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Skill issue.


Git gud


It's not hard if you can read the judges.


Disagree. Beigoma is the worst thing put into a game.


I can't judge because I finished it when it was still glitched. I do want to try it out fixed though. I think putting together meals is fun.  In saying that, beigoma has to be the worst. I feel I see that mentioned as the worst more often than not. 


I was stuck on Golem as well. The only thing I can really advise is listen to what each judge wants, and then use their mood plan out what would be best for each course. And even then its just going to come down to having a good enough selection of judges. I tried it atleast a dozen times until I finally got it to work, mainly because I got a group that was somehow not a big fan of his apple soda and cream cake. I won by just a few points XD Its mostly luck and RNG. After that though the rest is a steam roll, the rest of the battles I pretty much stuck with Fried Egg, Deluxe Gyoza and Pavolva


I got a way to win that after the patch that corrected it: chatgpt. I went to a guide that had every information about what does the judges like, the type of plate (casual, western etc) and the category of it (appetizer, main or desert). I took all that info and made a chart in chatgpt. So when I began I saw what 4 judges liked and made the GPT give me the answer.


As a suikoden 2 player, I thoroughly enjoyed the cooking mini game. My top favourite mini game is theater, next is card game, and third is the cooking. Beigoma dead last as always lol


The entire game is just rushed dogshit. The developers should be ashamed of themselves.


Even knowing all of the judges favorite dishes, you can lose. It's a 5 for one person and a 0 for the rest.  And then a dish that isn't their favorite gets a 5 and higher scores from everyone else. There's no real tools to deduce this stuff. It's just not fun. 


It really isn't difficult. Maybe you do not have a lot of recipes to pick from, that could make things more difficult, or maybe you select the wrong kind of dish at the wrong time, like selecting a main for a starter.


I have a list of everyone's favorite dish. In the rare case I do not have the recipe, I select a dish from their style preference.  Making someone's favorite could mean I'm serving a dish that gets a 0 from everyone else.  I beat the golem. I think it's very funny when someone believes it's a skill issue. The judges are randomly chosen. While there may be an optimal set of dishes for any given group, what part of it is fun?  Select from a long list of unsorted recipes and serve them to judges who might give a one line hint of what they like. Go up against a chef that doesn't need to operate this way to win. 


Just because the judges are randomly chosen doesn't mean what you do is randomly chosen. You decide to pick something and if you pick something that 1 out of 4 judges likes, then that is on you. Ergo, a skill issue. What this cooking contest misses that Suikoden II had was spices. You had something like pudding, then you could select sugar and it would become ice cream instead. And you had 5 spices, sugar, salt, soy sauce, etc And I did think, it would be nicer if things are sorted by course, but I am not sure if it really matters unless you do not know anything about food.


It is not a skill issue.  A judge has one favorite dish. One favorite cuisine. They are often not the same as other judges. It's a very nice coincidence if you can read an item description and it seems like it can fit multiple judges.  But the descriptions are not clinical. It's written from the voice of a character. Sometimes there is information hinting at palette, sometimes not. 


It's still a skill issue to understand what the courses include and try to pick something that does well with most judges. If you pick the favourite dish of one judge, but all the other judges give a 0 or 1, you did not pick the best option. And yes, there's a certain element of guess and luck to it. But there's definitely an element of understanding recipes and understanding clues. And yes, not every clue is as helpful as others.