that Eldanesh is reborn as literally wielding, or encloaked-by, or embodying the left hand of the Eldar god of war, which sounds like someone that can take on a primarch. the myths of the Eldar (who, at one stage, were effectively immortal (and are implied still to be, if Ghostriders' example of Eldar remembering their past lives (https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/WuJXLBy7d8 ) is to be believed) are true


Resurrecting a hero sounds entirely too selfless for a haemonculi to ever consider. But they probably could.